A toolkit to rapidly scaffold out a new tauri-apps project using the framework of their choice.



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About Tauri

Tauri is a polyglot and generic system that is very composable and allows engineers to make a wide variety of applications. It is used for building applications for Desktop Computers using a combination of Rust tools and HTML rendered in a Webview. Apps built with Tauri can ship with any number of pieces of an optional JS API / Rust API so that webviews can control the system via message passing. In fact, developers can extend the default API with their own functionality and bridge the Webview and Rust-based backend easily.

Tauri apps can have custom menus and have tray-type interfaces. They can be updated, and are managed by the user's operating system as expected. They are very small, because they use the system's webview. They do not ship a runtime, since the final binary is compiled from rust. This makes the reversing of Tauri apps not a trivial task.

This module

This is a toolkit that will enable engineering teams to rapidly scaffold out a new tauri-apps project using the frontend framework of their choice (as long as it has been configured).

To learn more about the details of how all of these pieces fit together, please consult this ARCHITECTURE.md document.


Run and answer the prompts to get started with your first Tauri app!

With npx:

npx create-tauri-app

With npm:

npm x create-tauri-app

With yarn:

yarn create tauri-app


tauri is following Semantic Versioning 2.0.


Code: (c) 2021 - The Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy.

MIT or MIT/Apache 2.0 where applicable.


  • [Bug Report]: Cannot scaffold an app with vite using create-vite

    [Bug Report]: Cannot scaffold an app with vite using create-vite

    I'm not able to scaffold a Svelte-TS app with vite using the create-tauri cli app.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run yarn create tauri-app
    2. Answer configuration questions:
    ? What is your app name? tauri-app
    ? What should the window title be? Tauri App
    ? What UI recipe would you like to add? **create-vite** (vanilla, vue, react, 
    svelte, preact, lit) 
    ? Add "@tauri-apps/api" npm package? Yes
    ? Which vite template would you like to use? **svelte-ts**
    1. cd tauri-app
    2. yarn tauri dev
    3. Tauri window opens, but throws the following error: SyntaxError: Importing binding name 'default' cannot be resolved by star export entries.

    Software versions:

    • yarn: 1.22.19
    • @tauri-apps/cli: 1.0.5
    • create-tauri-app: 1.0.2
    opened by Tuditi 12
  • Missing icon.icns in template

    Missing icon.icns in template

    When building an unmodified project generated using create-tauri-app, it fails with:

    Error failed to bundle project: Failed to build data folders and files:
    Failed to build data folders and files: Failed to create icon files:
    Failed to create icon files: path matching icons/icon.icns not found.:
    path matching icons/icon.icns not found.
    error Command failed with exit code 1.

    That's because the default src-tauri/tauri.conf.json includes

          "icon": [
            "icons/[email protected]",

    and icon.icns is not in the list of currently provided icons.

    Is it on purpose, e.g. because the icon.icns file included in tauri is pretty large (1.17 MB)?

    Anyway, I think we should use one of these options:

    1. Include the icon.icns file included in tauri (1.17 MB)
    2. Or include a lighter icon.icns file
    3. Or remove icon.icns from default src-tauri/tauri.conf.json.

    What do you prefer?

    opened by olivierlemasle 11
  • [bug]

    [bug] "npm create tauri-app" fails on openSUSE Tumbleweed with "Not a directory" error

    Describe the bug

    Trying to create a project under openSUSE Tumbleweed with npm create tauri-app, it fails with the following error:

    error: Not a directory (os error 20)
    npm ERR! code 1
    npm ERR! path /tmp
    npm ERR! command failed
    npm ERR! command sh -c -- create-tauri-app
    npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
    npm ERR!     /home/x/.npm/_logs/2022-09-28T16_53_00_647Z-debug-0.log

    Same error with any other tool (e.g. yarn).


    No response

    Expected behavior

    No response

    Platform and versions

      › OS: openSUSE 20220926 X64
      › Node.js: 18.9.1
      › npm: 8.19.1
      › pnpm: Not installed!
      › yarn: 1.22.19
      › rustup: 1.25.1
      › rustc: 1.64.0
      › cargo: 1.64.0
      › Rust toolchain: stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 

    Stack trace

    No response

    Additional context

    I tried running it with strace utility and the syscall which fails is:

    openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/bin/node18", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_CLOEXEC|O_DIRECTORY) = -1 ENOTDIR (Not a directory)

    Node.js installation contains two executables: /usr/bin/node (which seems to be a stub) and /usr/bin/node18 (the real one). If I rename /usr/bin/node18 to /usr/bin/node then everything works.

    This issue is specific to tauri, I tried for example creating other apps like react and it worked.

    type: bug status: needs triage 
    opened by ancwrd1 10
  • [bug] Error while created by pnpm.

    [bug] Error while created by pnpm.

    Describe the bug

    An error occurred while creating creating a project.


    pnpm create tauri-app

    Platform and versions

    OS: Windows 10 x64 Node.js: 16.16.0 npm: 8.11.0 pnpm: 7.6.0 rustup: 1.24.3 rustc: 1.60.0 cargo: 1.60.0 Rust toolchain: stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

    Stack trace

    ERROR  Error: command failed: pnpm install --reporter silent --shamefully-hoist
    Error: command failed: pnpm install --reporter silent --shamefully-hoist
        at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (D:\npm\cache\_npx\18fcca21cf4d8fd7\node_modules\@vue\cli\lib\util\executeCommand.js:138:16)
        at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:527:28)
        at ChildProcess.cp.emit (D:\npm\cache\_npx\18fcca21cf4d8fd7\node_modules\cross-spawn\lib\enoent.js:34:29)
        at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1092:16)
        at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:302:5)
    Error with command: npx
    Error: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: npx @vue/cli@latest create test -m pnpm
        at D:\pnpm\store\v3\tmp\dlx-1268\node_modules\.pnpm\[email protected]\node_modules\create-tauri-app\dist\index.js:146:15
        at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
        at rejected (D:\pnpm\store\v3\tmp\dlx-1268\node_modules\.pnpm\[email protected]\node_modules\create-tauri-app\dist\index.js:38:65)
        at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

    Additional context

    Based on the error message (in Stack trace), I can roughly guess the cause of the error: According to the error message, "npx @vue/cli" was executed during the creation process, but my "@vue/cli" was installed in pnpm instead of npm. That's what led to the mistake.

    opened by timongh 10
  • feat(cli/templates) add clojurescript

    feat(cli/templates) add clojurescript

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    • [ ] Bugfix
    • [x] Feature
    • [ ] Docs
    • [ ] New Binding issue #___
    • [ ] Code style update
    • [ ] Refactor
    • [ ] Build-related changes
    • [ ] Other, please describe:

    Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

    • [ ] Yes, and the changes were approved in issue #___
    • [x] No


    • [x] When resolving issues, they are referenced in the PR's title (e.g fix: remove a typo, closes #___, #___)
    • [x] A change file is added if any packages will require a version bump due to this PR per the instructions in the readme.
    • [x] I have added a convincing reason for adding this feature, if necessary

    Other information

    Related to this #184

    opened by just-sultanov 9
  • [bug] a tauri app create by `npm create tauri-app` doesn't render properly

    [bug] a tauri app create by `npm create tauri-app` doesn't render properly

    image Then I start the project through the command about `npm run tauri dev`, but it gives an error when rendering。 image Below is info of `npm run tauri info`: image image Below is struct of the project: image please tell me how to solve this problem? thx
    opened by zw201913 9
  • RFC: create-tauri-app Rewrite

    RFC: create-tauri-app Rewrite

    The purpose of the create-tauri-app rebuild is to create a single entry-point for any user coming from any background or project setup and enable them to quickly get started with Tauri.

    This should be implemented in a way that can run on any system without dependencies (i.e. Node, Rust) being setup and with the goal of including the work @chippers is working on around prerequisites.

    Note: This is currently just in the stage where we request comments on the USER FLOW. The actual technical implementations and details can be hashed out during development.


    These are the different types of users and the paths they could take when getting started with Tauri.

    Benny: New Node Project User

    • Familiar with Node
    • Wants to stay in the Node ecosystem/tooling

    Jannett: New Rust Project User

    • Familiar with Cargo/Rust
    • Wants to stay in the Rust ecosystem/tooling

    Jose: New to Both Ecosystems

    • "I don't have a preference on which tool I use"
    • Could be new to development or coming from a Java or similar background

    Matéo: Existing Node Project User

    • Already has a Node project setup and just wants to add Tauri to it

    Ginevra: Existing Rust Project User

    • Already has a Rust project setup and just wants to add Tauri to it


    Benny: New Node Project User

    1. npm create tauri-app
      • Executes a native node add-on, similar to how we do with @tauri-apps/cli (thanks, Amr!)
    2. Skip forward to Common Flow...

    Jannett: New Rust Project User

    1. cargo install create-tauri-app
      • Builds create-tauri-app binary
    2. Execute cargo create-tauri-app or create-tauri-app
    3. Skip forward to Common Flow...

    Jose: New to Both Ecosystems

    1. Run curl create.tauri.app | sh that downloads and executes create-tauri-app Rust Engine
    2. Skip forward to Common Flow...

    Matéo: Existing Node Project User

    1. npm create tauri-app
      • Runs shell script curl create.tauri.app | sh that downloads and executes create-tauri-app Rust Engine
    2. Skip forward to Common Flow...

    Ginevra: Existing Rust Project User

    1. cargo install create-tauri-app
      • Builds create-tauri-app binary
    2. Execute cargo create-tauri-app or create-tauri-app
    3. Skip forward to Common Flow...

    Common Flow

    1. ❓ Check if prerequisites are met...
      • Need check with @chippers on what he's building and how it could be integrated
    2. If setup initiated through shell script directly (not via Node)...
      • If a Node project exists...
        • Go to "If setup initiated via Node" step
      • If a cargo project exists...
        • Go to "If setup initiated via cargo..." step
      • Else ask user if they'd like to use Node or cargo
        • Fall through to relevant step based on choice
    3. If setup initiated via Node
      • If there is already a Node project...
        • Add Tauri as dependency
        • Run tauri init prompting for these questions:
          • (Would be good to link to a Getting Started guide that explains each of these commands a bit better before/during being prompted)
          • (Dynamically parse out the project name from package.json)
          1. Before Dev Command
          • ❗️ Would need to be added to tauri init upstream
          1. Dev Path
          2. Before Build Command
          • ❗️ Would need to be added to tauri init upstream
          1. Dist Dir
      • Else set up a new Node project...
        • Ask them which package manager they want to use (yarn, npm, etc.)
        • Ask which frontend template they want to use (vanilla, Svelte, React, etc.)
        • Setup relevant template
    4. If setup initiated via cargo...
      • If there is already a cargo project...
        • Add Tauri to dependencies
        • Ask which frontend template they want to use (vanilla, yew, dominator, etc.)
      • Else setup a new cargo project bootstrapped with the HTML template
    5. Link to the Getting Started Guides

    Technical Implementation

    Shell Script

    Only responsible for downloading and executing the compiled create-tauri-app Rust Engine


    Only responsible for downloading and running the shell script (or directly downloading and executing the create-tauri-app Rust Engine)

    create-tauri-app Rust Engine


    Templating System

    Have some way to have centralised styles and assets to 1) minimise bundle size and 2) centralise styles if we want to update them later.


    Prerequisites Checker

    TBD, need to check with @chippers on this and see how we can implement it.

    CC @amrbashir @JonasKruckenberg @chippers @FabianLars

    opened by lorenzolewis 9
  • create-tauri-app multiple templates are broken

    create-tauri-app multiple templates are broken

    Link to discord discussion: https://discord.com/channels/616186924390023171/1051492348707741787

    problem description: not much to say, other than I try to create a tauri app using this tool. So far, Ive tried react, react-js, vue templates with the same problem(compiled program shows blank window).

    commands that i run:

    cargo create-tauri-app
     (choose package manager: npm)
    npm install
    npm run tauri dev

    No errors are produced. Opening dev tools -> JS console always shows an error , different in each project type(see discord thread link for examples)

    All prerequisits from https://tauri.app/v1/guides/getting-started/prerequisites are installed. I didnt install pnpm or yarn, since they are alternatives to npm

    cargo create-tauri-app --version outputs 2.7.2

    Example of the problem, using Vue grafik

    Tauri info output: grafik

    bug status: upstream 
    opened by Jagholin 8
  • Apply Version Updates From Current Changes

    Apply Version Updates From Current Changes

    Version Updates

    Merging this PR will release new versions of the following packages based on your change files.



    • Add angular template
      • 459228f Add Angular template (#167) on 2022-09-11
      • 27f6568 chore: typo on 2022-09-11
      • 8b43ad1 Update angular.md on 2022-09-11



    • Add angular template
      • 459228f Add Angular template (#167) on 2022-09-11
      • 27f6568 chore: typo on 2022-09-11
      • 8b43ad1 Update angular.md on 2022-09-11
    version updates 
    opened by github-actions[bot] 8
  • feat: Sveltekit templates

    feat: Sveltekit templates

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    • [ ] Bugfix
    • [ ] Feature
    • [ ] Docs
    • [ ] New Binding issue #___
    • [ ] Code style update
    • [ ] Refactor
    • [ ] Build-related changes
    • [x] Other, please describe:
      • [x] Template

    Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

    • [ ] Yes, and the changes were approved in issue #___
    • [x] No


    • [x] When resolving issues, they are referenced in the PR's title (e.g fix: remove a typo, closes #___, #___)
    • [ ] A change file is added if any packages will require a version bump due to this PR per the instructions in the readme.
    • [x] I have added a convincing reason for adding this feature, if necessary

    Other information

    This is a WIP that I will finish either today or tomorrow:

    • [x] Add the missing rust side (enums etc..) as per this
    • [x] Add the Svelte-Kit TS template

    Question for Maintainers (cross asked on Discord)

    • Can the templates have a splash screen? In the case of Svelte-Kit the approach is a bit different so it might be interesting.. Or it's maybe more suited for an example than a template maybe.


    No, templates should be kept as simple as possible and all match oob

    opened by melMass 7
  • [bug]: Unknown Syntax Error: Unsupported option name (

    [bug]: Unknown Syntax Error: Unsupported option name ("--ignore-scripts").

    Describe the bug

    yarn create tauri-app


    yarn create tauri-app

    Expected behavior

    No response

    Platform and versions

    Missing script: "tauri"

    Stack trace

    No response

    Additional context

    yarn create tauri-app ➤ YN0000: ┌ Resolution step ➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 14s 982ms ➤ YN0000: ┌ Fetch step ➤ YN0000: └ Completed ➤ YN0000: ┌ Link step ➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 0s 526ms ➤ YN0000: Done in 15s 742ms

    ? What is your app name? test0 ? What should the window title be? test0 ? Would you like to add a UI recipe? Vanilla.js ===== running initial command(s) ===== ===== installing any additional needed deps ===== Installing @tauri-apps/cli... Unknown Syntax Error: Unsupported option name ("--ignore-scripts").

    $ yarn add [--json] [-E,--exact] [-T,--tilde] [-C,--caret] [-D,--dev] [-P,--peer] [-O,--optional] [--prefer-dev] [-i,--interactive] [--cached] [--mode #0] ... Error with command: yarn Error: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: yarn add --dev --ignore-scripts @tauri-apps/cli at C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Yarn\Berry\cache\create-tauri-app-npm-1.0.0-beta-rc.4-90c8c4d827-8.zip\node_modules\create-tauri-app\dist\index.js:59:15 at Generator.throw () at rejected (C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Yarn\Berry\cache\create-tauri-app-npm-1.0.0-beta-rc.4-90c8c4d827-8.zip\node_modules\create-tauri-app\dist\index.js:36:65) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

    type: bug 
    opened by DaZiYuan 7
  • feat: create-tauri-app@3 changes, closes #258

    feat: create-tauri-app@3 changes, closes #258

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    • [ ] Bugfix
    • [x] Feature
    • [ ] Docs
    • [ ] New Binding issue #___
    • [ ] Code style update
    • [x] Refactor
    • [ ] Build-related changes
    • [ ] Other, please describe:

    Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

    • [x] Yes, and the changes were approved in issue #___
    • [ ] No


    • [x] When resolving issues, they are referenced in the PR's title (e.g fix: remove a typo, closes #___, #___)
    • [x] A change file is added if any packages will require a version bump due to this PR per the instructions in the readme.
    • [x] I have added a convincing reason for adding this feature, if necessary

    Other information

    • [X] Remove unpopular templates and keep only 5 Node.js-based templates at a time.
    • [X] Flavor of templates which will be mostly javascript and typescript will be prompted separately after choosing one of the templates
    • [X] Add more Rust-based templates, leptos and dioxus seems like good-candidates, however leptos is not even 0.1 yet and dioxus already offers a desktop framework of their own.
    • [x] --alpha and --mobile options
    opened by amrbashir 1
  • Pressing CAPS LOCK or CTRL cause prompts to crash

    Pressing CAPS LOCK or CTRL cause prompts to crash

    PS C:\Users\toast\workspace> pnpm create tauri-app
    .../Local/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-47960    |   +2 +
    Packages are copied from the content-addressable store to the virtual store.
      Content-addressable store is at: C:\Users\toast\AppData\Local\pnpm\store\v3
      Virtual store is at:             ../AppData/Local/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-47960/node_modules/.pnpm
    .../Local/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-47960    | Progress: resolved 10, reused 2, downloaded 0, added 2, done
    ? Project name (tauri-app) › thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Custom { kind: NotConnected, error: "Not a terminal" }', D:\a\create-tauri-app\create-tauri-app\packages\cli\src\lib.rs:71:18
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
     ERROR  Command failed with exit code 3221226505: C:\Users\toast\AppData\Local\pnpm\store\v3\tmp\dlx-47960\node_modules\.bin\create-tauri-app.CMD
    pnpm: Command failed with exit code 3221226505: C:\Users\toast\AppData\Local\pnpm\store\v3\tmp\dlx-47960\node_modules\.bin\create-tauri-app.CMD
        at makeError (C:\Users\toast\scoop\persist\nodejs-lts\bin\node_modules\pnpm\dist\pnpm.cjs:22289:17)
        at handlePromise (C:\Users\toast\scoop\persist\nodejs-lts\bin\node_modules\pnpm\dist\pnpm.cjs:22860:33)
        at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
        at async Object.handler (C:\Users\toast\scoop\persist\nodejs-lts\bin\node_modules\pnpm\dist\pnpm.cjs:199043:7)
        at async C:\Users\toast\scoop\persist\nodejs-lts\bin\node_modules\pnpm\dist\pnpm.cjs:206407:21
        at async run (C:\Users\toast\scoop\persist\nodejs-lts\bin\node_modules\pnpm\dist\pnpm.cjs:206378:34)
        at async runPnpm (C:\Users\toast\scoop\persist\nodejs-lts\bin\node_modules\pnpm\dist\pnpm.cjs:206599:5)
        at async C:\Users\toast\scoop\persist\nodejs-lts\bin\node_modules\pnpm\dist\pnpm.cjs:206591:7
    status: upstream 
    opened by kotx 2
  • Changes for `create-tauri-app@3`

    Changes for `create-tauri-app@3`


    • [ ] Remove unpopular templates and keep only 5 Node.js-based templates at a time.
    • [ ] Flavor of templates which will be mostly javascript and typescript will be prompted separately after choosing one of the templates
    • [ ] Add more Rust-based templates, leptos and dioxus seems like good-candidates, however leptos is not even 0.1 yet and dioxus already offers a desktop framework of their own.
    • [ ] --alpha and --mobile options
    opened by amrbashir 5
  • feat: use form for react projects

    feat: use form for react projects

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    • [ ] Bugfix
    • [ x ] Feature
    • [ ] Docs
    • [ ] New Binding issue #___
    • [ ] Code style update
    • [ ] Refactor
    • [ ] Build-related changes
    • [ ] Other, please describe:

    Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

    • [ ] Yes, and the changes were approved in issue #___
    • [ x ] No


    • [ x ] When resolving issues, they are referenced in the PR's title (e.g fix: remove a typo, closes #___, #___)
    • [ ] A change file is added if any packages will require a version bump due to this PR per the instructions in the readme.
    • [ ] I have added a convincing reason for adding this feature, if necessary

    Other information

    Used a form for the input to allow pressing "Enter" to submit the form.

    opened by FIL1994 0
  • [feat] Support for custom recipes

    [feat] Support for custom recipes

    Describe the problem

    I love how tauri supports so many recipes out-of-the-box. However, over time, I've built up a bunch of my own create-* packages that I would love to initialize my Tauri app with. Most of these extend existing templates (e.g. packages and configs on top of create-vite).

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Looking at the svelte merge, it looks like there's some custom, tauri-specific config that's required on top of the create-* package. Is it possible to extend existing recipes in some way?

    Alternatives considered

    Currently, I initialize a new tauri app and then go about installing packages and configs from my custom templates.

    Additional context

    No response

    type: feature request 
    opened by gurupras 5
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Tauri Update Server: Cloudflare One-Click Deploy Click the button above, let Cloudflare walk you through: it's easy! Go to your forked repository, edi

KilleenCode 33 Dec 14, 2022
A Bilibili Cross-Platform Desktop Client Powered By Tauri

BBHouse 取自常见的『我在B站买了房』的评论 BBHouse 是一款 哔哩哔哩 的第三方应用,基于 Tauri 跨平台构建,支持 Windows macOS Linux. 核心功能 一个支持对视频动态分区展示的首页, 去除了B博和推荐流 一个支持无限添加的 (临时的) 稍后播放列表与配套的播放

ziyu 151 Dec 26, 2022
An App for backing up and better displaying Onetab data Powered by Tauri.

Onetab Re 『Data is Priceless』 Onetab Re 是一款用于备份并原样展示Onetab数据的应用,基于 Tauri 跨平台构建,支持 Windows macOS Linux. 备份脚本使用方法 请先确认已经正确安装node.js 安装后打开软件的scripts目录, 为

ziyu 9 Nov 12, 2022
A Tauri + Next.js (SSG) template, with TailwindCSS, opinionated linting, and GitHub Actions preconfigured

Tauri + Next.js Template This is a Tauri project template using Next.js, bootstrapped by combining create-next-app and create tauri-app. This template

Kevin Xiao 58 Dec 30, 2022
VSCode extension that creates overlay for your Broadcasting Software of choice.

BSOverlay VSCode extension that creates an overlay for your Broadcasting Software of choice. Documentation Please refer to the Wiki Section. Installin

chocoearly44 4 Sep 30, 2022