htmx - high power tools for HTML


</> htmx

high power tools for HTML

Discord Netlify Bundlephobia Bundlephobia


htmx allows you to access AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext

htmx is small (~10k min.gz'd), dependency-free, extendable & IE11 compatible


  • Why should only <a> and <form> be able to make HTTP requests?
  • Why should only click & submit events trigger them?
  • Why should only GET & POST be available?
  • Why should you only be able to replace the entire screen?

By removing these arbitrary constraints htmx completes HTML as a hypertext

quick start

  <!-- Load from unpkg -->
  <script src="[email protected]" ></script>
  <!-- have a button POST a click via AJAX -->
  <button hx-post="/clicked" hx-swap="outerHTML">
    Click Me

The hx-post and hx-swap attributes tell htmx:

"When a user clicks on this button, issue an AJAX request to /clicked, and replace the entire button with the response"

htmx is the successor to intercooler.js

website & docs


  • please write code, including tests, in ES5 for IE 11 compatibility
  • please include test cases in /test and docs in /www
  • if you are adding a feature, consider doing it as an extension instead to keep the core htmx code tidy
  • development pull requests should be against the dev branch, docs fixes can be made directly against master


javascript fatigue:
longing for a hypertext
already in hand

  • hx-push-url doesn’t work properly on device back button click

    hx-push-url doesn’t work properly on device back button click

    I am trying to integrate Htmx with django and achieve single page application behaviour. I am rewritting poll app with htmx. When I click on detail page link, content loads, htmx push a new url in address bar. When I press back button, it took me to index page perfectly for the first time, after that if I again go to detail page and click back button, url shows of the index, but index content doesn’t load, content remains same as detail page. Here is my code -
    def index(request):
        latest_question_list = Question.objects.filter('-pub_date')[:5]
        context = {'latest_question_list': latest_question_list}
        if request.headers.get("Hx-Request") is not None:
            return render(request, 'main/index/index.html', context)
            return render(request, 'main/index/index-full.html', context)
    def detail(request, question_id):
        question = get_object_or_404(Question, pk=question_id)
        if request.headers.get("Hx-Request") is not None:
            return render(request, 'main/detail/detail.html', {'question': question})
            return render(request, 'main/detail/detail-full.html', {'question': question})
    <div id="index" class="">
        {% if latest_question_list %}
            {% for question in latest_question_list %}
            <li><div class="has-text-link" hx-get="{% url 'main:detail' %}" hx-push-url="true" hx-target="#index" hx-swap="outerHTML">{{ question.question_text }}</div></li>
            {% endfor %}
        {% else %}
            No polls are available.
        {% endif %}
    {% extends 'base.html' %}
    {% block content %}
    {% include 'main/index/index.html' %}
    {% endblock content %}
    <div id="detail" class="">
        <form action="{% url 'main:vote' %}" method="post">
            {% csrf_token %}
                <legend><h1>{{ question.question_text }}</h1></legend>
                {% if error_message %}<p>
                    <strong>{{ error_message }}</strong>
                {% endif %}
                {% for choice in question.choice_set.all %}
                <input type="radio" name="choice" id="choice{{ forloop.counter }}" value="{{ }}">
                <label for="choice{{ forloop.counter }}">{{ choice.choice_text }}</label><br>
                {% endfor %}
            <input type="submit" value="Vote">
    {% extends 'base.html' %}
    {% block content %}
    {% include 'main/detail/detail.html %}
    {% endblock content %}

    I found no error in browser console, no error in terminal

    Now, I know I can put a back button in detail page that can took me to index page. But user won't use that, they will just use the back button on their device. Note- I am on Android and talking about the back button in mobile phones

    opened by kawsaramin101 24
  • Fast Scroll Can Cause HTMX reveal event To Fail

    Fast Scroll Can Cause HTMX reveal event To Fail

    HTMX fails with the following error in the console:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toUpperCase' of undefined
        at $t (htmx.min.js:1)
        at Fe (htmx.min.js:1)
        at htmx.min.js:1
        at X (htmx.min.js:1)
        at htmx.min.js:1

    ...when scrolling quickly. The code to replicate can be found at - and the specific code generating the view can be found at:

    Starting Thymeleaf View Java Spring Boot Controller

    For reference, this is using the WebJAR version of HTMX, v1.3.2.

    Replicated on macOS on both Safari and Chrome.

    opened by wiverson 24
  • Add file inputs to hx-ws=send either inline or out of band

    Add file inputs to hx-ws=send either inline or out of band

    This patch adds files to websocket sends. By default it does the more efficient thing, sending each file afterwards in a separate message and adding pointer to this. This is more efficient since it relies on primitives inside the browser. The other encoding possibility requires hx-encoding to be set to multipart/json-files-inline. In this case, the files are included inline either as text or base64 depending on the mimetype.

    How does this approach seem? If it suits I will add short additional documentation to the effect of the above.

    opened by frankier 22
  • WebSocket Reconnect

    WebSocket Reconnect

    I noticed that htmx does not reconnect after the connection has been dropped for various reasons.

    I added this functionality because during development/deployments, server restarts are quite common and page reloads add unnecessary delays to the feedback loop.

    This patch also adds the possibility to configure the reconnect interval since different use-cases and stages requires different latencies, e.g. dev: 3sec, prod: 20-30sec (in my case). If you think of a chat-like web app, you might want even have 5-10 secs, whereas message boards/issue trackers could live with up to 60 secs or more.

    So, I leave this here open for discussion.


    As an addition, one could randomize the reconnect period (reduced server startup load). We then might need an additional config variable such as (wsReconnectMinInterval and wsReconnectMaxInterval). In the wild, a constant should work pretty well for smaller projects. If you think, that the scope of htmx is also for larger projects, we could add it easily if you are okay with the additional config var.


    Just to make you aware of it: (if you prefer pulling a third-party). I would rather go with a simpler solution but especially this field has a lot of opinions on what resembles the perfect solution.


    OK, my fault. I didn't check on existing issues nor pull requests. So to link things up: #148 #150

    EDIT4: A well-described analysis can be found from AWS:

    opened by srkunze 21
  • Install via npm and `import`?

    Install via npm and `import`?

    I've just tried to import htmx into our build (webpack), and while it builds fine, in the browser I get the following JS error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'logger' of undefined

    It's entirely possible that the JS is being mangled by webpack, perhaps the minification routine, but I'm not importing it any differently than any other package (flickity, alpine, etc).

    Any tips would be appreciated!

    help wanted 
    opened by johndwells 21
  • FEATURE: Swap HTML on Server Sent Events (like WebSockets)

    FEATURE: Swap HTML on Server Sent Events (like WebSockets)

    This pull request updates SSE content to swap HTML into the current page, just like WebSockets, without removing the existing hx-trigger behavior that also uses SSE data.

    I believe it addresses issue #66, although it does not use the syntax that you described there. Instead, it looks like this:

    <div hx-sse="connect /my-events EventNameToListenFor">

    Now, the hx-sse attribute takes a third (optional) parameter that specifies an event name to listen for. When events using this name come through the SSE channel, that is treated as an "out-of-band swap" and swapped into the underlying DOM (just like WebSockets do now).

    To do this, I added the optional event handler to the processSSEInfo function, and moved some of the existing WebSockets code into a common place -- a new function called processFragments -- that is called by both the WebSockets implementation and the SSE implementation.

    Hopefully, this code fits the style and spirit that you're building in HTMX. I'm excited to see all of the potential applications of this toolkit and will be happy to work on any enhancement suggestions, corrections, improvements to this code.


    opened by benpate 18
  • Ergonomics when always serving full-page responses

    Ergonomics when always serving full-page responses

    One of the differences between htmx/intercooler and unpoly is that unpoly by default assumes that the backend is serving full pages in responses rather than page fragments. As I am using htmx to enhance a site that should otherwise be perfectly functional without JS, the backend always serves full pages and never partial templates.

    Additionally, I'm not sure what your typical sites look like, but I find that I almost never want to swap the element that is being clicked but rather some other element (this is also made easier by the fact that the entire page is served up by the backend, so things like buttons that have text that needs to be changed depending on the context are usually swapped out altogether with the element that is being affected by simply swapping a parent of the button and the results). As a result, all my htmx usages end up extremely verbose and redundant (especially because of #23 and #24), e.g. to simply swap a single element when a checkbox is altered:

    <label><input type="checkbox" name="hideIncomplete" hx-get="/Registrations" hx-push="true" hx-target=".registrations" hx-swap="outerHTML" hx-select=".registrations" /> Hide incomplete registrations</label>

    I wonder if there's a configuration option that could be added or else an alternate syntax that could be used that would bundle all this in one to reduce the boilerplate (and chance for error).

    opened by mqudsi 17
  • Toward writing a HEAD element management extension

    Toward writing a HEAD element management extension

    Opening from #245, since that issue was resolved and closed.

    This issue is concerned with this note from @1cg:

    That said, what you have looks like an excellent start to a head extension. Please let me know if you are interested in pursuing that, I'd be happy to help out.

    Specifically, I'm interested in an extension/framework to alter the HEAD tag when boosting the entire page. When using boosting, the BODY swaps, but only the TITLE changes in the HEAD (if supplied by the response). I would like to create a way to manage elements in the HEAD that are specific to the new page.

    As mentioned in #245, this model seems to work:

    htmx.on("htmx:beforeSwap", function(evt) {
    	var incomingDOM = new DOMParser().parseFromString(evt.detail.xhr.response, "text/html");           
    	var path = "head *[data-page-specific='true']";
    	document.querySelectorAll(path).forEach(function(e) {
    	incomingDOM.querySelectorAll(path).forEach(function(e) {

    Any incoming element with an attribute of data-page-specific will...

    1. be removed from the existing DOM
    2. be added from the incoming DOM

    I have this running on a product site, and it is working. Some META is perpetual from page-to-page, but anything specific to the incoming page like og:title gets a data-page-specific attribute. Those elements will get removed on the next load, and the new page specific elements will be added.

    (Note: I'll likely change the attribute to something more inline with convention, like ht-boost-swap.)

    One question for @1cg or @bencroker before I start writing something --

    Is there any official way to detect a boost reload? I actually had to surround the above code with this...

    if( == "BODY")
      [above code here]

    ...otherwise it executed on every htmx request.

    Is there a cleaner/more official way for me to determine that this is an entire page reload rather than a partial?

    opened by deanebarker 16
  • How conditionally fire the trigger?

    How conditionally fire the trigger?

    I have an input that represent the qty of an item in an invoice. I need to start it empty and only fire the trigger if the user change de value. So this are the sequence of steps:

    <input name="qty" placeholder="old.qty">
    load: ""
    change: "1" -> fire
    change:"" -> not fire
    change: "1" -> fire
    change: "10" -> fire
    opened by mamcx 15
  • Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'

    Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'

    Just discovery HTMX, download .js file, create HTML index file but it do nothing. Got %subj% in F12 developer tools.

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    HTMX - elementary example
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/htmx.min.js">
    <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/HTMX/favicon.ico">
    <button hx-post="cgi-bin/answer.cmd" hx-trigger="click" hx-target="#answer-div">
        Retrieve answer!
    <div id="answer-div">
        DIR output list here
    opened by lazna 14
  • Refactor history state management to use history.pushState() within 500ms of last user interaction.

    Refactor history state management to use history.pushState() within 500ms of last user interaction.

    Fix for #1076.

    Safari on iOS skips history state entries when using navigating backwards/forwards IF they were created using history.pushState() more than approx 500ms after the last user interaction (link click, select menu change etc). This makes back/forwards buttons behave unpredictably with htmx applications on all current iPhones and iPads, given that network conditions and application response times may vary.

    Currently htmx executes a history.pushState() once a response has been received. This PR moves the pushState to before the response has been received, and then updates the final intended URL with a history.replaceState() (since replaceState doesn't create a history entry, this isn't subject to the user interaction limit). This change has a knock-on effect on cache management, which is also addressed. There may be some other implications around error handling and redirects initiated by the response that will require review (since we can no longer assume that pushState is possible after waiting for a response to be received).

    Some automated tests relating to hx-push-url are failing, and any help with that would be much appreciated. Manual tests seem to work as expected.

    opened by croxton 14
  • Bump flat and mocha

    Bump flat and mocha

    Bumps flat to 5.0.2 and updates ancestor dependency mocha. These dependencies need to be updated together.

    Updates flat from 4.1.1 to 5.0.2

    • e5ffd66 Release 5.0.2
    • fdb79d5 Update dependencies, refresh lockfile, format with standard.
    • e52185d Test against node 14 in CI.
    • 0189cb1 Avoid arrow function syntax.
    • f25d3a1 Release 5.0.1
    • 54cc7ad use standard formatting
    • 779816e drop dependencies
    • 2eea6d3 Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19
    • a61a554 Bump acorn from 7.1.0 to 7.4.0
    • 20ef0ef Fix prototype pollution on unflatten
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Updates mocha from 7.2.0 to 10.2.0

    Release notes

    Sourced from mocha's releases.


    10.2.0 / 2022-12-11

    :tada: Enhancements

    • #4945: API: add possibility to decorate ESM name before import (@​j0tunn)

    :bug: Fixes

    :book: Documentation


    10.1.0 / 2022-10-16

    :tada: Enhancements

    :nut_and_bolt: Other


    10.0.0 / 2022-05-01

    :boom: Breaking Changes

    :nut_and_bolt: Other

    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from mocha's changelog.

    10.2.0 / 2022-12-11

    :tada: Enhancements

    • #4945: API: add possibility to decorate ESM name before import (@​j0tunn)

    :bug: Fixes

    :book: Documentation

    10.1.0 / 2022-10-16

    :tada: Enhancements

    :nut_and_bolt: Other

    10.0.0 / 2022-05-01

    :boom: Breaking Changes

    :nut_and_bolt: Other

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    • @dependabot use these labels will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Replace keyup with input event in Search Example

    Replace keyup with input event in Search Example

    keyup only works with a keyboard, and ignores pasting with a right click or programmatically updating the value with JS.

    input is a better event for detecting any "inputs to the input".

    opened by samueleaton 0
  • getStartTag Function Shouldn't Use Regex

    getStartTag Function Shouldn't Use Regex

    The getStartTag function, which is used for generating the html fragment from the server, uses a regex to identify the start tag.

    The main issue with this is HTML comments, and the secondary issue is that regex are slower than a highly domain specific, optimized parser.

    Consider the following server response:

    <!-- <p>my commented paragraph</p> -->
    <div>my div</div>

    the getStartTag function thinks that the p tag is the first element.

    opened by samueleaton 0
  • Dynamically adding hx-disable to element doesn't disable htmx actions on element

    Dynamically adding hx-disable to element doesn't disable htmx actions on element

    Adding hx-disable to an element (e.g. myElement.setAttribute("hx-disable", ""); htmx.process(myElement)) doesn't disable the element.

    Using htmx.logAll.() I didn't see any events triggered after running htmx.process(...).

    I think that when the htmx.process(myElement) is run, it sees that the element has "hx-disable" and stops processing it, instead of removing all triggers.

    Why Add hx-disable Dynamically?

    I feel like adding "hx-disable" more is more inline with hypermedia principles than doing evt.preventDefault() inside an htmx:confirm event when i want to prevent an event. For example, when I click a dropdown button when the dropdown menu is already visible, I don't want to re-fetch the menu.

    opened by samueleaton 1
  • Escape curly braces in the example

    Escape curly braces in the example

    Docs on the website for this page are currently rendering incorrectly because of faulty escaping of curly braces (line 80 is rendered has <p> and and </> htmx - high power tools for html and </p>). Unfortunately, this fix breaks the rendering of the file on github (there are extra {% raw %} directives), but I think it's better than the other way around.

    opened by cpa 0
  • v1.8.4(Nov 5, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update by @Htbaa in
    • Fix code snippet highlighting in HX-Location docs by @adamckay in
    • Web Types: rename, update schema, add css classes and register in package.json by @piotrtomiak in
    • fix typo attribute by @klavman in

    New Contributors

    • @Htbaa made their first contribution in
    • @piotrtomiak made their first contribution in
    • @klavman made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    htmx.js(133.71 KB)
    htmx.min.js(39.38 KB)
    htmx.min.js.gz(13.06 KB)
  • v1.8.3(Nov 5, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add 'fullstack' meme by @dekoza in
    • additional spring boot based example link by @atomfrede in
    • fix attributes links by @bmihelac in
    • reference docs: add "core" terminology by @waldyrious in
    • Small grammar fix in the HDA essay by @waldyrious in
    • Fix error message for responseError by @dkniffin in
    • Added note about css overflow to infinite scroll example by @marcpiechura in
    • Update : link to hx-vals from hx-vars by @flibustenet in
    • fix typo in by @eltociear in
    • extensions: added new extension 'multi-swap' with mocha tests and docs by @janreges in

    New Contributors

    • @dekoza made their first contribution in
    • @atomfrede made their first contribution in
    • @dkniffin made their first contribution in
    • @marcpiechura made their first contribution in
    • @eltociear made their first contribution in
    • @janreges made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    htmx.js(133.74 KB)
    htmx.min.js(39.39 KB)
    htmx.min.js.gz(13.06 KB)
  • v1.8.1(Oct 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add docs for HX-Replace-Url header by @danieljsummers in
    • cfwheels-htmx-crud-server-example by @chapmandu in
    • Fix dates in changelog by @adamchainz in
    • Docs: Updated broken link. by @gnat in
    • Docs: Code element readability. by @gnat in
    • Docs: Reference guide readability. Essential attributes. by @gnat in
    • Fix #demo-server-info's height by @machour in
    • fix extended attribute form for hx-ext in findElementsToProcess by @machour in
    • Add ASP.NET Core Razor Partial View docs by @AlexZeitler in
    • Added reference and example for Go by @benpate in
    • Added PHP/Latte to list by @n0nag0n in
    • Add Michael's partials projects for Python section by @mikeckennedy in
    • Minor changes in docs by @David-Guillot in
    • Add extra notes on how the CSS for htmx-indicator works by @wimdeblauwe in
    • Remove ASP.NET Core from list by @AlexZeitler in
    • Add Sergi's jinja_fragments package to Python list by @mikeckennedy in
    • Added link to template fragments essay by @lllama in
    • Fix link to template fragments essay by @adamckay in
    • Added link for htmlgenerator to list by @saemideluxe in
    • Add documentation about HTTP caching by @sponsfreixes in
    • Bump from 4.3.0 to 4.9.0 in /www/test/1.7.0/test/servers/ws by @dependabot in
    • Bump from 4.1.17 to 4.9.0 in /www/test/1.7.0/test/realtime by @dependabot in
    • Bump from 4.1.17 to 4.9.0 in /www/test/1.8.0/test/realtime by @dependabot in
    • Bump from 4.1.17 to 4.9.0 in /test/realtime by @dependabot in
    • Add a note that the name attribute of an input is important by @wimdeblauwe in
    • Properly set title during history cache miss by @leiffoged in
    • Allow 'unset' directive for hx-vals and hx-vars by @B-Lenton in
    • doc: fix typo in hx-select-oob attribute example by @sltong in
    • doc: fixed typo on hx-swap page by @thejoeejoee in
    • Fix typo in docs by @marciomazza in
    • doc: add note to alpine-morph example by @bmihelac in
    • doc: add missing import in alpine-morph example by @bmihelac in
    • doc: Explain how to detect boosted requests by @dalito in

    New Contributors

    • @danieljsummers made their first contribution in
    • @chapmandu made their first contribution in
    • @machour made their first contribution in
    • @AlexZeitler made their first contribution in
    • @n0nag0n made their first contribution in
    • @mikeckennedy made their first contribution in
    • @wimdeblauwe made their first contribution in
    • @saemideluxe made their first contribution in
    • @sponsfreixes made their first contribution in
    • @leiffoged made their first contribution in
    • @B-Lenton made their first contribution in
    • @sltong made their first contribution in
    • @thejoeejoee made their first contribution in
    • @marciomazza made their first contribution in
    • @bmihelac made their first contribution in
    • @dalito made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog: htmx.min.js.gz

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    htmx.js(132.74 KB)
    htmx.min.js(39.02 KB)
    htmx.min.js.gz(12.94 KB)
  • v1.8.0(Aug 10, 2022)

    Trying a Github release

    What's Changed

    • fix minor typo by @bfallik in
    • Bump follow-redirects from 1.13.2 to 1.14.8 by @dependabot in
    • Added selector for input of type button by @iustin94 in
    • Treat target="_self" the same as being empty by @mauricioarangoosorio in
    • Document outerHTML limitation on by @adamchainz in
    • Rewrite scheme-relative URL’s to https by @adamchainz in
    • Removed two links that don't work by @YesSeri in
    • Update by @dz4k in
    • Add data-loading-aria-busy directive for loading-states extension by @Renerick in
    • Add missing header by @eldamir in
    • Add Clojure babashka link by @prestancedesign in
    • Fix typo in by @JamesGardiner in
    • Improve HX-Push and hx-push-url documentation by @adamchainz in
    • Remove double period by @snan in
    • Update installation instructions by @adamchainz in
    • Fix broken response headers links by @jonathanberger in
    • docs: fix links to web-sockets extension page by @msladecek in
    • Update to correct title by @gone in
    • feat(ext): add disable-element extension by @David-Guillot in
    • Fix a typo in by @qrhfz in
    • Attempts to fix case when htmx is loaded multiple times into browser by @gone in
    • Documentation fix by @gone in
    • Check for localStorage availability by @David-Guillot in
    • Update by @lllama in
    • Added missing documentation: htmx:timeout event by @gnat in
    • Docs: Fix dead links and typo by @Dosenpfand in
    • Fix typo in bulk-update example by @czue in
    • Update by @gnat in
    • Further doc fix for #895 by @dan-osull in
    • Docs: Hotwire / Turbo to htmx Migration Guide by @gnat in
    • Improvements in WebSocket extension by @Renerick in
    • Adding support for client side redirects - HX-Location by @gone in
    • Style changes proposal by @tunguski in
    • Update websockets extension documentation by @Renerick in
    • Add CFWheels TODO example to the list by @bpamiri in
    • forgot to rename this file by @gone in
    • Small typo fixes by @Gornstats in
    • Introduce consistent footer for all pages by @tunguski in
    • Implement HX-Reswap by @mayowa in
    • Fix a typo in 1.8.0 changelog by @Renerick in
    • Typo, was hs-sse instead of hx-sse by @flibustenet in
    • Update by @bpamiri in
    • Proposal: talk page in single column by @tunguski in

    New Contributors

    • @bfallik made their first contribution in
    • @iustin94 made their first contribution in
    • @mauricioarangoosorio made their first contribution in
    • @YesSeri made their first contribution in
    • @Renerick made their first contribution in
    • @eldamir made their first contribution in
    • @prestancedesign made their first contribution in
    • @JamesGardiner made their first contribution in
    • @snan made their first contribution in
    • @jonathanberger made their first contribution in
    • @David-Guillot made their first contribution in
    • @qrhfz made their first contribution in
    • @Dosenpfand made their first contribution in
    • @czue made their first contribution in
    • @dan-osull made their first contribution in
    • @tunguski made their first contribution in
    • @bpamiri made their first contribution in
    • @Gornstats made their first contribution in
    • @flibustenet made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    htmx-1.8.0.min.js(38.50 KB)
    htmx-1.8.0.tar.gz(67.04 KB)
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