A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers.


BitcoinJS (bitcoinjs-lib)

Build Status NPM

code style: prettier

A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers. Written in TypeScript, but committing the JS files to verify.

Released under the terms of the MIT LICENSE.

Should I use this in production?

If you are thinking of using the master branch of this library in production, stop. Master is not stable; it is our development branch, and only tagged releases may be classified as stable.

Can I trust this code?

Don't trust. Verify.

We recommend every user of this library and the bitcoinjs ecosystem audit and verify any underlying code for its validity and suitability, including reviewing any and all of your project's dependencies.

Mistakes and bugs happen, but with your help in resolving and reporting issues, together we can produce open source software that is:

  • Easy to audit and verify,
  • Tested, with test coverage >95%,
  • Advanced and feature rich,
  • Standardized, using prettier and Node Buffer's throughout, and
  • Friendly, with a strong and helpful community, ready to answer questions.


Presently, we do not have any formal documentation other than our examples, please ask for help if our examples aren't enough to guide you.

You can find a Web UI that covers most of the psbt.ts, transaction.ts and p2*.ts APIs here.


npm install bitcoinjs-lib

Typically we support the Node Maintenance LTS version. If in doubt, see the .travis.yml for what versions are used by our continuous integration tests.

WARNING: We presently don't provide any tooling to verify that the release on npm matches GitHub. As such, you should verify anything downloaded by npm against your own verified copy.


Crypto is hard.

When working with private keys, the random number generator is fundamentally one of the most important parts of any software you write. For random number generation, we default to the randombytes module, which uses window.crypto.getRandomValues in the browser, or Node js' crypto.randomBytes, depending on your build system. Although this default is ~OK, there is no simple way to detect if the underlying RNG provided is good enough, or if it is catastrophically bad. You should always verify this yourself to your own standards.

This library uses tiny-secp256k1, which uses RFC6979 to help prevent k re-use and exploitation. Unfortunately, this isn't a silver bullet. Often, Javascript itself is working against us by bypassing these counter-measures.

Problems in Buffer (UInt8Array), for example, can trivially result in catastrophic fund loss without any warning. It can do this through undermining your random number generation, accidentally producing a duplicate k value, sending Bitcoin to a malformed output script, or any of a million different ways. Running tests in your target environment is important and a recommended step to verify continuously.

Finally, adhere to best practice. We are not an authorative source of best practice, but, at the very least:


The recommended method of using bitcoinjs-lib in your browser is through Browserify. If you're familiar with how to use browserify, ignore this and carry on, otherwise, it is recommended to read the tutorial at https://browserify.org/.

NOTE: We use Node Maintenance LTS features, if you need strict ES5, use --transform babelify in conjunction with your browserify step (using an es2015 preset).

WARNING: iOS devices have problems, use atleast [email protected] or greater, and enforce the test suites (for Buffer, and any other dependency) pass before use.

Typescript or VSCode users

Type declarations for Typescript are included in this library. Normal installation should include all the needed type information.


The below examples are implemented as integration tests, they should be very easy to understand. Otherwise, pull requests are appreciated. Some examples interact (via HTTPS) with a 3rd Party Blockchain Provider (3PBP).

If you have a use case that you feel could be listed here, please ask for it!



Running the test suite

npm test
npm run-script coverage

Complementing Libraries

  • BIP21 - A BIP21 compatible URL encoding library
  • BIP38 - Passphrase-protected private keys
  • BIP39 - Mnemonic generation for deterministic keys
  • BIP32-Utils - A set of utilities for working with BIP32
  • BIP66 - Strict DER signature decoding
  • BIP68 - Relative lock-time encoding library
  • BIP69 - Lexicographical Indexing of Transaction Inputs and Outputs
  • Base58 - Base58 encoding/decoding
  • Base58 Check - Base58 check encoding/decoding
  • Bech32 - A BIP173/BIP350 compliant Bech32/Bech32m encoding library
  • coinselect - A fee-optimizing, transaction input selection module for bitcoinjs-lib.
  • merkle-lib - A performance conscious library for merkle root and tree calculations.
  • minimaldata - A module to check bitcoin policy: SCRIPT_VERIFY_MINIMALDATA



  • feat: add support for pay to taproot

    feat: add support for pay to taproot


    This is the first version for the p2tr payment. It is not complete, but it covers most of the functionality. I'm opening this PR for others to test, review and provide feedback. Main changes listed below:

    New payment type: P2TR

    It follows the same approach as the other payments (p2wsh, p2pkh, ...)

    • the PaymentOpts object takes an extra field: eccLib?: TinySecp256k1Interface
      • this field is required for P2TR (but not for the other payment types)
      • eccLib is required for the tweak operations. The ECC logic has been extracted out of this lib.
    • examples of how to use P2TR can be found in the unit tests and integration tests (see tests section)

    Payment interface

    The Payment interface has 3 new fields:

    • internalPubkey - the internal key as defined by BIP341.
    • scriptTree - a Merkle tree whose leaves consist of a version number and a script (see BIP341)
    • redeemVersion - the version of the leaf being spent (if the script-path spend is used). Default value: 0xc0

    Some Payment fields have taproot specific meaning:

    • pubkey - the tweaked internalPubkey as defined in BIP341
      • is computed as P + hash(P||m)G for a public key P, and the root m of the Merkle tree

    • hash - the hash of the root of the Merkle scriptTree. Empty if not scriptTree is used.
    • signature - a Schnorr signature, if key-path spent is used. Empty otherwise.
    • redeem.output - the leaf script, for script-path spends

    Taproot Helpers

    • taproot related logic has been extracted to ts_src/payment/taprootutils.ts
    • in the future it might be moved to a bip341 module. See https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/issues/1780


    • add stricter rules for Taproot (data size 32 and public key valid x-only coordinate)
    • from|toOutputScript takes in an optional eccLib. If missing, then it skips the p2tr matching falls down to the final Error


    • it can now add Taproot inputs and outputs
    • for the key-path spend the signer has to be tweaked (it does not perform the tweak internally)
    • for the script-path spend a custom finalizer (FinalScriptsFunc) is required when a Taproot input is finalized. See test/psbt.utils.ts for such an example
    • PsbtOptsOptional has a new field eccLib?: TinySecp256k1Interface;. eccLib is required if the PSBT instance uses taproot ins/outs
    • the Signer interface has a new method: signSchnorr?(hash: Buffer): Buffer;. This method is required if a Taproot UTXO is being spent.


    Further Comments

    Note for reviewers: all .js files are generated, only the .ts files require review

    opened by motorina0 82
  • Add an OmniLayer example to tests

    Add an OmniLayer example to tests

    I wanted to use this OmniLayer protocol, but have found no examples in the whole internet. I think it would be good to include such examples in the tests.

    Here's a small snippet: https://gist.github.com/caffeinum/f64a51ce55d5ac9075bb2f5f2f439c0d

    external how to / question / docs 
    opened by caffeinum 50
  • API for 4.0.0

    API for 4.0.0

    Just a bike shed for ~~3.0.0~~ 4.0.0, if its necessary, and the currently open PRs:

    https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/pull/459 - Extraction of DER encoding https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/pull/456 - Remove message module (bitcoinjs-message) https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/pull/440 - Var naming conventions https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/pull/350 - secp256k1 https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/pull/428 - Altcoin support

    @jprichardson I was also thinking about TransactionBuilder, and what it represents.

    It is basically a convenience wrapper around Transaction (the primitive) that makes everyone's life easier when building complex transactions, but, to be honest, it could easily be extracted from the core library.

    Thoughts? In general, I'm thinking we work on making this library primarily all the primitives for bitcoin operations such that other libraries can easily compose using them. I'd like to see other crypto primitives like merkle trees, bloom filters and rolling bloom filters in the ecosystem too.

    how to / question / docs breaking change refactor 
    opened by dcousens 45
  • Support for BIP49 YPUB/UPUB

    Support for BIP49 YPUB/UPUB

    The only thing missing from bitcoinjs-lib to support BIP49 is the network type designator. This simple change allows the HD wallet to support BIP49 YPUB's (or testnet UPUB's). This allows for the import of pure segwit HD wallets.

    See also: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0049.mediawiki

    Understanding that BIP49 is draft, you may reject this change, but I've made this change for a project and figured submitting a PR would be an appropriate offer to allow you to implement this simple functionality.

    opened by plasticlobster 41
  • Create Raw transaction with redeemscript

    Create Raw transaction with redeemscript

    I am trying to build a raw transaction that will send funds from a 2 of 3 multisig address to an output address. While the below code works, it does not include the redeem script anywhere in the raw transaction. Sites like coinb.in when creating a raw transaction include it and can tell that 2 of 3 signatures are needed, but using the below code it is not seen as a 2 of 3 multisig needing 2 signature. While this isnt a big issue by itself, it also causes some clients like coinb.in to not actually sign the transaction again.

    Basically I am not sure how I can include the redeem script in the raw transaction that gets created, any help is appreciated.

            const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
            const tx = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder();
            tx.addInput('INPUT HERE AS STRING', 0);
            tx.addOutput('OUTPUT ADDRESS HERE', 0.01);
            const tx2 = tx.buildIncomplete();
    how to / question / docs 
    opened by starsoccer 37
  • Segregated Witness Support - WIP

    Segregated Witness Support - WIP


    getting shit to work before making it pretty; almost done with getting shit to work!

    depends on: https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/pull/540

    first time spending a p2wpkh (6a539927494f3d6f07078dd1c70a28e0c4910662593072305529eaa66257f59d) and p2wpkh as p2sh (4704de796b8ea819f262eb3399fad85b838327497639da2ceafbd04a08a06be3) with bitcoinjs-lib :D


    • [x] Output script creation for P2WPKH
    • [x] Output script creation for P2WSH
    • [x] Transaction encoding / decode
    • [x] SignatureHash v2
    • [x] Transaction signing of P2WPKH
    • [x] Transaction signing of P2WPKH as P2SH
    • [x] Transaction signing of P2WSH
    • [x] toBuffer should be able to return both segwit and non-segwit TX
      • [x] fix getTxId using the segwit TX atm
    • [x] BIP142 addresses for P2WPKH
    • [ ] Add value arg to addInput and use it in TransactionBuilder.sign instead of value arg there?
    • [x] Refactoring of changes made so far
    • [ ] More tests
      • [x] Add tests for mix of non witness and witness (already manually tested and works)
      • [ ] Integration tests (and an API to already run them against segnet)
      • [x] Check bitcoin core projects for any vectors that we can copy
    • [ ] Review and discuss changes for BIP142 addresses
    • [ ] Review and discuss changes to TransactionBuilder.sign
    • [ ] Review and discuss changes to TransactionBuilder.extractInput / script.classifyInput
    • [ ] Cache hashPrevouts, hashSequence and hashOutputs for all signatures in a transaction (since that was one of the main reasons for changing the signatureHash xD)


    Signing Native P2WPKH

    transactionBuilder.sign(0, keyPair, null, null, /* segWit = */ true, /* txIn.value = */ parseInt(0.9998 * 1e8)))

    Signing P2WPKH nested in P2SH

    var pubKeyHash = bcrypto.hash160(keyPair.getPublicKeyBuffer())
    var redeemScript = bscript.segWitPubKeyHashOutput(pubKeyHash)
    transactionBuilder.sign(0, keyPair, redeemScript, null, /* segWit = */ true, /* txIn.value = */ parseInt(0.9998 * 1e8)))


    • BIP141 (general segwit) https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki
    • BIP142 (segwit address) https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0142.mediawiki
    • BIP143 (signature verification with new signature hash) https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki
    • BIP144 (peer services) https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0144.mediawiki
    • Staging branch https://github.com/sipa/bitcoin/tree/segwit
    opened by rubensayshi 33
  • how to browserify the complete bitcoinjs-lib?

    how to browserify the complete bitcoinjs-lib?

    Previously I remember the install instructions for browserify contained something like browserify bitcoinjs-lib -s bitcoin > bitcoinjs.js to build a standalone version of bitcoinjs.

    Nowadays the instructions contain instructions to create an index.js with a myFunction which does one particular thing (creating a random private key, in this case) and then exports that function.

    How do I just export everything, i.e. create the entire bitcoinjs lib that I can include in a .html file just like before?

    Perhaps a stupid question, in that case my apologies, but other than bitcoinjs I never used browserify for anything else and I'm not quite sure how this works.

    how to / question / docs 
    opened by SuperHenkie 31
  • 64: non-canonical (code -26) after signing a multisig transaction

    64: non-canonical (code -26) after signing a multisig transaction


    I encountered a problem, I'm trying to spend a transaction from a multisig 2-3 address.

    It's pretty weird, because it doesn't work when signing the input with bitcoinjs, but there is no problem when signing manually trough bitcoind.

    var bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
    var rawTransaction = '01000000014c80a5129d03d0ebe28c2626fb2b35962c438f548ff399cc85b462109338550b0100000000ffffffff0210270000000000001976a914d356d4d8079f8556be4c8102ecf00cc63344e75488ac307500000000000017a9145010eb90f22f4865766e969fc5e07c1e2445f81a8700000000';
    var redeemScriptHex = '522102a6074afbed684715760e4eebe9878fea1ea3862828e687674a841d7e03db07c7210253468fb6d90c4d9bf6d02dde920dc7cfa214b3103fc0f59b7c52a4163df6bbaf210210ec8ae465d9d6a686a8718e9051b581277ee05889fc7776a2925a111c7fc77f53ae';
    var privKeys = [
    ].map(function(wif) { return bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF(wif) });
    // Recover transaction from raw_transaction
    var tx  = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(rawTransaction);
    // Build it into Transaction Builder
    var txb = bitcoin.TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx);
    txb.sign(0, privKeys[0], bitcoin.Script.fromHex(redeemScriptHex));
    txb.sign(0, privKeys[1], bitcoin.Script.fromHex(redeemScriptHex));
    // => 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

    Then, I try to send the raw transaction through bitcoind, I've got "64: non-canonical (code -26)".

    But when I try to sign manually with bitcoind :

    signrawtransaction 01000000014c80a5129d03d0ebe28c2626fb2b35962c438f548ff399cc85b462109338550b0100000000ffffffff0210270000000000001976a914d356d4d8079f8556be4c8102ecf00cc63344e75488ac307500000000000017a9145010eb90f22f4865766e969fc5e07c1e2445f81a8700000000 '[{"txid":"0b5538931062b485cc99f38f548f432c96352bfb26268ce2ebd0039d12a5804c","vout":1,"redeemScript":"522102a6074afbed684715760e4eebe9878fea1ea3862828e687674a841d7e03db07c7210253468fb6d90c4d9bf6d02dde920dc7cfa214b3103fc0f59b7c52a4163df6bbaf210210ec8ae465d9d6a686a8718e9051b581277ee05889fc7776a2925a111c7fc77f53ae","scriptPubKey":"a914d84ffa293e48acb6f8d3be488eb0c6898a3d465887"}]' '["KwLPiuHXJGkuyMJkjybUH8M2nQ9A64FYXMtT9RFJLxgtT5wZBAey"]'


    signrawtransaction 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 '[{"txid":"0b5538931062b485cc99f38f548f432c96352bfb26268ce2ebd0039d12a5804c","vout":1,"redeemScript":"522102a6074afbed684715760e4eebe9878fea1ea3862828e687674a841d7e03db07c7210253468fb6d90c4d9bf6d02dde920dc7cfa214b3103fc0f59b7c52a4163df6bbaf210210ec8ae465d9d6a686a8718e9051b581277ee05889fc7776a2925a111c7fc77f53ae","scriptPubKey":"a914d84ffa293e48acb6f8d3be488eb0c6898a3d465887"}]' '["KxjVtJZscdLZ1GZR8cHhhDo8bXMmQNjST3f4FW2AVhCFS7h4k8q2"]'
    # => 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

    And send it via bitcoind, it just works. Did I miss something?


    opened by dizda 31
  • Expose API dependencies by default

    Expose API dependencies by default

    Continuation of the discussion in #228.

    There seems to be a collective of users that don't want to go down the browserify path, and instead prefer the all-in-1 bundle approach (for better or worse).

    This pull request would provide the latter.

    On the surface, this is a terrible decision in avoiding future problems where we do intend to change the underlying BigInteger implementation, and remove CryptoJS as a dependency completely. Its a step backwards in re-usable software, but its a massive convenience to those who just want to plug and play with bitcoin in Javascript.

    Thoughts? Can we somehow have both? Maybe a separate repository that bundles all this together that we can point them at?

    opened by dcousens 31
  • Bitcoin Cash TX redemption

    Bitcoin Cash TX redemption

    Alternative to #826, with thanks to @junderw.

    Avoids making Bitcoin Cash the default hashType, and exposes the functionality once the transaction_builder has been set to allow it. Adds a test case for P2PKH ALL|FORKID.

    • TransactionBuilder.enableBitcoinCash(setting)
    • Transaction.hashForCashSignature

    Opening this so it's visible and people can use if needed, see #826 for discussions

    feature external breaking change ready to merge 
    opened by afk11 30
  • Bitcoin Cash Support

    Bitcoin Cash Support

    Do you guys have any plans to merge the bitcoin cash support into the main branch? Currently, anybody trying to support both Segwit and BCH signing needs to require two separate library versions.

    how to / question / docs 
    opened by arik-so 29
  • chore: initialise TAGGED_HASH_PREFIXES on-demand

    chore: initialise TAGGED_HASH_PREFIXES on-demand

    performance optimisation: loop through TAGS and calculating hash prefixes on library require takes some time. instead calculate it on-demand when taggedHash is called.

    opened by headfire94 0
  • Error: Can not sign for this input with the key <publicKey>

    Error: Can not sign for this input with the key

    I tried to create a payment in bitcoin with Psbt class and then after reading some issues on this repository I figured out a way to make things work. But then I recognized something unusual... Some of my UTXO's wont work properly on gave me Error.

    I got my UTXO's from https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/test3/addrs/myuBm5iiUBYqrCRbw6N2dNEtVE9znJk7bM/full?unspentOnly=true&includeHex=true API and tried to send a satoshi to a p2wpkh address.

    here is how I did it:

    // Creating all types of address to check
    const keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(req.body.private_key, NETWORK);
    const p2wpkh = bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, network: NETWORK });
    const p2pkh = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, network: NETWORK });
    const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: p2wpkh, network: NETWORK });
    let totalUnspents = 0;
    const txb = new bitcoin.Psbt({ network: NETWORK })
    // Specify the receiver and amount
       address: req.body.receiver,
       value: Math.abs(Number(req.body.amount))
    // Adding Inputs
    for (let i = 0; i < unspents.length; i++) {
        // Get Total Balance From Unspents
        for (let j = 0; j < unspents[i]['outputs'].length; j++) {
            if (unspents[i]['outputs'][j]['addresses'].includes(p2wpkh.address) ||
                unspents[i]['outputs'][j]['addresses'].includes(p2sh.address) ||
            ) {
                totalUnspents += unspents[i]['outputs'][j]['value']
        // Addding Inputs
            hash: unspents[i]['hash'],
            index: unspents[i]['inputs'][0]['output_index'],
            nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(unspents[i]['hex'], "hex"), // Raw Transaction
            sequence: unspents[i]['inputs'][0]['sequence'],
    // Specify Return Address to get back unspent amount
       address: p2wpkh.address,
       value: totalUnspents - Math.abs(Number(req.body.amount))
    // Signing inputs
    for (let i = 0; i < unspents.length; i++) {
        txb.signInput(i, keyPair)
    // Finalize
    const signedTx = txb.extractTransaction()

    I got the below error in Signing inputs section:

    Error: Can not sign for this input with the key 02955438d222cefd0d427172a55993ef280a4734b75e8831f9f2b68b10b09ed767

    Can you guys figure-out what is the problem here? Why it can't sign the inputs?

    PS: Here is my temporary wallet information and it is on testnet only to demonstrate the problem :

    private key:  30cae98351e9f9ecf021b8f5dc9f4fed768dce5d4568c6a3de413e64b3644c0e
    public key:  02955438d222cefd0d427172a55993ef280a4734b75e8831f9f2b68b10b09ed767
    wallet address:  tb1qexn20aupkzz3ty9wtdmkga2n3t4n8s5rlg8wne
    address hash:  c9a6a7f781b0851590ae5b776475538aeb33c283
    p2pkh address:  myuBm5iiUBYqrCRbw6N2dNEtVE9znJk7bM

    Provided data to adding Inputs

      hash: '01b08ea1049613410c30dfb35c19cacd52c8cfd0c502027bd923b0aa6d977e80',
      index: 1,
      nonWitnessUtxo: '020000000001017f69fe2b79778461108241beae6e76c04d5c28df15051ed2e89864b99a13111b0100000000feffffff02a8340000000000001976a914c9a6a7f781b0851590ae5b776475538aeb33c28388ac8d315f0a000000001976a914474410e6a3f485a04f90e2032e81609dc625c88688ac0247304402206c65e47a78770437d14196ffa840acadf89379705ca49b8ad174f345334ad0070220282024e105bd8feaae61ecaf2d6d870b219a700000a31988bbf9673a559638e9012103a9a0881f181035441cbbb3f0605e6bde8d44e7c265ab4903388420e5e517598c8bd22400',
      sequence: 4294967294
    opened by hasanparasteh 2
  • I got the following error when i run tsc on my project to compile and build.

    I got the following error when i run tsc on my project to compile and build.

    Here is the Actual Error I got:

    macbook@MACBOOKs-MacBook-Pro btc_service % npm run build

    [email protected] build (tsc||true)

    node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/crypto.d.ts:7:50 - error TS1005: ']' expected.

    7 declare const TAGS: readonly ["BIP0340/challenge", "BIP0340/aux", "BIP0340/nonce", "TapLeaf", "TapBranch", "TapSighash", "TapTweak", "KeyAgg list", "KeyAgg coefficient"]; ~

    node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/crypto.d.ts:7:52 - error TS1134: Variable declaration expected.

    7 declare const TAGS: readonly ["BIP0340/challenge", "BIP0340/aux", "BIP0340/nonce", "TapLeaf", "TapBranch", "TapSighash", "TapTweak", "KeyAgg list", "KeyAgg coefficient"]; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib/src/crypto.d.ts:7:169 - error TS1005: ';' expected.

    7 declare const TAGS: readonly ["BIP0340/challenge", "BIP0340/aux", "BIP0340/nonce", "TapLeaf", "TapBranch", "TapSighash", "TapTweak", "KeyAgg list", "KeyAgg coefficient"]; ~

    tsconfig.json:17:7 - error TS5023: Unknown compiler option 'noUncheckedIndexedAccess'.

    17 "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": false ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Found 4 errors.

    opened by Abbeville 0
  • Migrate from Buffer to native Uint8Array

    Migrate from Buffer to native Uint8Array

    Since Buffer is a subclass of Uint8Array, is there any plans to migrate the library to use them to have native support in browsers without polyfills? https://nodejs.dev/en/api/v18/buffer/

    opened by tiero 0
  • Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation

    Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation


    I have a unit test running a generic script that has been working flawlessly. But some days ago I made some changes and got into trouble so I undid the changes.

    But now the unit tests fails around 50% of the times. Every time I create new bitcoin addresses, the script, etc.

    The script has a multisignature with its public keys sorted as in the test code.

    What can cause random failures with error Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation?


    opened by educob 0
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