Blend Between Multiple Images.

  • more demos

    more demos

    @kolibril13, I could use a few more example images. Something like the cat with more colours for example.

    The grouping algorithm example is a real-world example but not as satisfying as the examples you created for jupyter-splitview.

    opened by christopher-besch 3
  • Handle case where images have not the same dimension

    Handle case where images have not the same dimension

    It would be nice to still display two images when they don't have the same dimension. There can be two cases: A) The larger height one can be placed in the canvas as usual, and the smaller height one can be placed in the top right corner. B) The larger height one can be placed in the canvas as usual, and the smaller one is scaled to match the height of the larger one.

    This is only a quick idea. I will overthink this later today and update the issue accordingly.

    opened by kolibril13 0
  • Bundle sources in NPM package

    Bundle sources in NPM package

    Since it's a common problem with JS that there are different use cases in terms of building and bundling, mak sure that the sources are part of the NPM release. Otherwise one needs to fall back to use GitHub with yarn directly, which is a problem in itself, since the latest releases are't tagged here (See #39).

    My use case is bundling with esbuild as part of a hugosite.

    opened by cmahnke 0
  • Mouse scroll wheel to change circle size

    Mouse scroll wheel to change circle size

    How about that: One can use the mouse scroll wheel when the mouse is clicked in circle mode, and that will increase and decrease the radius of the circle.

    opened by kolibril13 0
  • Cursor icon, slider bar,  and slider arrow animation

    Cursor icon, slider bar, and slider arrow animation

    juxtapose.js has the following behaviour when the mouse hovers over the canvas:

    1. The mouse changes when the canvas is selected
    2. The mouse changes when it comes close to the slider arrows
    3. The arrows move when the mouse is close to indicate the splitview option.

    Reading the silder bar: Do we want to keep the bar at all? I think it can be useful to have it in some situations, e.g. to indicate where the line is and to indicate that it's a widget at all, and not a simple displayed image. But then there are situations where it would be nice to not have the slider, in order to have an even closer look on small image changes. @christopher-besch what do you think about making the slider bar optional?

    opened by kolibril13 6
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