Boilerplate / monorepo setup intended for npm package development


Assemble Package

Set up:

After creating your new repo from the github template plan out what your package(s) will be named and modify the contents of the packages directory to reflect this planning. Use the examples in the packages directory as reference, although you could rename both the directory and the name in the package.json file of any of the examples and work off of them.

  • Install Dependencies: yarn
  • Initialize Yarn (you will need to import the yarn/workspaces plugin): init:workspaces

Core concepts:

This is a monorepo and therefore introduces a few additional steps to getting all set up.

There are also mandatory concepts & dependencies that assist in a smooth development process:


  1. Removing the sample packages in the packages directory.
  2. Make a new directory with your package folder name.
  3. Navigate to that directory and run yarn init to create a fresh package.json file.
  4. Make sure to add a namespace / scope to the package name.
  5. Once that is all set up run yarn preconstruct init: this will add the necessary config for development and publishing.
  6. Start adding dependencies and building! when adding dependencies stay on the root level and make sure to specify the workspace you are targeting. yarn workspace [package-name] add ....
  7. If you don't want to bundle the dependency in the package make sure to use the --peer flag when adding to the workspace!
  8. If you ran the example apps before all this setup make sure to remove any .next / .parcel-cache and dist directories! If you don't clean up you will have problems moving forward.


Note: in order to leverage the monorepo approach in a npm publishing workflow you need to have a paid NPM account - this unlocks private packages (sadly a mandatory in this context).


Currently there are 2 example apps you can use to view your work. Simply import your package into either or both. Both examples have been configured to support web3 technologies out of the box with the below dependencies:

  • ethers, peed dep for the below web3 packages

  • wagmi for web3 integration

  • rainbowkit to handle wallet connection

  • tailwind css for basic styling / css integration

  • swr for fetch utils / caching

  • @zoralabs/nft-hooks for reading nft data

  • @zoralabs/zdk for querying the zora api

  • A Next Js app. Note that this is the most recent version of react and nextjs which introduces more stringent methodolgies around server and client side rendering. This is a good test environment to illustrate optimal package usage especially when content is not hydrated.

  • Vanilla React App: Less strict of a development environment in that you will not have to be as careful around SSR issues that are present with the combination of React 18 & Next.js 12+


  1. Getting started: Using the template and exploring the Repo:
  2. Exploring the repo further, running the example apps to demo the development process and how packages are consumed in development:
  3. Creating a new package (and removing the examples and references in sample apps to the example packages in the repo template):
  4. Demonstrating importing our new package into the example apps:
  5. Lets publish a package with changesets:
  6. And finally lets consume the package in another project, make some changes to it and publish again - and then update in the consumer app:

The sample repo:

Further Reading:

  • Discussion: Animation Libraries / Auditing External Dependencies

    Discussion: Animation Libraries / Auditing External Dependencies

    @salieflewis raised the question around using framer motion in work that is intended to be published as a package any user can install with their react project.

    The question was specifically around using framer motion as a dependency to handle transitions, animations etc.

    We are already assuming and specifying peer dependencies for mandatory web3 libraries, and leveraging tailwind and postcss as the default styling utility.

    In general the gold standard is to keep your bundles as small as possible, reducing load times. It's preemptive optimization.

    My opinion around this is to be library agnostic as much as possible when the included library introduces and api or markup that may become "black boxy" to consumers of the package... hence if this is something that could be achieved with browser native apis (like css animations / transitions) we try that first with the design intention of letting a user opt out or override with ease.

    For UI components this could introduce a modular design approach where we split smaller chunks of UI into composable elements that leverage a parent provider to allow for reordering.

    Prior work that inspires this approach can be seen in NFT Components

    Theoretically if you can read for state change and can wrap a component with the animation library of choice api then the user can decide for themselves what addition libraries they want to introduce to their project.

    Also when selecting libraries checking out info like this article Reduce Bundle Size(framer.motion) is really helpful.

    opened by dblodorn 4
  • app wrapper doesn't enable goerli

    app wrapper doesn't enable goerli

    @dblodorn sorry for not making the pull request directly, but line 9 of AppWrapper.tsx in the examples/nextjs (assume same for react too) should have chain.goerli as well so that the test apps are compatible with testnet. without this u cant use goerli in local dev, just burned an hour or so figuring this out

    photo of where it needs to be added Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 12 50 03 AM

    opened by 0xTranqui 3
  • [WIP]: upgrade to next13 and bump rainbowkit and wagmi versions to latest

    [WIP]: upgrade to next13 and bump rainbowkit and wagmi versions to latest

    Staging this for a little feedback... probably going to hold off on pushing into main for a little bit.

    This next13 upgrade is actually a little tricky... next13 introduces a fair amount of new concepts to next.js Still feel it's important to move forward with the most up to date configurations / so this isn't stale.

    Also - nice writeup on hydration errors:

    opened by dblodorn 2
  • Package monorepo development environment

    Package monorepo development environment

    This PR introduces three configured examples of a package being developed in the packages directory being consumed by a sample next.js app that has been configured as a basic "web3" dapp skeleton.

    Meaning there are included dependencies to emulate the baseline requirements for an Ethereum Dapp:

    "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit": "^0.6.0",
    "@zoralabs/nft-hooks": "^1.1.9",
    "@zoralabs/zdk": "^2.1.8",
    "ethers": "^5.7.1",
    "next": "^12.3.0",
    "react": "^18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "^18.2.0",
    "swr": "^1.3.0",
    "wagmi": "^0.6.6"

    Changesets Cli has also been integrated for the publishing step, this enforces keep a change log and assists with semantic versioning.

    I've followed this guide somewhat, most specifically for setting up changesets.

    One small issue that is most likely related to react 18+ / next.js 12 + has arisen around ssr hydration errors. Not fatal - but annoying, and forces the question around optimization for react 18 - and how much additional research and work that entails.

    WIP Video:

    opened by dblodorn 2
  • Upgrade test next app to next13

    Upgrade test next app to next13

    This upgrade is a little tricky... next13 introduces a fair amount of new concepts to next.js Still feel it's important to move forward with the most up to date configurations / so this isn't stale.

    Also - nice writeup on hydration errors:

    opened by dblodorn 1
  • Update yarn config

    Update yarn config

    Yarn config updates

    TLDR Spent a bunch of time messing around with yarn 2/3 but just ended up modifying the yarn config a little and adding a clean command - and slipped an edit to the changesets config defaulting the access property to public

    ☠️ Upgrading to yarn 3 notes--- 🥴

    Ok so the new version of Yarn (yarn >3.X) is kinda hellish and has introduced numerous bugs tracing into dependencies of dependencies. Bottom line it seems like a lot of work to get everything working correctly and the older version of yarn just works... seemingly for most everyone using it, and that's better for a template which is meant to be an easy starting point.

    I'm going to revert back to a stable setup...

    just a pile of errors like this - that were not an issue with older version of yarn:

    Screen Shot 2022-09-22 at 9 25 56 AM

    Initial motivation to upgrade was the excitment around using @yarnpkg/plugin-workspace-tools - this resulted in needed to upgrade the version of yarn i was using to a version that supported yarn plugins:

    Some links collected from this rabbit hole 🕳:

    opened by dblodorn 1
  • Update boilerplate to avoid error when trying to install yarn.

    Update boilerplate to avoid error when trying to install yarn.

    When I pulled this down, I was getting the error "Workspaces can only be enabled in private projects." when trying to install yarn. I ended up adding "private" : true, to the package.json file that exists outside of the app workspace. That seemed to fix things.

    opened by salieflewis 1
  • Add husky precommit hooks for code cleanup pre commit.

    Add husky precommit hooks for code cleanup pre commit.

    opened by dblodorn 0
  • Feedback Post Speedrun

    Feedback Post Speedrun

    @dblodorn Feedback post completing this speedrun tutorial video:

    React dep issue upon package consumption:

    • ran into same issue (skip to 21:10 of the loom video) where the package installed component wouldnt render in a test consumption app because "react could not be found" in the component. ended up solving this by adding in an unused import + reference to react, but really confused why that works (see below for what I did to fix it). Would love to get a better understanding of what is causing this problem, plus how to avoid (theres no way adding an unused react reference is what I should be doing???) in the future
    Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 8 38 32 PM

    Potential Pull Requests

    -currently .changeset/config.json “access” needs to be updated to public to allow the npm package publish to go through. would be nice to have this set correctly out the gate (correct set up below)

    Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 8 41 47 PM

    -something that makes it so we dont have to manually copy paste the “files” : “[/dist]” reference into the package.json of the package we are publishing (code reference below)

    Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 8 43 03 PM


    • when I create a template repo using the create template button on github, it creates the repo in my personal repository rather than in public assembly. not sure how to get it to be created as a new public assembly repo ?? EDIT: ok im stupid you can assign the owner of the repo upon fork, so I can just set this to public-assembly. all set !
    opened by 0xTranqui 0
  • Include example react app.

    Include example react app.

    This pull request introduces a vanilla react testing environment to the monorepo.

    motivation: add a less strict development environment in that you will not have to be as careful around SSR issues that are present with the combination of React 18 & Next.js 12+

    Also have included some updates to documentation.

    These additions should be ample for a first cut of the template repo.

    opened by dblodorn 0
  • Smooth out the setup process after cloning the repo

    Smooth out the setup process after cloning the repo

    It's a bit cumbersome getting through renaming the package, updating references, installing dependencies and then publishing to vercel.

    vercel does not pick up on the framework and autofills the build command with something that results in a build error.

    Maybe there's some sort of setup script that could be added.

    documentation enhancement 
    opened by dblodorn 1
  • Add Storybook UI

    Add Storybook UI

    Would be nice to have the option and an example of storybook usage to preview UI components.


    This Article: Why build UIs in isolation frames the approach nicely.

    opened by dblodorn 0
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