๐Ÿ”ฎ tiny robust state management

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React snapstate

๐Ÿ”ฎ snapstate

tiny robust state management

๐Ÿ“ฆ npm install @chasemoskal/snapstate

๐Ÿ‘๏ธ watch for changes to properties
๐Ÿ•ต๏ธ track only the properties you are reading, automatically
โ™ป๏ธ keeps you safe from circular updates
โ›น๏ธ updates are debounced, avoiding duplicate updates
๐ŸŒณ carve large state trees into substates
๐Ÿงฌ implemented with recursive es proxies
๐Ÿ”ฌ typescript-native types, es modules
๐Ÿ’– free and open source, just for you

snapstate is designed to be a modern replacement for mobx. mobx was amazing, but has grown comically large at like 50 KB. mobx is also global, among other complications that we don't prefer.

snapstate is 1.5 KB, minified and gzipped.

using snapstate

๐Ÿ’พ readable and writable

  • the first cool thing about snapstate, is that it separates the readable and writable access to your state. you'll soon learn why that's rad.
  • let's create some state.
    import {snapstate} from "@chasemoskal/snapstate"
    const state = snapstate({
      count: 0,
      coolmode: "enabled",
  • we can read the state's properties via readable.
     // 0
  • but, importantly, readable won't let us write properties.
    state.readable.count += 1
     // SnapstateReadonlyError -- no way, bucko!
  • instead, we write properties via writable.
    state.writable.count += 1
     // this is allowed
     // 1
  • this separation is great, because we can pass readable to parts of our application that should not be allowed to change the state. this is how we control access.
  • this makes it easy to formalize actions. it's as easy as giving our action functions access to the writable state.
    function myIncrementAction() {
      state.writable.count += 1
  • then we might give our frontend components the state.readable, and state.track functions.
  • this makes it easy to achieve a clean uni-directional dataflow for our application's state.
  • writable is, itself, also readable.
     // 1

๐Ÿ•ต๏ธ tracking changes

  • we can track changes to the properties we care about.
    const state = snapstate({count: 0, coolmode: "enabled"})
    state.track(() => {
      console.log(`count changed: ${state.readable.count}`)
        //                                         โ˜๏ธ
        //               snapstate detects this property read,
        //               and will run this tracker function
        //               whenever the property changes.
     // 0 -- runs once initially
    state.writable.count += 1
     // 1 -- automatically runs the relevant tracker functions
    state.writable.coolmode = "disabled"
     // ~ nothing is logged to console ~
     // our track callback doesn't care about this property
  • we can be more pedantic, with a custom tracker, to avoid the initial run.
    const state = snapstate({count: 0, coolmode: "enabled"})
      // observer: listen specifically to "count"
      ({count}) => ({count}),
      // reaction: responding to changes
      ({count}) => console.log(`count changed: ${count}`),
    state.writable.count += 1
     // 1
  • we can also stop tracking things when we want.
    const state = snapstate({count: 0, coolmode: "enabled"})
    const untrack = state.track(() => console.log(count))
    state.writable.count += 1
     // 1
    state.writable.count += 1
     // *nothing happens*

๐Ÿฃ nesting? no problem!

  • we can nest our state to arbitrary depth.
    const state = snapstate({
      group1: {
        group2: {
          data: "hello!",
  • we can track changes to properties, or groups.
    state.track(readable => console.log(readable.group1.group2.hello))
    state.track(readable => console.log(readable.group1))

๐Ÿ‘๏ธ subscribe to any change in the whole state

  • your subscriptions will execute whenever any state is changed.
    state.subscribe(readable => {
      console.log("something has changed")
  • of course you can unsubscribe, too.
    const unsubscribe = state.subscribe(readable => {
      console.log("something has changed")

โœ‹ untrack and unsubscribe all

  • stop all tracking
  • stop all subscribers

โ›น๏ธ debouncing and waiting

  • the updates that respond to changing state, is debounced.
    this prevents consecutive updates from firing more updates than necessary.
    because of this, you may have to wait before seeing the effects of your update.
    const state = snapstate({count: 0})
    let called = false
    state.track(() => {
      called = true
    state.writable.count += 1
     // false -- what the heck!?
    await state.wait()
     // true -- oh, okay -- i just had to wait for the debouncer!

โ™ป๏ธ circular-safety

  • you are prevented from writing to state while reacting to it.
  • you can't make circles with track observers:
    state.track(() => {
      state.writable.count += 1
     // SnapstateCircularError -- no way, bucko!
  • you can't make circles with track reactions:
      ({count}) => ({count}),
      () => {
        state.writable.count += 1
    state.writable.count += 1
    await state.wait()
     // SnapstateCircularError -- thwarted again, buddy!
  • and you can't make circles with subscriptions:
    state.subscribe(() => state.writable.count += 1)
    state.writable.count += 1
    await state.wait()
     // SnapstateCircularError -- try again, pal!
  • you can catch these async errors on state.wait().

โœ‚๏ธ substate: carve your state into subsections

  • it's awkward to pass your whole application state to every little part of your app.
  • so you can snip off chunks, to pass along to the components that need it.
    import {snapstate, substate} from "@chasemoskal/snapstate"
    const state = snapstate({
      outerCount: 1,
      coolgroup: {
        innerCount: 2,
    const coolgroup = substate(state, tree => tree.coolgroup)
    // note: coolgroup has no access to "outerCount"
     // 2
    coolgroup.track(readable => console.log(readable.innerCount))
    coolgroup.writable.innerCount += 1
    await coolgroup.wait()
     // 3
    • a substate's subscribe function only listens to its subsection of the state.
    • a substate's untrackAll function only applies to tracking called on the subsection.
    • a substate's unsubscribeAll function only applies to subscriptions called on the subsection.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€โš–๏ธ strict readonly

  • introducing state.readonly. it's readable's strict and demanding mother-in-law.
  • readonly literally is readable, but with more strict typescript typing.
  • you see, typescript is extremely strict about its readonly properties.
    so much so, that it's very painful to use readonly structures throughout your app.
  • for this reason, snapstate provides state.readable by default, which will throw errors at runtime if you're being naughty and attempting to write properties there -- but the typescript compiler doesn't complain.
  • if your shirt is tucked-in, state.readonly will produce compile-time typescript errors for you.
  • anywhere you find a readable (for example in track and subscribe callbacks), you could set its type to Read<typeof readable> to make typescript strict about it.

๐Ÿ“œ beware of arrays, maps, and other fancy objects

  • snapstate only tracks when properties are written.
  • what this means, is that methods like array.push aren't visible to snapstate:
    const state = snapstate({myArray: []})
    // bad -- updates will not respond.
  • to update an array, we must wholly replace it:
    // good -- updates will respond.
    state.writable.myArray = [...state.writable.myArray, "hello"]
  • this is an entirely survivable state of affairs, but we may eventually do the work to implement special handling for arrays, maps, sets, and other common objects. (contributions welcome!)

๐Ÿงฌ using proxies in your state, if you must

  • snapstate doesn't like proxies in the state, so it makes object copies of them on-sight.
  • this is to prevent circularity issues, since snapstate's readables are proxies.
  • if you'd like to specifically allow a proxy, you can convince snapstate to allow it into the state, by having your proxy return true when symbolToAllowProxyIntoState is accessed.
  • snapstate will check for this symbol whenever it ingests objects into the state.
  • here's an example:
    import {snapstate, symbolToAllowProxyIntoState} from "@chasemoskal/snapstate"
    const state = snapstate({
      proxy: new Proxy({}, {
        get(t, property) {
          if (property === symbolToAllowProxyIntoState)
            return true
          else if (property === "hello")
            return "world!"
     // "world!"

๐Ÿ’– made with open source love

mit licensed.

please consider contributing by opening issues or pull requests.

  // chase

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  • rewrite: recursive observable properties

    rewrite: recursive observable properties

    i thought i could use composeSnapstate to get away without figuring out recursive observables.

    it won't suffice.

    a more sophisticated approach is necessary, because we need to be able to track changes to the objects which contain observable properties.

    it seems like this may be a doozy.

    opened by chase-moskal 1
  • ๐Ÿ“œ tracking picks up new conditional observables to watch

    ๐Ÿ“œ tracking picks up new conditional observables to watch

    currently, i think, if you create a snap.track, it will record the observables that you access, and watch those for changes to trigger your callback.

    but if your observer accesses things conditionally, they may not be picked up and watched.

    we should figure out if we can implement trackers in a way that pick up these conditional observables.

    opened by chase-moskal 0
  • ๐Ÿงžโ€โ™‚๏ธ rug-pull resistance

    ๐Ÿงžโ€โ™‚๏ธ rug-pull resistance

    in branch rugpull2, a failing test has been added, demonstrating that rug-pulling is a problem.

    • rug-pulling is a phenomenon when you copy an object reference from the state, save it for later, and then change that object in the state.
    • users expect that rewriting the object in the state won't affect the properties in the old reference they saved. it does.
    • this is because they don't really hold a reference to the real object โ€” they hold a reference to a snapstate proxy.
    • that proxy will always query the state tree to fetch properties.

    this is a doozy.

    • for now, there's a workaround โ€” users can call unproxy on their object reference, which will eliminate this problem. it makes a new copy of whatever object they want to hold onto for later.

    we need this behavior to not surprise users. i suspect a possible solution could be:

    • snapstate could keep weak references to the entire history of state.
    • when a user grabs an object from the state, they are actually grabbing a proxy for that particular point in state history.
    • however, this strategy potentially has dire consequences:
      • substates must be able to refer to current state, not historical state.
      • maybe we could introduce something like currentState, just for substates to use?
    bug enhancement 
    opened by chase-moskal 0
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