Take your boring markdown document and add some columns to it


Multi-Column Markdown

Take your boring markdown document and add some columns to it! With Multi Column Markdown rather than limiting your document layout to a single linear file you can now define blocks of data to be layed out horizontally next to each other. This additional functionality gives you the freedom to structure your notes in more creative ways.

This plugin is built for the Obsidan markdown note taking application using their plugin API.


You create a multi-column region by defining the start, settings, column-end, and end tags. EG:

Text displayed above.

=== start-multi-column:
number of columns: 2
largest column: left

Text displayed in column 1.

=== end-column ===

Text displayed in column 2.

=== end-multi-column

Text displayed below.

Rendered as: Eample_1

Each tag type can be defined with the following options:

  • Start Multi-Column Region:
    • === start-multi-column:
    • === multi-column-start:
  • End Multi-Column Region:
    • === end-multi-column
    • === multi-column-end
  • End a Column:
    • === column-end ===
    • === end-column ===
  • Settings Region:
    • ```settings```
    • ```column-settings```
    • ```multi-column-settings```

Valid Column Settings:

The column settings block can be omitted which will by default set the region to two equal sized columns. To change how the region is rendered you must define a settings block. The settings tags and all valid options for each setting are listed below.

The settings block must be define right after the multi-column start tag and each settings tag must be on a separate line. EG:

=== start-multi-column:
number of columns: 2
largest column: left
border: enabled

Settings Tags:

Number of Columns:

  • 2 or 3

Largest Column:

  • By default all of the columns will be set to equal size if this option is omitted.

  • For either 2 or 3 column layouts

    • Standard
    • Left
    • First
    • Right
    • Second
  • Only for 3 column layouts

    • Center
    • Third
    • Middle


  • By default the border is enabled but can be removed with:
    • disabled
    • off
    • false

Full Examples:

=== start-multi-column:exampleID_2Columns

# Column 1

=== end-column ===

# Column 2

=== end-multi-column

Rendered as: Eample_2Column

=== start-multi-column:exampleID_3Columns
number of columns: 3
border: off

# Column 1

=== end-column ===

# Column 2

=== end-column ===

# Column 3

=== end-multi-column

Rendered as: Eample_3Column_1

=== start-multi-column:exampleID_3ColumnsLargestCenter
number of columns: 3
largest column: center

#### Column 1

=== end-column ===

# Column 2

=== end-column ===

#### Column 3

=== end-multi-column

Rendered as: Eample_3Column_2

Things to note:

After defining start-multi-column you must declare an ID for the region. The ID is used to differentiate between different regions if there are multiple in the same document.

Currently you can not place a multi-column region within another multi-column region.


You can access the command pallet with ctrl/command - P.

  • Available Commands:

    • Insert Multi-Column Region

      • Will create a two column region where the cursor is located.
      • Known Issues:

        • If the preview pane is open the columns will not be rendered properly initially. To fix close and reopen the preview window, sometimes this requires changing to a different file and back.


From Obsidian Community Plugins

This plugins is currently not published in the Obsidian Community Plugins, to install please follow the GitHub installation instructions below.

You can install this plugin from the Obsidian Community Plugins menu by following these steps:

  • Open Settings within Obsidian
  • Click Community plugins and ensure Safe mode is disabled
  • Browse community plugins and find "Multi-Column Markdown"
  • Click Install
  • After installation is finished, click Enable

From GitHub Repository

Download main.js, manifest.json, styles.css from the latest release and add a new directory: [Obsidian-vault]/.obsidian/plugins/multi-column-markdown and add the files to that directory.

If this is your first Obsidian plugin close and reopen Obsidian and then open the settings menu, click the Community plugins tab to the left, ensure Safe mode is disabled, and then enable "Multi-Column Markdown" in the installed plugins list.

Known Issues

When preview pane and edit pane are open at the same time.

  • Cutting out a line or deleting the last character on a line that was within a multi-column region will not update in the preview pane.
    • Quick Fix #1: Close and reopen the preview pane. Sometimes this requires swapping to a new file and back.

    • Quick Fix #2: Add a new character to an already existing line and then remove the character. This will force a full refresh of the multi-column region.

  • Adding a new multi-column region around an existing set of data causes the existing data to be rendered twice. Once as the original data and again within the new multi-column region.
    • Quick Fix: Close and reopen the preview pane. Sometimes this requires swapping to a new file and back.


  • This plugin currently does not support Obsidian's new markdown editor preview rendering, but hopefully that can be added in the future.

  • The Obsidian API and this plugin are both still works in progress and both are subject to change.

Version History


Added additional setting to the multi-column regions. Users can now disable the borders around the regions if desired by setting "border: disabled" within the settings block.


Initial release.

  • Obsidian properly parses the syntax used by this plugin.
  • Documents with multi-column regions are rendered properly in the document preview.
  • Includes custom command to quickly add a multi-column region to a document.
  • high CPU usage

    high CPU usage

    I was seeing very high CPU usage. I figured it was a recent plugin addition. I have the settings/community plugin opened and also task manager. I went in and disabled recently added plugins. When I disabled this plugin CPU dropped in almost half. The page I had open is my homepage. It is in reading mode and had NO multicolum markup

    opened by pcause 14
  • Multi-columns not displaying in Live Preview

    Multi-columns not displaying in Live Preview

    In legacy mode, Multi-Columns isn't going to display in the Editor view and works as expected in the Preview view. when using Live Preview, however, the old behaviour still persists and you only see the markdown, not the multi-columns when in Live Preview...

    opened by RavHilton 8
  • Issue with Dataview

    Issue with Dataview


    I've been using the plugin for some time now and it's been wonderful for my work; however, lately when I've been trying to use dataview tables within the columns, sometimes the table is displayed and sometimes it seems to glitch between the table being displayed and not displayed. This was not an issue before the latest version of Obsidian, so I'm not sure what could be the issue.

    opened by YugiAsh01 5
  • not rendering in PDF export

    not rendering in PDF export

    Hello. I really like your plugin and would love to use it for creating documents in markdown/Obsidian. Sadly I just noticed, that the plugin doesn't currently work when exporting to PDF. Is this feature planned for the future? When could it be potentually used?

    opened by marvin-te 5
  • Not working in reading view

    Not working in reading view


    the columns do not show in reading mode.

    Editing mode (syntax): Bildschirmfoto 2022-10-21 um 19 21 51

    Editing mode (preview): Bildschirmfoto 2022-10-21 um 19 22 14

    Reading mode: Bildschirmfoto 2022-10-21 um 19 22 26

    Obsidian and this plugin have the latest versions.

    Additional plugins installed:

    • Calendar
    • Periodic Notes
    • Reminder
    • Smart Random Note
    • Tasks
    • Templater

    Did I miss something?

    opened by carstenjaksch 3
  • Image & bullet points not rendering?

    Image & bullet points not rendering?

    Hi, thank you so much creating this plugin! Its a greate alternative.

    Obsidian: 0.15.9 multi-column : 0.7.2

    I thought I created an issue way back but I guess I never clicked "Submit". These problems happend in version 0.6.x, so I think its safe to rule out that this is a 0.7.2 problem. Maybe its more like me doing it all wrong! If could take a look it would be greately appreciated.

    1. Image not rendering. This is what I have on my notes

    === multi-column-start: ID_2a6p

    Number of Columns: 2
    Largest Column: standard
    border: off

    ![[Pasted image 20220724182242.png]]

    --- end-column ---

    Test2![[Pasted image 20220724182525.png]]

    === multi-column-end

    Editing: I see it render in editing mode... so the link should be pointing to the right places. Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 12 12 22 PM

    Read mode: Images not showing up Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 12 04 50 PM

    1. Bullet points === multi-column-start: ID_dams
    Number of Columns: 2
    Largest Column: standard
    Lithium batteries 3000 amp
    • 1~1.5 fully charge
    • 60W charing would fry the battery
    • 600 Charge cycles
    • Heat issue === end-column ===
    Real Graphene Batteries

    20min full charge Safe to use 60W charger 1500 Charge cycles Runes much cooler and generates much less heat. === multi-column-end

    Read mode: Bullets not showing Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 12 07 28 PM

    Thanks so much.

    opened by erich5168 3
  • Using horizontal rules breaks columns but fixes dataview.

    Using horizontal rules breaks columns but fixes dataview.

    Since updating. I can no longer use horizontal rules in columns that have dataview elements without the layout breaking, regardless of which method is used to create them (three dashes vs three asterisks vs many underscores).


    When they're removed, the content is positioned correctly, but some lines of dataview (value:: key) pairs are missing from the second column. (In this example, they are under the "Features" heading.)


    Refreshing in various ways does not fix either issue. Nor does restarting Obsidian etc.

    Disabling the dataview plugin fixes the column and horizontal rule issues, while disabling the multi-column markdown plugin fixes the dataview display issues.

    With dataview disabled, with and without horizontal rules: img_withHR_DataviewDisabled img_withoutHR_DataviewDisabled img_DataviewDisabled

    opened by AverageTrailerTrash 3
  • Whitespace after parameter values makes problems

    Whitespace after parameter values makes problems

    Just noticed this: if there is whitespace (in my case it was a few space characters) after a parameter value the parameter's functionality doesn't work at all. Example: I had this and was wondering why it didn't work ... Screenshot 2022-07-21 at 11 58 41

    Turns out: there were spaces after right and both the two off values. I copy/pasted this example from some web page and apparently there were trailing spaces that were pasted.

    So, a suggestion: when reading these parameter values strip possible whitespace from them before applying. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    opened by metawops 3
  • Not working for me :-(

    Not working for me :-(

    Hi Cameron,

    I just installed version 0.6.2 of your plugin in Obsidian 0.15.6. Here's a very basic example file and it just doesn't work:

    Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 12 32 59

    Any advice?

    Thanks, Stefan.

    opened by metawops 3
  • Multi-Column Does Not Render Until Note is Closed and Reopened

    Multi-Column Does Not Render Until Note is Closed and Reopened

    I am working with Obsidian 14.7 and recently installed Multi-Column-Markdown. I really like it but if I create a new multi-column section or change an existing one, the changes do not render until I close the note and re-open it.

    I currently have the following additional plugins installed:

    • Advanced Tables
    • Chesser
    • Dataview
    • DEVONlink
    • File Tree Alternative
    • Note Refactor
    • Outliner
    • Sliding Panes
    • System Dark Mode
    • Tag Wrangler
    opened by kscmint 3
  • The === at the start and end of commands not working properly (maybe it's an error on my side)

    The === at the start and end of commands not working properly (maybe it's an error on my side)

    imagen Please ignore my spanish text in the rest of the screen, I may be doing something wrong here, but as far as i can tell, obsidian just assumes that === is a highlight styling.

    opened by Daselsdis 3
  • [Bug]: Forced restarts, Duplicate headings and missing content

    [Bug]: Forced restarts, Duplicate headings and missing content


    A couple of key issues that I'm experiencing with the plugin are as follows:

    Changes to the code block require forced restarts

    • Some as like adding shadow: offor column spacing: 2px makes everything disappear until you do a forced restart

    Duplicate heading with no content underneath them

    • If you have several headings in a column, sometimes one is duplicated and has no content displayed under it
    • This will sometimes display fine in canvas, but I've also noticed the reverse (duplicate headings in canvas with missing content, but displays fine on the page)

    Aforementioned item in relation to tables

    • This seems particularly bad when you have tables under headings

    On closing note: I like the approach that this plugin takes as it is in non-intrusive, and I'm hoping some quirks can get ironed out


    opened by spiritualgeek 0
  • Screenview scrolls downward when clicking

    Screenview scrolls downward when clicking

    Whenever I tried to use this plugin, I've had this strange issue : after I set my columns, whenever I click somewhere on the screen it will "jump" (scroll) downward, so that the document becomes unusable... Therefore I stopped using the plugin..

    opened by A000045 0
  • Images may not be displayed in columns.

    Images may not be displayed in columns.

    Hi, thank you for creating this plugin!I have a small problem to report.

    Obsidian: v1.0.3 multi-column : 0.7.6 No plug-ins are installed.

    Images may not be displayed; they are displayed when written in the first column, but not when written in the second column. I'm not familiar with the program so sorry if I'm missing something, but I'd like to display the image in the second column the way it's written.

    ID: ExampleRegion3  
    Column 1
    === end-column ===
    Column 2
    === end-multi-column


    Thanks so much!

    opened by mtg20 1
  • [Feature requeset] Add option to turn Live Preview off

    [Feature requeset] Add option to turn Live Preview off

    Live Preview of multi-column causes some unexpective issue, but I don't want to turn Live Preview off for the whole file. It would be better to add option to turn Live Preview off.

    opened by sunrisewestern 0
  • Double checkboxes

    Double checkboxes

    As the title suggest I'm seeing double checkboxes when implementing them. I show a single column as an example.


    Their margin is a feature of my setup, otherwise they would be overlaped and would't be possible to click it because the second checkbox can't be selected. My code is fairly simple.


    I believe the cause of this has to be that when creating a checkbox it doubles it as shown here.

    Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 10 49 14 AM

    This behavior only happens inside multi-cols. Oddly, it doesn't happen with normal lists (- item 1 / - item 2).

    I have Obsidian version 1.1.3 and multi-cols version 0.76.

    opened by The-Eighth-Man 0
  • 0.7.6(Dec 6, 2022)

  • 0.7.5(Dec 6, 2022)

  • 0.7.4(Nov 12, 2022)

    • Added option to change text alignment within columns.
      • Merged from PR by lucabello
    • Fixed bug in pdf export caused by using both kinds of codeblock start regions.
    • Fixed bug in Fix Missing ID command when appending new IDs to codeblock start regions.
    • Fixed bug where having multiple tabs of the same document open could cause regions to not render properly.
      • This fix may cause issues in other areas, will be watching this closely.
    • Fixed bug where images with custom width were not being rendered in live-preview
      • This only applies to images using the core obsidian [[Image|width]] syntax, any other syntax may not render properly.
    • Added option to toggle columns rendering on mobile devices (per feature request).
      • Use the new command "Toggle Mobile Rendering - Multi-Column Markdown" to toggle between rendered and un-rendered modes.
      • Command is available and will toggle setting on desktop but only effects mobile rendering.
    • Fixed a bug that caused internal and external links to not properly open within live preview.
    • Made an adjustment to interal embeds which should reduce flickering when placed within column region.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    main.js(535.60 KB)
    manifest.json(385 bytes)
    styles.css(2.84 KB)
  • 0.7.3(Sep 29, 2022)

    • Added option to create full width single column regions. Use "column size: full" to enable.
    • Fixed bug that caused images to not render in live preview.
    • Fixed bug caused by live preview regions ignoring end tags, when multiple columns in the same document.
    • Fixed bug when rendering multiple regions with different start tags in live preview.
    • Fixed bug caused by an mistakenly adding an end tag before the start tag.
    • Fixed bug in live-preview rendering when selecting text.
    • Fixed bug with Obsidian live preview toggle and Multi-Column regions.
    • Fixed bug when exporting file to pdf.
    • Fixed a bug where items after a horizontal line, or other special elements, were not being properly anchored in the DOM.
    • Fixed a bug where dataview and other special content was constantly re-rendering and flashing on the screen.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    main.js(515.48 KB)
    manifest.json(386 bytes)
    styles.css(2.67 KB)
  • 0.7.1(Aug 19, 2022)

  • 0.7.0(Aug 19, 2022)

    Live Preview Support

    • The much requested and long awaited live preview support is here!
    • Things to note:
      • Updating to 0.7.0 to enable this feature may require a restart of Obsidian.
      • The styling of the Live Preview columns is very theme dependent as Multi-Column Markdown mostly only handles visual the layout.
      • All standard markdown syntax is fully supported, however cross compatibility with other plugins may or may not be supported.
        • Due to how custom live preview plugins are implemented within CodeMirror6 and hook into Obsidian I can not guarentee all plugins will render properly within live preview at this point.
        • Most plugins retain their cross compatibility when viewing columns in Reading mode.

    New start region syntax

    • You can now define the start of a multi-column region and it's settings as a single codeblock.
    • The old start tag syntax will begin to be slowly depreciated by this new codeblock syntax.

    Other Changes and Bug Fixes

    • Added option to define the spacing between the columns in a new setting option (per feature request.)
    • Added option to define if columns should cut off any overflowing content, set default to make overflow auto scroll.
    • Fixed issue of window jumping when scrolling a document with a column region.
      • This is fixed for all column regions, but appears to perform better when using the new all in one codeblock start and settings regions.
      • Fixed Single column layout issues and PDF export issues.
      • Fixed issue with settings not being parsed due to extra leading or trailing white-space.
      • Fixed bug where some theme stylings were being drawn but not usable or interactable.
      • Updated layout of columns to be more clean and uniform.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    main.js(486.58 KB)
    manifest.json(386 bytes)
    styles.css(2.63 KB)
  • 0.6.3(Jul 21, 2022)

  • 0.6.2(Jul 17, 2022)

  • 0.6.1(Jul 16, 2022)

  • 0.6.0(Jul 5, 2022)

    • Auto Layout

      • New render option added.
      • An auto layout region does not use defined column breaks but will attempt to keep all content evenly balanced between the columns.
      • Headings are kept tied to the content below it, meaning a heading shouldn't ever end a column they will instead be moved to the top of the next column.
        • Allowing this to be turned off is coming.
      • Set "Auto Layout: true" to use
    • Single columns

      • Single column option added as per feature request.
      • Setting the number of columns to 1 will enable.
      • You can currently set the column to 3 sizes, small, medium, and large, which are rendered as 25%, 50% and 75% of the window size respectively.
        • Setting "Column Size: medium"
      • You can also set a left, right or centered location
        • Setting "Column Position: center"
    • Other Changes

      • Major refactor of rendering process to make extension more simple.
      • Updated the refresh loop to keep things from being redrawn too frequently.
        • This change should help fix some of the flashing issues seen on iframe and other elements.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    main.js(345.02 KB)
    manifest.json(387 bytes)
    styles.css(2.90 KB)
  • 0.5.0(Apr 21, 2022)

    This release fixes the export to PDF functionality that was missing as well as fixing some other input and render bugs that had slipped by testing.

    • Native Obsidian PDF export now working. To render a multi-column region to a PDF you must export from the preview view and not edit view.
    • Fixed a bug where task list checkboxes were sending their on-click event to the wrong item.
      • This has been tested with native checkboxes as well as the tasks plugin and seems to work fine as far as I could tell. There may be compatibility issues in other locations.
    • Fixed bug where iFrames within a multi-column region would constantly reload itself causing it to flash.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    main.js(224.20 KB)
    manifest.json(386 bytes)
    styles.css(2.22 KB)
  • 0.4.3(Feb 18, 2022)

    Updated render engine to keep track of and properly render special kinds of content. This change fixes some compatibility issues with other plugins where buttons were not properly triggering on click. It also fixes some preview issues causing some content to become out of date, for example an update to a query result in a dataview codeblock.

    • Rendered preview windows are now periodically refreshed. Currently the document is refreshed every 2 seconds but will keep an eye on performance and usability with this timing.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    main.js(193.66 KB)
    manifest.json(387 bytes)
    styles.css(2.22 KB)
  • 0.4.1(Feb 8, 2022)

  • 0.4.0(Feb 8, 2022)

    Additional parsing and render engine improvements. New changes should make larger files quicker to load as well as vastly reduce the additional overhead when loading files without multi-column regions.

    • Cleaned up parsing and render engine.
    • Added error message to multi-column regions that are missing region IDs.
    • Added additional command to command palette to insert missing region IDs.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    main.js(146.41 KB)
    manifest.json(387 bytes)
    styles.css(2.02 KB)
  • 0.3.1(Feb 6, 2022)

  • 0.3.0(Feb 2, 2022)

    Entire overhaul of the parsing and render engine. This rework fixes many of the issues in the previous version including the double rendering and data still being rendered after removing an entire line. It also fixes compatibility issues where items such as Dataview code blocks as well as images were not being rendered properly within a region.

    • New cleaner back-end for parsing and rendering multi-column regions.
    • Improved comparability with other plugins.
    • Additional setting to allow the removal of the region shadow.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    main.js(123.20 KB)
    manifest.json(387 bytes)
    multi-column-markdown.zip(33.92 KB)
    styles.css(2.02 KB)
  • 0.2.0(Jan 24, 2022)

  • 0.1.0(Jan 23, 2022)

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