Companion articles and projects for the Learning TypeScript book.



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$ yarn start

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$ yarn build

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$ USE_SSH=true yarn deploy

Not using SSH:

$ GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> yarn deploy

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  • docs: broken links for edit page modified

    docs: broken links for edit page modified

    PR Checklist


    • Broken URL modified.
    opened by ssavi-ict 3
  • 🐛 Bug:

    🐛 Bug: "Edit this page" links are broken in projects

    Bug Report Checklist

    • [X] I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.
    • [X] This is the appropriate issue form for the bug I would like to report.


    In pages like, Edit this page takes you to URLs like That's a 404.


    They should go cross-repo to URLs like

    Additional Info

    No response

    type: bug good first issue accepting prs 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 3
  • 🐛 Bug: Contrast is too low in dark mode

    🐛 Bug: Contrast is too low in dark mode

    Bug Report Checklist

    • [X] I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.
    • [X] This is the appropriate issue form for the bug I would like to report.


    Links on the site should be more readable in dark mode


    The dark-grey-on-black is hard to read:

    This same color is used on other text in dark mode, like in the table of contents. White, or another lighter color would do better instead.

    Additional Info

    Sorry if this isn't really a "bug", but I wasn't sure where else to put it!

    type: bug good first issue accepting prs area: accessibility 
    opened by xavdid 2
  • 🐛: fix editUrl for docs (projects)

    🐛: fix editUrl for docs (projects)

    PR Checklist


    Fixes the edit URL to be a join on the main branch -> projects/ plus the computed docsPath.

    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 2
  • ✨ Feature: form for asking questions concerning the book

    ✨ Feature: form for asking questions concerning the book

    Feature Request Checklist

    • [X] I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.
    • [X] This is the appropriate issue form for the feature I would like to request.


    submitting questions concerning a topic in the book via a form or something like that

    Additional Info

    Don't know if its allowed to ask this here but I just started to read your book, really helpful stuff but I am kinda lost on a particular term.... "signature". Simply what are signatures in typescript? I do know the call, construct and index signatures (ie their syntax their use cases) but I am still confused on the "signature" term. To further clarify my question is there a catch all phrase to explain what a signature is in typescript. I asked this on stackoverflow and the answer was '"signature" is used in TypeScript to mean an entry in an object-like type surrounded by curly braces (but usually not referring to plain properties.) If I have an interface Foo { bar: string; [k: string]: unknown; baz(): void; (x: string): number; new (y: string): Date } then Foo has a bar property, and a string index signature, and a baz method signature, and a call signature, and a construct signature."' Does that make sense🤔?

    type: feature 
    opened by puffy-puffy 1
  • ✨ Feature: redirect /objects-and-interfaces to /interfaces

    ✨ Feature: redirect /objects-and-interfaces to /interfaces

    Bug Report Checklist

    • [X] I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.
    • [X] This is the appropriate issue form for the bug I would like to report.


    I left a URL in the book like (the original name of the chapter). Now the site will have to support redirecting that to in perpetuity. 😂


    No URL exists yet.

    Additional Info

    This should be doable with a vercel.json.

    type: feature accepting prs 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 1
  • ✨ Feature: add an

    ✨ Feature: add an "open in TS playground" link to article TS code blocks


    Article code blocks have a "copy" link in their top-right at the moment. It'd be nice to add another button that opens a TS code block in

    type: feature accepting prs area: articles 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 1
  • 💅 Polish: Run a performance audit

    💅 Polish: Run a performance audit

    Tooling Report Checklist

    • [X] I have pulled the latest main branch of the repository.
    • [X] I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my request.
    • [X] This is the appropriate issue form for the tooling issue I would like to report.


    The site performance is pretty good as-is. But, it can be better.


    At least the Google Font embed is too much data. And I should check whether that font (and any other resources) should be loaded from the domain.

    Additional Info

    Marking as blocked similar to #15.

    status: blocked area: tooling type: performance 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 1
  • 💅 Polish: Run a design audit

    💅 Polish: Run a design audit

    Tooling Report Checklist

    • [X] I have pulled the latest main branch of the repository.
    • [X] I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my request.
    • [X] This is the appropriate issue form for the tooling issue I would like to report.


    Once the site is mostly stable, I'll want to do another pass to catch any more UI bugs.


    I know there are at least a few discrepancies...

    Additional Info

    Marking as blocked until the frontend is more stabilized.

    area: user interface type: polish 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 1
  • 🐛 Bug: Run an accessibility audit on the site

    🐛 Bug: Run an accessibility audit on the site

    Before You File a Bug Report Please Confirm You Have Done The Following...

    • [X] I have pulled the latest main branch of the repository.
    • [X] I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my request.
    • [X] This is the appropriate issue form for the tooling issue I would like to report.


    Accessibility is not a bolt-on!


    I haven't done a deep audit in a few features. It's mostly accessible now (and I'm checking each PR I send), but I want to fully double-check after most polish is done.

    Additional Info

    Marking as blocked until the frontend is more stabilized.

    area: user interface 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 1
  • Add a

    Add a "/starters" URL

    It's mentioned in the book. Putting this here to remind myself 🙂

    Many JavaScript projects use dedicated transpilers such as Babel ( instead of TypeScript's own to transpile source code into runnable JavaScript.
    You can find a list of common project starters on
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 1
  • Article: how to override third party types?

    Article: how to override third party types?

    A question brought up on my Twitch stream today: overriding types of third party libraries if the types aren't made to be extended?

    Example: some-library exports an interface MyData, and in your code you need to have an extra property myProperty added to all instances of MyData?

    A more specific example:

    Thanks voltaryx on Twitch for bringing up! 🙌

    type: article 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 1
  • Article: why excluded files still get included

    Article: why excluded files still get included

    Specifies an array of filenames or patterns that should be skipped when resolving include.

    Important: exclude only changes which files are included as a result of the include setting. A file specified by exclude can still become part of your codebase due to an import statement in your code, a types inclusion, a /// <reference directive, or being specified in the files list.

    It is not a mechanism that prevents a file from being included in the codebase - it simply changes what the include setting finds.

    This gets asked a lot. I should write an article that mentions what's happening and workarounds.

    type: article 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 0
  • Article: Why narrowing without a discriminant needs the 'in' operator

    Article: Why narrowing without a discriminant needs the 'in' operator

    I actually don't remember the historical reasons for this is the case, but have the rule memorized...

    In general, TypeScript won't let you access properties of a value that aren't defined in all possible types the value might be. So you can't do things like:

    declare const value: { a: string } | { b: string };
    //    ~
    // Property 'a' does not exist on type '{ a: string; } | { b: string; }'.
    //   Property 'a' does not exist on type '{ b: string; }'.

    However, you can do an existence check with the in operator. That will work as a form of type narrowing:

    declare const value: { a: string } | { b: string };
    if ('a' in value) {
      value.a; // Ok
      // ^? { a: string }

    type: article 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 0
  • Article: Using generics map from object keys to values

    Article: Using generics map from object keys to values

    This is covered in the book, but keeps coming up as something people ask for help with. There's a difference between taking in a keyof typeof type and taking in a type parameter that extends the type.


    const scratchData = {
      apple: "fruit",
      beet: "vegetable",
    } as const;
    function getDataFixed(key: keyof typeof scratchData) {
      return scratchData[key];
    const fromApple = getDataFixed("apple");
    //    ^? "fruit" | "vegetable"
    function getDataGeneric<Key extends keyof typeof scratchData>(key: Key) {
      return scratchData[key];
    const fromAppleGeneric = getDataGeneric("apple");
    //    ^? "fruit"
    type: article 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 0
  • Article: Declaring CSS files in .d.ts

    Article: Declaring CSS files in .d.ts


    Inspired by this thread:

    I'd like to roughly put the strategies mentioned there in article form:

    • css.d.ts
    • typed-css-modules
    type: article 
    opened by JoshuaKGoldberg 0
Josh Goldberg
staff web platform @Codecademy 💖✨ prev @microsoft ✨ open source things ✨ @typescript contributor, @typescript-eslint maintainer, side of accessibility
Josh Goldberg
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