Pipeable javascript. Quickly filter, map, and reduce from the terminal

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Command Line pjs


Pipeable JavaScript - another utility like sed/awk/wc... but with JS! Quickly filter, map and reduce from the command line. Features a streaming API. Inspired by pipeable ruby.

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pjs is a cli tool that can accept input on stdin, or read from a list of files. Its filter, map and reduce options take expressions to be run, in that order, and applies them to the supplied input. The expressions themselves can contain identifiers used by keys in String.prototype, which will automatically be bound to the given line. This lets you save a bit of typing with your one-liners, while still giving you access to all your JS string functions! Check out some of the examples below to see how they translate.

# Return all lines longer than 5 chars
# => lines.filter(function(line) { return line.length > 5; });
ls -1 | pjs -f 'length > 5'

# Count characters in each line
# => lines.map(function(line) { return line.length; });
ls -1 | pjs -m 'length'

# Uppercase and pad each line
# => lines.map(function(line) { return '  ' + line.toUpperCase()"; });
ls -1 | pjs -m '"  " + toUpperCase()'

# Return lines longer than 5 chars, and remove any digits
# => lines
#      .filter(function(line) { return line.length > 5; })
#      .map(function(line) { return line.replace(/\d/g, ''); });
ls -1 | pjs -f 'length > 5' -m 'replace(/\d/g, "")'

The current line and value can also be accessed via the $ variable, and the tool supports json output.

(echo 'foo' && echo 'foobar') | pjs -jm '{name: $, length: length}'

pjs also includes lodash functions, which can be accessed via the _ object, and chained using $$

echo 'hello' | pjs -m '_.upperFirst($)'
# Hello

echo 'please-titleize-this-sentence' | \
pjs -m '$$.lowerCase().split(" ").map(_.upperFirst).join(" ")'
# Please Titleize This Sentence

as well as Ramda and point-free style

echo 'please-titleize-this-sentence' | \
pjs -m "R.compose(R.replace(/(^|\s)\w/g, R.toUpper), R.replace(/-/g, ' '))"
# Please Titleize This Sentence


It can be installed via npm using:

npm install -g pipeable-js


Usage: pjs [options] [files ...]

Functions and expressions are invoked in the following order:
filter, map, reduce

All functions are passed the line ($) and index (i)
Built-in reduce functions: length, min, max, sum, avg, concat
Custom reduce expressions accept: prev, curr, i, array
Includes lodash (_), and can be chained using $$
Supports Ramda (R) and point-free style


  -h, --help               output usage information
  -V, --version            output the version number
  -i, --ignore             ignore empty lines
  -j, --json               output as json
  -f, --filter <exp>       filter by a boolean expression
  -m, --map <exp>          map values using the expression
  -r, --reduce <func|exp>  reduce using a function or expression



# Print all odd lines
# awk 'NR % 2 == 1' file
pjs -f 'i % 2 == 0' file

# Print all lines greater than 80 chars in length
# awk 'length($0) > 80' file
pjs -f 'length > 80' file


# Remove all digits
# tr -d 0-9 < file
pjs -m "replace(/\d/g, '')" file

# Get second item of each line in csv
# awk -F "," '{print $2}' file
pjs -m 'split(",")[1]' file


# Count lines in file
# wc -l file
# awk 'END { print NR }' file
pjs -r length file

# Sum all decimal numbers in a file
# awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }' file
# perl -nle '$sum += $_ } END { print $sum' file
pjs -r 'Number(prev) + Number(curr)' file
pjs -r '(+prev) + (+curr)' file
pjs -r sum file

# Concatenate all lines in multiple files
# awk '{printf $0;}' file1 file2
# cat file1 file2 | tr -d '\n'
pjs -r concat file1 file2


# Print the length of the longest line
# awk '{ if (length($0) > max) max = length($0) } END { print max }' file
pjs -m 'length' -r max file


Features pjs pythonpy pru
Language JavaScript Python Ruby
Streaming Yes Limited [1] Yes
Implementation Streams Iterables Generators
Easy JSON output Yes No No
WebscaleTM YES No No

[1] Can't perform "tail -f logfile | py -x x"

  • templates


    @danielstjules, what do you think of a template feature? Something where you can define CommonJS-style modules for repeating filter/map/reduce tasks, like:


    module.exports = function template (pjs) {
        return pjs
            .filter(function (item) {
                return !!~item.indexOf('DEBUG');
            .map(function (item) {
                return "Found debug entry: " + item;
            // omitting "reduce" here ...

    could be used in pjs as:

    tail -f ~/logs/*.log | pjs -t debug-log
    opened by akoenig 7
  • Including support for Lodash with $$ wrapper object in map transform

    Including support for Lodash with $$ wrapper object in map transform

    This pull request includes:

    • support for lodash functions with the _ object
    • wrapper object with the $$ object
    • tests for the new functionality
    • documentation
    opened by thalesmello 5
  • Access the index from map/filter/...

    Access the index from map/filter/...

    Ok, first thing first pjs is AWESOME.

    pjs should allow us to access to the second argument from .map/.filter/... Maybe it could be something like $1 or i (since curr and prev are already available in -r reduce).

    opened by FGRibreau 4
  • Include support for Lodash?

    Include support for Lodash?


    I was wondering if it would be possible to include support for lodash. It includes all sorts of useful functions, which I think work great with your command line tool.

    I've create a reference implementation, in which I just required the library.

    With it, it's possible to camelize words. For example

    echo "foo_bar\nbee-bop" | pjs -m '_.camelCase($)'
    opened by thalesmello 3
  • Point-free support through ramda

    Point-free support through ramda

    Ramda takes a functional approach, which allows tacit programming and very robust data-less scripts.

    $ echo "Returns the elements of the given \
    list or string (or object with a slice method) \
    from fromIndex (inclusive) to toIndex (exclusive)." | \
    pjs -m 'R.slice(0, 48)'
    # Returns the elements of the given list or string
    echo 'please-titleize-this-sentence' | \
    pjs -m "R.compose(R.replace(/(^|\s)\w/g, R.toUpper), R.replace(/-/g, ' '))"
    # Please Titleize This Sentence

    And since R.compose only cares about unary functions, we can use any custom transform on the stack

    echo 'please-titleize-this-sentence' | \
    pjs -m "R.compose(encodeURIComponent, R.replace(/(^|\s)\w/g, R.toUpper), R.replace(/-/g, ' '))"
    # Please%20Titleize%20This%20Sentence
    opened by davidmh 1
  • Clarify access of line variable from the help menu

    Clarify access of line variable from the help menu

    I couldn't figure out how to reference the line rather than the index from the help documentation.

    Thought this might help make things clearer maybe.

    Love this tool btw :-)

    opened by halhenke 1
  • Remove leading ./ from bin path

    Remove leading ./ from bin path

    Removing the leading ./ from the pjs bin path allows npm to copy the script to my bin directory when using fish shell and fish node manager (fnm). Otherwise, no script was installed in bin.

    opened by jboxman 0
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