Deploy a multi-account cloud foundation to support highly-regulated workloads and complex compliance requirements.


Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS

The Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS solution helps you quickly deploy a secure, resilient, scalable, and fully automated cloud foundation that accelerates your readiness for your cloud compliance program. A landing zone is a cloud environment that offers a recommended starting point, including default accounts, account structure, network and security layouts, and so forth. From a landing zone, you can deploy workloads that utilize your solutions and applications.

The Landing Zone Accelerator (LZA) is architected to align with AWS best practices and in conformance with multiple, global compliance frameworks. When used in coordination with services such as AWS Control Tower, the Landing Zone Accelerator provides a comprehensive no-code solution across 35+ AWS services to manage and govern a multi-account environment built to support customers with highly-regulated workloads and complex compliance requirements. The LZA helps you establish platform readiness with security, compliance, and operational capabilities.

This solution is provided as an open-source project that is built using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). You install directly into your environment giving you full access to the infrastructure as code (IaC) solution. Through a simplified set of configuration files, you are able to configure additional functionality, guardrails and security services (eg. AWS Managed Config Rules, and AWS SecurityHub), manage your foundational networking topology (eg. VPCs, Transit Gateways, and Network Firewall), and generate additional workload accounts using the AWS Control Tower Account Factory.

There are no additional charges or upfront commitments required to use Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS. You pay only for AWS services enabled in order to set up your platform and operate your guardrails. This solution can also support non-standard AWS partitions, including AWS GovCloud (US), and the US Secret and Top Secret regions.

For an overview and solution deployment guide, please visit Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS

IMPORTANT: This solution will not, by itself, make you compliant. It provides the foundational infrastructure from which additional complementary solutions can be integrated. The information contained in this solution implementation guide is not exhaustive. You must be review, evaluate, assess, and approve the solution in compliance with your organization’s particular security features, tools, and configurations. It is the sole responsibility of you and your organization to determine which regulatory requirements are applicable and to ensure that you comply with all requirements. Although this solution discusses both the technical and administrative requirements, this solution does not help you comply with the non-technical administrative requirements.

Package Structure


A CDK Application. The core of the accelerator solution. Contains all the stack definitions and deployment pipeline for the accelerator. This also includes the CDK Toolkit orchestration.


A pure typescript library containing modules to manage the accelerator config files.


Contains L2/L3 constructs that have been built to support accelerator actions, such as creating an AWS Organizational Unit or VPC. These constructs are intended to be fully reusable, independent of the accelerator, and do not directly access the accelerator configuration files. Example: CentralLogsBucket, an S3 bucket that is configured with a CMK with the proper key and bucket policies to allow services and accounts in the organization to publish logs to the bucket.


Contains a CDK Application that defines the accelerator Installer stack.

@aws-accelerator/ui (future)

A web application that utilizes the aws-ui-components library to present a console to configure the accelerator


Contains common utilities and types that are needed by @aws-accelerator/* packages. For example, throttling and backoff for AWS SDK calls


Contains L2 constructs that extend the functionality of the CDK repo. The CDK repo is an actively developed project. As the accelerator team identifies missing features of the CDK, those features will be initially developed locally within this repo and submitted to the CDK project as a pull request.


Accelerator tester CDK app. This package creates AWS Config custom rules for every test cases defined in test case manifest file.

Included Features

Service / Feature Resource Details
AWS Control Tower Control Tower Enabled in the global-config.yaml. It is recommended that AWS Control Tower is enabled, if available, in the desired home region for your environment prior to installing the accelerator. When enabled, the accelerator will integrate with resources and guardrails deployed by AWS Control Tower.
AWS Config Config Recorder The accelerator configures AWS Config Recorders in all specified accounts and regions
AWS Config Config Rules Defined in the security-config.yaml and deployed to all specified accounts and regions as individual account Config Rules. Support for Organizations Config Rules is planned for a future version
AWS Organizations Organizational Units Defined in the organization-config.yaml and deployed through the management (root) in the home region
AWS Organizations Service Control Policies Defined in the organization-config.yaml and deployed through the management (root) in the home region
AWS SecurityHub SecurityHub Defined in the security-config.yaml and deployed to all specified accounts and regions. Additionally, the accelerator will designate a service administrator account, commonly this is the security audit account
Amazon Macie Macie Session Defined in the security-config.yaml and deployed to all specified accounts and regions. Additionally, the accelerator will designate a service administrator account, commonly this is the security audit account
Amazon GuardDuty GuardDuty Defined in the security-config.yaml and deployed to all specified accounts and regions. Additionally, the accelerator will designate a service administrator account, commonly this is the security audit account
AWS Cloudtrail Organizations Trail Defined in the global-config.yaml. When specified, an Organizations trail is deployed through the management (root) account to cover all regions, and all trails are recorded to the central-logging-bucket defined in the log-archive account.
Centralized Logging S3 Defined in the global-config.yaml, integrates with AWS Control Tower, if enabled, to centralize logs from AWS services, such as AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config and VPC FlowLogs
AWS IAM Policies / Roles / Groups / Users Defined in the iam-config.yaml and deployed to all specified accounts and regions. The accelerator will integrate an identity provider (IdP) metadata document can be stored in AWS CUsers that are specified in the configuration are created with AWS Secrets Manager generated passwords and stored locally in the account where the user was created.
AWS IAM SAML Federation Defined in the iam-config.yaml and deployed to all specified accounts and regions. The accelerator will integrate the specified identity provider (IdP) metadata document with AWS IAM.
Core Networking VPC / Subnets / Route Tables / Security Groups/ NACLs Defined in the network-config.yaml and deployed to all specified accounts and regions
Core Networking Transit Gateway Defined in the network-config.yaml and deployed to all specified accounts and regions. The accelerator will automatically attach VPCs to specified Transit Gateways
Core Networking VPC Endpoints Defined in the network-config.yaml and deployed to all specified accounts and regions. The accelerator will also deploy AWS Route53 Hosted Zones to specified VPCs to support centralized VPC endpoint usage
Core Networking VPC Flow Logs Defined in the network-config.yaml and deployed to all specified accounts and regions. VPC Flow Logs can be configured on all defined VPCs to send to S3 for centralized logging and/or CloudWatch Logs

Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at

or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Landing Zone Failure

    Landing Zone Failure

    Hello Team,

    I hope you are doing well. I am testing AWS Landing Zone Accelerator and actually faced a lot of issues (Using AWS Organization instead of Control Tower) but I was able to fix it all. However, I am currently stuck with the Bootstrap Phase of CodePipeline. The build stage is returning:

    Cannot assume role for 3600 seconds: AccessDenied: User: arn:aws:sts::ManagementAccountID:assumed-role/AWSAccelerator-PipelineSt-AdminCdkToolkitRole292E1-LNLW330962BO/AWSCodeBuild-afe03dcb-5634-43cf-852f-8d5e1e7fbf79 is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::SecurityAccountID:role/AWSControlTowerExecution

    Although I have disabled Control Tower in the global-config file, "controlTower: enable: false" the Bootstrap is still assuming that the Control Tower IAM Role "AWSControlTowerExecution" is created but this is not the case for me. The Landing Zone Accelerator documentation stated that if Control Tower is not enabled, the default Role "OrganizationAccountAccessRole" would do the job. This role is present in all my org accounts and the master account can assume these roles but still, the bootstrap is expecting the "AWSControlTowerExecution" role.

    Apologies for any inconvenience and thank you so much for your support on this.


    opened by balannan 8
  • Unable to create stateful firewall rule groups when using strict order

    Unable to create stateful firewall rule groups when using strict order

    Describe the bug Creating a stateful firewall rule group fails when using strict order.

    To Reproduce Add statefulRuleOptions: "STRICT_ORDER" to a stateful firewall rule group in network-config.yaml.

          - name: firewall-rule-group:
              - *HOME_REGION
            capacity: 100
            type: STATEFUL
                  - action: PASS
                      destinationPort: '80'
                      direction: FORWARD
                      protocol: TCP
                      sourcePort: Any
                      - keyword: sid
                        settings: ['1']
              statefulRuleOptions: "STRICT_ORDER"

    Expected behavior Create a stateful firewall rule group with rule option strict order with no error.

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [ ] Version: 1.2.2
    • [ ] Region: us-gov-west-1
    • [ ] Was the solution modified from the version published on this repository? No
    • [ ] If the answer to the previous question was yes, are the changes available on GitHub? N/A
    • [ ] Have you checked your service quotas for the sevices this solution uses? N/A
    • [ ] Were there any errors in the CloudWatch Logs? No

    Additional context Attached is the CodeBuild error log. I'm sure that I have the correct code because it failed earlier in the Build stage when, I believe, the solution goes through code verification. I changed the code to the snippet above to get past the error, but now it fails at the Network_Prepare stage of Deploy.


    response requested 
    opened by tbmorris 7
  • Landing Zone Accelerator Does Not Deploy Outside of US-EAST-1

    Landing Zone Accelerator Does Not Deploy Outside of US-EAST-1


    I'm trying to deploying the Landing Zone Accelerator in EU-WEST-1. During the CodePipeline Account stage it fails as it is looking for a CDK folder in US-EAST-1. There are only 4 regions listed in the GlobalRegionMap section of the template.

    To Reproduce Deploy in any region other than US-EAST-1, US-GOV-WEST-1, US-ISOB-EAST-1 or US-ISO-EAST-1 which are all listed.

    Expected behavior Expect LZA to deploy all resources in my EU-WEST-1 not split across EU-WEST-1 and US-EAST-1.

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [ ] Version: [e.g. v1.2.0]
    • [ ] Region: [e.g. eu-west-1]
    • [ ] Was the solution modified from the version published on this repository? No
    • [ ] If the answer to the previous question was yes, are the changes available on GitHub?
    • [ ] Have you checked your [service quotas] yes ( for the sevices this solution uses?
    • [ ] Were there any errors in the CloudWatch Logs? See screenshots

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem (please DO NOT include sensitive information). LZABug1Mappings

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. LZACodePipelineError

    opened by bmadden-arch 5
  • Does it not create an OU automatically?

    Does it not create an OU automatically?

    Describe the bug The accelerator pipeline not able to create infrastructure OU on first run.

    To Reproduce Pipeline runs the first time

    Expected behavior Infrastructure OU is automatically created.

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [ x ] Version: [e.g. v1.0.1]
    • [ x ] Region: ap-south-1
    • [ x ] Was the solution modified from the version published on this repository? No
    • [ x ] If the answer to the previous question was yes, are the changes available on GitHub?
    • [ x ] Have you checked your service quotas for the sevices this solution uses? yes
    • [ x ] Were there any errors in the CloudWatch Logs? Nope

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem (please DO NOT include sensitive information).

    image image

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by deepend-dev 4
  • bug(doc): initial naming of extra OU created by Control Tower is called

    bug(doc): initial naming of extra OU created by Control Tower is called "Sandbox" while "Infrastructure" is expected

    Describe the bug When choosing Control Tower (CT) to initialise your environment it will propose to create an extra OU which by default is called "Sandbox". But the Installer is expecting it to be called "Infrastructure". It would be great to have it documented.

    To Reproduce Follow the LZA doc going the Control Tower way (which only mention "To set up AWS Control Tower, refer to Getting started with AWS Control Tower in the AWS Control Tower User Guide."). Then deploy LZA Installer with CT enabled. It will fail with an error mentioning that "Infrastructure" OU does not exists and found "Sandbox" one instead.

    Expected behavior Properly documented setup for CT.

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [x] Version: v1.3.0
    opened by flochaz 2
  • Guard duty S3 protection doesnt honour manifest settings

    Guard duty S3 protection doesnt honour manifest settings

    Describe the bug S3 protection gets enabled on guard duty for all account irrespective of settings are disabled on manifest

    To Reproduce

    1. Disable s3protection on guardduty on manifest image

    2. It is still comes up as enabled image

    Expected behavior S3 protection should be disabled

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [ x ] Version: [e.g. v1.1.0]

    To get the version of the solution, you can look at the description of the created CloudFormation stack. For example, "(SO0021) - Video On Demand workflow with AWS Step Functions, MediaConvert, MediaPackage, S3, CloudFront and DynamoDB. Version v5.0.0". If the description does not contain the version information, you can look at the mappings section of the template:

        enable: true
        excludeRegions: []
          enable: false
          excludeRegions: []
          enable: true
          destinationType: S3
          exportFrequency: FIFTEEN_MINUTES
    • [x] Region: ap-south-1
    • [x] Was the solution modified from the version published on this repository? No
    • [x] If the answer to the previous question was yes, are the changes available on GitHub? No
    • [x] Have you checked your service quotas for the sevices this solution uses?
    • [x] Were there any errors in the CloudWatch Logs?

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem (please DO NOT include sensitive information).

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by deepend-dev 2
  • Pipeline Fails Due to a Previous Configuration Reference

    Pipeline Fails Due to a Previous Configuration Reference

    Describe the bug A previous accounts configuration contained a reference to an OU that was then removed from the configuration. The pipeline fails to build at the prepare stack step with the resulting CloudWatch message:

    Provisioning failure error message: InvalidParametersException The parent organizational unit 'OUName (ou-afqi-xxx5xxx9)' is not enrolled in AWS Control Tower.

    where 'OUName (ou-afqi-xxx5xxx9)' does not exist in any LZ Accelerator configuration file. All accounts to be created are under different existing OUs registered successfully in control tower.

    To Reproduce Add an OU to the organization config without creating the OU prior. Add an account to the accounts config that references the OU that does not yet exist. run the pipeline using this configuration Add the OU manually using the console and register it in control tower rerun the pipeline. It will fail with a log message that the parent OU is not registered in Control Tower (even though the OUID number is correct, and control tower shows no issues with the OU. The account is not created. delete the configuration from the account and organization configs rerun the pipeline. The same message occurs the the parent OU is not registered in Control Tower

    Expected behavior Expected behavior is that removing the references in the accounts and organization config should remove any artifacts from the pipeline. The pipeline should now run successfully and not try to deploy anything to the previous configuration.

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [x] Version: [e.g. v1.1.0] v1.1.0

    • [x] Region: [e.g. us-east-1]

    • [x] Was the solution modified from the version published on this repository?

    • no

    • [x] If the answer to the previous question was yes, are the changes available on GitHub?

    • [x] Have you checked your service quotas for the sevices this solution uses?

    • [x] Were there any errors in the CloudWatch Logs? Full CloudWatch log message:

    2022-08-18T22:01:10.162Z 913140eb-f4f7-455f-b024-683254d8af17 INFO { RequestType: 'Delete', ServiceToken: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567891011:function:AWSAccelerator-PrepareSta-CreateCTAccountsCreateCo-jrmzNQRYwAaI', ResponseURL: '', StackId: 'arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:1234567891011:stack/AWSAccelerator-PrepareStack-1234567891011-us-east-1/c4f8e500-1f3f-11ed-8673-0a3a69fb2f09', RequestId: 'a9969771-bdaf-4ef7-9671-1ed7d0b05f66', LogicalResourceId: 'CreateCTAccounts3049A752', PhysicalResourceId: '97fc9681-1857-4b29-b43e-dca64893d3b2', ResourceType: 'Custom::CreateControlTowerAccounts', ResourceProperties: { ServiceToken: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567891011:function:AWSAccelerator-PrepareSta-CreateCTAccountsCreateCo-jrmzNQRYwAaI', uuid: 'da85c318-59b8-482b-b0fe-53555cad737f' }, IsComplete: true } 2022-08-18T22:01:10.524Z 913140eb-f4f7-455f-b024-683254d8af17 INFO getSingleAccount response {"Items":[],"Count":0,"ScannedCount":0} 2022-08-18T22:01:10.649Z 913140eb-f4f7-455f-b024-683254d8af17 INFO Provisioning failure error message: InvalidParametersException The parent organizational unit 'Sandbox (ou-afqi-hatb5wy9)' is not enrolled in AWS Control Tower. 2022-08-18T22:01:10.649Z 913140eb-f4f7-455f-b024-683254d8af17 INFO Control Tower account provisioning failed 2022-08-18T22:01:10.649Z 913140eb-f4f7-455f-b024-683254d8af17 INFO Error: Accounts failed to enroll in Control Tower. Check Service Catalog Console at Runtime.Nr [as handler] (/var/task/index.js:1:17989) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5) 2022-08-18T22:01:10.649Z 913140eb-f4f7-455f-b024-683254d8af17 INFO Create accounts failed. Deleting pending account creation records

    opened by joshbfei 2
  • bug(cicd): Change to config repo does not trigger the AWSAccelerator-Pipeline

    bug(cicd): Change to config repo does not trigger the AWSAccelerator-Pipeline

    Describe the bug For any change to be deploy after a commit pushed to the aws-accelerator-config codecommit repo I have to click on "Release Change" in console for them to be applied.

    To Reproduce Push updates to the config repo. Nothing will happen in pipeline

    Expected behavior Automatic trigger of AWSAccelerator-Pipeline on aws-accelerator-config codecommit repo commits.

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [x] Version: v1.3.0

    • [x] Region: eu-west-1

    • [x] Was the solution modified from the version published on this repository? No

    • [x] If the answer to the previous question was yes, are the changes available on GitHub? -

    • [x] Have you checked your service quotas for the sevices this solution uses? Yes

    • [x] Were there any errors in the CloudWatch Logs? No

    opened by flochaz 1
  • AWS IAM Identity Center integration

    AWS IAM Identity Center integration

    Now that IAM Identity Center (previous AWS SSO) has a proper set of APIs ( it would be great to be able to manage Permission sets, Groups and account associations through LZA config.

    It might be integrated in iam-config.yaml file.

    opened by flochaz 1
  • Found Account not in configuration

    Found Account not in configuration

    Describe the bug Prepare phase fails for existing accounts in existing Landing Zone when added to config.

    498 | AWSAccelerator-PrepareStack-036499323218-us-east-1 | 4:44:51 PM | CREATE_FAILED | Custom::ValidateEnvironmentConfig | ValidateEnvironmentConfig/Resource/Default (ValidateEnvironmentConfigB40B464F) Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: Error: Found account with id xxxxx in OU Infrastructure that is not in the configuration.,Found account with id xxxxxx in OU Infrastructure that is not in the configuration. Pipeline: AWSAccelerator-Pipeline Phase: Prepare

    To Reproduce Existing landing Zone created in Control Tower. Installed Landing zone accelerator 1.2.2 Modified Config to add existing OU and Accounts (Matching Name and Email)

      enable: true
        - name: core
        - name: Security
        - name: Development
        - name: Infrastructure
        - name: Network
        - name: Production
        - name: Sandbox
      serviceControlPolicies: []
      taggingPolicies: []
      backupPolicies: []


        - name: caplz-security-services
          description: >-
            The security account
          email: xxxxx
          organizationalUnit: Infrastructure
        - name: caplz-shared-services
          description: >-
            The shared services account
          email: xxxxxx
          organizationalUnit: Infrastructure

    Both Accounts are indeed in this OU and are registered.


    Failed resources:

    498 | AWSAccelerator-PrepareStack-036499323218-us-east-1 | 4:44:51 PM | CREATE_FAILED | Custom::ValidateEnvironmentConfig | ValidateEnvironmentConfig/Resource/Default (ValidateEnvironmentConfigB40B464F) Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: Error: Found account with id xxxxx3306 in OU Infrastructure that is not in the configuration.,Found account with id xxxxxx344 in OU Infrastructure that is not in the configuration.

    Expected behavior Recognize Account Config as Matching AWS Actual

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [release/v1.2.2] Version: [e.g. v1.1.0]

    • [ us-east-1] Region: [e.g. us-east-1]

    • [no] Was the solution modified from the version published on this repository?

    • [no] If the answer to the previous question was yes, are the changes available on GitHub?

    • [yes] Have you checked your service quotas for the sevices this solution uses?

    • [yes ] Were there any errors in the CloudWatch Logs?



    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by joeshawfieldatayo 1
  • Adding multiple OUs for TagPolicy bug

    Adding multiple OUs for TagPolicy bug

    Describe the bug Specifing multiple OUs for a TagPolicy in the organization-config.yaml causes the LZA pipeline to fail in the bootstrap stage with error: undefined.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior. Add more than one OU for a TagPolicy taggingPolicies:

    • name: TagPolicy description: Organization Tagging Policy policy: tagging-policies/org-tag-policy.json deploymentTargets: organizationalUnits: - Infrastructure - PolicyStaging - Production - Sandbox

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. LZA Pipeline to succeed and create the Tagging Policy and attached to passed OUs

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [ ] Version: 1.2.1
    • [ ] Region: us-east-1
    • [ ] Was the solution modified from the version published on this repository? No
    • [ ] If the answer to the previous question was yes, are the changes available on GitHub?
    • [ ] Have you checked your service quotas for the sevices this solution uses? Not a service limit issue
    • [ ] Were there any errors in the CloudWatch Logs? No

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem (please DO NOT include sensitive information).

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. Logs from CodeBuild --partition aws [2022-11-11 19:47:45] - info: [toolkit] Executing cdk synth [2022-11-11 19:48:12] - info: [app] Begin Accelerator CDK App [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [prepare-stack] homeRegion: us-east-1 [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [prepare-stack] CloudWatch Encryption Key [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [prepare-stack] Lambda Encryption Key [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [prepare-stack] Configuration assets creation [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [prepare-stack] Load Config Table [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [prepare-stack] Call create ou construct [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [prepare-stack] newOrgAccountsTable [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [prepare-stack] newControlTowerAccountsTable [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [prepare-stack] Validate Environment [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [prepare-stack] Create new organization accounts [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [prepare-stack] Get Portfolio Id [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [prepare-stack] Create new control tower accounts [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [prepare-stack] Completed stack synthesis [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [finalize-stack] Region: us-east-1 [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [finalize-stack] Retrieving CloudWatch kms key [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [finalize-stack] Completed stack synthesis [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [accounts-stack] Region: us-east-1 [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [accounts-stack] Enable Service Access for [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [accounts-stack] Enable Service Access for [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [accounts-stack] Enable Service Access for [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [accounts-stack] Completed stack synthesis [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [organizations-stack] homeRegion: us-east-1 [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [organizations-stack] logging.cloudtrail.enable: false [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [organizations-stack] logging.cloudtrail.organizationTrail: false [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [organizations-stack] Enable Service Access for [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [organizations-stack] Starts guardduty admin account delegation to the account with email xxxxx account in us-east-1 region [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [organizations-stack] Guardduty Admin Account ID is xxxxxxx [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [organizations-stack] Starts SecurityHub admin account delegation to the account with email xxxxxx account in us-east-1 region [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - debug: [organizations-stack] SecurityHub Admin Account ID is xxxxxx [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - info: [organizations-stack] Adding Tagging Policies [2022-11-11 19:48:13] - error: undefined

    opened by aws-lroy 1
  • chore(deps): bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /source

    chore(deps): bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /source

    Bumps json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from json5's releases.


    • Fix: Properties with the name __proto__ are added to objects and arrays. (#199) This also fixes a prototype pollution vulnerability reported by Jonathan Gregson! (#295). This has been backported to v1. (#298)

    Sourced from json5's changelog.

    Unreleased [code, diff]

    v2.2.3 [code, diff]

    v2.2.2 [code, diff]

    • Fix: Properties with the name __proto__ are added to objects and arrays. (#199) This also fixes a prototype pollution vulnerability reported by Jonathan Gregson! (#295).

    v2.2.1 [code, diff]

    • Fix: Removed dependence on minimist to patch CVE-2021-44906. (#266)

    v2.2.0 [code, diff]

    • New: Accurate and documented TypeScript declarations are now included. There is no need to install @types/json5. (#236, #244)

    v2.1.3 [code, diff]

    • Fix: An out of memory bug when parsing numbers has been fixed. (#228, #229)

    v2.1.2 [code, diff]

    ... (truncated)


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    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    • @dependabot use this milestone will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language

    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • feat(customizations): Add stack parameters

    feat(customizations): Add stack parameters

    It would be great if we could specify parameters to customizations.cloudFormationStacks. Example:


        - deploymentTargets:
              - SDLC
          description: Project A - Auto CDK bootstrap stack
          name: cdk-bootstrap-template
            - us-east-1
          runOrder: 1
          template: cloudformation-templates/cdk-bootstrap-template.yaml
          terminationProtection: true
            - CDK_VERSION: 2.48.0
            - QUALIFIER: projectA
    opened by flochaz 0
  • feat(identity-center): Add support for identity store

    feat(identity-center): Add support for identity store

    Would be great to be able to manage groups and users through LZA leveraging identity store API the same way we can manage permission sets and assignments

    opened by flochaz 0
  • Run a specific stage of the accelerator pipeline

    Run a specific stage of the accelerator pipeline

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. In large environments, running the full pipeline takes hours. This discourage customers to use the native LZA configuration files. It would be nice to be able to run simple changes (e.g. adding a new role, adding a new permissionSet, a new assignment etc.) without having the run the full pipeline (or having to stop its execution once the required stage is finished).

    Describe the feature you'd like Being able to re-run a single stage of the pipeline (e.g. security or organization) once a configuration change has been made.

    Additional context It's also more environmental friendly and uses less resources ;)

    opened by thi-baut 0
  • CloudWatch Alarms does not have authorization to access the SNS topic encryption key

    CloudWatch Alarms does not have authorization to access the SNS topic encryption key

    Describe the bug LZA 1.2.2 creates the Config aggregator in the Management Account, and when I set the CloudWatch alarms deployment target to this account, the alarm default action will send the notifications to the SNS topics created in the Audit account.

    I received the following error message when I created some events to trigger the alarm: "CloudWatch Alarms does not have authorization to access the SNS topic encryption key."

    To fix the issue, I have to update the key "accelerator/kms/sns/key" in the Audit account manually as following.

            "Sid": "Allow_CloudWatch_for_CMK",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": ""
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior.

    Expected behavior CloudWatch should have access to the SNS topic encryption key and the Alarm should be able to send the notifications via the topics created in the Audit account.

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [x] Version: [e.g. v1.1.0] v1.2.2
    • [ ] Region: [e.g. us-east-1]
    • [ ] Was the solution modified from the version published on this repository?
    • [ ] If the answer to the previous question was yes, are the changes available on GitHub?
    • [ ] Have you checked your service quotas for the sevices this solution uses?
    • [ ] Were there any errors in the CloudWatch Logs?

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem (please DO NOT include sensitive information).

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by LawLaw443 1
  • Unable to add customer managed policies to IAM roles

    Unable to add customer managed policies to IAM roles

    Describe the bug I appear unable to add customer managed policies to IAM roles.

    To Reproduce Try to add a customer managed policy to an IAM role within iam-config.yaml

    Expected behavior I am expecting to be able to add customer managed policies to IAM roles. Specifically, I am trying to add the LZA generated Session Manager roles to this specific role.

    Please complete the following information about the solution:

    • [ ] Version: v1.2.2
    • [ ] Region: us-gov-west-1
    • [ ] Was the solution modified from the version published on this repository? No
    • [ ] If the answer to the previous question was yes, are the changes available on GitHub? N/A
    • [ ] Have you checked your service quotas for the sevices this solution uses? N/A
    • [ ] Were there any errors in the CloudWatch Logs? No

    Additional context

    I am trying to create all IAM roles necessary to use EKS in the iam-config.yaml file. I can create multiple IAM roles with no problem. When I add the role with only AWS managed policies there are no problems. If I try the same action with only customer managed polices or with both customer managed polices and AWS managed policies, it fails with no apparent error (see attached CodeBuild logs). I have tried assigning customer managed policies with both arn and name, and both have the same results. I even tried to use the wrong customer managed policy name (as seen in the attached CodeBuild log), and I still have no error in the logs, but end up with a failure.

      # Roles for EKS
      - deploymentTargets:
            - NCCTDev
          - name: eksRole
              - type: service
                - AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
          - name: eksNodeRole-temp
              - type: service
                - AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy
                - AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy
                - AmazonS3FullAccess
                - AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly
                - arn:aws-us-gov:iam::****:policy/AWSAccelerator-SessionManagerLogging-us-gov-west-1
                - arn:aws-us-gov:iam::****:policy/AWSAccelerator-SessionManagerUserKMS-us-gov-west-1


    opened by tbmorris 3
  • v1.3.0(Dec 21, 2022)


    We highly recommend that you keep your environments up to date by upgrading to the latest version. To upgrade your environments to this version, use the CloudFormation console to update your AWSAccelerator-Installer stack using the latest installer template and ensure that that you set Branch Name to the latest version (release/v1.3.0 for this release). See Deploy the solution for more information.


    • feat(installer): add support for organization only install
    • feat(network): add ability to create site-to-site vpn to tgw
    • feat(network): add ability to specify file with list of suricata rules for network firewall
    • feat(network): add ability to specify transit gateway peering
    • feat(network): add ability to create routes for vpc peering connections
    • feat(network): add ability to create and reference VGWs for VPNs, subnet routes, and gateway route table associations
    • feat(network): add ability to create third-party firewalls
    • feat(network): add ability to configure firewall manager
    • feat(network): add ability to define ALBs and NLBs
    • feat(logs): allow specification of centralized logging bucket region independent of home region
    • feat(iam): add ability for IAM policy replacements
    • feat(organizations): add support to ignore organizational units
    • feat(organizations): add functionality to move accounts between ous (orgs-only install)
    • feat(security): add centralized and configurable sns topics
    • feat(security): add ability to create ACM from s3 and integrate that with ELBv2
    • feat(guardDuty): enable S3 export config override
    • feat(guardDuty): provide functionality to enable EKS protection
    • feat(ssm): enable SSM Inventory
    • feat(securityhub): add support for CIS 1.4.0 controls in SecurityHub
    • feat(cloudformation): Create custom CloudFormation stacks
    • feat(s3): add ability to define policy statements to s3 buckets and keys
    • feat(quotas): limits increase for services
    • feat(sso): add ability to configure iam identity center
    • feat(mad): add ability to configure managed ad
    • feat(kms): allow parameter replacement in key files


    • enhancement(network): add use of static CIDR property for VPC templates
    • enhancement(network): update Direct Connect custom resource logic to handle asynchronous actions
    • enhancement(network): add Resolver endpoint name to deployed endpoints
    • enhancement(logging): transform cloudwatch logs data to allow query from athena
    • enhancement(organizations): move replacements to stack level
    • enhancement(organizations): added checks for scps with no OUs or accounts
    • enhancement(organizations): validate scp count
    • enhancement(configs): add config rules and ssm auto remediation in AWS GovCloud (US) reference config
    • fix(logging): update central log key lookup set log bucket to central log region
    • fix(logging): move account CloudTrail S3 logs to central log bucket
    • fix(organizations): add cases for null organizations and accounts in SCP
    • fix(pipeline): force bootstraping to run in global region and home region if missing
    • fix(ssm) limit api calls to 20 accounts per invocation
    • fix(sns): update sns policies
    • fix(sns): added account check on sns kms key policy
    • fix(kms): add ebs kms policy for cloud9
    • fix(security): updated sns topic to use home region rather than global region

    New Configurations

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.2(Nov 15, 2022)


    This release fixes an issue with the deployment of AWS Budgets, and only affects customers that have deployed an AWS Budget, with multiple enabled regions defined in their global-config.yaml, and are using v1.2.1.

    In v1.2.1, the definition of AWS Budgets was not limited to only the home region, which caused the object to be deployed to multiple regions. In this release, logic has been added to ensure that AWS Budgets are only added in the defined home region. These steps are required for if you currently have an AWS Budget deployed through LZA release/v1.2.1:

    1. In the AWS console, delete the existing budget within management or any other account where a budget was deployed.
    2. Go into the LZA config repository and remove (or comment out) budgets from the config.
    3. Update to this version (release/v1.2.2) by updating the branch name for your InstallerStack through the AWS CloudFormation console.
    4. Release the changes to the LZA pipeline within the AWS console once to ensure that the current budget is removed from the account.
    5. Once the pipeline has completed, add the budgets back into the global-config.yaml file and release the CodePipeline for LZA


    • fix(app) wrap execution in try/catch to surface errors
    • fix(budgets) budgets causing operations stack to fail

    We highly recommend that you keep your environments up to date by upgrading to the latest version. To upgrade your environments to this version, use the CloudFormation console to update your AWSAccelerator-Installer stack using the latest installer template and ensure that that you set Branch Name to the latest version (release/v1.2.2 for this release)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.1(Oct 13, 2022)


    • feat(govcloud): add updated govcloud config files
    • feat(govcloud): add govcloud account vending service catalog product
    • feat(configs): add healthcare best practices config files
    • feat(configs): add support aws-cn and config files


    • fix(cloudwatch): change security config to support CT organization-level cloudtrail log metrics creation
    • fix(logging): cloudwatch log replication in aws-us-gov partition
    • fix(config): syntax error AWS GovCloud (US) config
    • fix(bootstrap): cdk centralization bug fix
    • fix(logging): move session manager principal access
    • fix(security): update package dependencies
    • fix(installer): solution-helper is emitting delete event
    • fix(installer): remove installer kms key from loggroup
    • fix(logging): log replication KMS created in log receiving account only
    • fix(config): update network config to align with best practices diagram
    • fix(logging): set resource dependence for accountTrail CloudWatch log group.
    • fix (pipeline): fix issue with changeset creation and bootstrap
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Sep 23, 2022)


    • feat(iam): add path property to IAM RoleSets
    • feat(logging): Allow configuration of CloudTrail Insights and configuration of Organization Trail
    • feat(logging): Centralized Logging
    • feat(network): add ability to configure Gateway Load Balancer
    • feat(network): AWS Outpost Support
    • feat(network): Add ability to configure Direct Connect
    • feat(network): add ability to define gateway route tables
    • feat(organizations): Update guardrail scp to include CloudTrail and CloudWatch Logs
    • feat(partition): add support for aws-iso-b
    • feat(s3): Apply Lifecycle Rules to Central Log Bucket
    • feat(security): localize KMS key for every environment and service
    • feat(security): Add Custom KMS CMKs
    • enhancement(network): Add tags to RAM shared subnets/vpc


    • fix(budgets): Budget reports deployment targets bug
    • fix(config): add checks for OU presence in organization config file from other config files where OUs are referred
    • fix(config): Fix issues in network-config.yaml reference
    • fix(iam): iam user password is not set properly
    • fix(iam): Cross Account SSM parameter role creates in every region
    • fix(installer): Updating git Personal Access Token not working once it's expired
    • fix(installer): Fix duplicate execution of pipeline
    • fix(logging):Update sessionmanager logging
    • fix(logging): Existing organization trail fails in organization stack
    • fix(logging) - lambdaKey lookup only in homeRegion
    • fix(network): VPC templates rework
    • fix(network): Fix bug with tcpFlags and source/destination bug with network firewall
    • fix(network): move endpoint creation to new GWLB-specific stack
    • fix(network): allow multiple VPCs to fetch a RAM share ID for the same IPAM pool or network firewall policy
    • fix(network): VPC flowlog bucket exists failure when network-vpc stack updates with new vpc with s3 flow log destination
    • fix(s3): added error logic for expiration values
    • fix(security) AWS Macie ExportConfigClassification fails when new account added
    • fix(security): Check keyManagementService for undefined
    • fix(security): permissions for CrossAccountAcceleratorSsmParamAccessRole
    • fix(security): When excluded in config, do not enable the automatically enabled standards for security hub
    • fix(security): Fix issue with GuardDuty S3 protection not enabled in all accounts
    • fix(security): Empty EBS encryption key in default config file causes pipeline failure
    • fix(installer): Enable pipeline notification only for the regions that support AWS CodeStar
    • chore(build): upgrade to cdk v2.28.0
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.0(Aug 4, 2022)


    • feat(auditmanager): add support to enable AWS Audit Manager
    • feat(cloudformation): enable termination protection for all stacks
    • feat(config): Add the ability to add tags to AWS Config rules
    • feat(controltower): add drift detection for AWS Control Tower
    • feat(detective): add support to enable Amazon Detective
    • feat(installer): add ability to launch the accelerator pipeline at completion of installer pipeline
    • feat(network): add managed prefix list as a destination in subnet and tgw route tables
    • feat(network): add ability to define Amazon Route 53 resolver SYSTEM rules
    • feat(vpc): add ability to use IPAM address pools
    • enhancement: add AWS GovCloud (US) sample configuration


    • fix(organizations): security services Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Macie, and AWS Security Hub failing when multiple new regions registered
    • fix(organizations): fix organizational unit creation and GovCloud account add to organization
    • fix(iam): fix failing pipeline tests due to service linked role descriptions
    • fix(network): vpc interface endpoints workflows for GovCloud
    • fix(network): outbound NACL entries causing duplicate entry error
    • fix(network): Add check for route entry types in network-vpc stack
    • fix(route53): add uuid to r53association custom resource to force reevaluation
    • enhancement(network): make route table target property optional
    • enhancement(budget): budgets scope based on account or ou
    • enhancement(backup): update backup vaults to use the accelerator key
    • enhancement(pipeline): move config lint checks to build stage
    • enhancement(organizations): add pitr to config table
    • chore(build): update to javascript sdk v2.1152.0
    • chore(build): upgrade to cdk v2.25.0
    • chore(build): update lerna to 5.1.8
    • chore(readme): update installer stack instructions
    • chore(iam): Update default boundary policy to require MFA
    • chore(installer): Added email constraints for installer stack
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.1(Jun 10, 2022)


    • fix(installer): require branch param in installer
    • fix(accounts): accounts stack fails in GovCloud when enabling SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY type
    • enhancement: added more explicit error message in account config
    • fix(controltower): support creation of new account in nested OU with Control Tower

    See changelog for more information.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(May 23, 2022)

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