Please do not use this tracker to scam anyone! This is free and will be forever free. This tracking will never ask for seed phrases nor private keys. Keep safe!


CryptoBlades Tracker

Related modules

  • express - web application framework for node
  • pug - template engine
  • stylus - pre-processor CSS
  • mongoose - nodejs orm for mongodb
  • bower - a package manager for the web
  • gulp - automate workflow


  • Node.js v16

Project Structure

├── app/
│   └── controllers           # contains controller files
│   └── models                # contains model files
│   └── views                 # contains express view (pug) files
│   └── routes.js             # routes config file
├── config/
│   ├── index.js              # environment config file
│   └── db.js                 # db config
├── public/                   # contains static assets
│   ├── components            # bower components folder
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── favicon               # favicon folder
│   ├── fonts                 # contains font files
│   ├── css                   # all files will generate from gulp
│   ├── styl                  # contains style sheets (stylus)
│   ├── js                    # contains js files
│   └── img                   # contains image files
├── test/
│   └── spec.js               # unit & func tests
├── .bowerrc                  # bower config
├── .bower.json               # bower dependencies
├── .Procfile                 # process file for heroku implementation
├── .gitignore                # specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
├── .editorconfig.js          # editor config
├── .gulpfile.js              # gulp config
├── .eslintrc.yml             # eslint config
├── .eslintignore             # eslint ignore specific files and directories config file
├── .travis.yml               # travis ci config
├── app.js                    # app setup file
└── package.json              # build scripts and dependencies

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is to clone the repository:

# Get the latest snapshot
$ git clone
$ cd cbtracker

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

$ node app.js


npm run dev

Your app should now be running on localhost:3000.


npm test


npm run lint

Docker Support

  • Docker
# Build the project
docker-compose build  

# Start the application
docker-compose up


Make sure you have the Heroku Toolbelt installed.

heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku open



  • ARS price is wrong.

    ARS price is wrong.

    Hi, when you put ARS as the currency to show the balance, it shows it with an unreal conversion. In Argentina you have price for Usd official and Unofficial USD (USD BLUE). Argentinian people can only access USD BLUE (unofficial one). Please use the USD BLUE conversion from Thanks and sorry for bothering.

    opened by facusr 5
  • Suggestion: Browser extension

    Suggestion: Browser extension

    I have a suggestion that you create a Browser Extension that will display the probability of winning a fight in Cryptoblades :) Someone has already done it, but I am afraid to install it because of the loss of funds from my Metamask. I trust you :)


    opened by pawelpewq 5
  • Suggestion: Sorting per column

    Suggestion: Sorting per column

    Dunno if this is possible but would be a great quality of life improvement to sort most of the columns like stamina and unstake time, etc. Not sure how it would go if some teams are composed of different elements, though.

    opened by ranjsebs 4
  • Suggestion: include claim taxes on total skill assets calculations

    Suggestion: include claim taxes on total skill assets calculations

    Hi, very helpful project. Keep going!

    Wouldn't it be interesting to add current claim taxes on total skill assets for a more accurate daily value projection?

    opened by rodipm 4
  • Request: Simulate all 4 character fights with a single click

    Request: Simulate all 4 character fights with a single click

    Add an option to simulate and display fights for all 4 characters simultaneously! This would significantly increase the workflow for multi-window multi-accounts.

    Thanks. Love the tracker. Donating whatever I can afford.

    opened by Dannii-Darkness 3
  • Battle calculations are wrong

    Battle calculations are wrong

    The battle calculations are wrong, probably not taking into account the elements properly.


    It says the chances are higher with same monster power but one of them is of weak element !

    opened by hugoguercio 3
  • Suggestion: Initiate fight option in combat calculator

    Suggestion: Initiate fight option in combat calculator

    I make mistakes in choosing characters and enemies in the cryptoblades app after doing a combat calculation in cbtracker.

    It would be nice if we can initiate the fight in the cbtracker directly.

    opened by jericopulvera 3
  • Error Deploy to Heroku

    Error Deploy to Heroku

    hi i have this error when deploy it to heroku

    at=error code=H10 desc="App crashed" method=GET path="/" request_id=f31fdb54-5625-4924-971e-4f8aefccbd2d fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https at=error code=H10 desc="App crashed" method=GET path="/favicon.ico" request_id=f3394497-c401-43d1-88ac-0401ebf8fce2 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https

    opened by briliant1 3
  • Invitation


    Hi ed3ath,

    We are part of a small community that aims to better understand CryptoCurrency. Our topic Focusing on CryptoBlades, in our country it is one of the most trending games Play to Earn Category close to Axie Infinity. Sorry for using this section. I am new to GitHub and trying to get in touch with you. This is the closest I can get. I want to immerse my countrymen with your bright ideas and perception of why you have come up with this wonderful and powerful Tool. Hope to get in touch with you. Here is our email [email protected]

    Best Regards, Oso Bear

    opened by osodatsismoso 2
  • fix: character power calculation from level

    fix: character power calculation from level


    function CharacterPower(level) {
      return ((1000 + (level * 10)) * (Math.floor(level / 10) + 1));
    function newCharacterPower(level) {
      return (1000 + ((level - 1) * 10)) * (Math.floor((level - 1) / 10) + 1)
    const test = Array(50).fill().map((_, index) => {
      const level = index + 1
      return {
        characterPower: CharacterPower(level),
        newCharacterPower: newCharacterPower(level),


    Screenshot at 2021-08-02 23-26-24

    screenshot-cryptoblades gitbook io-2021 08 02-23_29_20

    opened by arvi0731 2
  • fix: win chance percentage calculation and added xp reward in ui

    fix: win chance percentage calculation and added xp reward in ui

    I noticed that the winning chance percentage of enemy # 1 is greater than enemy # 4 even if enemy # 1 is stronger. Turns out they are both 100%. Sure win :sweat_smile:

    screenshot-localhost_3000-2021 07 31-13_47_00


    function getWinChance(enemyPower) {
      const playerPower = 6341.099999999999
      const playerMin = playerPower * 0.9;
      const playerMax = playerPower * 1.1;
      const playerRange = playerMax - playerMin;
      const enemyMin = enemyPower * 0.9;
      const enemyMax = enemyPower * 1.1;
      let win = 0;
      let lose = 0;
      for (let playerRoll = Math.floor(playerMin); playerRoll <= playerMax; playerRoll++) {
        for (let enemyRoll = Math.floor(enemyMin); enemyRoll <= enemyMax; enemyRoll++) {
          if (playerRoll >= enemyRoll) {
          } else {
      const enemyRange = enemyMax - enemyMin;
      let rollingTotal = 0;
      // shortcut: if it is impossible for one side to win, just say so
      //if (playerMin > enemyMax) return 3;
      if (playerMax < enemyMin) return 0;
      // case 1: player power is higher than enemy power
      if (playerMin >= enemyMin) {
          // case 1: enemy roll is lower than player's minimum
          rollingTotal = (playerMin - enemyMin) / enemyRange;
          // case 2: 1 is not true, and player roll is higher than enemy maximum
          rollingTotal += (1 - rollingTotal) * ((playerMax - enemyMax) / playerRange);
          // case 3: 1 and 2 are not true, both values are in the overlap range. Since values are basically continuous, we assume 50%
          rollingTotal += (1 - rollingTotal) * 0.5;
      } else {
          // case 1: player rolls below enemy minimum
          rollingTotal = (enemyMin - playerMin) / playerRange;
          // case 2: enemy rolls above player maximum
          rollingTotal += (1 - rollingTotal) * ((enemyMax - playerMax) / enemyRange);
          // case 3: 1 and 2 are not true, both values are in the overlap range
          rollingTotal += (1 - rollingTotal) * 0.5;
          // since this is chance the enemy wins, we negate it
          rollingTotal = 1 - rollingTotal;
        winChance: win / (win + lose),


      playerPower: 6341.099999999999,
      playerMin: 5706.99,
      playerMax: 6975.21,
      enemyPower: 5151,
      enemyMin: 4635.900000000001,
      enemyMax: 5666.1,
      rollingTotal: 0.9993601354025403,
      winChance: 1
      playerPower: 6341.099999999999,
      playerMin: 5706.99,
      playerMax: 6975.21,
      enemyPower: 5147,
      enemyMin: 4632.3,
      enemyMax: 5661.700000000001,
      rollingTotal: 0.9992144101131548,
      winChance: 1
    opened by arvi0731 2
  • Request: add 'sticky' to the top split-row (assets) of the table.

    Request: add 'sticky' to the top split-row (assets) of the table.

    I tried, and failed. >_<

    Basically the assets row, keep that row sticky under the banner as you scroll so you can see what column is what data.

    Name Address Characters Skill Assets BNB Balance Action< ID | Level | Element | Unclaimed XP | Target Level | Stamina | Unclaimed | Claimable | Staked | Wallet | Total<

    opened by newb23 1
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