Example of using wasmbuild.


wasmbuild - Example

This repo contains an example of using wasmbuild.

Main files:

  • rs_lib/src/lib.rs - Rust source code.
  • lib/rs_lib_bg.wasm - Generated .wasm file from the Rust code.
  • lib/rs_lib.generated.js - Generated JS file that can be used to call into the Wasm file.
  • main.js - Module that shows an example of using lib/rs_lib.generated.js.

After making edits to any of the Rust code, you can rebuild by running deno task wasmbuild. This will recreate the lib/rs_lib_bg.wasm and lib/rs_lib.generated.js files.


To run the example in Deno:

deno run --allow-read=. main.js

The output should be 3.


To run the example in the browser, start an http server that serves files in the current directory as follows:

$ deno run --allow-net --allow-read https://deno.land/[email protected]/http/file_server.ts
Listening on http://localhost:4507/

Then navigate to the link shown and open the browser console. You should see 3 logged to the console.

Deno Deploy

See this playground that imports from this repo: https://dash.deno.com/playground/wasmbuild-example

Generally with Deno deploy, you would want to use Git integration to Deploy this code though.

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