A fast and powerful http toolkit that take a list of domains to find active domains and other information such as status-code, title, response-time , server, content-type and many other


HTTPFY curently in beta so you may see problems. Please open a Issue on GitHub and report them!


A Incredible fast and Powerful HTTP toolkit

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Getting Started



You need NodeJs 10 or later to run this tool. You can install NodeJs :

  • On Linux
    sudo apt-get install nodejs
  • On Termux
    pkg install nodejs-lts


Using npm

npm install -g -s httpfy

Install locally

git clone https://github.com/devXprite/httpfy.git
cd httpfy
npm install
node index.js -h


npm remove httpfy -g


httpfy -f <filename containing urls>


Short Options Type Description
-v --version probe output the current version
-f --file string input file containing list of URLs
-sc --status-code probe display response status-code
-cl --content-length probe display response content-length
-ct --content-type probe display response content-type
-rt --response-time probe display response time
-lc --line-count probe display response body line count
-wc --word-count probe display response body word count
-ws --web-serve probe display web server name
-rl --redirect-location probe display redirect location
-m --method probe display http request method
-nc --no-color probe disable colors in cli output
-ttl --title probe display page title
-fl --failed probe display failed request's
-nr --no-redirect probe don't follow redirects
-mr --max-redirect number maximum redirects to follow
-t --threads number maximum cocurrent requests send (default: 100)
-i --interval number interval between each thread in seconds
-c --cookie string send cookies (--cookie 'login=Yes')
-H --header string custom http headers to send (--header 'X-MyHeader: XYZ')
-x --request-methods string set request methods use 'all' to probe all HTTP methods
-pc --protocol string set request Protocol (default: "https")
-path --request-path string path or list of paths (-path admin,login)
-param --request-param string set request parameters (-param id=5)
-ua --user-agent string set custom useragent
-time --timeout number set request timeout in seconds
-mc --match-code numbers[] match response with specified status code (-mc 200,404)
-ml --match-length numbers[] match response with specified content length (-ml 800,900)
-mlc --match-line-count numbers[] match response body with specified line count (-mlc 100,102)
-ms --match-string strings[] match response with specified strings (-ms admin)
-o --output-file string save results in a single file (-o result.txt)
-of --output-folder string save response of url in multiple files (-of result)
-h --help probe display help for command



  • httpfy -f urls.txt -sc -ttl -fl

Try all Http Methods

  • httpfy -f urls.txt -sc -m -x all

File/Path Bruteforce

  • httpfy -f urls.txt -path admin,login -sc

Run with Gitpod

Click this button to run your project on Gitpod which comes with pre-configured environment you need.

Open in Gitpod


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Branch
  3. Commit your Changes
  4. Push to the Branch
  5. Open a Pull Request



Stargazers repo roster for @devXprite/httpfy


Forkers repo roster for @devXprite/httpfy


Distributed under the GPL-3.0 license. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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