🀠 Functional utilities using object property paths with wildcards and regexps 🌡


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🀠 Functional utilities using object property paths with wildcards and regexps. 🌡

Available functional methods include:

Unlike similar libraries, object properties can be get/set using dot-delimited paths, wildcards, regexps, slices and unions. It is built on top of wild-wild-path.


npm install wild-wild-utils

This package is an ES module and must be loaded using an import or import() statement, not require().



map(target, query, mapFunction, options?)

target: Target
query: Query
mapFunction: (value) => value
options: Options?
Return value: Target

Use a mapFunction() to modify any property matching the query.

const target = { user: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith' } }
map(target, 'user.*', (userProp) => userProp.toLowerCase())
// { user: { firstName: 'alice', lastName: 'smith' } }

merge(target, query, value, options?)

target: Target
query: Query
value: any
options: Options?
Return value: Target

Deeply merge an object value with each object property matching the query.

If one of these properties is not an object, it is overridden instead.

Any object in value can change the merge mode using a _merge property with value "deep" (default), "shallow", "set" or "delete".

Arrays can be merged using objects in value where the keys are the array indices. Items can be updated, merged, added, inserted, appended, prepended or deleted.

const target = {
  userOne: { names: ['Alice', 'Smith'], settings: { deleted: true } },
  userTwo: { names: ['John', 'Doe'], settings: { deleted: false } },

merge(target, '*', { age: 72, settings: { admin: true } })
// {
//   userOne: {
//     names: ['Alice', 'Smith'],
//     settings: { deleted: true, admin: true },
//     age: 72,
//   },
//   userTwo: {
//     names: ['John', 'Doe'],
//     settings: { deleted: false, admin: true },
//     age: 72,
//   },
// }

merge(target, '*', { age: 72, settings: { admin: true }, _merge: 'shallow' })
// {
//   userOne: {
//     names: [ 'Alice', 'Smith' ],
//     settings: { admin: true },
//     age: 72,
//   },
//   userTwo: {
//     names: [ 'John', 'Doe' ],
//     settings: { admin: true },
//     age: 72,
//   },
// }

merge(target, '*', { names: { 1: 'Red' } })
// {
//   userOne: {
//     names: ['Alice', 'Red'],
//     settings: { deleted: true, admin: true },
//     age: 72,
//   },
//   userTwo: {
//     names: ['John', 'Red'],
//     settings: { deleted: false, admin: true },
//     age: 72,
//   },
// }

push(target, query, values, options?)

target: Target
query: Query
values: any[]
options: Options?
Return value: Target

Concatenate an array of values with each array property matching the query.

If one of these properties is not an array, it is overridden instead.

const target = {
  userOne: { firstName: 'Alice', colors: ['red'] },
  userTwo: { firstName: 'John', colors: ['blue'] },
push(target, '*.colors', ['yellow', 'silver'])
// {
//   userOne: { firstName: 'Alice', colors: ['red', 'yellow', 'silver'] },
//   userTwo: { firstName: 'John', colors: ['blue', 'yellow', 'silver'] },
// }

unshift(target, query, values, options?)

target: Target
query: Query
values: any[]
options: Options?
Return value: Target

Like push() but concatenates at the beginning of each property instead of at the end.

const target = {
  userOne: { firstName: 'Alice', colors: ['red'] },
  userTwo: { firstName: 'John', colors: ['blue'] },
unshift(target, '*.colors', ['yellow', 'silver'])
// {
//   userOne: { firstName: 'Alice', colors: ['yellow', 'silver', 'red'] },
//   userTwo: { firstName: 'John', colors: ['yellow', 'silver', 'blue'] },
// }

find(target, query, testFunction, options?)

target: Target
query: Query
testFunction: (value) => boolean
options: Options?
Return value: any

Return the first property that matches the query and that returns true with the testFunction().

const target = {
  userOne: { firstName: 'Alice', colors: ['red'] },
  userTwo: { firstName: 'John', colors: ['blue'] },
find(target, '*.firstName', (firstName) => firstName !== 'John') // 'Alice'

pick(target, query, options?)

target: Target
query: Query
options: Options?
Return value: Target

Keep only the properties matching the query.

const target = {
  userOne: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith', age: 72, admin: true },
  userTwo: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', age: 72, admin: true },
pick(target, '*./Name/')
// {
//   userOne: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith' },
//   userTwo: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' },
// }

include(target, query, testFunction, options?)

target: Target
query: Query
testFunction: (value) => boolean
options: Options?
Return value: Target

Keep only the properties that match the query and that return true with the testFunction().

const target = {
  userOne: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith', age: 72, admin: true },
  userTwo: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', age: 72, admin: true },
include(target, '**', (value) => typeof value === 'string')
// {
//   userOne: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith' },
//   userTwo: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' },
// }

exclude(target, query, testFunction, options?)

target: Target
query: Query
testFunction: (value) => boolean
options: Options?
Return value: Target

Remove any property that matches the query and that returns true with the testFunction().

const target = {
  userOne: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith', age: 72, admin: true },
  userTwo: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', age: 72, admin: true },
exclude(target, '**', (value) => typeof value === 'string')
// {
//   userOne: { age: 72, admin: true },
//   userTwo: { age: 72, admin: true },
// }


The target value must be an object or an array.


The query format is documented here. Both query strings and arrays can be used.


Options are optional plain objects. They are almost the same as in wild-wild-path.


Methods: map(), merge(), push(), unshift(), exclude()
Type: boolean
Default: false

By default, the target is deeply cloned.
When true, it is directly mutated instead, which is faster but has side effects.

const target = { colors: ['red'] }
console.log(push(target, 'colors', ['blue']))
// { colors: ['red', 'blue'] }
// { colors: ['red'] }
console.log(push(target, 'colors', ['blue'], { mutate: true }))
// { colors: ['red', 'blue'] }
// { colors: ['red', 'blue'] }


Methods: map(), find(), include(), exclude()
Type: boolean
Default: false

By default, properties' values are:

  • Passed as argument to callbacks like mapFunction() and testFunction()
  • Returned by find()

When true, objects with the following shape are used instead:

  • value any: property's value
  • path Path: property's full path
  • missing boolean: whether the property is missing from the target
const target = { job: '', firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith' }
find(target, '*', (value) => value !== '') // 'Alice'
  (entry) => entry.value !== '' && entry.path[0] !== 'firstName',
  { entries: true },
// { value: 'Smith', path: ['lastName'], missing: false },


Methods: map(), merge(), push(), unshift()
Type: boolean
Default: false with map(), true with merge|push|unshift()

When false, properties not defined in the target are ignored.

const target = {}

push(target, 'colors', ['red']) // { colors: ['red'] }
push(target, 'colors', ['red'], { missing: false }) // {}

map(target, 'name', (value = 'defaultName') => value) // {}
map(target, 'name', ({ value = 'defaultName' }) => value, {
  missing: true,
  entries: true,
}) // { name: 'defaultName' }


Methods: find(), pick(), include()
Type: boolean
Default: false

When returning sibling object properties, sort them by the lexigographic order of their names (not values).

const target = { user: { lastName: 'Doe', firstName: 'John', age: 72 } }
pick(target, 'user./Name/')
// { user: { lastName: 'Doe', firstName: 'John' } }
pick(target, 'user./Name/', { sort: true })
// { user: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' } }


Methods: find()
Type: boolean
Default: false

When using unions or deep wildcards, a query might match both a property and some of its children.

This option decides whether the returned properties should be sorted from children to parents, or the reverse.

const target = { user: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: '' } }
const isDefined = (value) => value !== ''
find(target, 'user.**', isDefined) // { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: '' }
find(target, 'user.**', isDefined, { childFirst: true }) // 'Alice'


Methods: map(), merge(), push(), unshift(), find()
Type: boolean
Default: false

When using unions or deep wildcards, a query might match both a property and some of its children.

When true, only leaves are matched. In other words, a matching property is ignored if one of its children also matches.

const target = { user: { settings: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith' } } }
merge(target, 'user user.settings', { age: 72 })
// {
//   user: {
//     settings: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith', age: 72 },
//     age: 72,
//   }
// }
merge(target, 'user user.settings', { age: 72 }, { leaves: true })
// {
//   user: {
//     settings: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith', age: 72 },
//   }
// }


Methods: map(), merge(), push(), unshift(), find()
Type: boolean
Default: false

When using unions or deep wildcards, a query might match both a property and some of its children.

When true, only roots are matched. In other words, a matching property is ignored if one of its parents also matches.

const target = { user: { settings: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith' } } }
merge(target, 'user user.settings', { age: 72 })
// {
//   user: {
//     settings: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith', age: 72 },
//     age: 72,
//   }
// }
merge(target, 'user user.settings', { age: 72 }, { roots: true })
// {
//   user: {
//     settings: { firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith' },
//     age: 72,
//   }
// }


Methods: all
Type: boolean
Default: false

Unless true, wildcards and regexps ignore properties of objects that are not plain objects (like class instances, errors or functions). Those can still be matched by using their property name.

const target = { user: new User({ name: 'Alice' }) }
const isDefined = (value) => value !== ''
find(target, 'user.*', isDefined) // undefined
find(target, 'user.*', isDefined, { classes: true }) // 'Alice'


Methods: all
Type: boolean
Default: false

By default, wildcards and regexps ignore properties that are either inherited or not enumerable. Those can still be matched by using their property name.

When true, inherited properties are not ignored, but not enumerable ones still are.

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    Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2

    Bumps decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from decode-uri-component's releases.


    • Prevent overwriting previously decoded tokens 980e0bf



    • Switch to GitHub workflows 76abc93
    • Fix issue where decode throws - fixes #6 746ca5d
    • Update license (#1) 486d7e2
    • Tidelift tasks a650457
    • Meta tweaks 66e1c28



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  • 4.9.0(Dec 12, 2022)

  • 4.8.0(Nov 11, 2022)

  • 4.7.0(Nov 7, 2022)

  • 4.6.0(Oct 26, 2022)

  • 4.5.0(Oct 26, 2022)

  • 4.4.0(Oct 26, 2022)

  • 4.3.0(Oct 13, 2022)

  • 4.2.0(Oct 8, 2022)

  • 4.1.0(Aug 16, 2022)

  • 4.0.0(May 23, 2022)

  • 3.0.0(May 9, 2022)

  • 2.1.1(Apr 6, 2022)

    • Upgrade wild-wild-path 2.3.0 -> 2.4.0 (efa4846)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-parser 2.2.0 -> 2.3.0 (5af38d0)
    • Fix tests (28bbeaf)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-path 2.2.0 -> 2.3.0 (f520a64)
    • Update README (039e334)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-path 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0 (6750752)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-parser 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0 (acaee6b)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.0(Apr 5, 2022)

    • Upgrade wild-wild-path 2.0.0 -> 2.1.0 (a18563f)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-parser 2.0.0 -> 2.1.0 (eb3326f)
    • Improve types (55a1106)
    • Update README (8818dea)
    • Update README (337ebfd)
    • Update types (c09b913)
    • Update README (8cbfd40)
    • Update README (8fc828e)
    • Update README (6f474cd)
    • Add examples (b35dcc4)
    • Update README (113f496)
    • Fix examples (1695874)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Apr 4, 2022)

    • Fix map() (6455925)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-path 1.1.0 -> 2.0.0 (3b2716a)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-parser 1.1.0 -> 2.0.0 (65248c2)
    • Fix links (edbf15c)
    • Add emoji (7187b1a)
    • Add emoji (0ee29b6)
    • Add logo (6db4a91)
    • Update README (ccbf533)
    • Update README (748aa04)
    • Update README (7e66265)
    • Update README (bafa1a1)
    • Update README (b1ecddd)
    • Update README (18f4d58)
    • Update README (62bf09d)
    • Update README (b2bc28b)
    • Update README (6d7b390)
    • Update README (5e13d7a)
    • Update README (efe71ca)
    • Update README (0d8ca0b)
    • Update README (676f44a)
    • Fix types (fd2f394)
    • Remove examples (a45b045)
    • Improve types (aeb2c7e)
    • Fix README (5fac6a0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Apr 2, 2022)

    • Add more types (08e4e3a)
    • Add more types (6ea3cb3)
    • Add more types (ba2cd01)
    • Add more type tests (ec4fca0)
    • Add more types (0ab346a)
    • Add more types (4d718b1)
    • Add more types (fe71be2)
    • Add more types (bf899d8)
    • Add more types (99f6b08)
    • Fix name (ffd549d)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-path 1.0.2 -> 1.1.0 (d9ad97a)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-parser 1.0.1 -> 1.1.0 (b77ee14)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-path 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 (c2b0a41)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-parser 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 (500466e)
    • Move files (6565b91)
    • Split file (93a9078)
    • Renaming (c8533b1)
    • Fix code duplication (fd81d72)
    • Fix code duplication (57b761e)
    • Revert "Fix code duplication" (885d162)
    • Fix code duplication (98edc67)
    • Fix code duplication (6a874f3)
    • Refactoring (56e8cbb)
    • Refactoring (9b62774)
    • Fix code duplication (68a0333)
    • Validate merge() argument (7668360)
    • Validate push|unshift() arguments (8dfd20c)
    • Validate include|exclude arguments (5c3d733)
    • Validate find() argument (0b079b4)
    • Validate map function (d39d8bc)
    • Improve performance (0abcb15)
    • Add more tests (a1af24c)
    • Add more tests (706ad09)
    • Add more tests (6d368a9)
    • Add more tests (d4b2470)
    • Add more tests (36f47eb)
    • Make missing default to true for push|unshift|merge (9505bbe)
    • Rename files (fe32f7b)
    • Improve merge() (404408f)
    • Upgrade wild-wild-path 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 (a4329b1)
    • Refactoring (33d2fe2)
    • Refactoring (df99376)
    • Add more tests (ebdcb03)
    • Add more tests (28948ff)
    • Add more tests (39bcbad)
    • Add more tests (68ac7a6)
    • Add more tests (9510229)
    • Add more tests (f640901)
    • Update tests (16213c5)
    • Add more tests (b9ca3d8)
    • Add more tests (0a9691c)
    • Add more tests (0f51487)
    • Add more tests (6aef60f)
    • Add more tests (7ac82ef)
    • Add more tests (bc800ea)
    • Add more tests (7ee50e1)
    • Initial commit (bf64216)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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