React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10

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React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10.

npm install react-desktop --save


Help wanted!

I am looking for developers to help me develop this project. Please submit some ideas in the issues section or some PRs to get this project going. If you are interested, you can become a collaborator on the project. Thanks.


This library has been created to bring a native desktop experience to the web. It works extremely well with tools such as node-webkit or Electron.js!

Everyone is welcome to contribute and add more components/documentation whilst following the contributing guidelines.


Guides on installation, components and advanced usage are found in the documentation.

  • Does not match corresponding path with next.js

    Does not match corresponding path with next.js

    I installed react-desktop via npm and then copied one of the code-blocks to test it out in my next.js application but I came across this error:

    Error in react-desktop/macOs Module not found: Error: [CaseSensitivePathsPlugin] /Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/react-desktop/src/Box/macOs/index.js does not match the corresponding path on disk box. ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: [CaseSensitivePathsPlugin] /Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/react-desktop/src/Box/macOs/index.js does not match the corresponding path on disk box. at factoryCallback (/Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compilation.js:276:40) at factory (/Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModuleFactory.js:235:20) at applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall (/Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModuleFactory.js:70:21) at /Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/tapable/lib/Tapable.js:265:18 at that.fileExistsWithCase (/Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/next/node_modules/case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin/index.js:156:15) at that.fileExistsWithCase (/Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/next/node_modules/case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin/index.js:109:7) at that.fileExistsWithCase (/Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/next/node_modules/case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin/index.js:109:7) at that.getFilenamesInDir (/Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/next/node_modules/case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin/index.js:97:7) at fs.readdir (/Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/next/node_modules/case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin/index.js:63:5) at /Users/yuditan/projects/personal_website/node_modules/enhanced-resolve/lib/CachedInputFileSystem.js:70:14 at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:95:7) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:161:9)

    opened by yudi-tan 7
  • Conditional Module Loading

    Conditional Module Loading

    I've noticed that the components in this project seem to mirror each other between macOS and windows. I assume that this is to enable developers to write the same code for both platforms? What's the suggested way of conditionally loading the correct component based upon the current platform? I don't think that something like this is supported:

    if (process.platform === 'win32') {
        import { Window, TitleBar, Text } from 'react-desktop/windows'
    } else {
        import { Window, TitleBar, Text } from 'react-desktop/macOs'

    Imports have to be top level statements.

    I've also experimented with something like this:

    const platform = (process.platform === 'win32') ? 'windows' : 'macOs';
    import { Window, TitleBar, Text } from `react-desktop/${platform}`

    This doesn't work because import statements don't support string templates (or variables for that matter).

    Any other ideas? Do I need to switch to SystemJS or something?

    opened by stdavis 7
  • There's something wrong with the title bar.

    There's something wrong with the title bar.

    #65 I have used it for my electron application, but there is something wrong.

    1. Window border doesn't render properly in electron.

    If I set the width and height of the props window to match the width and height of the electron window, the window will not display completely. 25c5cc.png Here's the creation code for the electron window:

    function createMainWnd() {
        mainWnd = new BrowserWindow({
            useContentSize: true,
            show: false,
            frame: false,
            transparent: true
        mainWnd.on('ready-to-show', ()=>{
            // mainWnd.webContents.openDevTools({ detach:true });
      mainWnd.on('closed', () => {
        mainWnd = null;

    And here's the react desktop's component JSX:


    If I set the window size to 808 * 608, and set the window transparent, it will work properly.

    2. The upper-right control bar does not display normally.

    10ade5.gif Some control buttons cover the window border.

    This may only happen in electron applications, but it does have an impact on the visual effect.


    opened by langyo 6
  • Add ability to disable individual titlebar controls

    Add ability to disable individual titlebar controls

    Titlebar controls can be disabled on macOS (not sure what the status is on windows) so I added this functionality.

    Usage is:

      title="untitled text 5"
      onCloseClick={() => console.log('Close window')}
      onMinimizeClick={() => console.log('Minimize window')}
      onMaximizeClick={() => console.log('Mazimize window')}
      onResizeClick={() => this.setState({ isFullscreen: !this.state.isFullscreen })}

    And it looks like this:


    Button styling stays disabled (i.e. doesn't change) on hover or focus. It should also be noted that this does not affect click handlers (e.g.. onCloseClick). Users can do this in their application code instead.

    opened by davej 6
  • NavMenu does not work with TypeScript

    NavMenu does not work with TypeScript

    I separated the two issues. Reference: Issue #61

    Also, I started writing typings for react-desktop thinking it was the reason I couldn't get my NavMenu working, but it still didn't (called setstate() on an unmounted component) work (and my definitions are neither done nor guaranteed perfect).

    Did you get it to work? Your example converted to ES6 works fine

    opened by gabrielbull 5
  • How to use refs to access TextInput value

    How to use refs to access TextInput value


    I am having a problem accessing the TextInput value. I have tried to use onChange then from there I set the state but that caused a weird behavior.

    Is there a way to use ref with TextInput and be able to use it to access the input value?

            label="My Input"
            placeholder="My Input"

    by doing console.log(this.refs.input.value), I get undefined.

    I am trying to use the input value based on click event that is coming from a button.

    Any suggestions?


    opened by luayalshawi 4
  • Element to Render Window Component to for Styling entire Application

    Element to Render Window Component to for Styling entire Application

    In going through the samples, it is unclear what element I should render the window component to in order to style the entire application window. Currently my BrowserWindow is:

      mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(
          width: 800 ,
          height: 600 ,
          //center: false ,
          //title: CONFIG.Title ,
          frame: false,  // causes no title bar on OSX
          //icon: /** see --> The window icon. On Windows it is recommended to use ICO icons to get best visual effects, you can also leave it undefined so the executable's icon will be used. **/ "",
          //backgroundColor: /** String - Window's background color as Hexadecimal value, like #66CD00 or #FFF or #80FFFFFF (alpha is supported). Default is #FFF (white). **/ "#FFF",
          //transparent: false

    And my Window class is:

    class WindowFrame extends React.Component<any, void> {
        static defaultProps = {
            color: '#cc7f29',
            theme: 'light'
        render() {
            return (
                    <TitleBar title="This is EDH Title #1" controls/>
                    <Text color={this.props.theme === 'dark' ? 'white' : '#333'}>HELLO WORLD</Text>

    When using this code and rendering to the body tag, I yield:


    My entire codebase is here

    opened by erichiller 4
  • Integrate with electron-react-boilerplate style problem

    Integrate with electron-react-boilerplate style problem

    I'm trying to integrate react desktop components into a boilerplate by electron-react-boilerplate. Already set the frame option to false, tweak the margin to zero, I got the overflow scrollbar: image

    If I set the body style to overflow: hidden, the border of main window won't be able to display (due to overflow). In the snip below, right border is not showing.


    Since the stylesheet of the boilerplate is pretty simple, I'm not really sure whether I miss any option. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

    opened by xgenvn 4
  • Started Windows Label, TextField & Button

    Started Windows Label, TextField & Button

    Styles still need some changes, but the base is there.

    Also think maybe we should have a component loader/bootstrap of sorts so that we don't have to repeat all that code for a common component?

    opened by Salakar 4
  • Demo / Docs Website Changelog not Updating!

    Demo / Docs Website Changelog not Updating!

    It seems as if this website content is no longer tracking the changelog file in this repo. Website - file -

    When I click "Edit Page" on the website I am linked to "" which throws a 404.

    opened by Dilks44 3
  • macOS Mojave and dark mode

    macOS Mojave and dark mode

    It seems like this is the only Electron Native UI library still being maintained. Is there any plans on updating the project to make the UI look completely like macOS Mojave? Is there any plan to support Mojave's dark theme feature?

    opened by holgersindbaek 3
  • Can't use along with electron-react-boilerplate?

    Can't use along with electron-react-boilerplate?

    I've tried to install along with electron-react-boilerplate then got this error

    npm install react-desktop --save
    npm ERR! code ERESOLVE
    npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! While resolving: undefined@undefined
    npm ERR! Found: [email protected]
    npm ERR! node_modules/react
    npm ERR!   react@"^18.2.0" from the root project
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:
    npm ERR! peer react@"^15.0 || ^16.0" from [email protected]
    npm ERR! node_modules/react-desktop
    npm ERR!   react-desktop@"*" from the root project
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
    npm ERR! this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps
    npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
    opened by dzpt 0
  • Use Vercel To Deploy The Docs

    Use Vercel To Deploy The Docs

    Hey @gabrielbull i was wondering if we can use vercel to deploy the website as it provides us free ssl certificate. And I Was Wondering If We Could Use A .tech domain like

    opened by CoderableOfficial 2
  • Windows 11 upgrade?

    Windows 11 upgrade?

    It would be so cool to have a new Windows 11 looking version of react desktop since it looks so much better.

    I just wanted to know your thoughts and if there is any plans on this. I would be happy to help a little when I have some free time.

    opened by pauldevson 1
  •  A string ref,

    A string ref, "xxx", has been found within a strict mode tree.

    While using almost any components of react-desktop, I can see a lot of A string ref, "xxx", has been found within a strict mode tree. kinds of errors.

    Is there a way to fix this or what particular version of the react should I be using?

    Screenshot 2020-12-14 at 20 16 57 bug 
    opened by awasthishubh 3
  • Two properties of the Box component are invalid

    Two properties of the Box component are invalid

    The two attributes of the horizontalAlignment verticalAlignment are invalid in the box

    I know that the display property needs to be flex,Why is it designed this way?

    Thank you in advance!!!

    opened by liangshen001 0
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