Diferentes demos em relação ao uso do Playwright para realização de palestras sobre o assunto


🎭 Playwright [Demos] - Palestra: Testes Inteligentes, Automatizados e Rápidos em Cross-Browser com Playwright!


Repositório responsável pelas demos realizadas sobre o Playwright. Um framework de teste E2E e Open Source da Microsoft. O Playwright permite testes confiáveis de ponta a ponta para aplicações Web Modernos!

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    como faço para rodar o código?

    tentei rodar e não deu certo, primeiro eu dei no prompt do windows um "npm install" e depois "npm test" mas não deu nada sem ser isso: image

    opened by camilagaertner 1
  • AddWebTrends-2021-05


    We've updated the Readme!

    What is this?

    To best understand which topics are popular and which subjects are trending in our developer communities, we can leverage Web Trends.

    This PR was generated by an automated open-source tool that double checks each Readme to ensure each repository is leveraging Web Trends.

    Web Trends does not collect any Personally Identifiable Information and cannot be traced back to any individual user.

    How do I opt-out from the tool?

    You may opt-out from future PRs here: https://optout-githubreadmelinks.azurewebsites.net

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  • Fix text input in demo-02

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    Thanks for putting together these demos.

    In the tweet demo, the page.fill API is not working because the web page has a custom div element which is used for text input (and not a standard input element like input or textarea).

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