The Space Traveler's Hub is an application where users can check out availble space rockets and book them or cancel the previously made booking. Also users can find a list of current missions along with their brief description and can join the selected mission or leave the mission the user joined earlier.



The Space Traveler's Hub is an application where users can check out available space rockets and book them or cancel the previously made booking. Also, users can find a list of current missions along with their brief description and can join the selected mission or leave the mission the user joined earlier.

Built With

React Badge


HTML Badge

CSS Badge

JavaScript Badge

Jest Badge

Getting Started with Create React App and Redux

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps:

  • Clone this repo to your computer using git. Or

  • Download the compressed zip folder and use a decompressor to unzip it into your computer. Then open the folder and all the project files will be there.

  • then instal npm with "npm install" in your terminal and then use "npm start" to open the application on your browser or use "npm test" to check the available test.


👤 Tiago Lelinski Marin

👤 Andy Menutti

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

  • Missions page

    Missions page

    I have displayed a List Render, connecting to an API, with all the descriptions, titles & statuses on every mission. Implemented 2 actions ( Join & leave) and switch badges for every component. To give an approach to the style of the page I have installed and used React-Bootstrap.

    Any suggestions are welcome!

    opened by andym80 2
  • Add tests

    Add tests

    I pass a test with Jest into the Missions.test.js component file that gives us a snapshot file too. Testing a good display of the component in this case.

    opened by andym80 0
  • add tests to Rockets page components

    add tests to Rockets page components

    In this pull request I added tests to check for future changes on the components related to the rockets page. The test were made using Jest and the components have to match the snapshot of current stage.

    opened by tiagomarin 0
  • Rockets page - Complete

    Rockets page - Complete

    In this pull request I'm adding the Complete Rockets Page. In this page the user find a list of rockets with their picture, name , description and also a button that the user can book (reserve) a rocket.


    • When the user clicks on the "reserve rocket" button, a badge is displayed below the name of the rocket and the button changes styles and becomes "cancel reservation".
    • When the "cancel reservation" button is clicked, the badge disapears and the button comes back to the original "reserve rocket"
    opened by tiagomarin 0
  • setup react-app-redux & add Navbar with links & empty files for struc…

    setup react-app-redux & add Navbar with links & empty files for struc…

    In this pull request I added the basic setup to start working with the project, also the navbar with the basic funcionality to click on the links and go to specific page.

    Now we can start working on each part of the project separetedly.

    opened by tiagomarin 0
  • Add Space Travelers v1.0

    Add Space Travelers v1.0

    In this pull request, we are consolidating the first version of the application. In the application, you can see a list of Rockets and Missions (on another page available by clicking on the link at the top of the page). The user can reserve a rocket to join a mission by clicking on the corresponding buttons, and a badge will be shown or updated on the screen. Also, the user has a My Profile section/page where it's possible to see all missions joined or rockets reserved.

    opened by tiagomarin 0

    link to project

    My partner changed timezone and I'm alone for this week. I've already contacted Studend Success but they haven't answered me yet, it all happened today!

    opened by tiagomarin 3
  • [1pt] Create basic structure for Missions - Setup

    [1pt] Create basic structure for Missions - Setup

    • Create a route and a view component. Use <NavLink /> for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • Create a directory for all Redux state slice files.
    opened by tiagomarin 0
  • Team3 [1pt] Create basic structure for Dragons - Setup

    Team3 [1pt] Create basic structure for Dragons - Setup

    • Create a route and a view component. Use <NavLink /> for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • Create a directory for all Redux state slice files.
    opened by tiagomarin 0
  • [4pt]  Fetch rockets - Fetch data

    [4pt] Fetch rockets - Fetch data

    Fetch data from the Rockets endpoint ( when the application starts (as Rockets is the default view).

    Once the data are fetched, dispatch an action to store the selected data in Redux store:

    • id
    • name
    • type
    • flickr_images

    NOTE: Make sure you only dispatch those actions once and do not add data to store on every re-render (i.e. when changing views / using navigation).

    opened by tiagomarin 0
Tiago Lelinski Marin
Full-stack Dev || Ruby on Rails, React, Tailwind SCSS || JavaScript lover || hobby - music || problem solving enthusiast || great communicator || love nature
Tiago Lelinski Marin
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