A JavaScript function to convert a number into words


Number to Words

by Nicholas C. Zakas

If you find this useful, please consider supporting my work with a donation.


A function that accepts a positive integer (or zero) and returns the English-language description of the number.



Install using npm or yarn:

npm install @humanwhocodes/number-to-words --save

# or

yarn add @humanwhocodes/number-to-words

Import into your Node.js project:

// CommonJS
const { numberToWords } = require("@humanwhocodes/number-to-words");

// ESM
import { numberToWords } from "@humanwhocodes/number-to-words";


Import into your Deno project:

import { numberToWords } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@humanwhocodes/number-to-words?dts";


It's recommended to import the minified version to save bandwidth:

import { numberToWords } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@humanwhocodes/number-to-words?min";

However, you can also import the unminified version for debugging purposes:

import { numberToWords } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@humanwhocodes/number-to-words";


After importing, pass any positive integer or zero to numberToWords():

console.log(numberToWords(0));      // "zero"
console.log(numberToWords(10));     // "ten"
console.log(numberToWords(524));    // "five hundred twenty-four"

The numberToWords() function works up to 999 trillion. If you need larger numbers then that, I envy you.

Developer Setup

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork
  3. Run npm install to setup dependencies
  4. Run npm test to run tests


Apache 2.0

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