Customizable, Pluginable, and High-Performance JavaScript-Based Scrollbar Solution.


Smooth Scrollbar

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Customizable, Flexible, and High Performance Scrollbars!


⚠️ DO NOT use custom scrollbars unless you know what you are doing. Read more

Tell us about the features you want in the next major update.

Via NPM (recommended):

npm install smooth-scrollbar --save

Via Bower:

bower install smooth-scrollbar --save

Browser Compatibility

Browser Version
IE 10+
Chrome 22+
Firefox 16+
Safari 8+
Android Browser 4+
Chrome for Android 32+
iOS Safari 7+



Since this package has a pkg.module field, it's highly recommended to import it as an ES6 module with some bundlers like webpack or rollup:

import Scrollbar from 'smooth-scrollbar';


If you are not using any bundlers, you can just load the UMD bundle:

<script src="dist/smooth-scrollbar.js"></script>

  var Scrollbar = window.Scrollbar;



latest 7.x


  • How to deal with position: fixed elements? #362
  • How to temporarily stop scrolling? #361
  • How to enable hash/anchor scrolling? #360
  • How to direct all scrolling to a particular direction? #359
  • How to disable scrolling in a particular direction? #357
  • more...

Who's Using It

  • Awwwards Conference: An Event for UX / UI Designers and Web Developers.
  • Listeners Playlist: A cool music player designed by Jiyong Ahn sharing musics from the facebook group 'Listeners Playlist'.
  • Matter: A new and better way to grow your professional skills.
  • Parsons Branding: Brand strategy and design studio based in Cape Town.
  • Feel free to add yours here 🤗 .



  • Make keyboard scrolling optional?

    Make keyboard scrolling optional?

    I have a scrollable content area with content in it. I listen to the key up/down event to jump to the next/prev. items. The problem is that smooth-scrollbar catch this events in ( and handle it itself w/o propagation.

    This event's are nice but I need an exception for the up/down keys.

    Have you an idea how to solve that? Maybe some modification in this lib?

    opened by aight8 19
  • URL with hash links doesn't load in the right position

    URL with hash links doesn't load in the right position


    • Browser: Chrome Version 62.0.3202.94 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    • Version of smooth-scrollbar: ^7.3.1 and higher (have same issue with the last version in another project)

    Issue Summary

    Accesing the webpage with a #link doesn't scroll to the section with that ID

    Expected Behavior

    If you go to the the page would load and be positioned in the page section where that someID had been set.

    wontfix FAQ 
    opened by HectorLS 18
  • URL with hash links. With Firefox, it doesn't work properly.

    URL with hash links. With Firefox, it doesn't work properly.

    Try the same thing with Firefox, it doesn't work properly.

    Originally posted by @mrWilson123 in

    opened by mrWilson123 17
  • setPosition not working

    setPosition not working

    hey there! i got your plugin working an its beautiful. i just have a problem when trying to scroll to a section on the page. when i click my button it just says scrollbar is not defined. Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?

    Thank you so much! Jaro

    bildschirmfoto 2017-09-06 um 15 14 40
    opened by milkdesign 15
  • Transform not working on Chrome 61.03.3163.100

    Transform not working on Chrome 61.03.3163.100


    • Browser: Chrome 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    • Version of smooth-scrollbar: 8.1.4
    • MacOS Sierra 10.12.6

    Hello, Awesome library by the way! 🥇

    this is my code, i just started to use it.

    it works perfectly on Safari 11.0 , Opera 48.0, Firefox 54.0.11

    But is not working on Chrome, it's initialized properly, the CSS is active, but cannot scroll, so the transform never occurs, not sure what i missed

    And if i add the overflow: auto !important ( must be important because the library would overwrite it otherway) then the scroll start to do a weird jumps down and up 😢 Some help here would be much appreciated.

    JS code

    import Scrollbar from 'smooth-scrollbar';
    var element =  document.querySelector('#scrollbar-wrapper');
    var options = {
      damping: 0.25,
      thumbMinSize: 5,
      renderByPixel: true,
      alwaysShowTracks: false,
      continuousScrolling: true
    Scrollbar.init(element, options);
    document.querySelector('body').setAttribute('scroller', true);

    Sass Code

    [scroller='true'] {
      #scrollbar-wrapper {
        height: 100vh;
        width: 100vw;
    opened by HectorLS 14
  • Parent container doesn't continue to scroll once smooth-scrollbar reaches top/bottom of a container.

    Parent container doesn't continue to scroll once smooth-scrollbar reaches top/bottom of a container.

    I noticed on the demo that the angular-smooth-scrollbar does exhibit this behaviour, but the original one doesn't. Is there a way to enable this in the smooth-scrollbar? Also, if viewed on an older browser, will it gracefully fall back to the native scrollbar?

    enhancement feature 
    opened by jared83 14
  • Significant framerate drop on 6X slowdown in chrome developer tools

    Significant framerate drop on 6X slowdown in chrome developer tools

    Issue Summary

    Simulating slower CPU 4x and 6x drops framerate to pretty much unusable state

    Current Behavior

    Framerate on 6x slowdown goes down to 20 fps even when scroll is in stationary position

    Expected Behavior

    In stationary position framerate should be 60 fps, while in motion some degradation is okay but 10 or 20 fps is not good

    Steps to Reproduce

    Run the current demo from the website with chrome using 4x and 6x CPU slowdown under performance tab

    wontfix performance 
    opened by antonioberetini 13
  • accessibility: tabindex is always 1 now

    accessibility: tabindex is always 1 now


    • Version of smooth-scrollbar: 8.2.7

    Issue Summary

    Current tabindex is always 1.

    It would be great to give user ability to change tabindex number

    opened by Hongbo-Miao 13
  • Added invertDelta option ✨

    Added invertDelta option ✨

    How about this kind of solution? It can be used temporarily until v8. Also because we have to fork react-smooth-scrollbar only for the dependency and it's really annoying.


    Added invertDelta option on smooth-scrollbar to invert the scroll delta, is really simple. In the future it could be changed with reducers concept.

    Types of changes

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
    opened by liqueflies 13
  • [7.3.0] scrollTo feels agressive

    [7.3.0] scrollTo feels agressive

    Issue Summary

    The duration of scrollTo I feel worked better in previous versions, it's quite hard to get a smooth transition now as it's very fast until the last like (90%), so if you set it to 1000, it feels more like 200 for example. The dampening is very subtle.

    Expected Behavior

    scrollTo to feel more like it's sticking to the duration.

    Current Behavior

    scrollTo feels much faster than the duration set.

    enhancement priority: moderate 
    opened by TomS- 13
  • Mass and momentum

    Mass and momentum

    Is it possible to control mass and momentum? I feel that with a bit more mass and momentum, the scroll would feel more natural. For instance comparing it to iOS native scroll, on shorter swipes, scroll moves longer and it eases out before it stops.

    opened by antonioberetini 12
  • Anchor Tags not working with horizontal scrolling

    Anchor Tags not working with horizontal scrolling


    • [X] Not a duplicate.




    I think I've found a bug when it comes to horizontal scrolling and anchor tags.,css,js,output

    I've reproduced the bug above.

    #target doesn't jump to 001.

    Steps to Reproduce

    Horizontal scrolling on my website uses

    .wrapper {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: row;
      max-width: 100vw;
      transform: rotate(90deg) translateY(-100vh);
      transform-origin: top left;
      object-fit: cover;
    .outer-wrapper {
      width: 100vh;
      height: 100vw;
      transform: rotate(-90deg) translateX(-100vh);
      transform-origin: top left;
      overflow-y: hidden;
      overflow-x: hidden;
      position: absolute;
      scrollbar-width: none;
      -ms-overflow-style: none;

    Online Demo,css,js,output

    opened by nzmitch 0
  • [Idea/v9] target-agnostic smooth scrolling engine

    [Idea/v9] target-agnostic smooth scrolling engine


    Currently, this library focuses on interacting with DOM elements. However, since the smoothening/interpolation logic is independent of DOM, we can create an all-purpose smooth scrolling engine that can be used in DOM, canvas, and anywhere you want to smoothen the scrolling.

    Note that the word "scrolling" here is an abstract concept that implies any interaction with mouse wheels or touch screens.


    In our next version, we want to split the core library into the following three packages:

    1. @smooth-scrollbar/engine: this package is the target-agnostic scrolling engine that provides the basic smoothening(interpolation) algorithm and the rendering logic. You can think of it as [email protected] without event handlers. A minimal interface will be:
    class SrollbarEngine {
      // sets or updates the sizes of container and content
      setSize(size) {}
      // sets scrolling delta
      setDelta(x, y) {}
      // increase scrolling delta
      addDelta(x, y) {}
      // scrolls to the specific position with easing
      scrollTo(x, y, duration, options) {}
      // sets scrolling position
      setPosition(x, y) {}
      // scrolling events
      on(event, handler) {}
      // the rendering loop
      protected render() {}
    1. @smooth-scrollbar/event-handlers: the common event handlers including wheel, touch, and/maybe keyboard. (I'm not sure if this should be merged into the engine package.)
    2. smooth-scrollbar: the DOM adapter that equals to [email protected]. We keep using this name for compatibility.
    idea accepted 
    opened by idiotWu 2
  • Laggy scrolling on Safari@iOS 16

    Laggy scrolling on Safari@iOS 16

    Discussed in

    Originally posted by RubenReuring September 22, 2022 Safari smooth scroll is way 'slower' compared to Chrome. I have this issue on desktop aswell as mobile. On mobile the slowness is so bad I almost want to disable the smooth scrollbar. Is there anything I could do to improve this scrolling on Safari?

    help wanted investigating alien bug mobile 
    opened by idiotWu 0
  • Horizontal Scroll even after Disable X-Axis Scrolling

    Horizontal Scroll even after Disable X-Axis Scrolling

    Discussed in

    Originally posted by blitzve0 June 4, 2022

    Hi, I am using a plugin to disable X-axis horizontal scrolling totally, but sometimes accidentally when I hold and drag from the right edge, the site starts horizontally dragging. You can check the video and can try it out also here

    This is the Plugin

    import Scrollbar from 'smooth-scrollbar'
    class DisableScroll extends Scrollbar.ScrollbarPlugin {
      static pluginName = 'DisableScroll'
      transformDelta(delta, fromEvent) {
        delta['x'] = 0
        return delta
    DisableScroll.pluginName = 'DisableScroll'
    export default DisableScroll
    bug priority: high 
    opened by idiotWu 2
  • polyfills.js depends on 'core-js/es/array/from'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.

    polyfills.js depends on 'core-js/es/array/from'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.

    with angular 13 , getting following warnings

    Warning: /SPA/ngx-starter-kit/node_modules/smooth-scrollbar/polyfills.js depends on 'core-js/es/array/from'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
    For more info see:
    Warning: /SPA/ngx-starter-kit/node_modules/smooth-scrollbar/polyfills.js depends on 'core-js/es/map'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
    For more info see:
    Warning: /SPA/ngx-starter-kit/node_modules/smooth-scrollbar/polyfills.js depends on 'core-js/es/object/assign'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
    For more info see:
    Warning: /SPA/ngx-starter-kit/node_modules/smooth-scrollbar/polyfills.js depends on 'core-js/es/set'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
    For more info see:
    Warning: /SPA/ngx-starter-kit/node_modules/smooth-scrollbar/polyfills.js depends on 'core-js/es/weak-map'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
    For more info see:
    opened by xmlking 1
  • [Idea/v9] Emit scrolling-related events

    [Idea/v9] Emit scrolling-related events

    Discussed in

    Originally posted by IljaDaderko April 2, 2021 I'm writing some logic that needs to be started on scroll start and ended when scrolling ends / becomes idle.

    I can detect scroll start with scrolbar.addListener listener, but I can't seem to find anything that indicates "stop" event i.e. when scrollbars become idle and user is no longer pressing on the screen / using mouse wheel.

    Is event like this exposed? If not what would be right approach here?

    idea custom plugins accepted 
    opened by idiotWu 0
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