Ignorance is bliss.



Ignorance is bliss.


It's a browser extension/userscript to replace the "Holdings" section on https://kite.zerodha.com and replace it with a random Yoda quote.


It's for personal use. I don't want to look at my portfolio during bear markets but somehow end up logging in to Kite. It's similar to how one opens the fridge multiple times, expecting something new even though one is aware of the contents inside it.

Hopefully, this small piece of code will help me make fewer stupid decisions. YMMV.


In the 0.0001% case that you also wanna use, you can use the following methods:

Userscript (Preferred)

You can use Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey in your browser and install this user script.


you can download the zip and load in your browser. I don't have the bandwidth for publishing this and going through the review process for something I won't use after some time.

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Karan Sharma
Tech @zerodha Interested in Observability, Containers and Distributed Systems.
Karan Sharma