Jaksel Script, Programming language very modern and Indonesian style


Jaksel Script

Jaksel Script is a new programming language, very modern, easy to learn, using Indonesia-slang language. No programming experience required.

Thank you for all your contributions, share, star, and everything.

Instalation & Run

Install from npm

npm install -g jaksel-language

Or Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/RioChndr/jaksel-language.git


If you install from npm, run jaksel script using jaksel command

jaksel example/example1.jaksel

Or run from this repository

node jaksel-interpreter.js example/example1.jaksel

Table Of Content



Example :

literally umur itu 21
spill "Umur lu " + umur
kalo umur lebih gede 20
  spill "Elu tua"
  literally umurgua itu umur + 10
  spill "Kalo gua umurnya " + umurgua
  kalo umurgua lebih gede 30
    spill "gua lebih tua"
  spill "dasar bocil"
spill "Udahan ah"
literally jumlah itu 10
spill "Jumlah: " + jumlah

whichis jumlah itu 11
spill "Jumlah: " + jumlah

literally isHidup itu positive vibes
spill "is hidup :" + isHidup

fomo i endup 10
  kalo i lebih gede 3
    spill "loop ke " + i


Some command just like javascript, the only different is keyword and this language will translate to javascript and run as javascript. I know, this is just for fun.


This project just for fun, I don't want to hurt anyone. Just from idea "what if jaksel language is a programming language" and make it true. This project only for education purpose, not for production ready.


Some cool project from you, submit your project like highlight text, jaksel-to-js, etc. Make PR link to your repo !. Don't limit your creativity

Highlight Text Editor

  • vim-jaksel jaksel programming language plugin for (n)vim
  • update cli and refactor

    update cli and refactor

    PR (pull request) ini mengandung update yang ada di PR #36 dengan sedikit perubahan dan perbaikan Isi PR ini :

    • update cli dan menambahkan command run dan compile
    • fixing bug di regex
    • penghapusan openGroup dan closeGroup supaya menghemat baris kode :v
    • edit readme.md
    • penambahan package [email protected] dan [email protected]

    preview cli: run single file image run multi file image compile singe file image compile multi file image hasil compile image

    hope you like this and thank you

    opened by hasheemi 6
  • Refactor code

    Refactor code

    This pull request is just refactoring code and a little bit of a change. I think we should refactor the code before getting bigger and more complicated. It provides better readability and maintainability.

    opened by reacto11mecha 5
  • add: proper executable

    add: proper executable

    Closes #12

    This pull request contains a feature that can run on the command line when you run jaksel <filename>. Just run the npm install command at the root of the project as a global package.

    npm i -g .

    And to remove just run this command

    npm rm -g jaksel-language
    opened by reacto11mecha 4
  • Implemented `for of loop`, `break`, and `continue`

    Implemented `for of loop`, `break`, and `continue`

    Hey, I hope this helps a little. Maybe the keyword that I chose can be changed later.


    fomo semua foo dari bar
      kalo foo itu 3
      perhaps foo itu 5
        spill "Loop diakhiri"
      spill foo
    // transforms to
    for (const foo of bar) {
      if (foo == 3) {
      } else if (foo == 5) {
        console.log("Loop diakhiri");

    Fix : Variable naming rules (commit )

    opened by Andndre 3
  • Standard library untuk perpajakan

    Standard library untuk perpajakan

    Sebagai warga negara yang baik (™) we literally have to bayar pajak despite rada-rada ngeselin gitu...

    Awalnya gw mau bikin PPN, PB1, && i++ jadi kek konstan gitu, for example konstan _WIN32 and __linux__ yang ada di C gitu...

    Tapi, tapi kan... ngitung pajak kek PPh kan ribet, perlu liat paycheck gw berapa banyak lagi. Gw mau hal-hal sepele kek gini jadi gampang. Segampang klik "bayar" dan scan QR gitu...

    Maybe kita perlu bikin standard library with functions yang ngevibes sama pajak gitu?

    opened by reinhart1010 2
  • Security concern

    Security concern

    Hello 👋

    I run a security community that finds and fixes vulnerabilities in OSS. A researcher (@kerupuksambel) has found a potential issue, which I would be eager to share with you.

    Could you add a SECURITY.md file with an e-mail address for me to send further details to? GitHub recommends a security policy to ensure issues are responsibly disclosed, and it would help direct researchers in the future.

    Looking forward to hearing from you 👍

    (cc @huntr-helper)

    opened by benharvie 1
  • const params = paramNames?.trim().split(/\s+/) ?? [];

    const params = paramNames?.trim().split(/\s+/) ?? [];

    hallo bang kenapa di saya ketika saya jalankan untuk example1.jaksel muncul error

    /usr/lib/node_modules/jaksel-language/lib/logics/parser/functionDeclarationBegin.js:11 const params = paramNames?.trim().split(/\s+/) ?? []; ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.' at wrapSafe (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:915:16) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:963:27) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:863:32) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:708:14) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:887:19) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18) at Object. (/usr/lib/node_modules/jaksel-language/lib/logics/index.js:10:34) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:999:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10)

    saya menggunkaan node version 12.12, apakah tidak support di version node tersebut di beberapa command seperti

    jaksel example/example2.jaksel

    ataupun menggunakan command

    node jaksel-interpreter.js example/example2.jaksel

    opened by iqbalnur32 1
  • fix: fix flexing command

    fix: fix flexing command

    fs.readFileSync in jaksel-interpreter.js will yield different result when run on windows platform. see this stackoverflow answer

    we need to replace endline \r\n with \n to accomodate further parsing downstream.

    # run on windows
    # notice the `\r\n` does not exist in mac or linux. 
      inputJaksel: 'literally umur itu 21\r\n' +
        'spill "Umur lu " + umur\r\n' +
        'kalo umur lebih gede 20\r\n' +
        '  spill "Elu tua"\r\n' +
        '  literally umurgua itu umur + 10\r\n' +
        '  spill "Kalo gua umurnya " + umurgua\r\n' +
        '  kalo umurgua lebih gede 30\r\n' +
        '    spill "gua lebih tua"\r\n' +
        '  udahan\r\n' +
        'kalogak\r\n' +
        '  spill "dasar bocil"\r\n' +
        'udahan\r\n' +
        'spill "Udahan ah"'
      cmdLines: [
        'literally umur itu 21',
        'spill "Umur lu " + umur\r',
        'kalo umur lebih gede 20\r',
        '  spill "Elu tua"\r',
        '  literally umurgua itu umur + 10\r',
        '  spill "Kalo gua umurnya " + umurgua\r',
        '  kalo umurgua lebih gede 30\r',
        '    spill "gua lebih tua"\r',
        '  udahan\r',
        '  spill "dasar bocil"\r',
        'spill "Udahan ah"'
      cmds: [
        { exp: 'let umur = 21;' },
        { exp: 'console.log("Umur lu " + umur);' },
        { exp: 'if (umur  >  20\r)', openGroup: true },
        { exp: 'console.log("Elu tua");' },
        { exp: 'let umurgua = umur + 10\r;' },
        { exp: 'console.log("Kalo gua umurnya " + umurgua);' },
        { exp: 'if (umurgua  >  30\r)', openGroup: true },
        { exp: 'console.log("gua lebih tua");' },
        { exp: 'console.log("dasar bocil");' },
        { exp: 'console.log("Udahan ah");' }
      input: 'literally umur itu 21\r\n' +
        'spill "Umur lu " + umur\r\n' +
        'kalo umur lebih gede 20\r\n' +
        '  spill "Elu tua"\r\n' +
        '  literally umurgua itu umur + 10\r\n' +
        '  spill "Kalo gua umurnya " + umurgua\r\n' +
        '  kalo umurgua lebih gede 30\r\n' +
        '    spill "gua lebih tua"\r\n' +
        '  udahan\r\n' +
        'kalogak\r\n' +
        '  spill "dasar bocil"\r\n' +
        'udahan\r\n' +
        'spill "Udahan ah"',
    opened by hkar19 1
  • fix/better call argument with string literal

    fix/better call argument with string literal

    This PR should fix #41

    This allows passing string into multi-parameter function

    Suppose we have function that takes 3 parameters

    so about fungsiMultiParam a b c
        spill "argumen pertama: " + a
        spill "argumen kedua: " + b
        spill "argumen ketiga: " + c
    thats it sih

    when we call

    literally nama2 itu "budi"
    call fungsiMultiParam 2 nama2 "hello world"

    it should outputs

    argumen pertama: 2
    argumen kedua: budi
    argumen ketiga: hello world

    it also support escaping quotes inside string literal

    literally nama2 itu "budi"
    call fungsiMultiParam 3 nama2 "and then Romeo says \"I love you\" to Juliet"

    it should outputs

    argumen pertama: 2
    argumen kedua: budi
    argumen ketiga: and then Romeo says "I love you" to Juliet
    opened by RayhanHamada 1
  • Bugs when passing string literal into multi-parameter function call

    Bugs when passing string literal into multi-parameter function call

    Currently i encounter some bugs when passing string literal into multi-parameter function call

    Suppose we have a function that takes 3 parameters

    so about fungsiMultiParam a b c
        spill "a: " + a
        spill "b: " + b
        spill "c: " + c
    thats it sih

    When fungsiMultiParam called like

    call fungsiMultiParam "hello" 4 5

    It outputs

    a: hello
    b: undefined // should be 4
    c: undefined // should be 5

    Or when i switch the position like such

    call fungsiMultiParam 3 "hello" 5

    It outputs

    a: 3
    b: undefined
    c: undefined

    It seems that only parse the first argument. Function with only one parameter works fine with string literal.

    opened by RayhanHamada 1
  • Unit Testing

    Unit Testing

    Karena sudah makin banyak function parsingnya. Perlu unit testing untuk menjaga stabilitas ini. Akan saya setup dulu unit testingnya

    • [x] varAssign
    • [ ] varReassign,
    • [ ] constAssign,
    • [ ] consoleLog,
    • [ ] conditionIf,
    • [ ] conditionElIf,
    • [ ] conditionElse,
    • [ ] conditionClose,
    • [ ] loopFor,
    • [ ] functionDeclarationBegin,
    • [ ] functionDeclarationEnd,
    • [ ] functionCall,
    • [ ] throwError,
    • [ ] tryFn,
    • [ ] catchFn,
    • [ ] finallyFn,

    related to #27

    opened by RioChndr 0
  • Logo Baru

    Logo Baru

    Logo ini dibuat untuk have fun :)

    Filosofi logo : bertulisan huruf handwriting, seperti lagi di cafe cafe kesukaan hyunger

    Link Download : https://www.mediafire.com/file/ec92h33pf7cfwnm/JakselCode-Logo.zip/file


    font didalam logo ini terdapat lisensi Free To Personal Use, jika untuk komersial harap bikin logo yang baru

    opened by MininxD 5
  • Add more keyword

    Add more keyword

    List command that 'maybe' need to add to this language.

    • [x] Function
    • [ ] Module Import
    • [ ] Module Export
    • [ ] Object
    • [ ] Class
    • [ ] Method in class
    • [ ] Promise, Resolve, Reject
    help wanted 
    opened by RioChndr 12
Rio Chandra
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Rio Chandra
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