gcal/outlook like calendar component



An events calendar component built for React and made for modern browsers (read: IE10+) and uses flexbox over the classic tables-ception approach.

DEMO and Docs

Inspired by Full Calendar.

Use and Setup

yarn add react-big-calendar or npm install --save react-big-calendar

Include react-big-calendar/lib/css/react-big-calendar.css for styles, and make sure your calendar's container element has a height, or the calendar won't be visible. To provide your own custom styling, see the Custom Styling topic.


Run examples locally

$ git clone [email protected]:intljusticemission/react-big-calendar.git
$ cd react-big-calendar
$ yarn
$ yarn examples

Localization and Date Formatting

react-big-calendar includes three options for handling the date formatting and culture localization, depending on your preference of DateTime libraries. You can use either the Moment.js, Globalize.js or date-fns localizers.

Regardless of your choice, you must choose a localizer to use this library:


import { Calendar, momentLocalizer } from 'react-big-calendar'
import moment from 'moment'

const localizer = momentLocalizer(moment)

const MyCalendar = props => (
      style={{ height: 500 }}

Globalize.js v0.1.1

import { Calendar, globalizeLocalizer } from 'react-big-calendar'
import globalize from 'globalize'

const localizer = globalizeLocalizer(globalize)

const MyCalendar = props => (
      style={{ height: 500 }}

date-fns 2.0

import { Calendar, dateFnsLocalizer } from 'react-big-calendar'
import format from 'date-fns/format'
import parse from 'date-fns/parse'
import startOfWeek from 'date-fns/startOfWeek'
import getDay from 'date-fns/getDay'
const locales = {
  'en-US': require('date-fns/locale/en-US'),
const localizer = dateFnsLocalizer({

const MyCalendar = props => (
      style={{ height: 500 }}

Custom Styling

Out of the box, you can include the compiled CSS files and be up and running. But, sometimes, you may want to style Big Calendar to match your application styling. For this reason, SASS files are included with Big Calendar.

  @import 'react-big-calendar/lib/sass/styles';
  @import 'react-big-calendar/lib/addons/dragAndDrop/styles'; // if using DnD

SASS implementation provides a variables file containing color and sizing variables that you can update to fit your application. Note: Changing and/or overriding styles can cause rendering issues with your Big Calendar. Carefully test each change accordingly.

Join us on Reactiflux Discord

Join us on Reactiflux Discord community under the channel #libraries if you have any questions.

  • Timezone support

    Timezone support

    It would be nice if there was a way to display a calendar in a timezone other than the browser's local one. moment-timezone supports timezone conversion using a named zone:


    I attempted to make this work by setting moment's default timezone, but it looks like all of the date "math" to determine the range of days and weeks is done by date-arithmetic, a library that AFAICT has no awareness of timezones.

    enhancement help wanted wontfix feature request 
    opened by dgouldin 82
  • Resize Month Events and Resize Week/Day Events on Both Ends

    Resize Month Events and Resize Week/Day Events on Both Ends


    This PR adds the ability to resize month events as well as resize week/day events on both ends, top and bottom. I wasn't able to get this to perform correctly on hover which I suppose is ideal. We might find inspiration from #577.

    This is a long standing issue so it would be good to see some movement on this.

    Also, I think this could be a good first implementation that is refined on going forward.









    #577, #541, #406

    opened by arecvlohe 70
  • Drop external events onto calendar?

    Drop external events onto calendar?

    Hi everyone. I've developed an app that requires dragging and dropping events from an external list onto the calendar. I've made it work in the old version using React-DnD. But in the new version it was ditched for another technology that I still can't find out what it is. So I'd like to ask is it possible to drop an outside event onto the calendar by using the new DnD approach? If yes could you give me a hint? Thank you very much.

    feature request 
    opened by MinhNguyen41092 35
  • date[(

    date[("get" + method)] is not a function

    I'm a Rails dev and new to Node/Webpack/React. When I switch between month/week/day view, the app often crashes and I get this error in the console: index.js?07ad:209 Uncaught TypeError: date[("get" + method)] is not a function.

      defaultDate={new Date()}

    I wonder whether this has to do with how webpack is configured and compiles the files? Here's the file that causes the error, the problem is on line 209:

    var MILI    = 'milliseconds'
      , SECONDS = 'seconds'
      , MINUTES = 'minutes'
      , HOURS   = 'hours'
      , DAY     = 'day'
      , WEEK    = 'week'
      , MONTH   = 'month'
      , YEAR    = 'year'
      , DECADE  = 'decade'
      , CENTURY = 'century';
    var dates = module.exports = {
      add: function(date, num, unit) {
        date = new Date(date)
        switch (unit){
          case MILI:
          case SECONDS:
          case MINUTES:
          case HOURS:
          case YEAR:
            return dates[unit](date, dates[unit](date) + num)
          case DAY:
            return dates.date(date, dates.date(date) + num)
          case WEEK:
            return dates.date(date, dates.date(date) + (7 * num)) 
          case MONTH:
            return monthMath(date, num)
          case DECADE:
            return dates.year(date, dates.year(date) + (num * 10))
          case CENTURY:
            return dates.year(date, dates.year(date) + (num * 100))
        throw new TypeError('Invalid units: "' + unit + '"')
      subtract: function(date, num, unit) {
        return dates.add(date, -num, unit)
      startOf: function(date, unit, firstOfWeek) {
        date = new Date(date)
        switch (unit) {
          case 'century':
          case 'decade':
          case 'year':
              date = dates.month(date, 0);
          case 'month':
              date = dates.date(date, 1);
          case 'week':
          case 'day':
              date = dates.hours(date, 0);
          case 'hours':
              date = dates.minutes(date, 0);
          case 'minutes':
              date = dates.seconds(date, 0);
          case 'seconds':
              date = dates.milliseconds(date, 0);
        if (unit === DECADE) 
          date = dates.subtract(date, dates.year(date) % 10, 'year')
        if (unit === CENTURY) 
          date = dates.subtract(date, dates.year(date) % 100, 'year')
        if (unit === WEEK) 
          date = dates.weekday(date, 0, firstOfWeek);
        return date
      endOf: function(date, unit, firstOfWeek){
        date = new Date(date)
        date = dates.startOf(date, unit, firstOfWeek)
        date = dates.add(date, 1, unit)
        date = dates.subtract(date, 1, MILI)
        return date
      eq:  createComparer(function(a, b){ return a === b }),
      neq: createComparer(function(a, b){ return a !== b }),
      gt:  createComparer(function(a, b){ return a > b }),
      gte: createComparer(function(a, b){ return a >= b }),
      lt:  createComparer(function(a, b){ return a < b }),
      lte: createComparer(function(a, b){ return a <= b }),
      min: function(){
        return new Date(Math.min.apply(Math, arguments))
      max: function(){
        return new Date(Math.max.apply(Math, arguments))
      inRange: function(day, min, max, unit){
        unit = unit || 'day'
        return (!min || dates.gte(day, min, unit))
            && (!max || dates.lte(day, max, unit))
      milliseconds:   createAccessor('Milliseconds'),
      seconds:        createAccessor('Seconds'),
      minutes:        createAccessor('Minutes'),
      hours:          createAccessor('Hours'),
      day:            createAccessor('Day'),
      date:           createAccessor('Date'),
      month:          createAccessor('Month'),
      year:           createAccessor('FullYear'),
      decade: function (date, val) {
        return val === undefined 
          ? dates.year(dates.startOf(date, DECADE))
          : dates.add(date, val + 10, YEAR);
      century: function (date, val) {
        return val === undefined 
          ? dates.year(dates.startOf(date, CENTURY))
          : dates.add(date, val + 100, YEAR);
      weekday: function (date, val, firstDay) {
          var weekday = (dates.day(date) + 7 - (firstDay || 0) ) % 7;
          return val === undefined 
            ? weekday 
            : dates.add(date, val - weekday, DAY);
      diff: function (date1, date2, unit, asFloat) {
        var dividend, divisor, result;
        switch (unit) {
          case MILI:
          case SECONDS:
          case MINUTES:
          case HOURS:
          case DAY:
          case WEEK:
            dividend = date2.getTime() - date1.getTime(); break;
          case MONTH:
          case YEAR:
          case DECADE:
          case CENTURY:
            dividend = (dates.year(date2) - dates.year(date1)) * 12 + dates.month(date2) - dates.month(date1); break;
            throw new TypeError('Invalid units: "' + unit + '"');
        switch (unit) {
          case MILI:
              divisor = 1; break;
          case SECONDS:
              divisor = 1000; break;
          case MINUTES:
              divisor = 1000 * 60; break;
          case HOURS:
              divisor = 1000 * 60 * 60; break;
          case DAY:
              divisor = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; break;
          case WEEK:
              divisor = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; break;
          case MONTH:
              divisor = 1; break;
          case YEAR:
              divisor = 12; break;
          case DECADE:
              divisor = 120; break;
          case CENTURY:
              divisor = 1200; break;
            throw new TypeError('Invalid units: "' + unit + '"');
        result = dividend / divisor;
        return asFloat ? result : absoluteFloor(result);
    function absoluteFloor(number) {
      return number < 0 ? Math.ceil(number) : Math.floor(number);
    function monthMath(date, val){
      var current = dates.month(date)
        , newMonth  = (current + val);
        date = dates.month(date, newMonth)
        while (newMonth < 0 ) newMonth = 12 + newMonth
        //month rollover
        if ( dates.month(date) !== ( newMonth % 12))
          date = dates.date(date, 0) //move to last of month
        return date
    function createAccessor(method){
      return function(date, val){
        if (val === undefined)
          return date['get' + method]()
        date = new Date(date)
        date['set' + method](val)
        return date
    function createComparer(operator) {
      return function (a, b, unit) {
        return operator(+dates.startOf(a, unit), +dates.startOf(b, unit))
     ** ./~/date-arithmetic/index.js
     ** module id = 415
     ** module chunks = 0
    opened by migu0 28
  • Simplify codebase ideas

    Simplify codebase ideas

    As initially referenced in #93 I would like to take a stab at simplifying the codebase.

    Initial ideas:

    1. pull out internationalization into a separate package. react-big-calendar-moment, react-big-calendar-globalize
    2. remove state, use props for everything unless there is literally no other way to do it
    3. make all components pure
    4. reduce file size to single page in an IDE for every file, split up large components

    And from a development perspective:

    1. unit test everything using mocha/enzyme/sinon and use jsdom in wallaby for instant test failure notification
    2. remove tangled dependencies, create higher order components to do that, but keep the display logic clean and simple, and dumb.
    3. use react-storybook for visual testing of components (https://github.com/kadirahq/react-storybook), this is by far the easiest way. I usually tweak the component in there, then write the unit test both to verify invisible things and as a regression catcher.
    4. move to es6 completely? Let the user transpile as necessary, so no more lib/

    Basically, I'll do these things for my own use, gradually over time, but I would like it to be useful to you also.

    What do you think? Anything strike you as a different direction for your priorities?

    opened by cellog 27
  • Having Concurrent Later Overlapping Events Hides Earier Event

    Having Concurrent Later Overlapping Events Hides Earier Event

    Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?


    What's the current behavior?

    A regression/edge case of #404 (which should be reopened)

    Image Of Issue

    Code Sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/embed/react-big-calendar-example-96cue

    This edge case occurs precisely when the following two conditions are satisfied:

    1. There is an event A that overlaps with another event B which ends later
    2. There are events C and D that begin after A but overlap with B

    Affected Browser(s):

    • Mozilla Firefox 68.0
    • Google Chrome 75.0.3770.142

    What's the expected behavior?

    For event B not to be completely hidden by events C/D. Example (from Google Calendar): ReactBigCalendarExpectedResult

    opened by Christopher-Chianelli 26
  • Passing state and methods to custom components

    Passing state and methods to custom components

    It's great that we can specify our own custom components, but they seem to be Uncontrolled. I would like to be able to pass state and methods down to custom components - is there a way to do this?

    An example use case - I want to add a button in the Toolbar which will modify some of the events on the calendar.

    opened by wasabigeek 26
  • Add resource

    Add resource

    I've created this PR, that serve the same purpose as https://github.com/intljusticemission/react-big-calendar/pull/373. The difference is that the logic of the resource is done directly in the TimeGrid instead of creating a ResourceGrid which DRY things up and allow to enjoy resource in the week view as well.

    opened by TeaBough 26
  • Implement unified TimeGutter in Week and Day view using refactored code

    Implement unified TimeGutter in Week and Day view using refactored code


    1. re-factored TimeSlice/TimeSliceGroup in TimeGutter removes some loop code in favor of mapping, makes selection easier to implement
    2. re-factored DaySlot uses same code as TimeGutter to generate html
    3. re-factored selection code reduces code size substantially, separates concerns (selection is not handled within components, but with higher-order components Selection and Selectable)
    4. otherwise, it's the same! Visually functioning the same way, external API identical

    Potential API to expose:

    1. because the selection is now configurable, it is possible to expose the function for creating the selection div
    2. time slices, can make smaller slices (up to 5 per group) default is 2
    3. rather than using new Date() for now, we should pass this as a prop, with default value of new Date(). Makes the component slightly more pure.

    potential bugs to fix (pre-existing behavior):

    1. selection of the all-day slots doesn't do anything (and never did). Perhaps we need to expose onSelectAllDay?
    2. react/react-dom can be upgraded to 15.1.0. I left that for you to decide, I don't use anything here that breaks in earlier versions to my knowledge

    P.S. had a nice vacation, hope your week was good :)

    opened by cellog 26
  • Resource view, feature request

    Resource view, feature request

    The component is awesome - the only thing missing for me is a resource view.

    It is often the case to add resources to a calendar event: Eg. a car vendor could add a sales agent and a car model to the event. Now it is easy enough to render the event contents with custom color and text, but events will still be mixed up in the Week/Day columns.

    I would like a Week like view, but instead of the week days it would show resource names, displaying the resources' events in the respective columns.

    The api/props can be very simple. I have the following props in mind:

    • resourceAccessor, resourceAccessor= 'salesguy_id'
    • the list of resources, resources= { [{id: 1, name: 'John'}, {id:2, name: 'Linda'}] }
    • a function to test membership, resourceMembership = { (resource, event) => resource.id == event.salesguy_id }
    • a renderable node as resource column headers, resourceHeader= { (resource) => resource.name }
    • an option to show the resource view in the toolbar, views= ['month', 'week', 'day', 'agenda', 'resource'] messages= { ...messages, resource: 'Sales agent view' }

    Like this we could also easily switch between different resource categories - eg sales agents and available car models, calling that "Events by sales agent view, Events by available cars". Any resource restriction rules are handled by the application, but the display can easily be handled by the calendar.

    Interested to know what you think about it, raf

    opened by ogyr 25
  • Resizable Events

    Resizable Events

    This PR adds the ability to resize events to the DND plugin, as discussed in issue https://github.com/intljusticemission/react-big-calendar/issues/382. It includes:

    bug fix to core:

    • eventComponent was being destructured incorrectly in the DayColumn component's renderEvents function (so it was always undefined)

    enhancements to dragAndDrop addon:

    • passing prop resizable will have the wrapper use a new component ResizableEvent as the eventComponent for the calendar
    • the onEventResize callback will give the ability to hook into the DND wrapping. It receives:
      • resizeType: 'drag' or 'drop' based on what type of interaction is causing the resize
      • eventData: object containing the original event as well as a new end for the event


    Since only the original event object is accessible through react-dnd... In the onEventResize callback you will not be able to use Array.prototype.indexOf for finding the event again -- unless you continue to mutate the original event and splice it into the cloned events array... but I'm not sure if we would want to recommend that practice

    opened by jnmandal 23
  • Feature: End time after midnight

    Feature: End time after midnight

    This pull requests allows day columns to wrap over to the following day if the Calendar's max prop is set to a time before min. This is useful if you got events that commonly span past midnight. Another edge case this resolves is that "min = max = 00:00" allows you to create events that end at 00:00 the following day instead of 23:59, which seems to be the current limit.


    opened by jgullstr 0
  • Default date issue in the React big calendar

    Default date issue in the React big calendar

    Check that this is really a bug

    • [X] I confirm

    Reproduction link


    Bug description

    The event is not showing on the calender when I pass the defaultDate={new Date()}. But when I pass the date with this format defaultDate={new Date(2022, 12, 27)} It shows up. Can you help me out with this issue @jquense . Thanks

    Expected Behavior

    <Calendar onNavigate={onNavigate} events={myEventsList} defaultDate={new Date()} localizer={localizer} step={15} // timeslots={8} defaultView='day' views={views} style={{height: 600}} />

    Actual Behavior

    <Calendar onNavigate={onNavigate} events={myEventsList} defaultDate={new Date(2022, 12, 27)} localizer={localizer} step={15} // timeslots={8} defaultView='day' views={views} style={{height: 600}} />

    react-big-calendar version


    React version


    Platform/Target and Browser Versions



    • [X] Read the docs.
    • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.
    • [X] Make sure this is a react-big-calendar issue and not an implementation issue

    Would you like to open a PR for this bug?

    • [x] I'm willing to open a PR
    opened by salmancrc 0
  • Can we create the Custom Range for the Agenda view

    Can we create the Custom Range for the Agenda view

    Check that this is really a bug

    • [X] I confirm

    Reproduction link


    Bug description

    In {Calendar} of react-big-calender, How can we create the custom range for the agenda view like we should disable/hide going back more than 2 days? and should disable/hide looking ahead more than 2 weeks? As we want the performer not to infinitely browse future and past data.

    Expected Behavior

    The user is unable to view data from more than 2 days before now() in Agenda View

    The user is unable to view data from more than 2 weeks after now() in Agenda View.

    Actual Behavior

    Currently, users can infinitely browse future and past data.

    react-big-calendar version


    React version


    Platform/Target and Browser Versions

    Google Chrome Version 108.0.5359.124 (Official Build) (arm64)


    • [X] Read the docs.
    • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.
    • [X] Make sure this is a react-big-calendar issue and not an implementation issue

    Would you like to open a PR for this bug?

    • [X] I'm willing to open a PR
    opened by guptajyoti845 0
  • Add documentation for Luxon localizer

    Add documentation for Luxon localizer

    Clear and concise description of the problem

    In this commit support for Luxon was added. However, the readme was never updated to reflect its intended usage or that it was supported at all.

    Suggested solution

    Add documentation detailing usage and support of Luxon as a localizer.


    No response

    Additional context

    No response


    • [X] Read the docs.
    • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.

    Would you like to open a PR for this feature?

    • [ ] I'm willing to open a PR
    feature request 
    opened by corymharper 0
  • Update WeekWrapper => handleMove | fix bug rtl dragging

    Update WeekWrapper => handleMove | fix bug rtl dragging

    Fix bug dragging an event in the RTL month view calendar gets confused to the wrong side

    Describe the big picture of your changes here to communicate to the maintainers why we should accept this pull request. If it fixes a bug or resolves a feature request, be sure to link to that issue.

    The best way to propose a feature is to open an issue first and discuss your ideas there before implementing them.

    Always follow the contribution guidelines when submitting a pull request.

    opened by eeefg650 1
  • End Time not visible for events ending on next day

    End Time not visible for events ending on next day

    Check that this is really a bug

    • [X] I confirm

    Reproduction link


    Bug description

    When events start on Day 1 and end on Day 2, with showMultiDayTimes enabled:

    • The day 1 event doesn't show the end time
    • The day 2 event doesn't show the start time for the event

    Expected Behavior

    The events should show the correct time even when it is spanning across days, or at least a prop where we can set what needs to be displayed.

    Actual Behavior

    The day 1 event doesn't show the end time, The day 2 event doesn't show the start time for the event.

    react-big-calendar version


    React version


    Platform/Target and Browser Versions



    • [X] Read the docs.
    • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.
    • [X] Make sure this is a react-big-calendar issue and not an implementation issue

    Would you like to open a PR for this bug?

    • [ ] I'm willing to open a PR
    opened by sbmaggarwal 1
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