Codestamp - Stamp and verify your files and contents


codestamp - Stamp and verify your files and contents

npm main

codestamp is a language-agnostic tool for signing and verifying the integrity of your files. It's most useful for guarding codegen'd files against unintentional manual edits, but it also can be used for signing individual files.

If you're new to codegen, "Writing code that writes code โ€” with Hack Codegen" explains why it's important to sign and verify generated files.

Table of contents

Getting Started

TL;DR (CLI Example)

$ ./your-script-that-generates-types --from,data.json
# Generates `types.ts` from `` and `data.json`

$ cat types.ts
type FFI = ...

$ codestamp types.ts --deps,data.json
+ /* @generated CodeStamp<<โ€‹c1aa4ff2ac747d1192773354ad64d122โ€‹>> */
type FFI = ...

$ codestamp types.ts --deps,data.json --write
CodeStamp: ๐Ÿ” Stamped `types.ts`.

$ codestamp types.ts --deps,data.json
CodeStamp: โœ… Verified `types.ts`.

$ codestamp types.ts --deps,data.json --write
CodeStamp: โœ… Verified `types.ts`.

# If you updated `` but forgot to run the codegen script...
$ codestamp types.ts --deps,data.json
- /* @generated CodeStamp<<โ€‹c1aa4ff2ac747d1192773354ad64d122โ€‹>> */
+ /* @generated CodeStamp<<โ€‹64adca472a2638d8c915fb5d83c688f7โ€‹>> */
type FFI = ...

$ echo $?


codestamp comes with a simple CLI (docs) and a Node.js API (docs).

# Install locally
$ npm install --save-dev codestamp

# Or use npx
$ npx codestamp@latest

# Or install globally
$ npm install -g codestamp

More Examples

  • examples/basic: Simple stamping via the CLI.
  • examples/template-python: Use template string to add a Python banner comment via the CLI.
  • examples/dynamic-json: Use the API to programmatically insert the stamp as a JSON field (via initialStampPlacer), and ignore insignificant spaces and new lines in JSON (via fileTransformerForHashing).
  • ๐Ÿ™‹ scripts/generate-docs.ts: The README file you're reading is generated and verified by codestamp!
    • And here's the stamp: CodeStamp< >

Recommended workflow

1/ Codegen your files as usual, then run codestamp to add a stamp.

  • codestamp computes a deterministic hash (e.g., CodeStamp<<โ€‹c1aa4ff2ac747d1192773354ad64d122โ€‹>>) from the contents of your target file and all dependencies.
  • By default, codestamp inserts the stamp as a banner comment. You can use the CLI (--template) to make small tweaks, or use the Node.js API to dynamically place the stamp (see examples/dynamic-json/stamp.js).

2/ Run codestamp as a Git pre-commit hook and on CI; treat it as a linter for your codegen'd files.

  • The codestamp CLI will verify the stamp against the files, and exit(1) when the stamp is invalid.

3/ Profit


Command Line

CLI Usage

$ codestamp target_file [options]

CLI Options

-w, --write (boolean)

Rewrite the file in-place. Without this flag, codestamp runs in verification mode: it prints the diff to stderr and exit(1) when the stamp is invalid.

-d, --deps (comma-separated string)

One or more file paths or globs. The stamp hash is computed from the target file's content and all dependencies.

Make sure to quote the globs to let codestamp expand the globs, rather than your shell.


$ codestamp target.ts --deps 'data/foo.json'
$ codestamp target.ts --deps 'data/foo.json,types/*.ts'
$ codestamp target.ts --deps 'data/**/*.json,types/*.ts'
-t, --template (string)

A template string for placing the stamp. codestamp will replace %STAMP% with the stamp, and %CONTENT% with the rest of content.

Use the Node.js API (see TStampPlacer) to dynamically place the stamp.


$ codestamp --template '# @codegen %STAMP%\\n%CONTENT%'
-h, --help

This help guide.

Node.js API


Reads contents from disk, then writes and verifies the stamp. The CLI is a thin wrapper around runner(...).

examples/dynamic-json is a simple example of using the runner. It uses the API to programmatically insert the stamp as a JSON field (via initialStampPlacer), and ignore insignificant spaces and new lines in JSON (via fileTransformerForHashing).

You can also reference how this README/documentation file is generated, stamped, and verified in scripts/generate-docs.ts.

 * Reads contents from disk and verifies the stamp.
 * - When `shouldWrite` is true, the file will be rewritten in-place.
 * - Otherwise, `codestamp` will run in verification mode -- it won't
 *   write to disk.
 * @throws On I/O errors
 * @param param - See {@link TRunnerParam}
 * @returns See {@link TRunnerResult}
export async function runner({
  fileTransformerForHashing = ({ content }) => content,
  cwd = process.cwd(),
  silent = false,
}: {
  targetFilePath: string;
  dependencyGlobList: Array<string>;
  shouldWrite: boolean;
  initialStampPlacer?: TStampPlacer;
  initialStampRemover?: TStampRemover;
  fileTransformerForHashing?: TRunnerFileTransformerForHashing;
  cwd?: string;
  silent?: boolean;
}): Promise<TRunnerResult>;

Parameter for runner(...).

 * Parameter for {@link runner}.
export type TRunnerParam = {
   * Path to the target file that will be verified by `codestamp`.
  targetFilePath: string;
   * A list of file paths and/or globs. The stamp hash is computed
   * from the target file's content and all dependencies.
   * Pass an empty array if you only want to stamp a standalone file.
  dependencyGlobList: Array<string>;
   * Whether the file should be rewritten in-place. Without this flag,
   * `codestamp` will run in verification mode -- it won't write to
   * disk.
  shouldWrite: boolean;
   * Use it to specify where the stamp should be placed **initially**.
   * See {@link TStampPlacer}.
  initialStampPlacer?: TStampPlacer;
   * Use it to remove (and update) a previously applied **custom**
   * stamp. See {@link TStampRemover} and {@link TStampPlacer}.
  initialStampRemover?: TStampRemover;
   * Use it to ignore insignificant changes and make the stamp less
   * sensitive. See {@link TRunnerFileTransformerForHashing}
   * @defaultValue `({content}) => content`
  fileTransformerForHashing?: TRunnerFileTransformerForHashing;
   * For `glob`: the current working directory in which to search.
   * @defaultValue `process.cwd()`
  cwd?: string;
   * Whether the runner should write to `stdout` and `stderr`.
   * @defaultValue `false`
  silent?: boolean;

Return type for runner(...).

type DistributiveIntersection<Union, T> = Union extends {} ? Union & T : never;

 * The return type is based on {@link TApplyStampResult}, with the
 * addition of some runner-specific fields.
export type TRunnerResult = DistributiveIntersection<
     * Indicates whether the runner wrote to disk. Determined by
     * `shouldWrite`.
     * For "OK" and "ERROR" statuses, the result is always `false`.
    didWrite: boolean;
     * Indicates whether the caller should `exit(1)` if desired.
     * Useful for running on CI.
    shouldFatalIfDesired: boolean;

Ignore insignificant changes and make the stamp less sensitive.

{ * if (param.type !== "TARGET") { * return param.content; * } * * return param.content * .split("\n") * .filter((line) => !line.includes(param.stamp)) * .join("\n"); * } * ``` */ export type TRunnerFileTransformerForHashing = ( param: TRunnerFileTransformerParam ) => string; type TRunnerFileTransformerParam = | { type: "DEPENDENCY"; content: string; absoluteFilePath: string; } | { type: "TARGET"; content: string; stamp: string; absoluteFilePath: string; };">
 * Use it to ignore insignificant changes and make the stamp less
 * sensitive.
 * Content will be transformed before hashing. The transformer only
 * applies to hashing (the stamp) and does not affect the final
 * content output.
 * @example Ignore spacing and new lines in JSON
 * ```typescript
 * ({content, absoluteFilePath}) => {
 *   if (path.extname(absoluteFilePath) === ".json") {
 *     return JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(content));
 *   }
 *   return content;
 * }
 * ```
 * @example Always exclude the stamp line from hashing
 * ```typescript
 * (param) => {
 *   if (param.type !== "TARGET") {
 *     return param.content;
 *   }
 *   return param.content
 *     .split("\n")
 *     .filter((line) => !line.includes(param.stamp))
 *     .join("\n");
 * }
 * ```
export type TRunnerFileTransformerForHashing = (
  param: TRunnerFileTransformerParam
) => string;

type TRunnerFileTransformerParam =
  | {
      type: "DEPENDENCY";
      content: string;
      absoluteFilePath: string;
  | {
      type: "TARGET";
      content: string;
      stamp: string;
      absoluteFilePath: string;


applyStamp(...) works on strings, not file paths. In other words, it's a low-level building block for stamping and verification.

You likely won't need this function, unless you want to verify content without file system I/O.

 * Given a list of dependencies and a target content,
 * deterministically add or update a stamp.
 * @param param - See {@link TApplyStampParam}
 * @returns See {@link TApplyStampResult}
export function applyStamp({
  contentTransformerForHashing = ({ content }) => content,
}: {
  dependencyContentList: Array<string>;
  targetContent: string;
  initialStampPlacer?: TStampPlacer;
  initialStampRemover?: TStampRemover;
  contentTransformerForHashing?: (param: {
    content: string;
    stamp: string;
  }) => string;
}): TApplyStampResult;

Parameter for applyStamp(...).

!line.includes(stamp)).join("\n") * ``` * * @defaultValue `({content}) => content` */ contentTransformerForHashing?: (param: { content: string; stamp: string; }) => string; };">
 * Parameter for {@link applyStamp}.
export type TApplyStampParam = {
   * A list of strings that are contents of dependencies.
   * Pass an empty array if there are no dependencies.
   * NOTE: order matters.
  dependencyContentList: Array<string>;
   * The content to stamp.
  targetContent: string;
   * Use it to specify where the stamp should be placed **initially**.
   * See {@link TStampPlacer} and {@link TStampRemover}.
   * @defaultValue {@link defaultInitialStampPlacer}
  initialStampPlacer?: TStampPlacer;
   * Use it to remove (and update) a previously applied **custom**
   * stamp. See {@link TStampRemover} and {@link TStampPlacer}.
  initialStampRemover?: TStampRemover;
   * Use it to ignore insignificant changes and make the stamp less
   * sensitive.
   * Content will be transformed before hashing. The transformer only
   * applies to hashing (the stamp) and does not affect the final
   * content output.
   * @example Ignore spacing and new lines in JSON
   * ```typescript
   * ({ content }) => JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(content))
   * ```
   * @example Always exclude the stamp line from hashing
   * ```typescript
   * ({ content, stamp }) =>
   *   content.split("\n").filter((line) => !line.includes(stamp)).join("\n")
   * ```
   * @defaultValue `({content}) => content`
  contentTransformerForHashing?: (param: {
    content: string;
    stamp: string;
  }) => string;

Specify where the initial stamp should be placed.

 * A function or a template string for placing the stamp. It's
 * recommended to use the function form when using the Node API.
 * Use it to specify where the stamp should be placed **initially**.
 * If you update `initialStampPlacer` from another **custom** placer,
 * you must also define `initialStampRemover` ({@link TStampRemover})
 * to instruct how your previous stamp should be removed. Otherwise
 * the format change won't be applied (because `codestamp` doesn't
 * have enough context to make a safe change), although the stamp
 * itself will always be updated correctly.
 * NOTE: A single and complete stamp must be returned as-is from the
 * function or included in the string.
 * - Function type: `({content: string, stamp: string}) => string`.
 * - Template string: A string that contains two special formatters,
 *   `%STAMP%` and `%CONTENT%`. `codestamp` will replace `%STAMP%`
 *   with the stamp, and `%CONTENT%` with the rest of content.
 * NOTE: When `initialStampPlacer` is invoked, it's guaranteed that
 * the value of `content` does not include `stamp`.
 * ```typescript
 * content.indexOf(stamp) === -1 // guaranteed
 * ```
 * @example Add a JS banner comment
 * ```typescript
 * ({ content, stamp }) => `// @generated ${stamp} DO NOT EDIT BY HAND\n${content}`;
 * // Template string equivalent:
 * `// @generated %STAMP% DO NOT EDIT BY HAND\n%CONTENT%`
 * ```
 * @example Add a Python banner comment
 * ```typescript
 * ({ content, stamp }) => `# @codegen ${stamp}\n${content}`;
 * // Template string equivalent:
 * `# @codegen %STAMP%\n%CONTENT%`
 * ```
 * @example Dynamically place the stamp as a JSON field
 * ```typescript
 * ({ content, stamp }) => {
 *   const stampedObject = {...JSON.parse(content), stamp};
 *   return JSON.stringify(stampedObject, null, 2);
 * }
 * ```
export type TStampPlacer = TFormatter | string;

export type TFormatter = ({
}: {
  content: string;
  stamp: string;
}) => string;

const defaultInitialStampPlacer: TFormatter = ({ content, stamp }) =>
  `/* @generated ${stamp} */\n${content}`;

Specify how the initial stamp should be removed and updated.

* line.includes(``) * ); * const endIndex = lineList.findIndex((line) => * line.includes(``) * ); * // Assert both `startIndex` and `endIndex` !== -1 * * lineList.splice( * startIndex + 1, * 0, * `here's the stamp: ${stamp}` * ); * * return lineList.join("\n"); * }, * initialStampRemover: ({ content, stamp }) => { * const lineList = content.split("\n"); * const startIndex = lineList.findIndex((line) => * line.includes(``) * ); * const endIndex = lineList.findIndex((line) => * line.includes(``) * ); * // Assert both `startIndex` and `endIndex` !== -1 * * lineList.splice(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1); * return lineList.join("\n"); * }, * } * ``` */ export type TStampRemover = TFormatter;">
 * The inverse of `initialStampPlacer` ({@link TStampPlacer}). Use it
 * to remove (and update) a previously applied **custom** stamp (the
 * default stamp will always be removed automatically).
 * If you update `initialStampPlacer` from another custom placer, you
 * must define this function to instruct how your previous stamp
 * should be removed. Otherwise the format change won't be applied,
 * although the stamp itself will always be updated correctly.
 * NOTE: When `initialStampRemover` is invoked, it's guaranteed that
 * the value of `content` includes `stamp`.
 * NOTE: In some scenarios, you might find it easier to just
 * completely regenerate the file. Instead of writing to and reading
 * from the same target file, introduce an intermediate representation
 * as your source of truth, and only write to the final target file.
 * ```typescript
 * content.indexOf(stamp) !== -1 // guaranteed
 * ```
 * In other words, `initialStampRemover` won't be called if `content`
 * doesn't contain a `stamp` yet.
 * @example Update a custom Python multiline banner comment
 * ```typescript
 * {
 *   initialStampPlacer: ({content, stamp}) => {
 *     return `# GENERATED ${stamp}\n# DO NOT EDIT BY HAND\n${content}`;
 *   },
 *   initialStampRemover: ({content, stamp}) => {
 *     const contentLineList = content.split('\n');
 *     const indexOfStamp = contentLineList.findIndex(
 *       line => line.includes(stamp),
 *     );
 *     contentLineList.splice(indexOfStamp, 2);
 *     return contentLineList.join('\n');
 *   },
 * }
 * ```
 * @example Recommended: place invisible markers to specify the range
 * of insertion and deletion. This is a much more robust approach.
 * ```typescript
 * // First, put START and END markers in your target file, such as:
 * // 
 * //
 * // 
 * {
 *   initialStampPlacer: ({ content, stamp }) => {
 *     const lineList = content.split("\n");
 *     const startIndex = lineList.findIndex((line) =>
 *       line.includes(``)
 *     );
 *     const endIndex = lineList.findIndex((line) =>
 *       line.includes(``)
 *     );
 *     // Assert both `startIndex` and `endIndex` !== -1
 *     lineList.splice(
 *       startIndex + 1,
 *       0,
 *       `here's the stamp: ${stamp}`
 *     );
 *     return lineList.join("\n");
 *   },
 *   initialStampRemover: ({ content, stamp }) => {
 *     const lineList = content.split("\n");
 *     const startIndex = lineList.findIndex((line) =>
 *       line.includes(``)
 *     );
 *     const endIndex = lineList.findIndex((line) =>
 *       line.includes(``)
 *     );
 *     // Assert both `startIndex` and `endIndex` !== -1
 *     lineList.splice(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1);
 *     return lineList.join("\n");
 *   },
 * }
 * ```
export type TStampRemover = TFormatter;

Return type for applyStamp(...).

= 2 stamps */ stampList: Array ; } /** * Placer didn't return a string that contains the stamp, or * returned multiple stamps. */ | { status: "ERROR"; errorType: "STAMP_PLACER"; errorDescription: string; placer: string; placerReturnValue: any; };">
 * Return type for {@link applyStamp}. This is a discriminated union.
export type TApplyStampResult =
   * Content is legit.
  | {
      status: "OK";
      /** The stamp extracted from content */
      stamp: string;
   * Content didn't have a stamp; a new stamp is added.
  | {
      status: "NEW";
      /** The new stamp being added */
      newStamp: string;
      /** Value of the updated content */
      newContent: string;
   * Stamp needs an update.
  | {
      status: "UPDATE";
      /** The new/expected stamp */
      newStamp: string;
      /** The old/current stamp */
      oldStamp: string;
      /** Value of the updated content */
      newContent: string;
   * The content includes multiple stamps. This is likely because the
   * content was manually updated. `codestamp` needs to bail out
   * because it cannot guarantee a deterministic update.
  | {
      status: "ERROR";
      errorType: "MULTIPLE_STAMPS";
      errorDescription: string;
      /** >= 2 stamps */
      stampList: Array<string>;
   * Placer didn't return a string that contains the stamp, or
   * returned multiple stamps.
  | {
      status: "ERROR";
      errorType: "STAMP_PLACER";
      errorDescription: string;
      placer: string;
      placerReturnValue: any;


codestamp is inspired by similar code signing systems at Facebook.

  • signedsource in fbjs: Used by Relay, but doesn't allow customization or tracking of dependencies
  • Hack Codegen: Great abstraction and design, but only supports generating and signing Hack code



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