Frontend compiler, inspired by Svelte



Malina.js builds your web-application to use it without framework on frontend side. Therefore your web-app becomes thinner and faster, and the application itself consist of vanilla JavaScript, look at examples. TodoMVC example 2.7kb (gzipped) and source code



  let name = 'world';
  function rename() {
    name = 'user';

<h1>Hello {name.toUpperCase()}!</h1>
<button @click={rename}>Rename</button>

Run dev environment:

npx create-malina myapp
cd myapp
npm run dev
# open http://localhost:7000/

Run dev environment via docker:

docker run --rm -it --user ${UID} -p 7000:7000 -p 35729:35729 -v `pwd`:/app/src lega911/malina
# open http://localhost:7000/

Build compiler

npm install
npm run build



  • pure browser only frame work is  possible or not?

    pure browser only frame work is possible or not?

    hello, I'm trying using some browser only frame work to do my work on some project. I've tried vue 2.6 and alpine 3.8 and both can work for me, but my project has huge amount of nodes(some kind of sheet with cells). vue and alpine are all slowing down in this scale. and then i've tried your work, it looks work fast and easy for coding. Thanks !

    however , My project needs to work with jsp together in one page, which means that node.js is not accepted . So, is that malina.js possible to work in pure browser end? (like