Long stack traces for node.js inspired by https://github.com/tlrobinson/long-stack-traces



Long stack traces for node.js with configurable call trace length


I wrote this while trying to add long-stack-traces to my server and realizing that there were issues with support of EventEmitter::removeListener. The node HTTP Server will begin to leak callbacks and any of your own code that relies on removing listeners would not work as anticipated.

So what to do... I stole the code and rewrote it. I've added support for removeListener along with the ability to cut off the number of async calls the library will trace. I hope you like it!

Please thank tlrobinson for the initial implementation!

Production Use

Longjohn collects a large amount of data in order to provide useful stack traces. While it is very helpful in development and testing environments, it is not recommended to use longjohn in production. The data collection puts a lot of strain on V8's garbage collector and can greatly slow down heavily-loaded applications.


Just npm install it!

$ npm install longjohn


To use longjohn, require it in your code (probably in some initialization code). That's all!

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'){

// ... your code


Limit traced async calls

longjohn.async_trace_limit = 5;   // defaults to 10
longjohn.async_trace_limit = -1;  // unlimited

Change callback frame text

longjohn.empty_frame = 'ASYNC CALLBACK';  // defaults to '---------------------------------------------'

Use with Source Maps

As of version 0.2.9 longjonn supports source maps. Just compile your code down to javascript with source map support and run like normal.

For coffee-script, this would look like:

$ coffee --map --compile script.coffee
  • Play nicely with CoffeeScript source maps

    Play nicely with CoffeeScript source maps

    CoffeeScript now supports source maps - and correct line number mapping with errors.


    However, when longjohn is require'd, it messes with the line mapping (I imagine it's something to do with the override of Error.prepareStackTrace).

    opened by mhart 11
  • Huge CPU usage

    Huge CPU usage

    I have used Node.js (0.10.33) quite long time with 'longjohn' in the clustered application. No any bad affect of 'longjohn' was detected there. The application worked stable and used about 20% of CPU time. Recently I have updated my Nodejs engine up to latest version (0.12.5) and correspondingly did update for all dependencies. The 'longjonh' was updated to 0.2.7 version. But, unfortunately, after restart my application began to eat up to 95-100% of CPU time. The commenting of 'var longjohn = require('longjohn');' fixed the situation and now it's using no more than 20% of CPU time. Can you please explain what is happening? Is it my fault? Or there is some bug?

    opened by shunanya 10
  • Doesn't work with node 0.12.

    Doesn't work with node 0.12.

    Test script:

    var longjohn = require('longjohn');
    longjohn.async_trace_limit = -1;
    function timeoutHandler() {
      console.log('timeout fired!');
      throw new Error('EXPLODE');
    function createTimeout() {
      setTimeout(timeoutHandler, 1000);




    opened by chevtek 8
  • res.json(err) causes

    res.json(err) causes "Converting circular structure to JSON"

    In my app I am json-sending errors to the client for some development environments so that these become visible on the browser.

    I understand that longjohn is adding circular stuff to the default error instances. And so, Express' res.json cannot deal with these error instances anymore.

    So, do you have any tricks or an advice for that?

    opened by binarykitchen 7
  • 0.2.5 Invalid array length

    0.2.5 Invalid array length

    An example stack trace:

    "RangeError: Invalid array length",
    "    at onwrite (_stream_writable.js:265:15)",
    "    at WritableState.onwrite (_stream_writable.js:96:5)",
    "    at Socket._write (net.js:653:5)",
    "    at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:225:10)",
    "    at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:215:5)",
    "    at Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:182:11)",
    "    at Socket.write (net.js:615:40)",

    But these came up from a few other places too. We solved the problem by reverting to 0.2.2

    opened by Trindaz 5
  • No limit on serialization of error

    No limit on serialization of error

    Every so often, we'll run into an error that longjohn tries to serialize, and in attempting to do so will peg the CPU and gobble up RAM (like 1+GB).

    It seems like it attempts to serialize our entire application in a single Object graph...

    uncaughtException: { [Error: Invalid timestamp. Please provide timezone as fallback]
       [ { receiver: 
            { localTime: [Function],
              humanizeDuration: [Function] },
           fun: [Function],
           pos: 401 },
         { receiver: undefined,
           fun: [Function: grouper],
           pos: 4432 },
         { receiver: 
            { ArrayBuffer: [Function: ArrayBuffer],
              Int8Array: { [Function: Int8Array] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 1 },
              Uint8Array: { [Function: Uint8Array] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 1 },
              Uint8ClampedArray: { [Function: Uint8ClampedArray] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 1 },
              Int16Array: { [Function: Int16Array] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 2 },
              Uint16Array: { [Function: Uint16Array] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 2 },
              Int32Array: { [Function: Int32Array] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 4 },
              Uint32Array: { [Function: Uint32Array] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 4 },
              Float32Array: { [Function: Float32Array] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 4 },
              Float64Array: { [Function: Float64Array] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 8 },
              DataView: [Function: DataView],
              global: [Circular],
               { title: 'node',
                 version: 'v0.8.21',
                  [ 'Binding evals',
                    'Binding natives',
                    'NativeModule events',
                    'NativeModule buffer',
                    'Binding buffer',
                    'NativeModule assert',
                    // several thousands of additional lines omitted ...

    It might be worth using util's inspect to mitigate this.

    opened by cdnbacon 5
  • play nicely with coffeescript source maps

    play nicely with coffeescript source maps

    CoffeeScript supports source maps - and correct line number mapping with errors.


    However, when longjohn is require'd, it messes with the line mapping -- probably something to do with the override of Error.prepareStackTrace. It would be great if longjohn could be fixed to show coffeescript source line numbers, when a coffeescript source map is available.

    opened by zacronos 4
  • Upgrade to grunt 0.4.0, reduce devDependencies down to grunt-contrib-coffee.

    Upgrade to grunt 0.4.0, reduce devDependencies down to grunt-contrib-coffee.

    No need to import the entirety of grunt-contrib.

    Upgraded to grunt 0.4.0 so we can use the newest grunt-contrib-coffee version. File syntax is a little different so I updated that. Tests & compiles are still working.

    opened by ssafejava 4
  • [package] Allow newer versions of source-map-support.

    [package] Allow newer versions of source-map-support.

    I’m using the latest version of babel-node and with the version of source-map-support pinned by longjohn the symbolicated stack traces are incorrect. This change allows newer versions, I did constraint it to < 1.0.0 just in case, but I don’t feel strongly about it so can remove it if you prefer.

    opened by alloy 3
  • Issues with gunzip

    Issues with gunzip


    At work we are using longjohn together with our own async library, which works wonders, only recently we began parsing gzipped files.

    The issue is that when using longjohn that the gunzip of the zlib core module virtually stops responding. We have tested and it responds after a few hours.

    I will include the code that will give this issue:

    var zlib = require('zlib'),
        request = require('request'),
        longjohn = require('longjohn');
    request({ url: 'http://www.jaap.nl/sitemaps/sitemap1.xml.gz', encoding: null }, function(error, response, body) {
      if(response.statusCode === 200) {
        zlib.gunzip(body, function (err, data) {
          console.log(data); // This callback is never executed.

    When removing the require of longjohn the callback is called without any issue.

    I hope this issue can be fixed.

    Kind regards and Thanks in advance,

    Jasper van Rijbroek

    opened by JaspervRijbroek 3
  • Ensures call stack location object exists before calling methods on it

    Ensures call stack location object exists before calling methods on it

    Fixes the error: TypeError: Cannot call method 'getFunctionName' of undefined

    In longjohn.js:call_stack_location(), if the object stack[2] is not defined it crashes the server with an uncaught exception.

    Signed-off-by: Jim Knochelmann [email protected]

    opened by ghost 3
  • .once only working if there is an .on call for the same event type

    .once only working if there is an .on call for the same event type

    Seeing an issue where .once( 'data' ... ) on a stream will only be hit if there is an .on( 'data'... ) call somewhere on the same eventemitter object.

    I've spent an hour or so in the code trying to figure out the issue, but I am stumped. Could you give me any guidance on why a .once() would not be hit unless there's a .on() for the same event type?

    Specifically I am seeing this using the node-postgres module with longjohn included. In their connection module, I tracked it down to this:

      // without this, .once below seems inconsistent
      this.stream.on( 'data', function() {
        var nop = 1;
      this.stream.once('data', function(buffer) {
        var responseCode = buffer.toString('utf8');
        if(responseCode != 'S') {
          return self.emit('error', new Error('The server does not support SSL connections'));
        var tls = require('tls');
        self.stream = tls.connect({
          socket: self.stream,
          servername: host,
          rejectUnauthorized: self.ssl.rejectUnauthorized,
          ca: self.ssl.ca,
          pfx: self.ssl.pfx,
          key: self.ssl.key,
          passphrase: self.ssl.passphrase,
          cert: self.ssl.cert,
          NPNProtocols: self.ssl.NPNProtocols
        self.stream.on('error', function(error){
          self.emit('error', error);

    If I don't add the .on( 'data'...) the .once( 'data'... will never be hit while longjohn is loaded.

    opened by andyburke 1
  • Doesn't work with promises

    Doesn't work with promises

    All I get is:

        at Promise.resolve.then (/usr/src/app/lib/promises/index.js:61:15)
        at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:129:7)

    Is this project still alive?

    opened by dypsilon 5
  • Using with TypeScript?

    Using with TypeScript?

    I'm using TypeScript and would like to use longjohn conditionally just in dev mode. Documentation suggests using conditional require:

    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'){

    However, TypeScript imports are restricted to top-level, making it impossible to do such conditional check without falling back to commonJS-style require.

    There is also a related issue: https://github.com/mattinsler/longjohn/issues/61 - having the ability to disable longjohn after require would be a sufficient fix.

    opened by jsalonen 1
  • Can LongJohn be disabled after having been required?

    Can LongJohn be disabled after having been required?

    I'm writing some tests where I want longjohn on and others when it should be off. I could just run the non long john tests first, but it'd be nice to just be able to turn it on and off depending on the sub test suite.

    Is there a way?

    Thanks in advance, Francois

    opened by seflless 0
  • longjohn is not compatible to other modules using a similar wrapping of EventEmitter

    longjohn is not compatible to other modules using a similar wrapping of EventEmitter

    The way how longjohn wraps EventEmitter is incompatible with other modules doing a similar/same wrapping. I tested by creating a clone of longjohn (incl. modifiny the 'longjohn' property of on()) and used it together with unmodified longjohn in following script:

    var assert = require('assert');
    var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
    function onListener() {}
    function onceListener() {}
    function test() {
        var emitter = new EventEmitter;
        emitter.on('xxx', onListener);
        emitter.once('xxx', onceListener);
        assert.equal(emitter.listenerCount('xxx'), 2);
        emitter.removeListener('xxx', onListener);
        // fails on second call as onListener was not removed
        assert.equal(emitter.listenerCount('xxx'), 1);
        emitter.removeListener('xxx', onceListener);
        assert.equal(emitter.listenerCount('xxx'), 0);
    opened by Flarna 1
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