Mimic tree-shaking behaviour when importing code from an entry file in development mode.



Mimic tree-shaking behaviour when importing code from an entry file in development mode.

Warning This plugin is experimental, bugs might be expected and some edge cases might not be covered.

Note The main execution logic of this plugin only applies to development mode because it addresses an issue which is specific to development mode.


Open in Codeflow

# Using npm
npm i -D vite vite-plugin-entry-shaking
# Using Yarn
yarn add -D vite vite-plugin-entry-shaking
# Using pnpm
pnpm add -D vite vite-plugin-entry-shaking


Setup the plugin in your Vite configuration file.

import { resolve } from 'path';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import EntryShakingPlugin from 'vite-plugin-entry-shaking';

export default defineConfig(async () => ({
  plugins: [
    await EntryShakingPlugin({
      targets: [resolve(__dirname, 'src/entry-a')],

Plugin options

Option name Type Default Description
targets (required) string[]` N/A You need to list all of the entry points you want this plugin to process.
extensions string[] ['js', 'jsx', 'mjs', 'ts', 'tsx', 'mts'] This specifies which file extensions you want this plugin to process.
ignorePatterns (string | RegExp)[] [/node_modules/] This specifies RegExp/string whose matched paths must be ignored by the plugin.
debug boolean false Turns on debug mode. This will print debug logs if Vite's logLevel is set to any other value than 'silent'


The problem this plugin tries to address is well described by this Vite's github issue, so we'll stick to its author's example. Suppose your codebase contains an index file which is basically used as an entry point to dispatch code imported from other files. This is a rather common pattern which may be handy and avoid writing a lot of individual import statements:

// shared/index.ts
export { a } from './a';
export { b } from './b';
export { c } from './c';

Let's pretend you have a module which imports c from that entry point:

// module.ts
import { c } from './shared';

In development mode, when Vite serves the module.ts file, the browser loads the shared/index.ts file which initiates requests for all of the three a, b and c modules it relies on. The thing is, we actually only needed the c module, this results in both a and b requests being unnecessary!

As your projet and entry points grow, you end up paying the price for the ever-increasing amount of unnecessary requests and HMR updates, which consumes time and resources. Well, that escalated quickly. Let's try to work around this…

The idea

The main idea is to rewrite imports from a target entry point and replace them by individual imports of the actual module. Back with the above example:

// module.ts
import { c } from './shared';

// gets rewritten as…
import { c } from './shared/c';

This way, the shared/index.ts file is not loaded by the browser anymore and no additional requests are initiated.

How it works

First of all, the plugin reads all of the target entry files listed in the plugin's targets option. For each entry file :

  • It uses es-module-lexer to get a list of imports and exports.
  • It stores named exports that are re-exports of code imported from another module and the path they resolve to. It also stores whether this re-exported code is the default or a named export of its origin. This lets us correctly rewrite the import using the adequate statement.
  • It also tracks a mutated version of the entry file where these stored named exports are removed. This is required because we might still import code which is actually defined within the entry file, rather than exported from another module. To make these work, we'll still need to serve this mutated version of the entry file so that this kind of code can be reached.

Whenever Vite serves a file which includes an import which resolved to one of the targets, this file is transformed to rewrite the relevant import statements. It extracts the list of entities imported from that entry file, and for each imported entity :

  • it removes the import statement of that entry file.
  • if it has a matching stored named export, it adds a direct import to the relevant module's absolute path, taking into consideration whether it imports a named export or a default export.
  • If it has no matching stored named export, it is some code which is actually defined within the entry file. These are batched and eventually add a recomposed import of the target.

When encountering the above latest case, we have the browser still loading the shared/index.ts, which could therefore trigger unnecessary requests, as described earlier. To prevent this kind of scenario, any import of an entry point is caught and is forced to serve its mutated version we stored while parsing the entry point file. This ensures the entry point only imports what it needs to make the code it explicitly defines work.


  • See es-module-lexer's own limitations.
  • The following syntaxes are not supported:
    • dynamic imports
    • import json from './json.json' assert { type: 'json' }
    • import * as xxx from '…'
    • export * from '…'
  • Change replaceAll to replace

    Change replaceAll to replace

    Thank you for your great plugin.

    I faced this issue because my project is using node v14.x while replaceAll is only available since node v15.0.0 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/replaceAll#browser_compatibility image

    So I think it would be great if your plugin could support node v14 or have warning about minimum Node version

    opened by nntai 2
  • Doesn't work in build mode

    Doesn't work in build mode

    When I run this in build mode, it still removes the exports from the index files.

    This of course causes rollup error complaining about missing exports.

    The plugin should only apply itself during dev like this: https://vitejs.dev/guide/using-plugins.html#conditional-application

    opened by shayded-exe 1
  • Bump version

    Bump version

    This PR was opened by the Changesets release GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to main, this PR will be updated.


    [email protected]

    • ea9fd1a:

    New features

    • Added HMR support for the entry points. In previous releases, when editing one of the consumed entry points, you would need to restart the dev server to re-run the plugin analyzis and cleanups of entry points. Editing any entry point will now automatically re-trigger its analyzis and cleanup, and following served files should be served accordingly.


    • Bumped Vite's reference version to 4.0.1
    • Copied README to core package so that it is correctly displayed on npm.
    • Refactored the code to improve maintainability and tests.
    • Removed custom resolver to make use of Vite's own resolver instead. This should improve consistency and plugin's maintainance by delegating the resolve logic to Vite.

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug which caused served app to crash when using aliases to import named entities from entry point (e.g. import { A_MODULE_B as B } from 'path/to/entry'). The bug being fixed, you should also be able to import the same entities twice using aliases (e.g. import { A_MODULE_B, A_MODULE_B as B } from 'path/to/entry').
    opened by github-actions[bot] 0
  • Setting up a 0.2.0 release

    Setting up a 0.2.0 release

    New features

    • Added HMR support for the entry points. In previous releases, when editing one of the consumed entry points, you would need to restart the dev server to re-run the plugin analyzis and cleanups of entry points. Editing any entry point will now automatically re-trigger its analyzis and cleanup, and following served files should be served accordingly.


    • Bumped Vite's reference version to 4.0.1
    • Copied README to core package so that it is correctly displayed on npm.
    • Refactored the code to improve maintainability and tests.
    • Removed custom resolver to make use of Vite's own resolver instead. This should improve consistency and plugin's maintainance by delegating the resolve logic to Vite.

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug which caused served app to crash when using aliases to import named entities from entry point (e.g. import { A_MODULE_B as B } from 'path/to/entry'). The bug being fixed, you should also be able to import the same entities twice using aliases (e.g. import { A_MODULE_B, A_MODULE_B as B } from 'path/to/entry').
    opened by Dschungelabenteuer 0
  • Bump version

    Bump version

    This PR was opened by the Changesets release GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to main, this PR will be updated.


    [email protected]

    Minor Changes

    • 8fee575: - Replaced the "include" option with a simpler "exclude" option. This should help avoid performance issues that could be caused by globby matching huge amounts of paths.
      • Removed the root option which is not used anymore after the above change

    [email protected]

    Minor Changes

    • 8fee575: - Replaced the "include" option with a simpler "exclude" option. This should help avoid performance issues that could be caused by globby matching huge amounts of paths.
      • Removed the root option which is not used anymore after the above change

    [email protected]

    Minor Changes

    • 8fee575: - Replaced the "include" option with a simpler "exclude" option. This should help avoid performance issues that could be caused by globby matching huge amounts of paths.
      • Removed the root option which is not used anymore after the above change
    opened by github-actions[bot] 0
  • Bump version

    Bump version

    This PR was opened by the Changesets release GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to main, this PR will be updated.


    [email protected]

    Patch Changes

    • c0641df: - Fixed the plugin not correctly rewriting imports of aliases
      • Fixed the plugin being used in build mode (#4)
      • Added Node minimal requirements

    [email protected]

    Patch Changes

    • c0641df: - Fixed the plugin not correctly rewriting imports of aliases
      • Fixed the plugin being used in build mode (#4)
      • Added Node minimal requirements

    [email protected]

    Patch Changes

    • c0641df: - Fixed the plugin not correctly rewriting imports of aliases
      • Fixed the plugin being used in build mode (#4)
      • Added Node minimal requirements
    opened by github-actions[bot] 0
  • Bump version

    Bump version

    This PR was opened by the Changesets release GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to main, this PR will be updated.


    [email protected]

    Patch Changes

    • a7e8fe2: Prepare release (v0.0.2)

    [email protected]

    Patch Changes

    • a7e8fe2: Prepare release (v0.0.2)

    [email protected]

    Patch Changes

    • a7e8fe2: Prepare release (v0.0.2)
    opened by github-actions[bot] 0
  • Bump version

    Bump version

    This PR was opened by the Changesets release GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to main, this PR will be updated.


    [email protected]

    Patch Changes

    • 527b746: Prepare release (v0.0.1)

    [email protected]

    Patch Changes

    • 527b746: Prepare release (v0.0.1)

    [email protected]

    Patch Changes

    • 527b746: Prepare release (v0.0.1)
    opened by github-actions[bot] 0
  • Start import/export

    Start import/export

    The readme says the following aren't supported

    import * as xxx from '…'
    export * from '…'

    I've also found this isn't supported

    export * as xxx from '…'

    Do you think it would be possible to modify the code to handle these? Or would it be too much work?

    opened by hipstersmoothie 1
  • Support for absolute import paths

    Support for absolute import paths

    Hello! Our team recently ran into similar degraded performance issues other vite users have mentioned which led us to experiment with this plugin. We are using React + Typescript + Vite.

    We configured our tsconfig and viteconfig to resolve and build paths so we can import modules from a directory's shared file. This allows us to import named modules through absolute paths by referencing a directory living directly under the baseUrl path configured in typescript so as long as that module is exported through that directory's shared file.

    // src/components/index.ts
    import a from './a'
    import b from './b'
    import c from './c'
    export { a, b, c }
    // src/directory/module.tsx
    import { a, b } from 'components'

    We noticed this plugin doesn't transform named imports from a shared file given an absolute path which leads to runtime errors because the module no longer exists in the shared file. Is this a misuse or a limit of the plugin on our end?

    our tsconfig.json

      "compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": "./src",

    our vite.config.ts uses vite-tsconfig-paths to resolve path mapping

    export default defineConfig( async () => ({
      plugins: [
        await EntryShakingPlugin({
          targets: [
            resolve(__dirname, 'src/elements'),
            resolve(__dirname, 'src/utils'),
            resolve(__dirname, 'src/hooks'),
          debug: true,
    opened by RRamirez1414 2
  • Exporting a `type` in TS causes the export to be renamed `type`

    Exporting a `type` in TS causes the export to be renamed `type`

    It seems like if I have something like:

    export { Component, type Props as ComponentProps } from './Component'

    It gets rewritten as

    export { type } from "/src/.../Component/index.tsx";

    This causes an error in the browser, due to the file not actually exporting type.

    EDIT: after testing, it seems like it might be that a export type Props = {} in the Component file might be the issue? I'm not quite sure.

    opened by PaulBGD 1
  • [email protected](Dec 14, 2022)

    New features

    • Added HMR support for the entry points. In previous releases, when editing one of the consumed entry points, you would need to restart the dev server to re-run the plugin analyzis and cleanups of entry points. Editing any entry point will now automatically re-trigger its analyzis and cleanup, and following served files should be served accordingly.


    • Bumped Vite's reference version to 4.0.1
    • Copied README to core package so that it is correctly displayed on npm.
    • Refactored the code to improve maintainability and tests.
    • Removed custom resolver to make use of Vite's own resolver instead. This should improve consistency and plugin's maintainance by delegating the resolve logic to Vite.

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug which caused served app to crash when using aliases to import named entities from entry point (e.g. import { A_MODULE_B as B } from 'path/to/entry'). The bug being fixed, you should also be able to import the same entities twice using aliases (e.g. import { A_MODULE_B, A_MODULE_B as B } from 'path/to/entry').
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • [email protected](Nov 1, 2022)

    Minor Changes

    • 8fee575: - Replaced the "include" option with a simpler "exclude" option. This should help avoid performance issues that could be caused by globby matching huge amounts of paths.
      • Removed the root option which is not used anymore after the above change
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • [email protected](Oct 29, 2022)

    Patch Changes

    • c0641df:
      • Fixed the plugin not correctly rewriting imports of aliases
      • Fixed the plugin being used in build mode (#4 )
      • Added Node minimal requirements
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • [email protected](Oct 19, 2022)

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