Fully typed hooks and utility functions for the React Native StyleSheet API



Fully typed hooks and utility functions for the React Native StyleSheet API

npm i react-native-style-utilities

ESLint Setup

If you're using the eslint-plugin-react-hooks plugin, add the following to your .eslintrc.js:

"react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": [
    additionalHooks: "(useStyle|useFlatStyle)",


A hook to memoize dynamic styles.

See "Memoize!!! 💾 - a react (native) performance guide"


By using useStyle the object { height: number } gets memoized and will only be re-created if someDynamicValue changes, resulting in better optimized re-renders.


return <View style={{ height: someDynamicValue }} />


const style = useStyle(() => ({ height: someDynamicValue }), [someDynamicValue])

return <View style={style} />


useStyle can also be used to join arrays together, also improving re-render times.


return <View style={[styles.container, props.style, { height: someDynamicValue }]} />


const style = useStyle(
  () => [styles.container, props.style, { height: someDynamicValue }],
  [props.style, someDynamicValue]

return <View style={style} />


Same as useStyle, but flattens ("merges") the returned values into a simple object with StyleSheet.flatten(...).

See "Memoize!!! 💾 - a react (native) performance guide"

const style1 = useStyle(
  () => [styles.container, props.style, { height: someDynamicValue }],
  [props.style, someDynamicValue]
style1.borderRadius // <-- does not work, `style1` is an array!

const style2 = useFlatStyle(
  () => [styles.container, props.style, { height: someDynamicValue }],
  [props.style, someDynamicValue]
style2.borderRadius // <-- works, will return 'number | undefined'


A helper function to find a given style property in any style object without using expensive flattening (no StyleSheet.flatten(...)).

function Component({ style, ...props }) {
  const borderRadius = style.borderRadius // <-- does not work, style type is complex
  const borderRadius = findStyle(style, "borderRadius") // <-- works, is 'number | undefined'
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  • Discussion on adding StyleSheet.create replacement which accepts StyleProp<T>

    Discussion on adding StyleSheet.create replacement which accepts StyleProp

    Annoyingly, StyleSheet.create only accepts named styles -> AnyStyle map. This means if you have common utilities styles, you have to spread them into each style. Here's what I mean:

    // Shared example for bgColor
    const bgColor = {
      GREEN: { backgroundColor: '#238636' },
      WHITE: { backgroundColor: '#fff' },
    // Usage
    const style = StyleSheet.create({
      greenHeader: { ...bgColor.GREEN, ...padding.p4 },
      whitePage: { ...bgColor.WHITE, ...padding.p4, ...padding.pb6 },

    I don't think the runtime cost of spreading likely worth consideration. I mainly just find it annoying. Since StyleSheet.create is just an identity, I created a similar function that defines NamedStyles in terms of StyleProp instead of any style:

    type CreateNamedStyles<T> = { readonly [P in keyof T]: StyleProp<ViewStyle | TextStyle | ImageStyle> }
    const createStyle = <T extends CreateNamedStyles<any>>(styles: T): T => styles
    // Usage
    const style = createStyle({
      greenHeader: [bgColor.GREEN, padding.p4],
      whitePage: [bgColor.WHITE, padding.p4, padding.pb6],

    It's pretty trivial, so I'm curious what your thoughts are and if you think it's worth adding? Just like StyleSheet.create it's basically just a type helper at this point, but it makes composition of static styles easier.

    Edit: I played around a bit and createStyles is a bit unintuitive, since React Native doesn't recursively parse styles. So I basically scrapped it in favor of my createFlatStyles implementation. It has the same initial overhead as using spread, it's just easier to compose. If you think it's useful, I'll open a PR.

    opened by bfricka 2
  • What is the best way to benchmark?

    What is the best way to benchmark?

    Hi @mrousavy,

    In my app, I rely heavily on "inline" styles similar to what Tailwind does for the web but in RN. So I have a lot of arrays like:

    <View style={[tw.f[1], tw.bg.red[500]]} />
    // which is the same as {flex: 1, backgroundColor: "some hex for the special red color"}

    so I got curious about possible perf penalties of that approach and started investigating if wrapping all those arrays in useMemo would be beneficial.

    Trying a super-blunt test with rendering 10k views showed, surprisingly that useMemo performs worse in terms of memory while not giving any speed benefit at all, either if you render static styles or dynamic ones (which depends on some prop).

    So I'm curious what was your take on that? Did you perform any benchmarks on your own?

    Here is the code for the harness, which is pretty basic:

    import React, {
    } from 'react';
    import { View, ScrollView } from 'react-native';
    import performance from 'react-native-performance';
    // test cases, see later
    import Test1 from './Test1';
    import Test2 from './Test2';
    const traceRender: ProfilerOnRenderCallback = (
      id, // the "id" prop of the Profiler tree that has just committed
      phase, // either "mount" (if the tree just mounted) or "update" (if it re-rendered)
      actualDuration, // time spent rendering the committed update
      baseDuration, // estimated time to render the entire subtree without memoization
      startTime, // when React began rendering this update
      commitTime, // when React committed this update
      interactions // the Set of interactions belonging to this update
    ) =>
      performance.measure(id, {
        start: performance.timeOrigin + startTime,
        duration: actualDuration,
    const formatValue = (value: number, unit?: string) => {
      switch (unit) {
        case 'ms':
          return `${value.toFixed(1)}ms`;
        case 'byte':
          return `${(value / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1)}MB`;
          return value.toFixed(1);
    function App() {
      let [flip, setFlip] = useState(true);
      useEffect(() => {
        //let metrics = performance.getEntriesByName('App.render()');
        //let metric = metrics[metrics.length - 1];
        // console.log(formatValue(metric.duration, undefined));
        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
          setFlip((s) => !s);
      }, [flip]);
      return (
        // uncomment to see traces
        //<Profiler id="App.render()" onRender={traceRender}>
        <ScrollView style={{ flex: 1, paddingVertical: 40, paddingHorizontal: 20 }}>
              flex: 1,
              flexDirection: 'row',
              flexWrap: 'wrap',
              padding: 4,
              backgroundColor: flip ? 'green' : 'red',
            <Test1 isGreen={!flip} />
    export default App;


    import React from 'react';
    import { View } from 'react-native';
    export default ({ isGreen }) => {
      return (
              height: 4,
              width: 4,
              margin: 4,
              backgroundColor: isGreen ? 'green' : 'red',
    ...9999 more views like that


    import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
    import { View } from 'react-native';
    export default ({ isGreen }) => {
      return (
              () => ({
                height: 4,
                width: 4,
                margin: 4,
                backgroundColor: isGreen ? 'green' : 'red',
    ...9999 more views like that

    Both tests ran on iPhoneXS and have the same perf metrics (around 4fps with static styles, and 1-2 fps with dynamic, and 50-55 fps on UI) But non-memoized version uses around 150mb, while memoized 200

    opened by somebody32 3
Marc Rousavy
they call me ranch cause I be dressing
Marc Rousavy
📋 React Hooks for forms validation (Web + React Native)

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