On-site cat on the console!


CICD npm version code style: prettier


Let's display "Yoshi!" on the console. When the code just won't work, when debugging is too tedious, this makes everything better! (It won't).

*Do not use it in a serious place. This "Yoshi!" may be a flag that something bad is about to happen!

          ∧  /ヽ
         // ̄ ̄\|
        /   ①八① \
        工ニ f(_人_) エ |′
        \   ヽノ  ノ ヘ
      ⊂⌒)_>―――イ (_) /
       `ー、_ノ/ ̄ヽ |/
         _||  | |
        (  人_ノ Λ
         \ス ̄ ̄レ-Λ \
        ( ̄ ) / / \ノ\
          ̄ ̄ ( ヽ  \_)


This project requires NodeJS (version 14 or later) and NPM. Node and NPM are really easy to install. To make sure you have them available on your machine, try running the following command.

$ npm -v && node -v

Table of contents

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites

To install and set up the library, run:

$ npm install genbaneko

Or if you prefer using Yarn:

$ yarn add genbaneko


import { genbaneko, mGenbaneko } from 'genbaneko';
// or
const { genbaneko, mGenbaneko } = require('genbaneko');

// Only on-site cats are output

// Use this when you want your cat to speak or think

// It works without any text arguments.
// In that case, "Yoshi !!" is displayed by default.

Take advantage of the command line

$ genbaneko help # or, -h, --help
Usage: genbaneko [options] [command]

Let's display "Yoshi!" on the console.

  -V, --version   output the version number
  -h, --help      display help for command

  say [string]    say something
  think [string]  think something
  help [command]  display help for command

"Yoshi !!" is a Japanese word for "challenging during confirmation work". It is used in Japan as a net meme when bad things happen. If the code for your project doesn't work, write a comment saying "なんだか知らんがとにかくよし! "

That's all there is to it. Pull requests to add other kinds of "genbaneko" are welcome! See ToDo for features we would like to add.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Add your changes: git add .
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  5. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  6. Submit a pull request 😎


  • Addition of "doushite"
  • Make the character speak
  • Colorful cats

Contact us


I wrote README.md with reference to this


moons14 - moons-14


MIT License © 2022 moons14

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  • CLI


    I have made the genbaneko's CLI more useful.

    For information on how to package the CLI to make it available as a global command, see:

    https://qiita.com/suzuki_sh/items/f3349efbfe1bdfc0c634 https://github.com/google/budoux/tree/main/javascript

    I recommend adding the dist directory to .gitignore.

    git clone https://github.com/eggplants/genbaneko
    cd genbaneko
    git checkout cli
    npm i
    sudo npm link
    $ genbaneko help # or, -h, --help
    Usage: genbaneko [options] [command]
    Let's display "Yoshi!" on the console.
      -V, --version   output the version number
      -h, --help      display help for command
      say [string]    say something
      think [string]  think something
      help [command]  display help for command
    $ genbaneko
              ∧  /ヽ
             // ̄ ̄\|
            /   ①八① \
            工ニ f(_人_) エ |′
            \   ヽノ  ノ ヘ 
          ⊂⌒)_>―――イ (_) /
           `ー、_ノ/ ̄ヽ |/
             _||  | |
            (  人_ノ Λ
             \ス ̄ ̄レ-Λ \
            ( ̄ ) / / \ノ\
              ̄ ̄ ( ヽ  \_)
    $ genbaneko say
    < Yoshi!! >
      \       ∧  /ヽ
       \     // ̄ ̄\|
        \    ∠__╋__〉
         \  /   ①八① \
            工ニ f(_人_) エ |′
            \   ヽノ  ノ ヘ 
          ⊂⌒)_>―――イ (_) /
           `ー、_ノ/ ̄ヽ |/
             _||  | |
            (  人_ノ Λ
             \ス ̄ ̄レ-Λ \
            ( ̄ ) / / \ノ\
              ̄ ̄ ( ヽ  \_)
    $ genbaneko say aaa
    < aaa >
      \       ∧  /ヽ
       \     // ̄ ̄\|
        \    ∠__╋__〉
         \  /   ①八① \
            工ニ f(_人_) エ |′
            \   ヽノ  ノ ヘ 
          ⊂⌒)_>―――イ (_) /
           `ー、_ノ/ ̄ヽ |/
             _||  | |
            (  人_ノ Λ
             \ス ̄ ̄レ-Λ \
            ( ̄ ) / / \ノ\
              ̄ ̄ ( ヽ  \_)
    $ genbaneko think
    ( Yoshi!! )
      〇       ∧  /ヽ
       〇     // ̄ ̄\|
        〇    ∠__╋__〉
         〇  /   ①八① \
            工ニ f(_人_) エ |′
            \   ヽノ  ノ ヘ 
          ⊂⌒)_>―――イ (_) /
           `ー、_ノ/ ̄ヽ |/
             _||  | |
            (  人_ノ Λ
             \ス ̄ ̄レ-Λ \
            ( ̄ ) / / \ノ\
              ̄ ̄ ( ヽ  \_)
    $ genbaneko think bbb
    ( bbb )
      〇       ∧  /ヽ
       〇     // ̄ ̄\|
        〇    ∠__╋__〉
         〇  /   ①八① \
            工ニ f(_人_) エ |′
            \   ヽノ  ノ ヘ 
          ⊂⌒)_>―――イ (_) /
           `ー、_ノ/ ̄ヽ |/
             _||  | |
            (  人_ノ Λ
             \ス ̄ ̄レ-Λ \
            ( ̄ ) / / \ノ\
              ̄ ̄ ( ヽ  \_)

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