The standard shareable Vue config for Stylelint.



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The standard shareable Vue config for Stylelint.

This config:


  • Stylelint v14.0.0 and above
    It cannot be used with Stylelint v13 and below.

To see the rules that this config uses, please read the config itself.

💿 Installation

npm install --save-dev postcss-html stylelint-config-standard-vue

📖 Usage

Set your stylelint config to:

    "extends": "stylelint-config-standard-vue"

Note: This config enables rules for only .vue files.

If you don't want the rules to be overridden (If you want to enable only the parser.), please use stylelint-config-html.

    "extends": "stylelint-config-html/vue"

Since this package configure customSyntax option to allow parsing Vue files, be sure it is the LAST item into the extends array, in case more than one configuration is applied. Not complying to this rule may result in broken Vue files parsing, generating confusing errors like Unknown word (CssSyntaxError).


Install stylelint-config-standard-scss:

npm install --save-dev stylelint-config-standard-scss

Set your stylelint config to:

    "extends": "stylelint-config-standard-vue/scss"

When used with stylelint-config-standard-scss:

    "extends": [

Extending the config

Simply add a "rules" key to your config, then add your overrides and additions there.

For example, to add the unit-allowed-list rule:

    "extends": "stylelint-config-standard-vue",
    "overrides": [
            "files": ["*.vue", "**/*.vue"],
            "rules": {
                "unit-allowed-list": ["em", "rem", "s"]

💻 Editor integrations

Visual Studio Code

Use the stylelint.vscode-stylelint extension that Stylelint provides officially.

You have to configure the stylelint.validate option of the extension to check .vue files, because the extension does not check the *.vue file by default.

Example .vscode/settings.json:

  "stylelint.validate": [
      // ↓ Add "vue" language.

🔒 License

See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).

  • Unknown word (CssSyntaxError) in VSCode

    Unknown word (CssSyntaxError) in VSCode

    show error in vscode, but not in terminal image image


    "devDependencies": {
        "postcss-html": "^1.3.1",
        "stylelint": "^14.6.1",
        "stylelint-config-standard-vue": "^1.0.0",

    lint syntax

        "lint:style": "stylelint **/*.vue",


    module.exports = {
      extends: [
      customSyntax: "postcss-html",
    needs repro 
    opened by Sky-star 8
  • Cannot format .vue files

    Cannot format .vue files


    I use stylelint-config-standard-vue to format .vue file in does not work, but is fine.


    "stylelint": "^14.5.3",
    "stylelint-config-recess-order": "^3.0.0",
    "stylelint-config-standard": "^25.0.0",
     "stylelint-config-standard-scss": "^3.0.0",
    "stylelint-config-standard-vue": "^1.0.0",


    module.exports = {
        extends: [
        rules: {
            "indentation": 4,
            'scss/at-import-partial-extension': null


    /// stylelint
        "css.validate": false,
        "less.validate": false,
        "scss.validate": false,
        "stylelint.validate": [
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.fixAll": true,
            "source.fixAll.stylelint": true

    Please help. Thanks.

    opened by solumon 4
  • Doesn't work with vue+scss

    Doesn't work with vue+scss

    I make the same "errors" in both a .scss file and a .vue file and I cannot get stylelint to detect the vue file errors using the cli.

    Steps to reproduce:

    • follow instructions in the readme of this repo
    • run npx stylelint my-file.scss and I get errors reported
    • run npx stylelint my-file.vue and I don't get errors reported

    Note: if I change my style block in the vue file to normal css (<style lang="scss"> => <style>) then the errors are reported ok.

    My Setup

    package.json (relevant bits)

      "devDependencies":  {
          "vue": "^3.2.24",
          "postcss-html": "^1.3.0",
          "stylelint": "^14.2.0",
          "stylelint-config-standard-scss": "^3.0.0",
          "stylelint-config-standard-vue": "^1.0.0",


    # .stylelintrc.yaml
      - stylelint-config-standard-scss
      - stylelint-config-standard-vue/scss

    My vue file style block

    <style lang="scss">
        // expect camel case error
        .santVeamos {
            color: red;
            font-size: 4em;
        // expect empty error
        .empty {}

    My normal scss file (exactly same contents as vue style block)

        // expect camel case error
        .santVeamos {
            color: red;
            font-size: 4em;
        // expect empty error
        .empty {}

    cli output

    ➜  $ npx stylelint {my-file.vue,my-file.scss}
      4:1   ✖  Expected class selector to be kebab-case  selector-class-pattern
      8:11  ✖  Unexpected empty block                    block-no-empty

    As you see only errors from the .scss file are reported.

    cli output when I remove the lang="scss" part from my file

    ➜  $ npx stylelint {my-file.vue,my-file.scss}
     4:1   ✖  Expected class selector to be kebab-case  selector-class-pattern
     8:11  ✖  Unexpected empty block                    block-no-empty        
     75:5   ✖  Expected class selector to be kebab-case  selector-class-pattern
     80:12  ✖  Unexpected empty block                    block-no-empty
    opened by santiagoarizti 2
  • Update dependency @ota-meshi/eslint-plugin to ^0.13.0

    Update dependency @ota-meshi/eslint-plugin to ^0.13.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | @ota-meshi/eslint-plugin | ^0.12.0 -> ^0.13.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • Update dependency @ota-meshi/eslint-plugin to ^0.12.0

    Update dependency @ota-meshi/eslint-plugin to ^0.12.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | @ota-meshi/eslint-plugin | ^0.11.0 -> ^0.12.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • Update dependency eslint-plugin-json-schema-validator to v4

    Update dependency eslint-plugin-json-schema-validator to v4

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | eslint-plugin-json-schema-validator | ^3.0.0 -> ^4.0.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    💥 Breaking Changes

    Full Changelog:


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • Update dependency @ota-meshi/eslint-plugin to ^0.11.0

    Update dependency @ota-meshi/eslint-plugin to ^0.11.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | @ota-meshi/eslint-plugin | ^0.10.0 -> ^0.11.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

    Rebasing: Renovate will not automatically rebase this PR, because other commits have been found.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox. ⚠ Warning: custom changes will be lost.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • Update dependency eslint-plugin-yml to v1

    Update dependency eslint-plugin-yml to v1

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | eslint-plugin-yml (source) | ^0.15.0 -> ^1.0.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    💥 Breaking Changes

    • #​148 Drop support for Node.js v12.
    • #​148 Upgrade yaml-eslint-parser.

    Full Changelog:


    📅 Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • Update dependency eslint-plugin-json-schema-validator to v3

    Update dependency eslint-plugin-json-schema-validator to v3

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | eslint-plugin-json-schema-validator (source) | ^2.0.0 -> ^3.0.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    💥 Breaking Changes

    • #​131 Drop support for Node.js v12.
    • #​131 Upgrade yaml-eslint-parser.

    Full Changelog:


    📅 Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • Update dependency eslint-plugin-vue to v9

    Update dependency eslint-plugin-vue to v9

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | eslint-plugin-vue (source) | ^8.0.0 -> ^9.0.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    💥 Breaking Changes

    Change Vue 3 presets configs
    Change Vue 2 preset configs

    Note: The rules marked with * are now included in the plugin:vue/essential config because @​vue/composition-api and unplugin-vue2-script-setup add (limited) support for these Vue 3 features in Vue 2. If you don't use those libraries, enabling these rules shouldn't affect you.

    Deprecated features
    Removed features

    Previously deprecated rules are removed completely:

    Previously deprecated internal util methods are removed completely:

    • getComponentProps: use getComponentPropsFromOptions instead
    • getComponentEmits: use getComponentEmitsFromOptions instead

    ✨ Enhancements

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    Full Changelog:


    📅 Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • Update dependency eslint-plugin-yml to ^0.15.0

    Update dependency eslint-plugin-yml to ^0.15.0

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | eslint-plugin-yml (source) | ^0.14.0 -> ^0.15.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    What's Changed

    Full Changelog:


    📅 Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 0
Yosuke Ota
Member of @vuejs, @stylelint and @intlify. Owner of cheetah-grid. Java/JavaScript/TypeScript/Python. I use broken English.
Yosuke Ota

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