A simple PureScript wrapper for React




purescript-thermite is a PureScript wrapper for purescript-react. It does not provide all of the functionality of React, but instead provides a clean API to the most commonly-used parts of its API. It is possible to use purescript-react for more specialized use cases.


bower update
pulp build
pulp test -r cat > html/index.js

You can also now use npm test to run the test command above.

Getting Started

Thermite components are defined in parts:

  • A type of actions, which represents the actions a user can take on our component
  • A type of states, which represents the internal state of our component
  • An initial state
  • A rendering function, which takes the current component state and properties, and creates a HTML document
  • A function which interprets actions, by modifying the state and/or running some (possibly asynchronous) computations

Here is an example. We'll build a component which displays the value of a integer-valued counter.

First of all, we need to import some modules:

import Thermite as T

import React as R
import React.DOM as R
import React.DOM.Props as RP
import ReactDOM as RDOM

In our component, users will be able to take two actions - increment and decrement - which will be represented as buttons later:

data Action = Increment | Decrement

The state of our component is just an integer:

type State = { counter :: Int }

The initial state is zero:

initialState :: State
initialState = { counter: 0 }

Our rendering function uses the React.DOM.* modules to create a HTML document containing a label and two buttons. The buttons' onclick handlers are given functions which generate the correct actions. The dispatch function, which is passed as the first argument to render, can be used to build such a function, by providing an action:

render :: T.Render State _ Action
render dispatch _ state _ =
  [ R.p' [ R.text "Value: "
         , R.text $ show state.counter
  , R.p' [ R.button [ RP.onClick \_ -> dispatch Increment ]
                    [ R.text "Increment" ]
         , R.button [ RP.onClick \_ -> dispatch Decrement ]
                    [ R.text "Decrement" ]

The performAction function interprets actions by passing a function to the state update function, which is responsible for updating the state using record updates:

performAction :: T.PerformAction State _ Action
performAction Increment _ _ = void (T.cotransform (\state -> state { counter = state.counter + 1 }))
performAction Decrement _ _ = void (T.cotransform (\state -> state { counter = state.counter - 1 }))

Note: PerformAction returns a coroutine, which can emit many asynchronous state updates using cotransform. This approach also allows us to create asynchronous and/or chunked action handlers (using AJAX or websockets, for example):

getIncrementValueFromServer :: Aff Int

performAction :: T.PerformAction State _ Action
performAction Increment _ _ = do
  Just amount <- lift getIncrementValueFromServer
  void $ T.cotransform $ \state -> state { counter = state.counter + amount }

With these pieces, we can create a Spec for our component:

spec :: T.Spec State (T.WithChildren ()) Action
spec = T.Spec {performAction, render}

Note that the new purescript-react needs some typechecking assistance for props - Spec needs an extra { children :: Children | props } field in its props, yet that field is not necessary when creating a react element with its props argument.

WithChildren props is just an alias for { children :: Children | props }.

Finally, in main, the defaultMain function from the purescript-thermite-dom library can be used to render our component to the document body by specifying the initial state:

import Thermite.DOM (defaultMain)

main = defaultMain spec (const initialState) "MyComponent" {}

Combining Components

The Spec type is an instance of the Semigroup and Monoid type classes. These instances can be used to combine different components with the same state and action types.

In practice, the state and action types will not always match for the different subcomponents, so Thermite provides combinators for changing these type arguments: focus and foreach. These combinators are heavily inspired by the OpticUI library.

See the example project for examples of these kinds of composition.


focus (and the related functions focusState and match) are used to enlarge the state and action types, to make it possible to embed a component inside a larger component.

focus takes a lens, which identifies the state type as a part of the state type of the larger component, and a prism, which identifies all actions of the smaller component as actions for the larger component. focusState is used when only the state type needs to be changed, and match is used when only the action type needs to be changed.

As a simple example, we can combine two subcomponents by using a Tuple to store both states, and Either to combine both sets of actions:

spec1 :: Spec S1 _ A1
spec2 :: Spec S2 _ A2

spec :: Spec (Tuple S1 S2) _ (Either A1 A2)
spec = focus _1 _Left spec1 <> focus _2 _Right spec2

Here, _1 and _Left embed spec1 inside spec, using the left components of both the state Tuple and the Either type of actions. _2 and _Right similarly embed spec2, using the right components.

focus is responsible for directing the various actions to the correct components, and updating the correct parts of the state.


split is used to handle child components which might not be present, for example, when a parent object contains a Maybe state.

type Parent = { child :: Maybe child }

_child :: LensP Parent (Maybe Child)
_child = lens _.child (_ { child = _ })

_ChildAction :: PrismP ParentAction ChildAction

childSpec :: Spec Child _ ChildAction

spec :: Spec Parent _ ParentAction
spec = focus _child _ChildAction $ split _Just childSpec


Where focus embeds a single subcomponent inside another component, foreach embeds a whole collection of subcomponents.

foreach turns a Spec eff state props action into a Spec eff (List state) props (Tuple Int action). Note that the state type has been wrapped using List, since the component now tracks state for each element of the collection. Also, the action type has been replaced with Tuple Int action. This means that when an action occurs, it is accompanied by the index of the element in the collection which it originated from.

  • Async performAction

    Async performAction

    So a fundamental use case I have goes like this:

    performAction ... ->
      -- set loading to true (i.e. show progress bar)
      -- load data
      -- set loading to false, set data in global state

    There's purescript-thermite-aff, but the current design doesn't play well with nesting async performActions - check out this ticket.

    So basically, I converted PerformAction to be a Producer. The difference in usage is negligible (i.e. use emit \st -> st {...} instead of just \st -> st {...}), but the outcome is much better composability.

    Would you be interested in going forward with this? I have to decide on a purescript framework for an ongoing project, and so far thermite is my top choice, but async composability is a must-have.

    opened by pkamenarsky 35
  • Remove Action monad, add focus operator, Semigroup and Monoid instances

    Remove Action monad, add focus operator, Semigroup and Monoid instances

    @ethul @kRITZCREEK What do you think about this?

    This adds Monoid and a lens/prism operator for Spec, so that there is a means to compose components. I based this on optic-ui since I think it's the most solid form of component composition I've seen.

    The next step would be to add a foreach operator to create things like list components using a Traversal, as in optic-ui or syb.

    /cc @zrho

    opened by paf31 19
  • Use of div' in render causes problems with react-native

    Use of div' in render causes problems with react-native

    Because there is no "div" component in react-native you get an error when using thermite. I made a workaround which only uses a div if there is more than one element in the array but it would be better to make it customisable. I believe the equivalent in react-native would be to use the "view" component. Here is my work around for reference:

    render :: React.Render props state eff
    render this = map maybeDiv $
      spec.render (dispatcher this)
        <$> React.getProps this
        <*> React.readState this
        <*> React.getChildren this
          maybeDiv elems = fromMaybe (div' elems) if (length elems == 1) then head elems else Nothing
    opened by doolse 14
  • Support for inline styles

    Support for inline styles

    Hey, I hope I not just missed some way of doing this that already exists, but I'd like to use inline styles. This comes with the nice benefit of being able to express your styles in terms of code and running optimizations, dead-code-eliminations etc. on it.

    In purescript-react the Style modifier accepts arbitrary records. Could the same be done here?

    opened by passy 8
  • React Mixins

    React Mixins

    I was wondering if the Mixin concept of React can be translated to typeclasses in Thermite.

    The Documentation describes a Mixin to be a set of shared functions across multiple different components.

    Could this be a way to write extensions to Thermite? I was especially thinking about a module that allows a component to produce its own Observable/Signal with purescript-rx / purescript-signal. Other common use cases would be adding Validation to Form Elements.

    Maybe this route allows us to do something about #3 with some Javascript Magic. If you could point me into a direction I would love to go exploring and maybe provide a PR at the end.

    opened by kritzcreek 8
  • Remove DOM dependency

    Remove DOM dependency

    Might it be better to have thermite depend solely on purescript-react, without purescript-react-dom and purescript-dom? This way, upgrading will be simpler and users of react native won't need to have the DOM stuff around.

    Wanted to upgrade thermite to use purescript-react-5.0.0 when I ran into this.

    opened by jvliwanag 7
  • Can't get any examples working

    Can't get any examples working

    I'm new to PureScript and Thermite. I'm running a fresh Arch install (I set it up yesterday).

    I tried running the "Actions" lesson from Try Thermite by doing the following:

    • mkdir thermite-test && cd thermite-test
    • pulp init
    • bower i purescript-thermite --save
    • copying and pasting the code from that lesson into src/Main.purs
    • pulp build

    but I get a huge bunch of errors, mostly to do with unexpected "qualified"statements in the dependencies like Data.Lazy.

    I think this may have to do with some changes in PureScript syntax, since when I do the bower installation, I'm asked to choose between Prelude versions 0.1.5 and 1.0.0 or something similar because of a dependency conflict.

    Any ideas?

    opened by mrkgnao 7
  • Add renderTo function

    Add renderTo function

    In addition to render which renders into document.body, allow rendering into an arbitrary DOM Node.

    It's very likely that you thought about this before and decided against it. In that case, please don't feel bad about closing this. ;)

    opened by passy 7
  • Create an element from a ComponentClass

    Create an element from a ComponentClass

    An example use-case for this function is when a component class is imported and it is desired to render an instance of this class within another component or as the top-level component.

    For instance, rackt/react-router exports Route, DefaultRoute, RouteHandler, etc. The createElementFromClass function can be used to render these exported classes.

    As a note, I am still pretty new at React, so perhaps there is a better way to do this. Or maybe there is already a way to achieve what I want here. I am open to ideas or alternatives.

    opened by ethul 7
  • Adding displayName to the Spec

    Adding displayName to the Spec

    Allows the user to specify a display name for the component. This is set automatically by the JSX compiler when using JSX. When the display name is not set, all components are displayed as <Unknown>.

    I realize this is adding an additional property to the Spec record. However, I admit that being able to name the components was quite helpful during app development and debugging. If your intention is to keep the Spec small, I could go either way on this. Or perhaps there is a better or alternative approach? I am open to ideas!

    opened by ethul 7
  • Uprade to PS 0.12 ?

    Uprade to PS 0.12 ?

    Hi, many thanks for this great library that is very useful for our project.

    Since the 0.12 upgrade we were wondering if there was any plan(s) to upgrade purescript-thermite.

    There is a branch created for that purpose with my collaborator already: https://github.com/sudhirvkumar/purescript-thermite/tree/migrate_0_12

    But before going deeper, we wanted to know if there was any plan(s) or advice(s) for such target.

    Many thanks in advance for your answer.

    opened by delanoe 6
  • Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2

    Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2

    Bumps decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from decode-uri-component's releases.


    • Prevent overwriting previously decoded tokens 980e0bf



    • Switch to GitHub workflows 76abc93
    • Fix issue where decode throws - fixes #6 746ca5d
    • Update license (#1) 486d7e2
    • Tidelift tasks a650457
    • Meta tweaks 66e1c28



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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump shell-quote from 1.6.1 to 1.7.3

    Bump shell-quote from 1.6.1 to 1.7.3

    Bumps shell-quote from 1.6.1 to 1.7.3.

    Release notes

    Sourced from shell-quote's releases.


    • Fix a regression introduced in 1.6.3. This reverts the Windows path quoting fix. (144e1c2)


    • Fix $ being removed when not part of an environment variable name. (@​Adman in #32)


    • Add support for parsing >> and >& redirection operators. (@​forivall in #16)
    • Add support for parsing <( process substitution operator. (@​cuonglm in #15)


    • Fix Windows path quoting problems. (@​dy in #34)


    • Remove dependencies in favour of native methods. (@​zertosh in #21)

    Sourced from shell-quote's changelog.


    • Fix a security issue where the regex for windows drive letters allowed some shell meta-characters to escape the quoting rules. (CVE-2021-42740)


    • Fix a regression introduced in 1.6.3. This reverts the Windows path quoting fix. (144e1c2)


    • Fix $ being removed when not part of an environment variable name. (@​Adman in #32)


    • Add support for parsing >> and >& redirection operators. (@​forivall in #16)
    • Add support for parsing <( process substitution operator. (@​cuonglm in #15)


    • Fix Windows path quoting problems. (@​dy in #34)


    • Remove dependencies in favour of native methods. (@​zertosh in #21)

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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump cached-path-relative from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0

    Bump cached-path-relative from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0

    Bumps cached-path-relative from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0.


    Dependabot compatibility score

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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7

    Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7

    Bumps path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7.


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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump elliptic from 6.4.1 to 6.5.4

    Bump elliptic from 6.4.1 to 6.5.4

    Bumps elliptic from 6.4.1 to 6.5.4.


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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump tree-kill from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2

    Bump tree-kill from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2

    Bumps tree-kill from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2.


    Dependabot compatibility score

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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
Phil Freeman
Original developer of the PureScript compiler, author of http://leanpub.com/purescript, Haskeller, PLT enthusiast.
Phil Freeman
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Riter (in development) An iterator wrapper that supports Rust-style chaining Install TODO: This package is not yet available. Once it's mature enough,

잇창명 3 Mar 3, 2022
A nuxt 2 wrapper around derrickreimer/fathom-client to be able to use usefathom.com in all its glory

This package is a nuxt 2 wrapper around derrickreimer/fathom-client to be able to use usefathom.com in all its glory. Thanks to @derrickreimer for this framework agnostic library ❤️‍??.

wellá 6 Aug 18, 2022
An event-driven architecture wrapper for Wechaty that applies the CQS principle by using separate Query and Command messages to retrieve and modify the bot state, respectively.

CQRS Wechaty An event-driven architecture wrapper for Wechaty that applies the CQS principle by using separate Query and Command messages to retrieve

Wechaty 3 Mar 23, 2022
A wrapper for a mercado bitcoin!

About A library developed from the bitcoin marketplace api! With it you can check values of cryptos, tokens and ntfs Usage const cripto = require('mer

mr.boby 4 Oct 25, 2022