Framework for setting up RESTful JSON APIs with NodeJS.


Restberry works with both Express and Restify!

Framework for setting up RESTful JSON APIs with NodeJS. Define your models and setup CRUD API calls without needing to write any code (see Usage). All API calls will handle and identify issues and throw necessary HTTP responses and easy to debug error responses. Restberry also handles authentication and permission checks and throws appropriate errors.


npm install restberry


See example for a detailed documentation of how you setup a Restberry app.


var restberry = require('restberry');

        apiPath: '/api/v1',
        port: 5000,

        name: {type: String},

        foo: {type: restberry.odm.ObjectId, ref: 'Foo'},
        name: {type: String},
            parentModel: 'Foo',

NOTE: By default, Restberry integrates with ExpressJS and Mongoose but it can be hooked up with other packages. See more usages in the tests and dependent packages like:

Response examples

All these responses below are automatically handled without needing to write any additional code.

  • 200 OK
  "foo": {
    "href": "/api/v1/foos/536f6549e88ad2b5a71ffdc7",
    "id": "536f6549e88ad2b5a71ffdc7",
    "name": "test"
  • 201 CREATED
  "name": "test"
  "foo": {
    "href": "/api/v1/foos/536f654ae88ad2b5a71ffdcb",
    "id": "536f654ae88ad2b5a71ffdcb",
    "name": "test"
  • 204 NO CONTENT

NOTE: See restberry-errors for possible error responses.


See restberry-passport.


        .addCreateRoute()  // POST /foos
        .addDeleteRoute()  // DELETE /foos/:id
        .addPartialUpdateRoute()  // POST /foos/:id
        .addReadManyRoute()  // GET /foos
        .addReadRoute()  // GET /foos/:id
        .addUpdateRoute()  // PUT /foos/:id
        .addCRUDRoutes()  // All of the above...

Handle action query strings like this:

            actions: {
                build: function(req, res, next) {
                },  // POST /foos/:id?action=build

And Handle parent models like this:

            parentModel: restberry.model('Bar'),
        })  // POST /bars/:id/foos

NOTE: this can only be applied to ReadMany and Create.

You can also create custom routes. The possible configurations you can make are:

            action: function(req, res, next) {
            apiPath: '/api/v1',  // overrides the one set on Restberry
            actions: { },
            loginRequired: false,  // should authenticate the request
            method: 'GET',  // choices: DELETE, GET, POST, PUT
            parentModel: restberry.model('Bar'),
            path: '/path/to',  // the path of the route, will append apiPath
            postAction: function(json, req, res, next) {
            },  // will be executed after action
            preAction: function(req, res, next) {
            },  // will be executed before action
            verbose: false,  // will print the API call on initiation

NOTE: you can set these properties to all the predefined API definitions, you won't be able to override action however.

Run the tests

npm test

Further reading

I have written an article series on RESTful JSON API design which this package is base upon, you can find the three parts here: part 1, part 2 and part 3.


I'm really interested to here what you guys think of Restberry, especially if you have any suggestions to improve the package. Please contact me at [email protected].

  • Delete child schema

    Delete child schema

    It's possible, when call on delete /api/sci/:id, delete to /api/sci/:id/biens ? Or i should delete biens manually with delete /api/biens/:id ?

    if it's second solution, it's uncomfortable.

    opened by lobor 12
  • Return full objects from .addReadManyRoute()

    Return full objects from .addReadManyRoute()

    Is it possible to have the .addReadManyRoute() return full objects? I ran the example, created a few Cities, and added .addReadManyRoute() to the City model.

    When I open /api/v1/cities, this is returned (even though those cities have a name and location properties):

      hrefs: {
        current: "/api/v1/cities?offset=0&limit=10",
        first: null,
        next: null,
        prev: null,
        last: null
      offset: 0,
      limit: 10,
      total: 2,
      cities: [
          href: "/api/v1/cities/56df653d8e6466c730803693",
          id: "56df653d8e6466c730803693"
          href: "/api/v1/cities/56df6581ad47d6f230a8e779",
          id: "56df6581ad47d6f230a8e779"
    opened by petarjs 5
  • Append posix to 'path' requires so that restberry can work on Windows.

    Append posix to 'path' requires so that restberry can work on Windows.

    When using restberry on Windows path use '' separator for join method so the path looks like /api/v1\cities:id which causes a RegExp error on launch.

    Appending posix forces path to use / as separator for join method

    opened by AurelienPecqueur 4
  • Cannot read property 'ref' of undefined

    Cannot read property 'ref' of undefined


    I have this schema,

            name: {
                type: String,
                required: true,
                index: {
                    unique: true
            rcs: {
                type: Number,
                required: true
            date_immatriculation: {
                type: Date,
                required: true
            capital: {
                type: Number,
                required: true
            naf: {
                type: String,
                required: true
            adress: {
                type: String,
                required: true
            cp: {
                type: Number,
                required: true
            city: {
                type: String,
                required: true
            nb_part: {
                type: Number,
                required: true
                nom: {
                    type: String,
                    required: true,
                prenom: {
                    type: String,
                    required: true
                address: {
                    type: String,
                    required: true
                cp : {
                    type: Number,
                    required: true
                city: {
                    type: String,
                    required: true
                birthday: {
                    type: Date,
                    required: true
                city_birthday: {
                    type: String,
                    required: true
                np_part: {
                    type: Number,
                    required: true
                percent_part: {
                    type: Number,
                    required: true

    and when get the data i have this error

            } else if (field.caster && field.caster.options.ref) {
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'ref' of undefined
        at RestberryMongoose.getFieldsOfModels (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry-mongoose/lib/index.js:107:56)
        at RestberryModel.getFieldsOfModels (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry/lib/model.js:160:24)
        at RestberryModel.getFieldNamesOfModel (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry/lib/model.js:164:10)
        at RestberryObj.__isAuthorized (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry/lib/obj.js:30:20)
        at RestberryObj.isAuthorized (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry/lib/obj.js:110:18)
        at RestberryObj.toJSON (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry/lib/obj.js:249:10)
        at utils.forEachAndDone.json (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry/lib/objs.js:34:13)
        at Object.module.exports.forEachAndDone (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry/node_modules/restberry-utils/lib/index.js:55:13)
        at RestberryObjs.toJSON (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry/lib/objs.js:33:11)
        at /Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry/node_modules/restberry-router-crud/lib/controller.js:97:26
        at Promise.<anonymous> (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry/lib/model.js:85:13)
        at Promise.<anonymous> (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mpromise/lib/promise.js:177:8)
        at Promise.emit (events.js:107:17)
        at Promise.emit (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mpromise/lib/promise.js:84:38)
        at Promise.fulfill (/Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mpromise/lib/promise.js:97:20)
        at /Users/lionelbertrand/Documents/locloud/backfront/node_modules/restberry-mongoose/node_modules/mongoose/lib/query.js:1058:26
    opened by lobor 4
  • Added check for path.posix, so restberry can still work on node version prior to 0.12

    Added check for path.posix, so restberry can still work on node version prior to 0.12

    Added check for path.posix, so restberry can still work on node version prior to 0.12

    To run restberry on Windows you will have to use node >= 0.12.

    opened by AurelienPecqueur 1
  • Easier way to expand the Restberry response

    Easier way to expand the Restberry response

    Should have a method so you can call expand of a model or an object and have that name be added to the expand list:


    instead of

    opened by materik 1
  • Change to a promise pattern for models and objects

    Change to a promise pattern for models and objects

        .find({id: 1})
        .toJSON(function(json) {
        .onSuccess(function(feed) {
        .onError(function(error) {

    instead of

    restberry.model('Feed').find({id: 1}, function(feed) {
        feed.toJSON(function(json) {
    }, function(error) {
    opened by materik 0
  • Is it possible to use on a Relational Database

    Is it possible to use on a Relational Database

    First a question: is it possible to do this on relational databases as well? For example mysql/maria or postgres?

    Next I have some ideas: I really like the idea of declaring what it should do, instead of writing how it should do it. Especially for writing a light backend for a SPA frontend for example

    I've been working on something alike where you define an object on which the request should match and then some optional middleware. It's easier to show it by example:

    app.on({ method: 'POST' }, function(req, res, next) { 
      // perform some logic (authorization rules for example)
      next(); // calling next will eventually call the middleware that handles the database

    This way you define what it should do instead of on which route etc. If you want I can share a very premature draft with you.

    opened by alber70g 2
  • Unable to update embedded array in model

    Unable to update embedded array in model

    Embedded array in model isn't saved on updates, which is consistent with the FAQ number 1 in moongose.

    The following is the simplified version of the code:

    var restberry = require('restberry');
            name: {type: String, required: true},
            children: [{type: restberry.odm.ObjectId, ref: 'AuthItem'}],


    PUT /api/v1/authitems/57a8294b338d9e5221638665
        "name": "admin",
        "children": ["57a8294b338d9e5221638665"]

    Any solution?

    opened by rizkiarm 1
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