Simple and customizable security middleware for GraphQL servers in Deno.




Simple and customizable security middleware for GraphQL servers in Deno


  • Integrates with an Opine server in a Deno runtime.
  • Enables users to customize both a maximum depth and a cost limit for all GraphQL queries and mutations sent to the server.
  • Validates queries and mutations against the depth limiter and/or cost limiter before they are executed by the server.


Depth Limiting

Because GraphQL schemas can be cyclic graphs, it is possible that a client could construct a query such as this one:

Therefore, if nested deep enough, a malicious actor could potentially bring your server down with an abusive query.

However, using a Depth Limiter, you can validate the depth of incoming queries against a user-defined limit and prevent these queries from going through.

Cost Limiting

Queries can still be very expensive even if they aren't nested deeply. Using a Cost Limiter, your server will calculate the total cost of the query based on its types before execution.

Getting Started

A set up with gql and Opine out-of-the-box:

import { opine, OpineRequest } from "[email protected]/mod.ts";
import { GraphQLHTTP } from "[email protected]/mod.ts";
import { makeExecutableSchema } from "[email protected]/mod.ts";
import { gql } from "[email protected]/mod.ts";
import { readAll } from "[email protected]/streams/conversion.ts";

import { guarDenoQL } from "[email protected]/mod.ts";
// update GuarDenoQL import URL with most recent version 

type Request = OpineRequest & { json: () => Promise<any> };

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Query {
    hello: String

const resolvers = { Query: { hello: () => `Hello World!` } };
const dec = new TextDecoder();
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ resolvers, typeDefs });
const app = opine();

  .use("/graphql", async (req, res) => {
    const request = req as Request;

    request.json = async () => {
      const rawBody = await readAll(req.raw);
      const body = JSON.parse(dec.decode(rawBody));
      const query = body.query;

      const error = guarDenoQL(schema, query, {
        depthLimitOptions: {
          maxDepth: 4, // maximum depth allowed before a request is rejected
          callback: (args) => console.log("query depth is:", args), // optional
        costLimitOptions: {
          maxCost: 5000, // maximum cost allowed before a request is rejected
          mutationCost: 5, // cost of a mutation
          objectCost: 2, // cost of retrieving an object
          scalarCost: 1, // cost of retrieving a scalar
          depthCostFactor: 1.5, // multiplicative cost of each depth level
          callback: (args) => console.log("query cost is:", args), // optional

      if (error !== undefined && !error.length) {
        return body;
      } else {
        const errorMessage = { error };
        return res.send(JSON.stringify(errorMessage));

    const resp = await GraphQLHTTP<Request>({
      context: (request) => ({ request }),
      graphiql: true,

    for (const [k, v] of resp.headers.entries()) res.headers?.append(k, v);
    res.status = resp.status;
    res.send(await resp.text());
  .listen(3000, () => console.log(`☁  Started on http://localhost:3000`));

GuarDenoQL is fully customizable.

Users can use either the depth limiter, cost limiter or both.

The first argument is the schema, the second argument is the query, and the third argument is an Object with up to two properties: depthLimitOptions and/or costLimitOptions.

Depth Limit Configuration

This feature limits the depth of a document.

const error = guarDenoQL(schema, query, {
  depthLimitOptions: {
    maxDepth: 4, // maximum depth allowed before a request is rejected
    callback: (args) => console.log("query depth is:", args), // optional

The depthLimitOptions object has two properties to configure:

  1. maxDepth: the depth limiter will throw a validation error if the document has a greater depth than the user-supplied maxDepth

  2. optional callback function: receives an Object that maps the name of the operation to its corresponding query depth

Cost Limit Configuration

This feature applies a cost analysis algorithm to block queries that are too expensive.

const error = guarDenoQL(schema, query, {
  costLimitOptions: {
    maxCost: 5000, // maximum cost allowed before a request is rejected
    mutationCost: 5, // cost of a mutation
    objectCost: 2, // cost of retrieving an object
    scalarCost: 1, // cost of retrieving a scalar
    depthCostFactor: 1.5, // multiplicative cost of each depth level
    callback: (args) => console.log("query cost is:", args), // optional

The costLimitOptions object has six properties to configure:

  1. maxCost: the cost limiter will throw a validation error if the document has a greater cost than the user-supplied maxCost

  2. mutationCost: represents the cost of a mutation (some popular cost analysis algorithms make mutations more expensive than queries)

  3. objectCost: represents the cost of an object that has subfields

  4. scalarCost: represents the cost of a scalar

  5. depthCostFactor: the multiplicative cost of each depth level

  6. optional callback function: receives an Object that maps the name of the operation to its corresponding query cost


Depth Limiter

Cost Limiter

How to Contribute

If you would like to contribute, please see for more information.


Finley Decker: GitHub | LinkedIn

Hannah McDowell: GitHub | LinkedIn

Jane You: GitHub | LinkedIn

Lucien Hsu: GitHub | LinkedIn


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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