Delay a promise a specified amount of time

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Control Flow delay


Delay a promise a specified amount of time

If you target Node.js 15 or later, you can do await require('timers/promises').setTimeout(1000) instead.


$ npm install delay


const delay = require('delay');

(async () => {

	await delay(100);

	// Executed 100 milliseconds later


delay(milliseconds, options?)

Create a promise which resolves after the specified milliseconds.

delay.reject(milliseconds, options?)

Create a promise which rejects after the specified milliseconds.

delay.range(minimum, maximum, options?)

Create a promise which resolves after a random amount of milliseconds between minimum and maximum has passed.

Useful for tests and web scraping since they can have unpredictable performance. For example, if you have a test that asserts a method should not take longer than a certain amount of time, and then run it on a CI, it could take longer. So with .range(), you could give it a threshold instead.




Type: number

Milliseconds to delay the promise.


Type: object


Type: unknown

Optional value to resolve or reject in the returned promise.


Type: AbortSignal

The returned promise will be rejected with an AbortError if the signal is aborted. AbortSignal is available in all modern browsers and there is a ponyfill for Node.js.


Clears the delay and settles the promise.

delay.createWithTimers({clearTimeout, setTimeout})

Creates a new delay instance using the provided functions for clearing and setting timeouts. Useful if you're about to stub timers globally, but you still want to use delay to manage your tests.

Advanced usage

Passing a value:

const delay = require('delay');

(async() => {
	const result = await delay(100, {value: '🦄'});

	// Executed after 100 milliseconds
	//=> '🦄'

Using delay.reject(), which optionally accepts a value and rejects it ms later:

const delay = require('delay');

(async () => {
	try {
		await delay.reject(100, {value: new Error('🦄')});

		console.log('This is never executed');
	} catch (error) {
		// 100 milliseconds later
		//=> [Error: 🦄]

You can settle the delay early by calling .clear():

const delay = require('delay');

(async () => {
	const delayedPromise = delay(1000, {value: 'Done'});

	setTimeout(() => {
	}, 500);

	// 500 milliseconds later
	console.log(await delayedPromise);
	//=> 'Done'

You can abort the delay with an AbortSignal:

const delay = require('delay');

(async () => {
	const abortController = new AbortController();

	setTimeout(() => {
	}, 500);

	try {
		await delay(1000, {signal: abortController.signal});
	} catch (error) {
		// 500 milliseconds later
		//=> 'AbortError'

Create a new instance that is unaffected by libraries such as lolex:

const delay = require('delay');

const customDelay = delay.createWithTimers({clearTimeout, setTimeout});

(async() => {
	const result = await customDelay(100, {value: '🦄'});

	// Executed after 100 milliseconds
	//=> '🦄'


  • delay-cli - CLI for this module
  • p-cancelable - Create a promise that can be canceled
  • p-min-delay - Delay a promise a minimum amount of time
  • p-immediate - Returns a promise resolved in the next event loop - think setImmediate()
  • p-timeout - Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time
  • More…
  • Add `.cancel()`

    Add `.cancel()`

    As suggested in #15.


    1. This depends on #16.
    2. Currently, abort() throws an AbortError. Perhaps that behavior should be optional? I usually find myself wanting to cancel everything that follows, and I'd rather not add a catch in those cases.
    3. I'm introducing a dependency on p-defer, which is lightweight, but still relevant.
    4. I'm not entirely sure which issue the unhandled rejection handler originally solved, so the PR probably introduces an issue with that. I'm not getting any warnings from the tests though. Is it the known failure in the tests?
    opened by timdp 18
  • delay.reject()


    Idea from:

    delay.reject(100, 'message');
    delay.reject(100, new Error('message')); // equivalent to the above

    If a string, it's converted to an Error, otherwise passed through.

    I know the first case is not like Promise.reject(), but is there any good reason not to reject with an error?

    @ariporad @jamestalmage Do you think it would be useful to have this here?

    enhancement help wanted question 
    opened by sindresorhus 17
  • Typescript dom reference causes failure in non-DOM contexts

    Typescript dom reference causes failure in non-DOM contexts

    The lib reference to dom prevents this from being properly usable within non-DOM contexts such as react-native.

    node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.dom.d.ts:17604:6 - error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'RequestInfo'.
    17604 type RequestInfo = Request | string;
    92 declare type RequestInfo = Request | string;
    RequestInfo' was also declared here.
    opened by ckknight 10
  • Remove thunk API

    Remove thunk API

    I know I modified the code a fair bit from the original. If you'd prefer I keep closer to the original code (e.g. variable names, use of p-defer, remove package-lock.json) then I will do that. I can also add any additional tests you have on your mind.

    opened by olsonpm 10
  • Fix tests and make code simpler/clearer

    Fix tests and make code simpler/clearer

    These commits avoid intermediary functions, shorten the code and deobfuscate the resolve/reject part of the code.

    I'm not sure of how you feel about retouching code that works, but I thought I'd make a PR to possibly improve readability of the code.

    opened by fregante 9
  • Add support for passing `AbortSignal` and move the `value` argument into options

    Add support for passing `AbortSignal` and move the `value` argument into options

    This adds support for aborting a delay through the native AbortSignal.

    This allows writing functions with async/await where the signal can just be passed down through functions without much boilerplate (in opposite to cancellable Promises). It is the cancellation mechanism used by modern APIs like fetch and WebAuthentication.

    Example use:

    async function pollStatus(signal) {
    	while (true) {
    		const status = await fetchStatus(signal)
    		if (status === 'pending') {
    			await delay(1000, signal)
    		return status
    async function fetchStatus(signal) {
    	const resp = await fetch('/api/status', { signal })
    	return await resp.json()

    When the AbortSignal is aborted, it rejects with an AbortError like fetch does. This is so calling code does not continue execution and gets a chance to clean up resources in finally blocks. At the top level the error can be checked with === 'AbortError'.

    I chose to allow passing AbortSignal as a second parameter too, which technically prevents users from using an AbortSignal as a resolve value, but I think the chance that someone wants to do that intentionally is basically zero. It would be possible to require delay(1000, null, signal) instead, but that would probably more bugs than the alternative.

    opened by felixfbecker 8
  • Factory method to create delay implementation with bound timer methods

    Factory method to create delay implementation with bound timer methods

    It'd be useful if I could do the following:

    import { factory } from 'delay'
    const delay = factory({ setTimeout, clearTimeout })

    Since this binds the implementation to the timer methods I've provided, I can then safely stub the timers using say lolex and still use the delay interface.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by novemberborn 7
  • Problems using

    Problems using

    I've been using the delay module in a typescript module (@google-cloud/profiler).

    I'd previously used the type definitions from DefinitelyTyped, so @types/delay, without issue. But when I try to use version 3.1.0 of this module (and use the types from this latest version), my module no longer compiles, and I get errors like:

    ts/test/test-time-profiler.ts:65:16 - error TS2349: Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature. Type 'typeof import("/usr/local/google/home/nolanmar/cloud-profiler-nodejs-working/cloud-profiler-nodejs/node_modules/delay/index")' has no compatible call signatures.
    65          await delay(2 * durationMillis);

    Is this expected? Any advice for how I can migrate to version 3.1.0 of `delay?

    opened by nolanmar511 6
  • [WIP] Refactor the options interface

    [WIP] Refactor the options interface

    I came across this solution in this thread. It's more experimental and maybe we can take some ideas from it.

    However, it's not 100% identical to what we had. Because when using .reject(), the value is optional, which doesn't look like I can do easily with this approach.

    A second approach could be to just do this

    export interface Options {
    	signal?: AbortSignal,
    export interface ValueOptions<Value> {
    	value: Value
    declare const delay: {
    	(milliseconds: number, options?: Options): ClearablePromise<void>;
    	<Value>(milliseconds: number, options?: Options & ValueOptions<Value>): ClearablePromise<Value>;
    	reject(milliseconds: number, options?: Options & Partial<ValueOptions<Value>>): ClearablePromise<never>;

    Wrapping it in Partial makes all the properties of that interface optional.

    I would be fine with keeping it as is though. Just wanted to share my ideas.

    opened by SamVerschueren 5
  • Slight (breaking) change to the API

    Slight (breaking) change to the API

    Since this thing is only 9 hours old, I think we're safe doing it.

    When used in this fashion:


    I think it should delay 200ms from the time the first promise resolves.

    opened by jamestalmage 5
  • Fix missing `range()` in `createWithTimers()` return value & require Node.js 10

    Fix missing `range()` in `createWithTimers()` return value & require Node.js 10

    This started with a simple bugfix:

    • DRY delay creation
    • Add test for range() and createWithTimers()

    Except that Node.js 6 doesn't do object spread. So I've changed this to require Node.js 10.

    Which requires a breaking change, so I've removed the default export.

    I'd appreciate this if this can ship without also upgrading to use ESM.

    opened by novemberborn 4
  • Delaying for more than ~24.8 days causes TimeoutOverflowWarning and immediate promise resolution

    Delaying for more than ~24.8 days causes TimeoutOverflowWarning and immediate promise resolution

    The default implementation of setTimeout can only accept values within the range of positive signed 32-bit integers. Passing a timeout greater than (2^31)-1 milliseconds (0x7FFFFFFF) yields a TimeoutOverflowWarning and causes the runtime to ignore the specified timeout, assuming a value of 1ms (which by the way seems a dangerous default, I would have opted for using the maximum supported value or straight out throw an error).

    This unexpected behavior is not documented in the README, but rather than documenting this quirk of the runtime I'd like to propose a solution: instead of relying on the bare setTimeout, delay could use a wrapped version of it. Something like this:

    const maxSupportedTimeout = 0x7fffffff;
    type TimeoutContext = { id: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> };
    const defaultSetTimeout = (
      callback: (...args: any[]) => void,
      ms: number,
      timeoutContext?: Partial<TimeoutContext>
    ): TimeoutContext => {
      timeoutContext = timeoutContext || { id: undefined };
      if (ms > maxSupportedTimeout) { = setTimeout(
          ms - maxSupportedTimeout,
      } else { = setTimeout(callback, ms);
      return timeoutContext as TimeoutContext;
    const defaultClearTimeout = (timeoutContext: TimeoutContext) =>

    The timeoutContext is passed by reference, therefore each time defaultSetTimeout gets called the timeout id gets updated, so that defaultClearTimeout can always access the most recent value.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by cdellacqua 5
  • v5.0.0(Feb 1, 2021)


    • Require Node.js 10 (#55) f3c7542


    • Fix missing range() in createWithTimers() return value (#55) f3c7542

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.4.1(Jan 30, 2021)

  • v4.4.0(Jul 18, 2020)

  • v4.3.0(Jun 12, 2019)


    • Allow sinon.useFakeTimers() to modify setTimeout() and clearTimeout() (used by delay) after delay loads (#45) 1316fd7

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.2.0(Apr 8, 2019)

  • v4.1.0(Oct 10, 2018)

    • Add delay.createWithTimers() method.
    • Fix TypeScript type definition conflict with React Native.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.0.0(Sep 3, 2018)

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