enjoy live editing (+markdown)


Pen Editor

pen editor - screenshot

0. source code

You can clone the source code from github, or using bower.

bower install pen

1. installation

1.1 init with id attribute

var editor = new Pen('#editor');

1.2 init with an element

var editor = new Pen(document.getElementById('editor'));

1.3 init with options

var options = {
  editor: document.body, // {DOM Element} [required]
  class: 'pen', // {String} class of the editor,
  debug: false, // {Boolean} false by default
  textarea: '<textarea name="content"></textarea>', // fallback for old browsers
  list: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'], // editor menu list
  linksInNewWindow: true // open hyperlinks in a new windows/tab

var editor = new Pen(options);

2. configure

The following object sets up the default settings of Pen:

defaults = {
  class: 'pen',
  debug: false,
  textarea: '<textarea name="content"></textarea>',
  list: [
    'blockquote', 'h2', 'h3', 'p', 'insertorderedlist', 'insertunorderedlist',
    'indent', 'outdent', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'createlink'
  stay: true,
  linksInNewWindow: false

If you want to customize the toolbar to fit your own project, you can instanciate Pen constructor with an options object like #1.3: init with options:

2.1 Fallback for old browser

You can set defaults.textarea to a piece of HTML string, by default, it's <textarea name="content"></textarea>。This will be set as innerHTML of your #editor.

2.2 Change the editor class

Pen will add .pen to your editor by default, if you want to change the class, make sure to replace the class name pen to your own in src/pen.css.

2.3 Enable debug mode

If options.debug is set to true, Pen will output logs to the Console of your browser.


2.4 Customize the toolbar

You can set options.list to an Array, add the following strings to make your own:

  • blockquote, h2, h3, p, pre: create a tag as its literal meaning
  • insertorderedlist: create an ol>li list
  • insertunorderedlist: create a ul>li list
  • indent: indent list / blockquote block
  • outdent: outdent list / blockquote block
  • bold: wrap the text selection in a b tag
  • italic: wrap the text selection in an i tag
  • underline: wrap the text selection in a u tag
  • createlink: insert link to the text selection
  • inserthorizontalrule: insert a hr tag
  • insertimage: insert an image (img) tag

2.5 Add tooltips to the toolbar icons

You can set options.titles to an object with properties that match the toolbar actions. The value of each property will be used as the title attribute on the icon. Most browsers will display the title attribute as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the icon.

options.title = {
    'blockquote': 'Blockquote'
    'createlink': 'Hyperlink'
    'insertimage': 'Image'

If you are using Bootstrap or jQueryUI, you can standardize the tooltip style by adding $('i.pen-icon').tooltip() to your JavaScript.

2.6 Prevent unsafe page redirect

By default, Pen will prevent unsafe page redirect when editing, to shut down it, specific options.stay to false.

NOTE: if defaults.debug is set to true and default.stay is not set: defaults.stay == !defaults.debug.

2.7 Disable and Re-enable editor

You can disable the pen editor by call destroy() method of the var pen = new Pen(options) object. like:

var pen = new Pen('#editor');

pen.destroy(); // return itself

And, there's a corresponding method called rebuild() to re-enable the editor:

pen.rebuild(); // return itself

2.8 Export content as markdown

It's an experimental feature

var pen = new Pen('#editor');

pen.toMd(); // return a markdown string

3. markdown syntax support

3.1 install

The syntax convertor will be enabled automatically by linking markdown.js after `pen.js:

<script src="src/pen.js"></script>
<script src="src/markdown.js"></script>

3.2 usage

To use it, you can type action cmd + space key at a line start. like:

### This will create a h3 tag

The following cmds are allowed:

  • Headings: type 1~6 # at the line start
  • Unordered List: type - or *
  • Ordered List: type 1.
  • Code block: type ```
  • Block Quote: type >
  • Horizontal Rule: more than 3 -, *, . will create a <hr />, like ......

4. license

Licensed under MIT.

5. trusted by *


  • Add markdown hints

    Add markdown hints

    This adds a mode that shows hints of the markdown that was used to create the tags. This is a really useful way to teach people markdown.


    It is all just generated with :before and :after selectors on the elements.

    opened by bkeepers 9
  • Destroy function support ?

    Destroy function support ?

    Wanna know, How can I destroy Pen function ?

    Example :

    When I hover A element so

    var penA = new Pen({editor: document.querySelector('.A')});

    When mouseover how to destroy that ?

    opened by l2aelba 9
  • Add title hints to Pen toolbar icons

    Add title hints to Pen toolbar icons

    This change adds a title attribute to each toolbar icon so that users can get a better idea what that icon will do. The title attribute is included in the options.list, separated from the command name by a vertical bar. list: [ 'blockquote|Blockquote', 'h3|Heading 3', 'h4|Heading 4', 'code|Code', 'insertunorderedlist|Unordered list', 'bold|Bold', 'italic|Italic', 'createlink|Hyperlink', 'insertimage|Image' ],

    opened by michalcarson 5
  • Is it possible to expose API of Pen to allow extending it?

    Is it possible to expose API of Pen to allow extending it?

    I want to use it with angularjs, hence, would want to extend the prototype of Pen with events and functions specific to angularjs.

    would you be interested in such a PR? do you have any suggestion regarding design?

    opened by adarshaj 5
  • Input element for form integration

    Input element for form integration

    Added a config element for 'input' to make it easier to integrate with forms in a site. It is supposed to be configured the same way other such config elements use like 'editor'.

    opened by lootic 4
  • update from teambition

    update from teambition

    1. 隐藏 Pen 所有的私有方法,通过闭包函数实现私有方法;
    2. 完善事件机制,destroy/rebuild 不再产生内存泄露;
    3. 优化 menu 激活机制;
    4. 增加标签、属性黑名单,可以自动清理黑名单的标签、属性;
    5. 增加 change 事件,监听编辑器内容变化;
    6. 增加 placeholder;
    7. 增加多个使用方法;


    opened by zensh 4
  • Switch to using Sass for CSS files

    Switch to using Sass for CSS files

    This set of commits adds a few additional build targets to make development easier, and it also switches to using Sass for generating the CSS. This will allow for some abstractions down the road and also make the project more extensible.

    opened by Nycto 4
  • fix for jshint: missing hasOwnProperty in for-in loop

    fix for jshint: missing hasOwnProperty in for-in loop

    Running "jshint:files" (jshint) task
    Linting src/pen.js ...ERROR
    [L817:C5] W089: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype.
        for(var p in regs) {
    Warning: Task "jshint:files" failed. Use --force to continue.
    Aborted due to warnings.

    And the test passed ;) would be happy if merged

    opened by fritx 2
  • Pen focus issue

    Pen focus issue


    Basically, I have a problem where Pen won't allow me to edit my content as it unfocuses my current <div> when i hover on the tooltip (you can tell by the green / grey border change) e.g.


    The reason for this is because Pen is being appended onto the document body...

        <div class="info ng-scope pen pen-placeholder"  contenteditable="true">...</div>
        <div class="pen-menu pen-menu">...</div>

    ... rather than injecting somewhere such as inside this current <div>:

        <div class="info ng-scope pen pen-placeholder"  contenteditable="true">
            <div class="pen-menu pen-menu">...</div>

    For reference, here is my initialisation code:

    var pen = new Pen({
        editor: $element[0], // <div class="info ng-scope pen pen-placeholder"  contenteditable="true">...</div>
        debug: true,
        list: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'insertunorderedlist', 'createlink']

    I believe the solution to this is to add a property which defines where the Pen element will be injected (document body by default).

    opened by haydenbleasel 2
  • Fix double click visual discontinuity.

    Fix double click visual discontinuity.

    In some browsers the toolbar briefly flashes in the top left corner before being correctly placed when the user double clicks. This is because the range rectangle has all of its values set to 0. Here we detect if the offset defined has a width and height of 0, if this is so we can safely assume the toolbar should not yet be rendered. Works as expected.

    opened by calebmer 2
  • Uncaught Error: Can't find config

    Uncaught Error: Can't find config

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/pen/pen.css" />
    <script src="/assets/pen/pen.js"></script>
    <script src="/assets/pen/markdown.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var editor = new Pen(document.getElementById('my_elem'));


    pen.js:485 Uncaught Error: Can't find config
        at new Pen (pen.js:485)
        at edit:102
    opened by GildedHonour 0
  • Does not actually generate valid Markdown for bold, italic or bold-italic

    Does not actually generate valid Markdown for bold, italic or bold-italic

    There's an issue in the rendering of Markdown for Bold, Italic or Bold-Italic.

    The Markdown clearly specification states that *Italic* should produce italic, **bold** will produce bold, and therefore ***bold-italic*** produces bold-italic .

    However, there is code in pen.js that states 'italic' is ***italic*** and bold-italic is **bold-italic** which is wrong (it produces Bold-Italic and Bold respectively).

    If you pasted the result of the generated code into any markdown processor it would not reproduce what you'd typed correctly.

    opened by richjeffery 1
  • Display the toolbar on touchscreens

    Display the toolbar on touchscreens

    Use touch events to detect selection as well as mouse events. Always display the toolbar at the bottom because the browser's built-in toolbar appears at the top most of the time.

    (BTW, I'm also working on a Custom Elements wrapper for Pen.)

    opened by valpackett 1
  • toMd() improved

    toMd() improved

    Improved toMd output quality. Regex-based converter doesn't work well on recursive nodes like nested lists, code, etc. Now it replaced with DOM visiting.

    Please review code accurately: I'm C++ programmer and I don't know best practicies and coding style in Javascript.

    opened by sergey-shambir 0
  • Project abandoned?

    Project abandoned?

    Hi, seems like this is the best editor fitting my needs, however I can see that it hasn't been maintained in almost a year, issues and PRs are ignored. Is this project abandoned?

    Thanks :)

    opened by ignasbernotas 7
  • doesn't work on a textarea

    doesn't work on a textarea


    I wanted to initialize pen on a textarea, but the toolbar doesn't show up.

    after having investigated the problem, it seems that selection.isCollapsed is always true if you select text in a textarea.

    that seems more like a chrome bug, but I can't get it working this way.

    no push, I'll use another MD editor, just letting this issue here.

    opened by karolyi 0
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