Node.js REST API for PostGres Spatial Entities. AKA: SpatialServer

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PGRestAPI (a.k.a. Chubbs Spatial Server)

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Node.js REST API for PostgreSQL Spatial Tables.

An introduction to PGRestAPI can be found here

A few key uses for PGRestAPI:

  • Create Mapbox Vector Tiles on the fly from PostGIS or shapefiles. more...
  • Serve pre-created Vector Tiles .mbtiles files
  • Serve pre-created PNG .mbtiles files (like TileStream)
  • REST API for querying Postgres tables - Supports spatial intersection, tabular queries and aggregation queries
  • REST API returns GeoJSON, CSV, Shapefile or esriJSON
  • Templates for creating custom web service endpoints - (Execute custom SQL functions, for example)
  • Rasters in PostGIS offer basic intersect operations and zonal stats. Find sum of raster values that intersect a polygon, for example.


  • WKT Previewer
  • Server side proxy - support requests to servers that don't support CORS

Under development:

  • Better caching for different endpoints

  • Raster map services (Drop a .tif into data/rasters)

  • Authentication with passport/MongoDB/Mongoose (Disabled for now)

More To-Dos:

  • Update Express and other libraries to current versions
  • More tests
  • Major refactoring of endpoints folder
  • Break up endpoint functionality into modules
  • Persistent caching
  • Administrative Panel
  • Editing

Soon will drop:

  • PNG image creation from PostGIS Tables
  • CartoCSS to Mapnik XML parser (Carto module) (this actually works, but is not used by our team)



  • PostgreSQL 9.1 + w/ PostGIS 2.0 +
  • Mapnik


###Table/View List: alt text

###Table Details: alt text

###Query Endpoint: alt text

###Query Endpoint Results: alt text

###Dynamic Map Tile Service Endpoint: alt text

###Dynamic Vector Tile Endpoint: alt text

###Geoprocessing Operations: alt text

###Geoprocessing Operation: alt text

###Utililties - WKT Preview endpoint: alt text

###Raster Operations List: alt text

###Raster Operations - Zonal Statistics: alt text

###Tile Rendering Stats (/admin): alt text

  • Unable to open the vector tile end points

    Unable to open the vector tile end points

    I am trying to parse the vector tile end points but the results I get


    are not readable. I can't open or read the endpoints in any format. How can I parse/read the vector tile endpoints?

    opened by hasan9206 6
  • Running tests

    Running tests

    Can someone help me with running the test folder content? I have made some modifications to the codebase and would like to run the existing tests. I could not find any documentation for this.

    opened by rtodea 4
  • Detecting Tables Outside `public` Schema

    Detecting Tables Outside `public` Schema

    I had a quick question. Is it possible to set a list of schemas to search in addition to public in settings.js?

    I've got a DB which has geometries stored in tables outside of the public schema, as seen by this output:

    pg_geocoding=# select *
    FROM geometry_columns;
     f_table_catalog | f_table_schema | f_table_name | f_geometry_column | coord_dimension | srid |     type     
     pg_geocoding    | geocoding      | points       | the_geom          |               2 | 4326 | POINT
     pg_geocoding    | geocoding      | polygons     | the_geom          |               2 | 4326 | MULTIPOLYGON
    (2 rows)

    However, the admin viewer will show no spatial tables when pointing to this db. FWIW I'm connecting via a user who has the geocoding schema on their search path.

    If, however, I modify this sql statement in the tables endpoint, to include both the public and geocoding schemas, I can successfully view the tables and get rolling.

    Am I missing something basic here?


    opened by mattmakesmaps 4
  • Issue with mapnik installation

    Issue with mapnik installation

    Hi, when I start the server I get the following error:

    Mapnik not properly installed. Skipping. Reason: TypeError: Object [ null ] has no method 'createWindow'

    This appears to be a problem with the jsdom module. Unfortunately I have no experience with node so am finding it difficult to debug this.

    I'm on OSX 10.9.3 with node 0.10.31 and mapnik 2.2.0_2

    opened by aratcliffe 3
  • Can not access feature properties in Openlayer3

    Can not access feature properties in Openlayer3

    I am serving a vector tile from Chubbs and rendering it with Openlayers3.14.3. I am not able to access the feature properties of the vector tile.

    My layer:

    var observationLayer = new ol.layer.VectorTile({
       source: new ol.source.VectorTile({
        format: new ol.format.MVT(),
        tileGrid: ol.tilegrid.createXYZ({maxZoom: 22}),
        tilePixelRatio: 16,
        url: '/services/postgis/test_observations/geometry/vector-tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf'
      style: observationStyle

    Trying to access feature properties:

       map.on(ol.MapBrowserEvent.EventType.SINGLECLICK, function (e) {
        map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(e.pixel, function (feature, layer) {
          // This only returns: id: "test_observations_geometry"
          // instead of all of the layers attributes. If I change the layer to a GeoJSON source,
          // then it works correctly. 
    opened by bwyss 2
  • Dynamic vector tiles not working?

    Dynamic vector tiles not working?

    Hi, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but all of my vector sources are returning 404s. I installed PGRestAPI and pointed it to my PostGIS instance, and also dropped a shapefile into the data/shapefiles directory.

    PGRestAPI finds these data sources ok and creates endpoints for them (LGAvic is my shapefile):

    Created vector tile service: /services/shapefile/Ken_CountyWithWater/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created vector tile service: /services/shapefile/LGAvic/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created vector tile service: /services/shapefile/kenya_coverage/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    SpatialServer listening on port 3001
    Executing query: select * from geometry_columns where f_table_catalog = $1, gis
    Created PBF .mbtiles service: /services/vector-tiles/KenyaCounties/:z/:x/:y.pbf
    Executing query: select * from geometry_columns where f_table_catalog = $1, gis
    Created vector tile service: /services/postgis/j/wkb_geometry/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created vector tile service: /services/postgis/planet_osm_point/way/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created vector tile service: /services/postgis/planet_osm_roads/way/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created vector tile service: /services/postgis/planet_osm_polygon/way/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created vector tile service: /services/postgis/planet_osm_line/way/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created vector tile service: /services/postgis/j2/wkb_geometry/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created vector tile service: /services/postgis/footprints/wkb_geometry/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created vector tile service: /services/postgis/lga06gen0_05/wkb_geometry/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created vector tile service: /services/postgis/buildingfootprints/wkb_geometry/vector-tiles/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created single tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/j/wkb_geometry/dynamicSingleMap/*
    Created single tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/planet_osm_point/way/dynamicSingleMap/*
    Created single tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/planet_osm_roads/way/dynamicSingleMap/*
    Created single tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/planet_osm_polygon/way/dynamicSingleMap/*
    Created single tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/planet_osm_line/way/dynamicSingleMap/*
    Created single tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/j2/wkb_geometry/dynamicSingleMap/*
    Created single tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/footprints/wkb_geometry/dynamicSingleMap/*
    Created single tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/lga06gen0_05/wkb_geometry/dynamicSingleMap/*
    Created single tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/buildingfootprints/wkb_geometry/dynamicSingleMap/*
    Created multi tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/j/wkb_geometry/dynamicMap/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created multi tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/planet_osm_roads/way/dynamicMap/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created multi tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/planet_osm_point/way/dynamicMap/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created multi tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/planet_osm_polygon/way/dynamicMap/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created multi tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/planet_osm_line/way/dynamicMap/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created multi tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/j2/wkb_geometry/dynamicMap/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created multi tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/footprints/wkb_geometry/dynamicMap/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created multi tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/lga06gen0_05/wkb_geometry/dynamicMap/:z/:x/:y.*
    Created multi tile service (postgis): /services/postgis/buildingfootprints/wkb_geometry/dynamicMap/:z/:x/:y.*
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    They are listed in the "Table Listing" page, and the preview under "Dynamic Map Service" (raster tiles) works correctly. screenshot 2015-03-13 14 27 35

    However, vector tiles don't seem to get generated. The endpoint provided seems sensible: .../services/postgis/j2/wkb_geometry/vector-tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf; but all the vector tiles return 404. For example, .../services/postgis/j2/wkb_geometry/vector-tiles/12/3696/2514.pbf.

    On the server side, there's not much output:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Map srs="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over" buffer-size="10">
        <Layer name="j2_wkb_geometry" srs="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs">
                <Parameter name="dbname">gis</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="estimate_extent">false</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="geometry_field">wkb_geometry</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="geometry_type">MULTIPOLYGON</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="host"></Parameter>
                <Parameter name="layerName">default</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="password">ubuntu</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="port">5432</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="srid">3857</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="table">(SELECT wkb_geometry from &quot;j2&quot;) as &quot;j2&quot;</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="type">postgis</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="user">ubuntu</Parameter>
    No cached response for: /services/postgis/j2/wkb_geometry/vector-tiles/12/3696/2514.pbf.  Generating.
    GET /services/postgis/j2/wkb_geometry/vector-tiles/12/3696/2514.pbf 404 221ms

    Meanwhile, the shapefiles don't seem to appear anywhere in the web interface. Perhaps that part isn't implemented, judging from the readme. For instance, I can't see the included "kenya_coverage" or "Ken_CountyWithWater" shapefiles either.

    The shapefile endpoints seem to return 404 (/services/shapefile/kenya_coverage/vector-tiles/7/76/64.pbf ), but perhaps I'm just requesting the wrong thing.

    opened by stevage 2
  • Test there are column names for table (i.e. table exists) before attempting to use them

    Test there are column names for table (i.e. table exists) before attempting to use them

    I've simply added guard conditions around the code that uses the column names to prevent the process from crashing when a request is made for a table that does not exist. Should also return an appropriate error response - 404 maybe?

    opened by aratcliffe 2
  • Node-mapnik Install Fail on Mac OS X 10.9.1

    Node-mapnik Install Fail on Mac OS X 10.9.1

    After some deliberation, I have gotten node-mapnik to install. However, now when I try to run the app, I get this:

    Nicholass-MacBook-Pro:PGRestAPI nick$ node app.js
    dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZN6mapnik16datasource_cache20register_datasourcesERKSs
      Referenced from: /Users/nick/PGRestAPI/node_modules/mapnik/lib/_mapnik.node
      Expected in: dynamic lookup
    dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN6mapnik16datasource_cache20register_datasourcesERKSs
      Referenced from: /Users/nick/PGRestAPI/node_modules/mapnik/lib/_mapnik.node
      Expected in: dynamic lookup
    Trace/BPT trap: 5
    opened by hallahan 2
  • Cannot GET /services/vector-tiles

    Cannot GET /services/vector-tiles

    i have installed mapnik and node-mapink as well is installed in node_modules folders, all other functions run fine ( query - geoprosessing ) only dynamic vector-tiles appear when i click on a table and then it redirect to error cannot get / url

    opened by mapsgeek 1
  • Table name/srid caching from table/:table_name endpoint

    Table name/srid caching from table/:table_name endpoint

    If the app starts up, and the first endpoint you hit is services/tables/:table_name, the details and srid of the table will not yet have been cached. Fix it.

    opened by apollolm 1
  • Map behavior malfunction for query results preview

    Map behavior malfunction for query results preview

    Desc: when double-click zooming or box zooming, map re-centers well north of target


    • Go to
    • Submit query
    • Try to draw box zoom around points
    opened by abenrob 1
  • vector tile server compatible with arcmap?

    vector tile server compatible with arcmap?

    Hi, If we server our pbf files using this server is it compatible with arcmap? and can we show the pbf data servered by this server on arcmap or qgis too?

    opened by am2222 4
  • Problem with contextify@1.0.0 during 'npm install'

    Problem with [email protected] during 'npm install'

    During the installing node modules with 'npm install' in project PGRestAPI, I am gettting error

    npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script 'node-gyp rebuild'

    There is problem with the contextify package. I have already checked the package and it is in unmaintained state.

    I am using Ubuntu 16.04.

    opened by ghost 1
  • Question: Mapnik vs Mapbox vector tiles?

    Question: Mapnik vs Mapbox vector tiles?

    In the Windows installation instructions, it specifies that Mapnik is required for vector tiles. However, on the main, PGRestAPI specifies that Mapbox vector tiles are used, which are different from Mapnik tiles.

    So, is Mapnik required for PGRestAPI to create Mapbox vector tiles from a PostGIS database on the fly?

    opened by FilmCoder 1
  • Can't load dynamic tile endopints error

    Can't load dynamic tile endopints error

    Hi. I have a next error:

    Error in reading spatial tables from DB. Can't load dynamic tile endopints. Message is: undefined Error in reading spatial tables from DB. Can't load dynamic tile endopints. Message is: undefined { [error: relation "geometry_columns" does not exist] name: 'error', length: 115, severity: 'ERROR', code: '42P01', detail: undefined, hint: undefined, position: '15', internalPosition: undefined, internalQuery: undefined, where: undefined, file: 'parse_relation.c', line: '1160', routine: 'parserOpenTable' }

    But PostGIS extension is sucessfully installed ond works.

    postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis; ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists

    postgres=# select * from geometry_columns DBNAME; f_table_catalog | f_table_schema | f_table_name | f_geometry_column | coord_dimension | srid | type
    -----------------+----------------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------+------+----------------- postgres | tiger | county | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | MULTIPOLYGON postgres | tiger | state | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | MULTIPOLYGON postgres | tiger | place | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | MULTIPOLYGON postgres | tiger | cousub | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | MULTIPOLYGON postgres | tiger | edges | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | MULTILINESTRING postgres | tiger | addrfeat | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | LINESTRING postgres | tiger | faces | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | MULTIPOLYGON postgres | tiger | zcta5 | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | MULTIPOLYGON postgres | tiger | tract | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | MULTIPOLYGON postgres | tiger | tabblock | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | MULTIPOLYGON postgres | tiger | bg | the_geom | 2 | 4269 | MULTIPOLYGON (11 rows)

    What it can be?

    opened by nibygro 2
  • "isSolid" function missing

    Hi Everyone,

    I met the "isSolid" function missing issue when running the vector tiling service:

    C:\PGRestAPI\endpoints\tiles\index.js:1547 image.isSolid(function (err, solid, key) { ^ TypeError: Object # has no method 'isSolid' at C:\PGRestAPI\endpoints\tiles\index.js:1547:17

    Do you have solution for this? Thank you!

    opened by piedmontlong 0
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