Draft specification for a proposed Array.fromAsync method in JavaScript.


Array.fromAsync for JavaScript

ECMAScript Stage-1 Proposal. J. S. Choi, 2021.

Why an Array.fromAsync method

Since its standardization in JavaScript, Array.from has become one of Array’s most frequently used built-in methods. However, no similar functionality exists for async iterators.

Such functionality would be useful for dumping the entirety of an async iterator into a single data structure, especially in unit tests or in command-line interfaces. (Several real-world examples are included in a following section.)

There is an it-all NPM library that performs only this task and which gets about 50,000 weekly downloads daily. This of course does not include any code that uses ad-hoc for awaitof loops with empty arrays:

const arr = [];
for await (const item of asyncItems) {

Further demonstrating the demand for such functionality, several Stack Overflow questions have been asked by various developers, asking how to convert async iterators to arrays.


(A formal draft specification is available.)

Similarly to Array.from, Array.fromAsync would be a static method of the Array built-in class, with one required argument and two optional arguments: (items, mapfn, thisArg).

But instead of converting an array-like object or iterable to an array, it converts an async iterable (or array-like object or iterable) to a promise that will resolve to an array.

async function * f () {
  for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    yield i;

// Resolves to [0, 1, 2, 3].
await Array.fromAsync(f());

mapfn is an optional function to call on every item value. (Unlike Array.from, mapfn may be an async function. Whenever mapfn returns a promise, that promise will be awaited, and the value it resolves to is what is added to the final returned promise’s array. If mapfn’s promise rejects, then the final returned promise will also reject with that error.)

thisArg is an optional value with which to call mapfn (or undefined by default).

Like Array.from, Array.fromAsync is a generic factory method. It does not require that its this value be the Array constructor, and it can be transferred to or inherited by any other constructors that may be called with a single numeric argument.

Other proposals


In the future, a complementary method could be added to Object.

Type Sync method Async method
Array from fromAsync
Object fromEntries fromEntriesAsync?

It is uncertain whether Object.fromEntriesAsync should be piggybacked onto this proposal or left to a separate proposal.

Async spread operator

In the future, standardizing an async spread operator (like [ 0, await ...v ]) may be useful. This proposal leaves that idea to a separate proposal.

Iterator helpers

The iterator-helpers proposal puts forward, among other methods, a toArray method for async iterators (as well as synchronous iterators). We could consider Array.fromAsync to be redundant with toArray.

However, Array.from already exists, and Array.fromAsync would parallel it. If we had to choose between asyncIterator.toArray and Array.fromAsync, we should prefer Array.fromAsync to asyncIterator.toArray for its parallelism with what already exists.

In addition, the iterator.toArray method already would duplicate Array.from for synchronous iterators. We consider duplication with an Array method as okay anyway. If duplication between syncIterator.toArray and Array.from is already okay, then duplication between asyncIterator.toArray and Array.fromAsync should also be okay.

Records and tuples

The record/tuple proposal puts forward two new data types with APIs that respectively resemble those of Array and Object. The Tuple constructor, too, would probably need an fromAsync method. Whether the Record constructor gets a fromEntriesAsync method depends on whether Object gets fromEntriesAsync.

Set and Map

There is a proposal for Set.from and Map.from methods. If this proposal is accepted before that proposal, then that proposal could also add corresponding fromAsync methods.

Real-world examples

Only minor formatting changes have been made to the status-quo examples.

Status quo With binding
const all = require('it-all');

// Add the default assets to the repo.
const results = await all(
    globSource(initDocsPath, {
      recursive: true,
    { preload: false },
const dir = results
  .filter(file =>
    file.path === 'init-docs')
print('to get started, enter:\n');
  `\tjsipfs cat` +

From ipfs-core/src/runtime/init-assets-nodejs.js.

// Add the default assets to the repo.
const results = await Array.fromAsync(
    globSource(initDocsPath, {
      recursive: true,
    { preload: false },
const dir = results
  .filter(file =>
    file.path === 'init-docs')
print('to get started, enter:\n');
  `\tjsipfs cat` +
const all = require('it-all');

const results = await all(
    .findProviders('a cid'),

From js-libp2p/test/content-routing/content-routing.node.js.

const results = await Array.fromAsync(
    .findProviders('a cid'),
async function toArray(items) {
  const result = [];
  for await (const item of items) {
  return result;

it('empty-pipeline', async () => {
  const pipeline = new Pipeline();
  const result = await toArray(
      [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]));
    [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],

From node-httptransfer/test/generator/pipeline.test.js.

it('empty-pipeline', async () => {
  const pipeline = new Pipeline();
  const result = await Array.fromAsync(
      [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]));
    [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
  • Accept non-iterator array-like inputs, like Array.from?

    Accept non-iterator array-like inputs, like Array.from?

    Array.from accepts non-iterable array-like inputs (objects with a length property and indexed elements).

    Should the inputs of Array.fromAsync be a superset of Array.from?

    opened by js-choi 23
  • What happens with rejections in synchronous iterables?

    What happens with rejections in synchronous iterables?

    Are synchronous iterables/array-likes being iterated synchronously or asynchronously as they would in a for await? What is the expectation for a rejection within a sync collection that settles before to other promises prior? In a for await it goes unhandled. Would Array.fromAsync() be able to account for that and reject its returned promise or would it to allow for the unhandled rejection to slip through?

    const delay = (ms, reject = false) => new Promise((r, j) => setTimeout(reject ? j : r, ms, ms));
    for await (let ms of [delay(1000), delay(3000), delay(2000, true)]) {
      console.log(ms) // 1000, (unhandled error 2000), 3000
    documentation question 
    opened by senocular 19
  • Should it await `next.value` when not passing a mapper function?

    Should it await `next.value` when not passing a mapper function?

    Consider this async iterable:

    const it = {
      [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
        return {
          async next() {
            if (i > 2) return { done: true };
            return { value: Promise.resolve(i), done: false }

    Unless I'm reading the spec wrong, await Array.fromAsync(it) returns [Promise.resolve(1), Promise.resolve(2), Promise.resolve(3)] while await Array.fromAsync(it, x => x) returns [1, 2, 3].

    Currently, when using Array.from, x => x is the "default mapper function" (even if it's not specified as such): Array.from(something) is always equivalent to Array.from(something, x => x). However, there is no "default function" that can be passed to Array.fromAsync.

    If we changed Array.fromAsync(something) to await the next.value values, await Array.fromAsync(it) would always return the same result as await Array.fromAsync(it, x => x). In practice, it means making it behave like

    const arr = [];
    for await (const nextValue of it) arr.push(await nextValue);
    opened by nicolo-ribaudo 13
  • Add ecma262 references

    Add ecma262 references

    I was working on test262 for this proposal, and I figured it'll be convenient if we had links to references of abstract operations that are defined in ecma262 spec (Eg: CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator).

    This PR makes a small change to add those references.

    opened by Aditi-1400 6
  • Iterator helpers vs this proposal

    Iterator helpers vs this proposal

    Stage 2 iterator helpers proposal already contains %AsyncIteratorPrototype%.toArray method that does absolutely the same. What are the advantages has Array.asyncFrom?

    opened by zloirock 6
  • Sync iterator’s and array-like objects’ values are not awaited

    Sync iterator’s and array-like objects’ values are not awaited

    On 64a49214f6a7036e7622ff4b4b9f938e277ae7ae, @zloirock left this comment:

    this fallback will not properly work with sync iterators.

    await Array.fromAsync([Promise.resolve(1), 2, Promise.resolve(3)]); // => [Promise.resolve(1), 2, Promise.resolve(3)]

    Something like that could be simpler.

    Let usingAsyncIterator be ? GetMethod(asyncItems, @@asyncIterator).
    Let usingIterator be undefined.
    If usingAsyncIterator is undefined,
      Let usingIterator be ? GetMethod(asyncItems, @@Iterator).
      If usingIterator is undefined,
        Let usingIterator be ? %Array.prototype.values%.
    If usingAsyncIterator is not undefined,
      Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(asyncItems, async, usingAsyncIterator).
      Let syncIteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(asyncItems, sync, usingIterator).
      Let iteratorRecord be ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIteratorRecord).

    The problem is that the current specification will not properly await each value yielded from a synchronous iterator. (We do want await to be called on each value from a synchronous iterator—this is what for await does.)

    This problem is due to how the spec currently incorrectly creates an synchronous iterator. Step 3.e.iii assigns iteratorRecord to GetIterator(asyncItems, async, usingAsyncOrSyncIterator), which results in a synchronous iterator that does not call await on each of its yielded values. What we need to do is copy GetIterator when it is called with an async hint. We need to call CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator on the created sync iterator, which in turn will create an Async-from-Sync Iterator object, whose next method will call await on each of its values. (Thanks @bakkot for the help).

    I will fix this later.

    opened by js-choi 4
  • Unscopables?


    Other recent proposals adding methods to Array.prototype have added the name to Array.prototype[@@unscopables] -- I sort of imagine fromAsync should get added too.

    opened by mgaudet 2
  • Wrap bare return values with Completion Records in abstract closure

    Wrap bare return values with Completion Records in abstract closure

    Resolves #31, at least temporarily. (Also affects #14.)

    Eventually we might want to make a change to match whatever approach proposal-iterator-helpers does; see tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers#218. But that should be able to be a mere editorial change.

    opened by js-choi 2
  • Wiring of return value is underspecified

    Wiring of return value is underspecified

    fromAsync makes use of an Abstract Closure passed to AsyncFunctionStart. What is the return type of this closure? The use of ? implies it must be a Completion Record, but there's also a bare Return A. which returns a value not wrapped in a completion record. In normal built-in functions this would be implicitly wrapped in NormalCompletion by the rules in this clause, but a.) that doesn't apply within the Abstract Closure (rather, it's the thing which allows the final Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]] line to work and b.) that wouldn't do the right thing anyway, because the logic in AsyncBlockStart treats an invocation returning a normal completion as if it had explicitly returned undefined (which is how normal functions work) - an actual return would be a return completion.

    I see three possible ways forward:

    1. in the closure within fromAsync, explicitly wrap each Return _value_. as Return Completion Record { [[Type]]: ~return~, [[Value]]: _value_, [[Target]]: empty }
    2. in AsyncFunctionStart, have a different path for Abstract Closures vs built-in functions
    3. define "built-in async function" rigorously in a way which would allow you to write the steps of a built-in function, but using Await

    Of these I think the third option is cleanest, especially if we add more built-in async stuff (as the iterator helpers proposal will do).

    opened by bakkot 2
  • Async callbacks

    Async callbacks

    opened by zloirock 2
  • Relationship with iterator-helpers

    Relationship with iterator-helpers

    The exciting iterator-helpers proposal has a similar toArray method that overlaps with this. (toArray already overlaps with Array.from too.) See #1.

    My preference is to keep both toArray and Array.fromAsync (Array.from being a fait accompli). But we can explore this more before both proposals advance further. CC: @codehag

    opened by js-choi 2
  • update readme for stage 3

    update readme for stage 3

    As of the September meeting, this proposal is now at stage 3. See https://github.com/tc39/notes/blob/HEAD/meetings/2022-09/sep-14.md#arrayfromasync-for-stage-3.

    opened by michaelficarra 1
  • remove built-in async function infrastructure from this proposal

    remove built-in async function infrastructure from this proposal

    See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers/pull/245 and https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/pull/2942. This will align our efforts and allow reviewers to focus on the actual content of this proposal.

    opened by michaelficarra 3
  • Spec Tidy Suggestion: Don't Double Construct A

    Spec Tidy Suggestion: Don't Double Construct A

    As written, the spec -may- double counstruct A:

    It will be constructed first as part of Step 3.{e,f}; then if iteratorRecord is undefined, it's constructed again in Step 3.k.{iv,v}.

    Probably that first construction could be sunk into 3.j.

    opened by mgaudet 0
  • Spec Issue: IteratorStep returns a promise for async iterators, leading to an infinite loop

    Spec Issue: IteratorStep returns a promise for async iterators, leading to an infinite loop

    In the published spec, Step 3.j.ii.3 and 4 are the termination condition of the iteration:

    • Step 3.j.ii.3 "Let next be ? Await(IteratorStep(iteratorRecord))."
    • Step 3.j.ii.4 "If next is false, then..."

    The problem is that IteratorStep doesn't properly flag termination on an async iterator; the return value of the IteratorNext in async iteration is a Promise, which doesn't have a "done" property, and so we always get the promise object from IteratorStep.

    I think the patch is actually relatively simple; Step 3.j.ii.4 should be expanded into the steps which have the effect of "if next.done is false:"

    opened by mgaudet 1
  • Sharing machinary with iterator-helpers toArray

    Sharing machinary with iterator-helpers toArray

    Hey, I was wondering, since Array.fromAsync(iter) is similar to AsyncIterator.from(iter).toArray() wouldn't it make sense if they shared the same spec text? That is one (for example fromAsync) is defined and the other is defined in terms of it?

    (I agree that it makes sense to have both as it's more ergonomic and people will likely reach out to both - though that's not the discussion here)

    opened by benjamingr 4
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