Test each framework for it's performance cost


Framework Benchmarks

Test each framework for it's performance, particularly common Lighthouse and CWV metrics as applications scale

Important: This is not a measure of "is framework x better than y". There are many tradeoffs to weigh when choosing the best framework for you - such as DX, features, familiarity, ecosystem, documentation, etc. These benchmarks only show a part of the picture.


The goal for this project are to understand the performance tradeoffs of popular frameworks in real world-ish scenarios. We want to assume non trivial codebases and imperfect code and conditions, so to see how each framework holds up to real world scenarios and scale.

We are intentionally not focused on client side rendering performance, for that please use Stefan Krause's great js-framework-benchmark


This project is in initial development. Do not put too much weight on these current results, there is still much more to do to ensure accuracy, consistency, and fairness.

Contributions are welcome!

How it works


We created a basic starting point for each framework in the frameworks/ folder using each framework's suggested starter/cli.

We then create basic example components and use Mitosis to compile them to best-effort idiomatic code for each framework. This will never be perfectly optimized code

We then build and serve each project, and run Lighthouse on each project with puppeteer, including with emulation of slow devices and networks (aka includes CPU and network throttling), and measure:

  • FCP: First Contentful Paint (lower is better)
  • LCP: Largest Contentful Paint (lower is better)
  • TBT: Total Blocking Time (lower is better)
  • TTI: Time to Interactive (lower is better)
  • Score: Lighthouse Performance Score (higher is better)
  • Eager JS Kib: the KiB of JS that is eagerly downloaded and executed from <script> tags for the initial page load. This is the actual size transferred over the network, including compression (lower is better)
  • Total KiB: the total KiB transferred with the given page, including HTML, CSS, prefetched resources, etc. Also known as the "total byte weight". This is the actual size transferred over the network, including compression (lower is better)

We take the median of multiple runs, and sort the results by TTI, ascending

We are also experimenting with looking at other metrics, such as build times

The Frameworks


  • astro - generated via their official CLI, with Solid for the interactive parts. Source
  • fresh - generated via their official CLI. Source
  • gatsby - contributed by the Gatsby team. Source
  • hydrogen - generated via their official CLI. Source
  • lit - generated via their official starter. Source
  • marko - generated via their official CLI. Source
  • next - generated via their official CLI. Source
  • nuxt2 - generated via their official CLI. Source
  • nuxt3 - generated via their official CLI (in beta). Source
  • qwik - generated with Qwik City (meta framework). Source
  • react - generated from create-react-app with react-router-dom added for routing. Source
  • react-ssr-node - Ultra simple Node server to server-side render react. Source
  • react-ssr-deno - Ultra simple Deno server to server-side render react. Source
  • react-ssr-bun - Ultra simple Bun server to server-side render react. Source
  • remix - generated from create-remix. Currently excluded from Lighthouse tests by request from the team, from concerns about the code being too non-idiomatic. Source
  • solid - generated with Solid Start (meta framework). Source
  • svelte - generated with Svelte Kit (meta framework). Source
  • vue3 - generated via their official CLI, with routing. Source

Sample output

Important: This project is still in initial development. Do not put too much weight on these current results, there is still much more to do to ensure accuracy, consistency, and fairness.

Jump to:


A more feature rich app for displaying table data, sorting, filtering, etc. Uses more JS, more like a median website. Source

│ (index) │    name    │   TTI    │   FCP    │   LCP    │   TBT    │ Score │ Eager JS KiB │ Total KiB │
│    0    │   'qwik'   │ '0.6 s'  │ '0.6 s'  │ '1.5 s'  │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      2       │    38     │
│    1    │  'react'   │ '0.8 s'  │ '0.8 s'  │ '2.4 s'  │  '0 ms'  │  98   │     187      │    199    │
│    2    │  'gatsby'  │ '0.8 s'  │ '0.8 s'  │ '1.4 s'  │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      82      │    87     │
│    3    │   'lit'    │ '0.8 s'  │ '0.8 s'  │ '1.1 s'  │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      23      │    25     │
│    4    │  'solid'   │ '0.9 s'  │ '0.6 s'  │ '1.3 s'  │  '0 ms'  │  85   │      24      │    28     │
│    5    │  'astro'   │ '0.9 s'  │ '0.9 s'  │ '1.1 s'  │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      15      │    35     │
│    6    │  'marko'   │ '1.0 s'  │ '0.8 s'  │ '0.9 s'  │ '10 ms'  │  100  │      24      │    33     │
│    7    │  'fresh'   │ '1.3 s'  │ '1.3 s'  │ '1.5 s'  │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      17      │    46     │
│    8    │   'next'   │ '1.6 s'  │ '0.6 s'  │ '1.2 s'  │ '10 ms'  │  100  │      91      │    103    │
│    9    │  'svelte'  │ '1.6 s'  │ '1.6 s'  │ '1.7 s'  │  '0 ms'  │  99   │      29      │    35     │
│   10    │ 'angular'  │ '1.7 s'  │ '1.5 s'  │ '1.5 s'  │ '150 ms' │  98   │      86      │    88     │
│   11    │   'vue3'   │ '1.8 s'  │ '1.2 s'  │ '2.1 s'  │  '0 ms'  │  94   │      41      │    50     │
│   12    │  'nuxt2'   │ '2.1 s'  │ '1.2 s'  │ '2.1 s'  │ '70 ms'  │  98   │     106      │    118    │
│   13    │  'nuxt3'   │ '20.8 s' │ '20.8 s' │ '21.0 s' │  '0 ms'  │  45   │     3784     │   3801    │

Todo App:

A very simple/trivial interactive Todo app. Source

Ordered by TTI, ascending:

│ (index) │    name    │   TTI   │   FCP   │   LCP   │   TBT    │ Score │ Eager JS KiB │ Total KiB │
│    0    │  'astro'   │ '0.6 s' │ '0.6 s' │ '0.6 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      20      │    32     │
│    1    │   'qwik'   │ '0.7 s' │ '0.7 s' │ '1.2 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      2       │    25     │
│    2    │  'react'   │ '0.8 s' │ '0.8 s' │ '2.2 s' │  '0 ms'  │  99   │     159      │    171    │
│    3    │  'fresh'   │ '0.8 s' │ '0.8 s' │ '0.9 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      9       │    37     │
│    4    │   'lit'    │ '0.8 s' │ '0.8 s' │ '1.1 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      16      │    18     │
│    5    │  'solid'   │ '1.0 s' │ '0.7 s' │ '1.3 s' │ '40 ms'  │  86   │      17      │    19     │
│    6    │  'marko'   │ '1.1 s' │ '0.8 s' │ '0.9 s' │ '10 ms'  │  100  │      17      │    23     │
│    7    │   'vue3'   │ '1.2 s' │ '1.2 s' │ '1.8 s' │ '10 ms'  │  99   │      33      │    41     │
│    8    │  'svelte'  │ '1.5 s' │ '1.5 s' │ '1.5 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      19      │    24     │
│    9    │  'gatsby'  │ '1.6 s' │ '0.8 s' │ '1.1 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      70      │    75     │
│   10    │  'nuxt2'   │ '1.6 s' │ '1.0 s' │ '1.0 s' │ '40 ms'  │  100  │      95      │    106    │
│   11    │ 'angular'  │ '1.6 s' │ '1.5 s' │ '1.6 s' │ '30 ms'  │  99   │      72      │    74     │
│   12    │  'nuxt3'   │ '2.2 s' │ '2.2 s' │ '2.3 s' │ '10 ms'  │  96   │     122      │    131    │
│   13    │   'next'   │ '2.2 s' │ '0.7 s' │ '0.8 s' │ '110 ms' │  99   │      83      │    94     │

Hello World:

Just a few links and <h1>Hello World</h1>. Source

Ordered by TTI, ascending:

│ (index) │    name    │   TTI   │   FCP   │   LCP   │   TBT    │ Score │ Eager JS KiB │ Total KiB │
│    0    │   'qwik'   │ '0.7 s' │ '0.7 s' │ '0.7 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      0       │     4     │
│    1    │  'astro'   │ '0.7 s' │ '0.7 s' │ '0.7 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      0       │     9     │
│    2    │  'react'   │ '0.8 s' │ '0.8 s' │ '2.2 s' │  '0 ms'  │  99   │     154      │    166    │
│    3    │  'fresh'   │ '0.8 s' │ '0.8 s' │ '0.8 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      0       │    27     │
│    4    │  'marko'   │ '0.8 s' │ '0.8 s' │ '1.1 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      15      │    21     │
│    5    │   'lit'    │ '0.8 s' │ '0.6 s' │ '0.9 s' │ '10 ms'  │  100  │      15      │    16     │
│    6    │  'solid'   │ '0.9 s' │ '0.9 s' │ '1.1 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      16      │    18     │
│    7    │   'vue3'   │ '1.2 s' │ '1.2 s' │ '1.5 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      31      │    38     │
│    8    │  'gatsby'  │ '1.4 s' │ '0.6 s' │ '1.0 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      69      │    73     │
│    9    │  'svelte'  │ '1.5 s' │ '1.5 s' │ '1.5 s' │  '0 ms'  │  100  │      18      │    22     │
│   10    │  'nuxt2'   │ '1.5 s' │ '0.9 s' │ '0.9 s' │ '120 ms' │  99   │      93      │    103    │
│   11    │ 'angular'  │ '1.7 s' │ '1.5 s' │ '1.5 s' │ '150 ms' │  98   │      72      │    74     │
│   12    │ 'hydrogen' │ '1.8 s' │ '0.6 s' │ '1.6 s' │ '30 ms'  │  91   │     160      │    172    │
│   13    │  'nuxt3'   │ '2.0 s' │ '2.0 s' │ '2.2 s' │ '10 ms'  │  97   │     122      │    130    │
│   14    │   'next'   │ '2.1 s' │ '0.7 s' │ '0.8 s' │ '40 ms'  │  100  │      82      │    93     │

SSR times:

Time it took to server-side render the /dashboard page in milliseconds. Smaller numbers are better.

│ (index) │    name    │ 1%  │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ 99% │  Avg   │ Std Dev │ Min │ Max │
│    0    │  'marko'   │  1  │  1   │  1  │   3   │  4  │  1.29  │   0.8   │  1  │ 39  │
│    1    │  'fresh'   │  4  │  4   │  4  │   5   │  6  │  4.19  │  0.88   │  1  │ 50  │
│    2    │ 'hydrogen' │  4  │  4   │  5  │  12   │ 14  │  5.63  │  4.39   │  2  │ 181 │
│    3    │  'svelte'  │  6  │  6   │  7  │  16   │ 18  │  8.17  │  3.12   │  4  │ 61  │
│    4    │  'solid'   │  6  │  6   │  8  │  18   │ 22  │  8.77  │   3.8   │  3  │ 71  │
│    5    │  'nuxt2'   │ 11  │  11  │ 14  │  25   │ 32  │ 15.04  │  4.89   │  3  │ 105 │
│    6    │  'astro'   │ 11  │  11  │ 14  │  31   │ 38  │ 16.56  │  5.98   │  9  │ 75  │
│    7    │  'remix'   │ 12  │  13  │ 18  │  47   │ 62  │  20.3  │  8.87   │  2  │ 93  │
│    8    │  'gatsby'  │ 27  │  28  │ 33  │  78   │ 103 │  36.9  │  12.86  │ 26  │ 153 │
│    9    │   'next'   │ 35  │  35  │ 40  │  95   │ 113 │ 46.96  │  19.06  │ 34  │ 220 │
│   10    │ 'angular'  │ 113 │ 116  │ 127 │  268  │ 400 │ 141.73 │  47.64  │ 42  │ 408 │

SSR throughput (req/second):

SSR throughput of the dashboard page, measured by autocannon, sorted by 99% percentile descending. Larger numbers are better.

│ (index) │    name    │  1%  │ 2.5% │ 50%  │ 97.5% │ 99%  │   Avg   │ Std Dev │ Min  │ Max  │
│    0    │  'marko'   │ 3677 │ 3677 │ 5411 │ 5951  │ 5951 │ 5263.1  │ 702.18  │ 3677 │ 5950 │
│    1    │  'fresh'   │ 1748 │ 1748 │ 2057 │ 2123  │ 2123 │ 1997.73 │ 117.92  │ 1748 │ 2122 │
│    2    │ 'hydrogen' │ 843  │ 843  │ 1653 │ 1807  │ 1807 │ 1528.1  │ 290.27  │ 843  │ 1807 │
│    3    │  'svelte'  │ 536  │ 536  │ 820  │ 1107  │ 1107 │  795.3  │ 182.24  │ 536  │ 1107 │
│    4    │  'solid'   │ 534  │ 534  │ 842  │ 1019  │ 1019 │ 830.64  │ 138.46  │ 534  │ 1019 │
│    5    │  'astro'   │ 444  │ 444  │ 573  │  641  │ 641  │   579   │  56.1   │ 444  │ 641  │
│    6    │  'nuxt2'   │ 384  │ 384  │ 550  │  588  │ 588  │  539.8  │  54.2   │ 384  │ 588  │
│    7    │  'remix'   │ 264  │ 264  │ 371  │  485  │ 485  │  387.9  │  69.16  │ 264  │ 485  │
│    8    │  'gatsby'  │ 158  │ 158  │ 233  │  277  │ 277  │  239.6  │  34.64  │ 158  │ 277  │
│    9    │   'next'   │ 142  │ 142  │ 206  │  233  │ 233  │  203.7  │  24.71  │ 142  │ 233  │
│   10    │ 'angular'  │  45  │  45  │  72  │  76   │  76  │  69.91  │  8.61   │  45  │  76  │

React SSR throughput:

Measure Node vs Bun vs Deno at SSR speed of a non trivial (the dashboard) React app. The below is requests per second. Larger numbers are better.

│ (index) │       name       │ 1%  │ 50% │ 99% │  Avg  │ Std Dev │
│    0    │ 'react-ssr-bun'  │ 500 │ 669 │ 718 │ 650.8 │  71.7   │
│    1    │ 'react-ssr-deno' │ 550 │ 600 │ 630 │  601  │  20.89  │
│    2    │ 'react-ssr-node' │ 267 │ 375 │ 394 │ 366.5 │  35.04  │

The above uses Bun version 0.1.10, Deno version 1.25.0, Node.js version 16.14.0. Run on a 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7.

Build times:

│ (index) │    Name    │ Build Time (Seconds) │
│    0    │   'fresh'  │          0           │
│    1    │   'vue3'   │         3.5          │
│    2    │   'react'  │         7.4          │
│    3    │  'svelte'  │         7.7          │
│    4    │   'qwik'   │         7.7          │
│    5    │   'next'   │         7.8          │
│    6    │   'astro'  │         7.9          │
│    7    │ 'hydrogen' │         8.4          │
│    8    │    'lit'   │         8.4          │
│    9    │  'gatsby'  │         9.9          │
│   10    │  'angular' │         10.7         │
│   11    │   'nuxt2'  │         12.8         │
│   12    │   'solid'  │         12.9         │
│   13    │   'nuxt3'  │          16          │
│   14    │   'marko'  │         16.2         │


Next things we want to add:

  • More complex examples that more closesly emulate real world sites and apps (e.g. a dashboard for exploring the test run results in interactive tables and graphs)
  • Test interaction delays - such as initial interaction (like add todo) or navigate to next page
  • Move test running to be remote, such as in GH actions (Help wanted!)
  • Benchmark SSR speeds. Also add Bun here.
  • Benchmark with and without Partytown for 3P scripts (and vs none at all)

Contributions welcome!

Running locally


You will need Node.js >= 16.14.0k Deno installed locally, and Bun installed locally


After cloning this repo, install dependencies:

npm install

Now you can start running the below scripts:


Use the install script to install dependencies of each framework:

npm run fw-install


First, we must generate the component code for each framework via Mitosis.

cd apps/components
npm install
npm run build


Use the build script to build all frameworks (be sure to install first as described above):

npm run build


To measure the weight of each framework (after you ran install and build):

npm run measure

Credit and Inspiration

  • Update Nuxt3 Benchmark

    Update Nuxt3 Benchmark

    Hi @steve8708. This PR updates and fixes Nuxt3 benchmarks with more realistic numbers.

    Currently, we were basically benchmarking Nuxt 3 SSR without compression. Let me explain nuxt commands before changes:

    • nuxt build: Builds Nuxt with Node.js target preset and prerenders (generates) specified routes if any
    • nuxt generate: Prerenders routes starting from / and uses a crawler to pretender any possible route
    • nuxt preview: Starts build against target preset. With the default target, it runs a local Node.js process with SSR renderer and no compression (new feature: it is possible to enable compression without CDN too!)

    In this PR I've made a few changes:

    • Updated to latest Nuxt 3 and Nitro builds (close to RC.9 releasing this week)
    • Used new Nitro feature to precompress public assets and removed vue-plugin-compression.
    • Added /, /todo and /dashboard to the prerender routes
    • Added dashboard-ssr page and enabled nuxt3 to be included in measure-ssr benchmarks.

    When running nuxt previe now, a local Node.js runs Nuxt 3 in hybrid mode handling generated routes with compression and rest with SSR. Tip: if you want to ensure it is SSR rendered or static, check for X-Powered-By header. Only SSR pages have it.

    Results: Here are the results from my M2 Air - Node.js v16.16.0 - MacOS 13.0 Beta (22A5321d). I've not updated the readme so that you can run benchmarks on the same environment to be fair but please let me know if you like to update the current readme too. Current data is honestly unfair for Nuxt3...

    │ (index) │  name   │   TTI   │   FCP   │   LCP   │  TBT   │ Score │ Eager JS KiB │ Total KiB │
    │    0    │ 'nuxt3' │ '1.5 s' │ '1.5 s' │ '1.7 s' │ '0 ms' │  99   │      50      │    57     │


    │ (index) │  name   │   TTI   │   FCP   │   LCP   │  TBT   │ Score │ Eager JS KiB │ Total KiB │
    │    0    │ 'nuxt3' │ '1.5 s' │ '1.5 s' │ '1.7 s' │ '0 ms' │  99   │      50      │    55     │


    │ (index) │  name   │   TTI   │   FCP   │   LCP   │  TBT   │ Score │ Eager JS KiB │ Total KiB │
    │    0    │ 'nuxt3' │ '1.7 s' │ '1.7 s' │ '1.7 s' │ '0 ms' │  99   │      59      │    65     │

    /dashboard-ssr (ssr)

    │ (index) │  name   │ 1% │ 50% │ 99% │ Avg  │ Std Dev │
    │    0    │ 'nuxt3' │ 6  │  7  │ 18  │ 8.5  │  4.38   │
    opened by pi0 5
  • update solid-start, add solid-ssr-node

    update solid-start, add solid-ssr-node

    This normalizes results and gives us a more raw Solid render. I did notice Mitosis gens unnecessary code for Solid loops. We don't have keys which means we don't often need index. Solid actually optimizes the no index case, so it's forth improving. I changed it by hand and actually saw performance improvements. I need to dig in more honestly, but it's a start.

    opened by ryansolid 2
  • fix(nuxt3): use latest edge channel without page prefetching

    fix(nuxt3): use latest edge channel without page prefetching

    Following up https://twitter.com/steve8708/status/1558247170045751297?s=21&t=mNJZB79vPuhTTa_39hp3Rg this PR updates Nuxt 3 to edge channel (containing latest RC.8 and also a recent commit that disables pages prefetching by default https://github.com/nuxt/framework/pull/6662)

    I will follow up with subsequent PRs to improve testing measurements for Nuxt3 👍🏼

    Results with this PR on M2:


    Screenshot I also tweeted by more optimizations using app.vue instead of pages/ and Nuxt 3 universal routing utils. It includes more optimizations than this PR.

    opened by pi0 2
  • npm run build - Failing with a type error

    npm run build - Failing with a type error

    Here's what I did:

    1. I made sure I'm using Node 16 with nvm (it would be cool if you could fix the exact version of Node this way)
    2. npm install
    3. npm run install
    4. cd apps/components
    5. npm install
    6. npm run build
    7. cd ../.. - Back to project root
    8. npm run build

    It's compiling a lot and then failing with this:

    Error: src/app/generated-components/components/todo-item.ts:5:9 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Todo'.
    5   item: Todo;

    It's possible I'm missing something obvious.

    It looks like that as a side effect of those npm installs, it modified package locks:

    > git st                                                  ✔  4s  16.15.0 Node
    On branch main
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
    Changes not staged for commit:
    	modified:   frameworks/astro/package-lock.json
    	modified:   frameworks/next/package-lock.json
    	modified:   frameworks/next/yarn.lock
    	modified:   frameworks/nuxt3/package-lock.json
    	modified:   frameworks/solid/package-lock.json
    	modified:   frameworks/svelte/package-lock.json
    Untracked files:

    That might have something to do with the failure case.

    opened by bebraw 2
  • Make react-dom ssr section more accurate

    Make react-dom ssr section more accurate

    Results using the same react-dom/server:

    None of the runtimes are using the same build of react-dom/server, so this line is incorrect.

    Node is using react-dom/server.node: https://github.com/BuilderIO/framework-benchmarks/blob/2fb93ecf448737ab08b5e2efa481d54a709fce97/frameworks/react-ssr-node/http.jsx#L4

    Deno is using react-dom/server.browser: https://github.com/BuilderIO/framework-benchmarks/blob/2fb93ecf448737ab08b5e2efa481d54a709fce97/frameworks/react-ssr-deno/http.jsx#L5

    Bun is using what will become react-dom/server.bun: https://github.com/BuilderIO/framework-benchmarks/blob/2fb93ecf448737ab08b5e2efa481d54a709fce97/frameworks/react-ssr-bun/http.js#L5

    In real-world usage, it's not clear why someone would choose a build intended for a different host, so it's not particularly useful for benchmarking.

    Also, we can switch bun's import.meta.require to be a regular import statement. There was a bug little while ago that has since been fixed

    Are the tables manually updated? I just moved the bun row from the bottom table to the top table and removed the bottom table

    opened by Jarred-Sumner 1
  • Issue with Deno React SSR bench

    Issue with Deno React SSR bench

    Hi, in the React SSR bench there's:

    React SSR times:
    Test Node vs Bun vs Deno at React SSR of a non trivial (the dashboard) app
    Note: currently having an issue with Deno, looking into

    What's the issue? How can we help to fix it?

    opened by bartlomieju 1
  • Adds Gatsby as a tested framework

    Adds Gatsby as a tested framework

    2 heads up outside of the actual commit:

    1. When running main, Angular errored out so I removed it during my testing and brought back for the PR.
    2. Can't add PRs to the actual main repo.

    I think this tool is awesome and was stoked to see it pop up on my Twitter. I went ahead and added Gatsby using npm init gatsby and otherwise matched the implementation used for Next.js.

    opened by ChrisLaRocque 1
  • Feature/todo app

    Feature/todo app

    • add Mitosis todo app
    • add it as a dependency to every framework
    • get it working in Svelte & Solid
    • try but failed to get it working in Remix (ESM issues) and Nuxt2 (weird import issues, can't find module despite being there)

    the app is non-interactive due to a mitosis bug when generating functions: they have extra/wrong arguments added to them (props, state, event) instead of (event)

    opened by samijaber 0
  • Performance issues in Angular SSR configuration

    Performance issues in Angular SSR configuration


    I think that this is a great project, Angular Universal has lacked public performance benchmark data since it's so different to other frameworks and Universal has been difficult to set up until quite recently. I think there are a few issues affecting the performance of the Angular Universal example which is currently the slowest SSR example.

    Things like:

    • Dynamically running the critical CSS inliner at runtime (an unsafe default): https://github.com/angular/universal/issues/2106
    • Extra change detection cycles by not explicitly using onPush change detection: https://angular.io/api/core/ChangeDetectionStrategy
    • Missing a track by function to keep track of individual rows and not re-rendering the whole table: https://angular.io/api/core/TrackByFunction
    • Calling methods from inside templates which are invoked on each change detection cycle: https://blog.devgenius.io/avoid-calling-expressions-in-template-of-angular-39439c547653

    If we make some PRs for that is there a contribution process or should we just make a bunch of PRs?


    opened by cgrantnz 3
  • Maybe more candidates to benchmark

    Maybe more candidates to benchmark

    Two frameworks or libs I see much less mentions on social media are:

    • https://capri.build/ - afaik came out around the same time as Fresh, and the funny part is, the logos are even similar. This one is definitely comparable to the other frameworks in the test (e.g. you can also choose Solid to render interactive parts)
    • https://turbo.hotwired.dev/ - came out a few years ago, which was the first new framework to my knowledge to make a turn to the 'send HTML and not only JavaScript bundles'-era we're entering now (if we exclude marko)
    opened by kurtextrem 3
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