A Node.js library to calculate Uniswap V3 ratios (prices) from token pairs.



A Node.js library to calculate Uniswap V3 ratios (prices) and liquidity (reserves).

NPM Version CircleCI


This library will allow you to:


Install the module using NPM:

npm install @thanpolas/univ3prices --save

Quick Start

const univ3prices = require('@thanpolas/univ3prices');

const price = univ3prices(

// "1.01"

sqrtPrice(decimals0, decimals1, sqrtRatioX96, optReverse)

The default function; calculates Uniswap V3 Liquidity Pool (LP) ratios (prices) for Token Pairs.

  • decimals0 {number} The decimals of token 0.
  • decimals1 {number} The decimals of token 1.
  • sqrtPrice {string} The Square Root price value of the LP.
  • optReverse {boolean=} Optionally, set to true, to get the reversed price (i.e. token1 / token0).

ℹ️ :: This is the default function available by directly requiring the library (const uniV3Prices = require('univ3prices')) or as a property (const { sqrtPrice } = require('univ3prices')).

ℹ️ :: See the How to Get the sqrtPrice and Tick values for a guide on how to get those values.

The sqrtPrice() returns an object that contains three functions depending on the output type you wish to have:

toSignificant(digits, optFormat, optRounding)

Returns string, the last significant decimals as defined by "digits".

  • digits {number=} How many significant digits to return, default 5.
  • optFormat {Object=} Formatting instructions for the toFormat library, default is no formatting.
  • optRounding {Rounding=} The rounding function to use. Rounding is an enumeration available at univ3Prices.Rounding, default value is ROUND_HALF_UP.
  • Returns {string} String representation of the result.

Rounding Values

  • univ3prices.constants.Rounding.ROUND_DOWN Rounds towards zero. I.e. truncate, no rounding.
  • univ3prices.constants.Rounding.ROUND_HALF_UP: Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds away from zero.
  • univ3prices.constants.Rounding.ROUND_UP: Rounds away from zero.

toSignificant Examples - Defaults

// prepare a sqrtPrice value, by emulating a 10 / 7 division.
const sqrtPrice = encodeSqrtRatioX96(10e18, 7e18);

univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice).toSignificant();
// '1.4286'

univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice).toSignificant(3);
// '1.43'

univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice).toSignificant(2);
// '1.4'

toSignificant Examples - Format and Round

// prepare a sqrtPrice value, by emulating a 10 / 7 division.
const sqrtPrice = encodeSqrtRatioX96(10e18, 7e18);
// and a sqrtPrice value emulating 20000000 / 1 division.
const sqrtPrice_20m = encodeSqrtRatioX96(20000000e18, 1e18);

// Default Formatting
const formatDef = { groupSeparator: '' };
// Use `,` as group separator
const formatComma = { groupSeparator: ',' };

univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice).toSignificant(5, formatDef, ROUND_DOWN);
// '1.4285'
univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice).toSignificant(3, formatDef, ROUND_DOWN);
// '1.42'

//  Formatting
univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice_20m).toSignificant(5, formatComma);
// '20,000,000'

toFixed(digits, optFormat, optRounding)

Returns string, fixed decimals as defined in "digits".

  • digits {number=} How many significant digits to return, default 5.
  • optFormat {Object=} Formatting instructions for the toFormat library, default is no formatting.
  • optRounding {Rounding=} The rounding function to use. Rounding is an enumeration available at univ3Prices.Rounding, default value is ROUND_HALF_UP.
  • Returns {string} String representation of the result.

Formatting and Rounding are exactly the same as for the toSignificant() method

toFixed Examples

// prepare a sqrtPrice value, by emulating a 10 / 7 division.
const sqrtPrice = encodeSqrtRatioX96(10e18, 7e18);
// and a sqrtPrice value emulating 20000000 / 1 division.
const sqrtPrice_20m = encodeSqrtRatioX96(10e18, 7e18);

univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice).toFixed();
// '1.42857'

univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice).toFixed(3);
// '1.429'

univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice).toFixed(2);
// '1.43'

// This time use the 20m ratio
univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice_20m).toFixed(2);
// '20000000.00'


Returns the raw fraction tuple Array; contains the numerator and denominator in BigInt type of the token pairs.

toFraction() Examples

const JSBI = require('jsbi');
// prepare a sqrtPrice value, by emulating a 10 / 7 division.
const sqrtPrice = encodeSqrtRatioX96(10e18, 7e18);

const fraction = univ3Price(18, 18, sqrtPrice).toFraction();

const [numerator, denominator] = fraction;

numerator instanceOf JSBI; // true
denominator instanceOf JSBI; // true

How to get the sqrtPrice and tick Values From Uniswap

In regards to the sqrtPrice and tick values. there are two primary ways to get it:

Using the Liquidity Pool Contract

Query the Liquidity Pool contract of interest and use the slot0() method.

This method will return a collection of properties, the ones you care about is sqrtPriceX96 or tick.

Using the Subgraph

Use the Uniswap V3 Subgraph that is publicly available and fetch the sqrtPrice or tick property from the Pool schema.

univ3prices.tickPrice(decimals0, decimals1, tick, optReverse)

calculates Uniswap V3 Liquidity Pool (LP) ratios (prices) for Token Pairs using the current tick value.

  • decimals0 {number} The decimals of token 0.
  • decimals1 {number} The decimals of token 1.
  • tick {string} The current tick value.
  • optReverse {boolean=} Optionally, set to true, to get the reversed price (i.e. token1 / token0).

ℹ️ :: See the How to Get the sqrtPrice and Tick values for a guide on how to get those values.

The univ3prices.tickPrice() returns an object that contains three functions depending on the output type you wish to have, and has the exact same functions as the default function:

univ3prices.getAmountsForCurrentLiquidity(decimals0, decimals1, liquidity, sqrtPrice, tickSpacing, optTickStep)

Calculates the reserves for the current sqrt price value.

  • decimals0 {number} The decimals of token 0.
  • decimals1 {number} The decimals of token 1.
  • liquidity {string} The liquidity value of the LP.
  • tickSpacing {string} The tick spacing value of the LP.
  • tickStep {number=} Optionally, set how many tick steps of liquidity range should be calculated (default: 0).
  • Returns {Array} A tuple array containing the amount of each token in the defined liquidity range.

ℹ️ :: This function is a wrapper to getAmountsForLiquidity(), will automatically calculate the liquidity range expressed as sqrtRatioAX96 and sqrtRatioBX96.

Examples for univ3prices.getAmountsForCurrentLiquidity

Standard example:

// Get the reserves for the DAI/WETH Liquidity Pool.
const [token0Reserves, token1Reserves] = getAmountsForCurrentLiquidity(
    '18', // decimals of DAI
    '18', // decimals of WETH
    '2830981547246997099758055', // Current liquidity value of the pool
    '1550724133884968571999296281', // Current sqrt price value of the pool
    '60', // the tickSpacing value from the pool

// The total amount of DAI available in this liquidity range
// The total amount of WETH available in this liquidity range

Widening the liquidity range by having a step of 5:

// Get the reserves for the DAI/WETH Liquidity Pool.
const [token0Reserves, token1Reserves] = getAmountsForCurrentLiquidity(
    '18', // decimals of DAI
    '18', // decimals of WETH
    '2830981547246997099758055', // Current liquidity value of the pool
    '1550724133884968571999296281', // Current sqrt price value of the pool
    '60', // the tickSpacing value from the pool
    5 // Choose 5 steps of tickSpacing (60 * 5) for low and high tick values.

// The total amount of DAI available in this liquidity range
// The total amount of WETH available in this liquidity range

Where to Find The Values for the Liquidity Function

Query directly the Liquidity Pool contract you care about (i.e. this is the DAI/WETH pool) and call the functions:

  • slot0() To get a list of values including the sqrtPriceX96.
  • liquidity() To get the liquidity value.
  • tickSpacing() To get the tick spacing value.

univ3prices.getAmountsForLiquidityRange(sqrtPrice, sqrtPriceA, sqrtPriceB, liquidity)

Calculates the reserves for a range of sqrt price.

  • sqrtPrice {string} The Square Root price value of the LP.
  • sqrtPriceA {string} The Square Root price representing the low tick boundary.
  • sqrtPriceB {string} The Square Root price representing the high tick boundary.
  • liquidity {string} The liquidity value.
  • Returns {Array} A tuple array containing the amount of each token in the defined liquidity range.

Examples for univ3prices.getAmountsForLiquidityRange

const [amount0, amount1] = getAmountsForLiquidityRange(
    encodePriceSqrt(1, 1), // generate sqrt price for range
    encodePriceSqrt(100, 110),
    encodePriceSqrt(110, 100),

expect(Number(amount0)).toEqual(99); // Amount of token0
expect(Number(amount1)).toEqual(99); // Amount of token1

Tick Math Functions


Calculates the sqrt ratio at the given tick.

  • tick {string} The tick value to calculate the sqrt ratio for.
  • Returns {string} The sqrt ratio.


Calculates the tick at the given sqrt ratio.

  • sqrtPrice {string} The sqrt price to calculate the tick for.
  • Returns {string} The tick.

Utility Functions

The following utility functions are available in the univ3prices.utils path:

  • encodeSqrtRatioX96(amount0, amount1) Convert a value pair to sqrt price.
  • sqrt(value) Computes the floor(sqrt(value)).
  • tickRange(tick, tickSpacing, optTickStep) Will calculate the low and high tick ranges for a given tick, optionally multiplying the spacing with the step for a wider range.
  • expDecs(decimals) Will return the exponent of the given decimals number.
  • biConv(value) Will safely convert any value to JSBI and not touch values that are of JSBI type.


The following constants are available in the univ3prices.constants path:

  • RESOLUTION :: Fixed point resolution of 96 as a bigint.
  • NEGATIVE_ONE :: -1 as a bigint.
  • ZERO :: 0 as a bigint.
  • ONE :: 1 as a bigint.
  • TWO :: 2 as a bigint.
  • Q32 :: Power of 2 at 32.
  • Q96 :: Power of 2 at 96.
  • Q192 :: Power of 2 at 192.
  • MaxUint256 :: Maximum signed integer value.
  • MIN_TICK :: Minimum tick value.
  • MAX_TICK :: Maximum tick value.
  • MIN_SQRT_RATIO :: Minimum sqrt price (ratio) value.
  • MAX_SQRT_RATIO :: Maximum sqrt price (ratio) value.
  • Rounding :: The Rounding enumeration as mentioned above.

Acknowledgements & Credits

This library has been a study and break down, to understand how Uniswap V3 works. It acts both as a library for you to use and a way for you to understand, in simpler terms, how price is calculated.

In particular, the Uniswap V3 SDK's Pool Class and the Uniswap SDK Core's Price and Fraction classes were reverse engineered and rewritten in a functional manner. Most of the tests where also ported directly from the excellently tested SDK and Core packages.

Thank you goes to [JNP][jnp] who helped me understand how to work with tick and sqrt ranges.

Thank you goes to Georgios Konstantopoulos who helped me with liquidity calculations and code review.

Finally, thank you goes to Jorropo.eth who has accompanied and helped me in the weeks long journey of discovering how to calculate Uniswap's V3 sqrt ratios, on Uniswap's Discord. He also gave the following excellent explanation as to why the Token Pair reserves are square rooted:

This is so the difference gets exponentially written.

Let's assume ticks were just 100$ in size, so you have one from 0-100, 100-200, ... A token that is price at 250$ would need to do +20% in price to cross a tick. But a token priced 25050$ it's bearly +0.2%.

Having them SQRT makes the ratio constant. So in any cases it's just let's say any 1% of price change, cross a tick.

This spreads them each 1% appart (so fewer and fewer ticks), instead of each 100$ appart.

Maintenance & Development

Update Node Version

When a new node version should be supported, updated the following:

  • /package.json
  • /.nvmrc
  • /.circleci/config.yml


  1. Update the changelog bellow ("Release History").
  2. Ensure you are on master and your repository is clean.
  3. Type: npm run release for patch version jump.
    • npm run release:minor for minor version jump.
    • npm run release:major for major major jump.

Release History

  • v2.0.1, 06 Aug 2021
    • Fixed order of price calculation for sqrtPrice().
  • v2.0.0, 06 Aug 2021
    • Implemented the liquidity calculation functions getAmountsForCurrentLiquidity() and getAmountsForLiquidityRange().
    • Implemented Tick Math functions at tickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick() and tickMath.getTickAtSqrtRatio.
    • Added sqrtPrice function on the API (same as the default export).
    • New constant values added (ZERO, ONE, TWO, MaxUint256, MIN_TICK, MAX_TICK, MIN_SQRT_RATIO, MAX_SQRT_RATIO).
    • New utils functions added (tickRange, expDecs, biConv).
    • Breaking Moved utility functions (encodeSqrtRatioX96() and sqrt()) into the utils namespace.
    • Breaking Moved constants (Rounding, Q96 and Q192) into the constants namespace.
    • Breaking Renamed output function .toScalar() to .toFraction().
    • Internal change of toFixed() and toSignificant() to accept a tuple Array instead of an Object.
  • v1.1.0, 31 Jul 2021
    • Added tickPrice() function to calculate price based on current tick value.
    • Refactored the default price calculation function with better variable names.
    • Fixed a decimal miscalculation issue on pairs with different decimal values.
  • v1.0.0, 19 Jul 2021
    • Big Bang


Copyright © [Thanos Polychronakis][thanpolas] and Authors, Licensed under ISC.

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    const currentTick = -242755
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