This is a JQuery plugin for input tags with auto complete suggestion.


Jquery Suggestags

This is a JQuery plugin for input tags with auto complete suggestion.


npm installation

npm i suggestags

Table of Contents

  1. Simple
  2. Default Value
  3. Suggestions
  4. Suggestions Through Ajax
  5. White List
  6. Custom Stylings
  7. Callbacks and Events
  8. Tag Limit
  9. Refresh Destroy
  10. More Settings
  11. Instantiating

Simple Tags

For simple initialization

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="country"/>

Default Value

If input is already having value separated by comma, it will load the tags by default

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="country" value="India,UAE,Nepal"/>


List of values can be passed to get the suggestions.

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="country"/>
	suggestions: ['India', 'Pakistan', 'Nepal', 'UAE', 'Iran', 'Bangladesh']

List if objects can also be set to have tag/value pair.

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="color"/>
	suggestions: [
					{tag: 'Black', value: 1},
					{tag: 'White', value: 2},
					{tag: 'Red', value: 3},
					{tag: 'Blue', value: 4},
					{tag: 'Green', value: 5},
					{tag: 'Orange', value: 6}

Input will store value separated by comma like this

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>

Note: While setting the default value for the input, set actual value separated by comma not tag names.

Suggestions Through Ajax

We can also get suggestions through Ajax

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="country"/>
	suggestionsAction : {
		url: ''

Ajax method type will be GET, structure of request data you will receive is

	"existing": ["one", "two", "three"],
	"term": "something"

existing is an array of already loaded tags and term is the string you are trying to search.
The success response should at least contain suggestions key and its value should be of type list/array:

	"suggestions": ["four", "five", "six"]

You can also add these settings and callbacks to this option

	suggestionsAction : {
		timeout: -1,
		minChars: 2,
		minChange: -1,
		delay: 100,
		type: 'GET',
		url: '',
		dataType: null,
		beforeSend : function() {'beforeSend');
		success: function(data) {'success');
		error: function() {'error');
		complete: function(data) {'complete');
timeout - It is for cancelling the request after given specific seconds, default is -1
minChars - It is the minimum chars types before the first ajax hit, default is 2
minChange - It recall the ajax based on the minimum percentage chars changed compared to the string passed in last ajax call, default is -1
delay - It is the milliseconds time delay to call ajax or whitelist suggestions on text entered and wait, defult is 100
type - It is type of method we pass, default is GET
dataType - It is dateType of request data being passed, default is null

Note: success and complete callbacks does not directly override the original ajax callbacks, rather it gets called after original ones are executed.

White List

This option simply does not allow any other inputs other than from suggestions.

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="country"/>
	suggestions: ['India', 'Pakistan', 'Nepal', 'UAE', 'Iran', 'Bangladesh'],
	whiteList: true

Custom Stylings

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="country"/>

For setting default class for tags, you can pass this setting

	suggestions: ['India', 'Pakistan', 'Nepal', 'UAE', 'Iran', 'Bangladesh'],
	whiteList: true,
	defaultTagClass: 'badge'

We can pass list of classes, colors or backgrounds through settings

	suggestions: ['India', 'Pakistan', 'Nepal', 'UAE', 'Iran', 'Bangladesh'],
	whiteList: true,
	classes: ['bg-primary', 'bg-success', 'bg-danger', 'bg-warning', 'bg-info']

Each class will apply to each suggestion tag through their corresponding keys. We can also pass backgrounds and colors.

	suggestions: ['India', 'Pakistan', 'Nepal', 'UAE', 'Iran', 'Bangladesh'],
	whiteList: true,
	backgrounds: ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'orange', '#424242'],
	colors: ['white', 'black', 'white', 'black', 'white'],

We can also set class, color and background at each suggestion item if the suggestion items are object.

	suggestions: [
					{tag: 'Black', value: 1, background:'black', color:'white'},
					{tag: 'White', value: 2, background:'white', color:'black'},
					{tag: 'Red', value: 3, background:'red', color:'white'},
					{tag: 'Blue', value: 4, background:'blue', color:'white'},
					{tag: 'Green', value: 5, background:'green', color:'white'},
					{tag: 'Orange', value: 6, background:'orange', color:'white'}

Same suggestions can also be passed in ajax response to get these stylings working

	"suggestions": [
			"tag": "Black",
			"value": 1,
			"tag": "White",
			"value": 2,

Callbacks and Events

We can set callbacks on add/remove tag elements

	afterAdd : function(value) {; // Parameter will be value
	afterRemove : function(value) {; // Parameter will be value

or we can also subscribe to add/remove events

$('input[name="country"]').on('suggestags.add', function(e){
	// Do something after adding tag
$('input[name="country"]').on('suggestags.change', function(e){
	// Do something while add/remove tag
$('input[name="country"]').on('suggestags.remove', function(e){
	// Do something before removing tag

Tag Limit

We can also set tags limit

	tagLimit: 5

Refresh Destroy

For refreshing the values, you can use

var params = {
	// Make sure you have parameters which used during first execution
$('input[name="country"]').amsifySuggestags(params, 'refresh');

For destroying the instance, you can do

$('input[name="country"]').amsifySuggestags({}, 'destroy');

More Settings


	selectOnHover: false

It will not select the suggested tag value when the mouse hover the suggestion item. By default the value is true


This will show message when there is no suggested item appears matching the input.

	noSuggestionMsg: 'Enter to generate new tag'


This will show all the suggestion item on input focus. By default this is false

	showAllSuggestions: true


This will keep the last suggestion item in the input text field, even when moving away from the suggestion list. By default this is true. Useful when showAllSuggestions is set to true and you wish to hide the suggestion list when clicking away from the input text field.

	keepLastOnHoverTag: false


By default, input value and its tag names gets printed in console. You can set it false not to print in console.

	printValues: false


This setting is for hiding proceeding tags when focus is out of tags section and show the + number instead. By default it is 0, you can set the number to hide the tags after the given number when focus is out.

	showPlusAfter: 0


A callback function can be passed to match the user entered text with suggestion item to show in suggestions list for custom matching.

	suggestions: ['India', 'Pakistan', 'Nepal', 'UAE', 'Iran', 'Bangladesh'],
	suggestMatch : function(suggestionItem, value) {
	    return ~suggestionItem.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toString().toLowerCase());

This callback will receive two parameters, suggestion item value and the text value entered by user. Both parameters can be used to do custom matching and return non zero value to let that suggestion appear in suggestions list.


This is also one of the approach you can use this plugin.


You can initialize by creating an instance of AmsifySuggestags and passing selector to it.

amsifySuggestags = new AmsifySuggestags($('input[name="country"]'));


You need to set it before initialization and you can use all the setting options shown in previous approach.

	suggestions: ['Black', 'White', 'Red', 'Blue', 'Green', 'Orange']

Add/Remove Tag

You can call these methods to add/remove tag with instance of AmsifySuggestags


Refresh Destroy

You can call these methods to refresh/destroy


Note: This approach only works for single selector element not for multiple elements having same selector.
For making it work for selector having multiple elements, you can do something like this:

	amsifySuggestags = new AmsifySuggestags($(this));
  • Autocomplete Interferes With Typing

    Autocomplete Interferes With Typing

    Hello. Great library.

    One thing we are finding while we use the library is that the autocomplete seems to interfere with typing out the tag manually. It seems like the resolution ought to be one or both of the below:

    1 - Typically, an autocomplete library will have a wait time from the last keystroke before autocomplete is attempted. I don't see in the library any mechanism for setting a timeout. 2 - When the autocomplete occurs, I've seen other libraries select the autocompleted text. That way, if the user keeps typing, their keystrokes overwrite and blow away the portion of the text that was autocompleted.

    Do either of these parameters exist in the library at all and I am just not seeing them defined anywhere? If they do not exist, is there a PR process you follow for merging suggestions into your main trunk? Are these changes that are compatible with your roadmap or should I fork the library for my unique usage?

    opened by dlernstrom 10
  • Ajax and back end code

    Ajax and back end code

    I am using c# to return this json from a database. The dropdown list is not triggering but the Json is returning

    ["adoptdontshop","America","Approvalratings","Atlanta","Based","Basedmemes","bitcoin", "blackcat","blackcatclub","blackcatlove","blackcatlover","blackcats","blackcatsmatter", "striketober","TheGreatResignation","TopNews","TPUSA","TPUSALive","transparency","trilliondollarbill", "uni","USA","VaccineNews","WhiteHouse","Winsomesears"]

    opened by TEStaff 8
  • mobile use

    mobile use

    hi! in mobile not working creating tabs, there is no enter key to activate the plugin by default the enter key changes to next WhatsApp Image 2020-04-27 at 12 09 03 PM please help !!!

    Originally posted by @eveperalta in

    opened by eveperalta 8
  • Doesn't works properly with russian keyboard layout

    Doesn't works properly with russian keyboard layout

    Russian letter "Б"(small "б") located on the same key as comma in english keyboard Can you set confirm key optional or verify e.key exactly match ',' symbol?

    opened by Romer4ig 6
  • Objects through Ajax

    Objects through Ajax

    Hello, how can I get suggestions as objects through Ajax ? I have a lot of repeated items in the suggestions list. This is the modified suggestions.php file

    $suggestions 	= [['tag'=>'India','value'=>34], ['tag'=>'Pakistan','value'=>12], ['tag'=>'Nepal','value'=>43], ['tag'=>'UAE','value'=>11], ['tag'=>'Iran','value'=>21], ['tag'=>'Bangladesh','value'=>22],['tag'=>'Italy','value'=>23], ['tag'=>'Australia','value'=>134]];
    $data 			= [];
    foreach($suggestions as $suggestion)
    	if(strpos(strtolower($suggestion['tag']), strtolower($_GET['term'])) !== false)	{
    		$data[] = $suggestion;	
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode(['suggestions' => $data]);
    opened by luizz 6
  • Why Post instead of Get for ajax suggestions?

    Why Post instead of Get for ajax suggestions?

    I just wonder why Post was preferred instead of Get for ajax call. I think it should be a simple get query with just a search term. Why do we have to send existing suggestions? I believe that the merging of suggestions should be done after the query locally.

    opened by codertimu 6
  • Ajax suggestions with relative path

    Ajax suggestions with relative path

    Hi everyone! Thanks for the great application!

    I would like to know how I can use a relative path to the ajax resource script. Currently I can only use the full URL. Is that possible?

    Thanks in advance

    opened by flaviorib-dev 5
  • Can we count tags in each row and show limit and show count.

    Can we count tags in each row and show limit and show count.

    I am trying to extend this library. I want here is to show tag count if tags more than 2. and rest I have to show remaining like for example.

    Total Tags 5. Display tags 2 and shows count +3

    Can we do that?


    opened by hassanuos 5
  • Clicking Scroll Bar Closes Suggestions

    Clicking Scroll Bar Closes Suggestions

    We're observing an undesired behavior in the library where when we click on the scrollbar in order to scroll down to other tag suggestions, the focus changes in such a way as to close out the tag suggestions.

    For example: image

    When I put my mouse cursor on the scrollbar in order to scroll down to those suggestions that are lower, the focus on the form field is lost and the suggestion dropdown closes.

    Is this an easy fix? What are your thoughts?

    opened by dlernstrom 5
  • addTag don't eat objects

    addTag don't eat objects

    Method .addTag takes only VALUE that string, integer or other simple data.

    I tried to feed it with {tag: 'tagName', value: 666999} and it wont work. I fixed it with simple code, so there is purposed change:

    Old version of .getTag ():

    getTag : function(value) {
          if(this.settings.suggestions.length) {
            var tag = value;
            $.each(this.settings.suggestions, function(key, item){
              if(typeof item === 'object' && item.value == value) {
                tag = item.tag
                return false;
              else if(item == value) {
                return false;
            return tag;
          return value;

    New version of .getTag ():

    getTag : function(value) {
          var returnValue = value; // buffer var for value
          if(this.settings.suggestions.length) {
            var tag = value;
            $.each(this.settings.suggestions, function(key, item){
              if(typeof item === 'object' && item.value == value) {
                tag = item.tag
                return false;
              else if(item == value) {
                return false;
            return tag;
          // it seems that object mode works only when some suggestions set in settings
          else if (typeof value === 'object' && value.tag) {
            returnValue = value.tag;
          return returnValue; // return buffer var, with right tagName

    Old version of .addTag():

        addTag : function(value) {
          if(!value) {
          var html = '<span class="'+this.classes.tagItem.substring(1)+'" data-val="'+value+'">'+this.getTag(value)+' '+this.setIcon()+'</span>';

    New version of .addTag():

        addTag : function(value) {
          if(!value) {
          // This temporary value need only to set data-val attribute below
          var temporaryValue = typeof value === 'object' && value.value ? value.value : value;
          var html = '<span class="'+this.classes.tagItem.substring(1)+'" data-val="'+temporaryValue+'">'+this.getTag(value)+' '+this.setIcon()+'</span>';
          // if value not exact  the same, then we need to re assign VALUE, we dont need to break code bellow
          if (temporaryValue !== value) {
            value = temporaryValue;

    Hope it helps, maybe there is more cleanier way to solve issue, but i just hammer it down in simpliest and fastest way.

    Thank you for amaizing library o7

    opened by st-spark 5
  • Option to return values starting with input string

    Option to return values starting with input string

    Is there an option to only return results that start with the input letter string?

    We are sending an ajax request. Currently user inputs 'L'. Tags returned are:

    Filter1 Filter2

    What I would like is (only tags that start with an 'L'):

    Lambda List1

    opened by lharby 5
  • default  values without triggering afterAdd

    default values without triggering afterAdd

    Is there a way to trigger afterAdd only when a new tag is added, imagine initializing 100 tags and in afterAdd you have an ajax call to save it to db, all of them will fire at the same time

    opened by axwell 0
  • Get field extra data

    Get field extra data


    i have many tag fields in a table $('.tags').amsifySuggestags

    How i can get input data values in afterAdd function ? $(this).data('id') does not return anything


    opened by axwell 0
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