This is the group project for the fourth week of the third module in the Microverse program.


Space Travelers' Hub

This is the Space Travelers' Hub app initialized in the fourth week of the third module in the Microverse program. It was done using the SpaceEx API.
On this website you can check SpaceEx rockets and missions, book them so they appear on the My profile tab, on the profile you can follow links directly to their respective Wikipedia page to lear more about each Rocket or Mission.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Built With

  • Javascript
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Node.js
  • Jest
  • React
  • Redux

Live Demo

Space Travelers' Hub

Video Preview


Getting Started

To clone the repo run the line git clone on your console.

To get a local copy up and running, run these command lines on your console:
1- cd space-trav-hub
2- npm install
3- npm start
4- To run tests use npm test


👤 Lucas Costa Rodrigues

GitHub: @lucas-crodrigues

Twitter: @lcrodrigues58

LinkedIn: Lucas Costa Rodrigues

👤 Alejandro Torres

GitHub: @aizjicod

Twitter: @aizijijr

LinkedIn: Alejandro Jose Torres Valero

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

npm run eject

Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you eject, you can't go back!

If you aren't satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can eject at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.

Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except eject will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you're on your own.

You don't have to ever use eject. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn't feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn't be useful if you couldn't customize it when you are ready for it.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


Microverse team.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

  • Space Travelers' Hub

    Space Travelers' Hub

    This is the PR for the review from Microverse, for the Space Travelers' Hub app. The tasks done are:

    • [x] Create React App.
    • [x] Install React Redux, Redux Logger and React Router.
    • [x] Download the free image for the app logo.
    • [x] Create empty navigation (this will be filled in in separate tasks).
    • [x] Create a route and a view component. Use for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • [x] This view should be empty - you will add content in separate tasks.
    • [x] Create a route and a view component. Use for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • [x] Create a directory for all Redux state slice files.
    • [x] Fetch data from the Rockets endpoint ( when the application starts (as Rockets is the default view).
    • [x] Once the data are fetched, dispatch an action to store the selected data in Redux store: id, rocket_name, description, flickr_images.
    • [x] Render a list of rockets (as per design). For the image of a rocket use the first image in the array of flickr_images.
    • [x] Fetch data from API with Axios
    • [x] Select data from API
    • [x] Display the selected data from API
    • [x] Add basic styling for the page
    • [x] Add an action with an id as a variable for the redux-store when joining and leaving a mission.
    • [x] Implement this action on an event listener for the button.
    • [x] Change the style dynamically on the status and button section of the specific mission.
    • [x] Change text when a user joins a mission.
    • [x] Create a new file to work with the states without changing the previous states.
    • [x] Filter all the missions pages to work with only the missions that the user selected.
    • [x] When a user clicks the "Reserve rocket" button, an action needs to be dispatched to update the store.
    • [x] Make sure you place all your logic in the reducer.
    • [x] Follow the same logic as with the "Reserve rocket" - but you need to set the reserved key to false.
    • [x] Dispatch these actions upon clicking on the corresponding buttons.
    • [x] Rockets that have already been reserved should show a "Reserved" badge and "Cancel reservation" button instead of the default "Reserve rocket".
    • [x] Delete files that were not being used
    • [x] Add unit test for MissionLi component
    • [x] Add unit test for Header component
    • [x] Add unit test for user-mission component
    • [x] Render a list of all reserved rockets (use filter()) on the "My profile" page.
    • [x] Test rocket related functionality.

    Thank you.

    opened by lucas-crodrigues 0
  • Add testing missions

    Add testing missions

    On this pull request, I add different tests for 3 different components


    • [x] Delete files that were not being used
    • [x] Add unit test for MissionLi component
    • [x] Add unit test for Header component
    • [x] Add unit test for user-mission component giphy
    opened by aizjicod 0
  • Rocket booking

    Rocket booking

    In this PR, the following functionalities were implemented:

    • [x] When a user clicks the "Reserve rocket" button, an action needs to be dispatched to update the store.
    • [x] Make sure you place all your logic in the reducer.
    • [x] Follow the same logic as with the "Reserve rocket" - but you need to set the reserved key to false.
    • [x] Dispatch these actions upon clicking on the corresponding buttons.
    • [x] Rockets that have already been reserved should show a "Reserved" badge and "Cancel reservation" button instead of the default "Reserve rocket".
    opened by lucas-crodrigues 0
  • Add user missions

    Add user missions

    On this pull request, I will be adding the missions that the user joined on the My Profile page


    • [x] Change text when a user joins a mission.
    • [x] Create a new file to work with the states without changing the previous states.
    • [x] Filter all the missions pages to work with only the missions that the user selected. the-wolf-of-wall-street-clap
    opened by aizjicod 0
  • Implement click action for joining and leaving a mission

    Implement click action for joining and leaving a mission

    On this pull request, I'll be implementing action for leaving and joining a mission.


    • [x] Add an action with an id as a variable for the redux-store when joining and leaving a mission.
    • [x] Implement this action on an event listener for the button.
    • [x] Change the style dynamically on the status and button section of the specific mission. giphy

    #10 #9

    opened by aizjicod 0
  • Missions basic structure

    Missions basic structure

    on this pull request, I added an essential structure for the mission page


    • [x] Fetch data from API with Axios
    • [x] Select data from API
    • [x] Display the selected data from API
    • [x] Add basic styling for the page
    opened by aizjicod 0
  • Rockets features

    Rockets features

    • [x] Create a route and a view component. Use for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • [x] Create a directory for all Redux state slice files.
    • [x] Fetch data from the Rockets endpoint ( when the application starts (as Rockets is the default view).
    • [x] Once the data are fetched, dispatch an action to store the selected data in Redux store: id, rocket_name, description, flickr_images.
    • [x] Render a list of rockets (as per design). For the image of a rocket use the first image in the array of flickr_images.

    Thank you.

    opened by lucas-crodrigues 0
  • Group setup

    Group setup

    This is the first part of the group project: Space travelers' hub

    In this pull request we:

    • [x] Create React App.
    • [x] Install React Redux, Redux Logger and React Router.
    • [x] Download the free image for the app logo.
    • [x] Create empty navigation (this will be filled in in separate tasks).
    • [x] Create a route and a view component. Use for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • [x] This view should be empty - you will add content in separate tasks.
    opened by lucas-crodrigues 0
  • [1pt] Create empty My profile - Setup (group task)

    [1pt] Create empty My profile - Setup (group task)

    • Create a route and a view component. Use <NavLink /> for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • This view should be empty - you will add content in separate tasks.
    opened by lucas-crodrigues 0
  • [1pt] Create basic structure for Rockets - Setup

    [1pt] Create basic structure for Rockets - Setup

    • Create a route and a view component. Use <NavLink /> for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • Create a directory for all Redux state slice files.
    opened by lucas-crodrigues 0
  • [1pt] Create basic structure for Missions - Setup

    [1pt] Create basic structure for Missions - Setup

    • Create a route and a view component. Use <NavLink /> for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • Create a directory for all Redux state slice files.
    opened by lucas-crodrigues 0
Lucas Costa Rodrigues
I am a Full-Stack Developer. Currently, I'm working on the Microverse program and loving it. I'm available for hire.🌎
Lucas Costa Rodrigues
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