To-do-List website is a page that contains information about listed shores and things to do .


Project Name


Description the project.

To-do-List website is a page that contains information about listed shores and things to do .

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Webpack
  • following github flows standards.

Getting Started

This web page is books site with my List planned or shores to do in the future

To do List project works on mobile and desktop using @Media queries .

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps. follow>>>>>>>>>

Live Demo Link



to use the project To do list please follow :

Open GitHub and go to my GitHub repository name: To-do-list. Click “Code” and copy the given URL. click code and copy the URL.

click code and copy the URL.

Open “Git Bash” and change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.

Type git clone in the terminal, paste the URL you copied earlier, and press “enter” to create your local clone.


$ git clone {repository URL}


open your directory To-do-List/

_use vs-code or any IDE to view line code .

$ npm start to run the local server


👤 Omane Piesie Yeboah

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! thanks:

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Microverse
  • Inspiration
  • etc

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

  • add clear all and checking

    add clear all and checking

    • I added a new JavaScript file and import it as a module
    • add the check functionality and update local storage
    • Clear all completed tasks that are true in the task object, and remove them from local storage.
    • checkbox should still show checked when the page is reloaded
    opened by piesieomane 0
  • To-do-list


    • Remove all hardcoded items from the tasks array.
    • Create a new JavaScript file for the new functionality.
    • Implement a function for adding a new task (add a new element to the array).
    • Implement a function for deleting a task (remove an element from the array).
    • Deleting a task should update all remaining items' indexes, so they represent the current list order and are unique
    • All changes to the To-Do List should be saved in local storage.
    opened by piesieomane 0
  •  setup Todo-list with webpack

    setup Todo-list with webpack

    • Set up a new project with webpack.
    • I wrote a function to iterate over the tasks array and populate an HTML list item element for each task.
    • styles are coming from webpack
    opened by piesieomane 0
  • Peer-to-Peer Code Review

    Peer-to-Peer Code Review

    Your project looks really great and apart from the suggestions below, I think you're good to go.

    Changes Required ♻

    • [ ] Your code is really simple and straight forward but what if someone with a minor programming knowledge needed to understand it. I suggest you make more use of comments in the file below.

    As comments will make the code not only cleaner but easier to understand.

    opened by okoyecharles 0
  • Peer-to-Peer Code Review

    Peer-to-Peer Code Review

    Your Project looks great so far, Although there are some changes I believe would make it look better.

    Changes Required ♻

    • [ ] As you can see below, I noticed you used this whereas there was a cleaner way to do renew the indexes.

    I reccomend you make use of the index functionality in the forEach loop, something like this.

     newArr.forEach((element, i) => { 
       element.index = i; 
     task = newArr; 

    • [ ] SUGGESTION: I also tried checking the todos on your list, although they worked they did not give the todos the corresponding style. A checked todo should look like ~~this~~ instead of as it looked.

    • [ ] As you see below I believe that its better HTML practice to use the main tags and section tag instead of nested divs

    The document flow should look like this for better readability.

    <main class="container">
         <!--- First Section--->
         <!--- Second Section--->
         <!--- Third Section--->
    opened by okoyecharles 1
  • Peer-to-peer-code-review


    Your Code is working fine base on all necessary requirement but try to ..

    • [ ] Group you functions into classes like maybe storage class which perform all the storage actions
    • [ ] Also create modules directory which contains all the modules
    opened by Owusu-Desmond 0
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