Firebase Extension to automatically push Firestore documents to Typesense for full-text search with typo tolerance, faceting, and more


Firestore / Firebase Typesense Search Extension 🔍


A Firebase extension to sync data from your Firestore collection to Typesense, to be able to do full-text fuzzy search on your Firestore data, with typo tolerance, faceting, filtering, sorting, curation, synonyms, geosearch and more.

This extension listens to your specified Firestore collection and syncs Firestore documents to Typesense on creation, updates and deletes. It also provides a function to help you backfill data.

What is Typesense?

If you're new to Typesense, it is an open source search engine that is simple to use, run and scale, with clean APIs and documentation. Think of it as an open source alternative to Algolia and an easier-to-use, batteries-included alternative to ElasticSearch. Get a quick overview from this guide.

⚙️ Usage

1. Setup Prerequisites

Before installing this extension, make sure that you have:

  1. Set up a Cloud Firestore database in your Firebase project.
  2. Setup a Typesense cluster (on Typesense Cloud or Self-Hosted).
  3. Setup a Typesense Collection either through the Typesense Cloud dashboard or through the API.

2. Install the Extension

You can install this extension either through the Firebase Web console or through the Firebase CLI.

Firebase Console

Install this extension in your Firebase project

Firebase CLI
firebase ext:install typesense/firestore-typesense-search --project=[your-project-id]

Learn more about installing extensions in the Firebase Extensions documentation:

3. Backfilling data (optional)

This extension only syncs data that was created or changed in Firestore, after it was installed. In order to backfill data that already exists in your Firestore collection to your Typesense Collection:

  • Create a new Firestore collection called typesense_sync through the Firestore UI.
  • Create a new document with the ID backfill and contents of {trigger: true}

This will trigger the backfill background Cloud function, which will read data from your Firestore collection and create equivalent documents in your Typesense collection.

🧾 Billing

To install an extension, your project must be on the Blaze (pay as you go) plan.

  • You will be charged a small amount (typically around $0.01/month) for the Firebase resources required by this extension (even if it is not used).
  • This extension uses other Firebase and Google Cloud Platform services, which have associated charges if you exceed the service’s free tier:
    • Cloud Firestore
    • Cloud Functions (Node.js 14+ runtime. See FAQs)
  • Usage of this extension also requires you to have a running Typesense cluster either on Typesense Cloud or some self-hosted server. You are responsible for any associated costs with these services.

🎛️ Configuration Parameters

When you install this extension, you'll be able to configure the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Firestore Collection Path The Firestore collection that needs to be indexed into Typesense.
Firestore Collection Fields A comma separated list of fields that need to be indexed from each Firestore document. Leave blank to index all fields.
Typesense Hosts A comma-separated list of Typesense Hosts. For single node clusters, a single hostname is sufficient. For multi-node Highly Available or SDN Clusters, please be sure to mention all hostnames.
Typesense API Key An Typesense API key with admin permissions. Click on "Generate API Key" in cluster dashboard in Typesense Cloud.
Typesense Collection Name Typesense collection name to index data into.
Cloud Functions location Where do you want to deploy the functions created for this extension? You usually want a location close to your database. For help selecting a location, refer to the location selection guide.

☁️ Cloud Functions

  • indexToTypesenseOnFirestoreWrite: A function that indexes data into Typesense when it's triggered by Firestore changes.

  • backfillToTypesenseFromFirestore: A function that backfills data from a Firestore collection into Typesense, triggered when a Firestore document with the path typesense_sync/trigger has the contents of backfill: true.

🔑 Access Required

This extension will operate with the following project IAM roles:

  • datastore.user (Reason: Required to backfill data from your Firestore collection into Typesense)

Development Workflow

Run Emulator

npm run emulator
npm run typesenseServer

Add records in the Firestore UI and they should be created in Typesense.

Run Integration Tests

npm run test

Generate README

The Firebase CLI provides the following convenience command to auto-generate a README file containing content pulled from extension.yaml file and file:

firebase ext:info ./ --markdown >

Publish Extension

  • Update version number in extension.yaml
  • firebase ext:dev:publish typesense/firestore-typesense-search
  • Create release in Github

ℹ️ Support

Please open a Github issue or join our Slack community.

  • Firebase integration with self-hosted server

    Firebase integration with self-hosted server


    I installed typesense in my

    ubuntu 20.04 apache server

    and it is successfully running but I can't succeed in trying to sync my firestore data using the firebase extension. When I input the public IP of my server in the typesense host portion, it fails to upsert the data.

    Steps to reproduce

    firebase extension image


    and this is my config file for typesense server


    I'm guessing that it needs SSL certification but where do I get my SSL certificates to put in the configs? Can self-signed work? Can certbot work?

    I'm new to this so have mercy on me


    Expected Behavior

    Actual Behavior


    Typsense Version:


    opened by echo-slam-jam 49
  • how can i trigger backfill manually

    how can i trigger backfill manually


    Reading the docs i saw i have to create a new collection called typesense_sync with inside a document named backfill => trigger : true. But actually none of my documents are filled in the collection, in the logs i see few detail but i don't undestand

    Steps to reproduce

    Expected Behavior

    Ther is a way to trigger backfill manually?

    Actual Behavior


    Typsense Version:

    OS: Schermata 2022-02-16 alle 17 36 23

    opened by iamandreadompe 10
  • Firebase cloud function error

    Firebase cloud function error


    When creating or upserting a document, or a backfill operation the cloud functions fails with the code error "EAI_AGAIN getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN https". The same issue occurs with both cloud functions (ext-firestore-typesense-search-backfillToTypesenseFromFirestore, ext-firestore-typesense-search-indexToTypesenseOnFirestoreWrite). The following are the logs from the cloud function:

    • Function execution started
    • Creating document {"id":"UMA-NICO-3"}
    • Request #1629896880473: Request to Node 0 failed due to "EAI_AGAIN getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN https"
    • Request #1629896880473: Sleeping for 120s and then retrying request...
    • Function execution took 120003 ms, finished with status: 'timeout' I tried running typesense on a virtual machine and typesense cloud, both cases with the same errors. I also tried creating a collection and a document from a JS client to the typesense cloud and worked fine. Firebase plan is BLAZE.

    Steps to reproduce

    Project created in Firebase, typesense cloud created, cloud function triggered by a new document (or update).

    Expected Behavior

    Documents created and updated on typesense cloud.

    Actual Behavior

    No documents or collections are synced from Fireabase to typesense cloud.


    Typsense Version: v0.21.0

    OS: Linux Ubuntu (used on the VM)

    opened by Nicoglx 7
  • Index a flattened field within an object

    Index a flattened field within an object


    Hi, I am trying index some fields which are within an object that I am supposed to flatten in order to index in Typesense. But looking at this, , I think even a flattened field would not match. Is there a workaround for fields within an object using firestore & typesense? Thanks in advance.

    Steps to reproduce

    Place a flattened field into Firestore Collection Fields.

    Expected Behavior

    Index a flattened field within an object into typesense.

    Actual Behavior

    Unable to index a flattened field within an object into typesense.


    Typsense Version: typesense/[email protected]

    opened by JyYong93 6
  • Firestore functions doesn't push data to typesense schema

    Firestore functions doesn't push data to typesense schema

    Hi all! i've create a typesense schema like this: const myCollection = { 'name': 'products', 'fields': [ {"name": ".*", "type": "auto" } ] } then, i've installed firestore extension and link "products" schema to a firestore DB collection. But the functions doesn't work.

    When I tried backfill, function throw this error:


    When I tried to add a document the function doesn't throw an error but in the typesense schema doesn't appear. On delete the same document, the function throw this error:


    It seems that firestore extension cannot comunicate with typesense schema. Can you help me?

    opened by OCALAB 5
  • Crash during backfilling collection data

    Crash during backfilling collection data


    Hi! I want to implement full text search into my project which is based on Firebase. Right now I'm trying to get some things rolling by backfilling my data to the TypeSense Collection. I'm using a Firebase TypeSense Extension from this repo. Everything went smoothly except the backfilling process. The ext-firestore-typesense-search-backfillToTypesenseFromFirestore cloud function gives me an error "Memory limit exceeded". Usually I fix that problem by deploying a function once again with higher available resources but I'm not sure if this is the proper solution. The test collection has a size of around 60MB and contains 53K documents. I was able to successfully export other collection which is a bit smaller (around 30k documents).

    Steps to reproduce

    Screenshot 2021-08-03 at 15 46 52

    Expected Behavior

    The ext-firestore-typesense-search-backfillToTypesenseFromFirestore trigger function shouldn't crash.

    Actual Behavior

    If the collection is big enough the ext-firestore-typesense-search-backfillToTypesenseFromFirestore trigger function returns an error Function invocation was interrupted. Error: memory limit exceeded.


    Typsense Version: 0.21.0

    opened by owocowyy 5
  • Maping Firestore data types to Typesense data types

    Maping Firestore data types to Typesense data types

    Change Summary

    Currently, if there is a GeoPoint value in your document you will receive this error log printed:

    Screen Shot 2022-04-14 at 12 02 52

    • convert geo-point objects to a 2 element array
    • convert timestamp dates to Unix timestamps

    PR Checklist

    opened by yamankatby 4
  • Add support for multiple collections to be indexed in typesense

    Add support for multiple collections to be indexed in typesense


    This is not a bug with the extension, but a request to add a feature that would allow support for multiple collections to be indexed into typesense. The configuration steps could allow an array or list of collections to be inputted, and a subarray for fields.

    opened by georgekamar 4
  • Host issues with DNS ip https - EAI_AGAIN and ECONNREFUSED

    Host issues with DNS ip https - EAI_AGAIN and ECONNREFUSED

    Hi, I've been trying to setup this for a while now and I never get any errors but nothing happens when I update or add docs to the collection it was supposed to be indexing. How to troubleshoot the change in the document? What commands should I use?

    The only log I can see is when running tail -f /var/log/typesense/typesense.log

    I20220618 02:35:29.949776 28495 raft_server.h:60] Peer refresh succeeded!
    I20220618 02:35:39.951146 28490 raft_server.cpp:531] Term: 5, last_index index: 18, committed_index: 18, known_applied_index: 18, applying_index: 0, queued_writes: 0, pending_queue_size: 0, local_sequence: 44

    Cloud logs return 0 logs.

    My setup:

    • I have a fresh Ubuntu AWS Lightsail running typesense
    • port 8108 is open
    • https is on
    • health check returns ok.
    • Collection was created on the server
    • typesense_sync collection created


    • Can we please expand the readme to include how to troubleshoot?
    • Can we please add to the readme examples of the config? I.e. do I need a forward slash for collections? Do I need the port on the server?


    I am using this to test if a change in a doc creates any new document but It always return 0 documents.

         -X GET \
    opened by idkq 3
  • help setting up

    help setting up

    hi all. I'm running self hosted typesense on AWS via docker. I have nginx redirecting 80 and 443 traffic to locahost:8108, with SSL certificate etc.

    if I visit, I get {"ok":true} back. I believe this means nginx is correctly redirecting traffic. however, when I try to trigger calls on firestore, I get this error:

      "textPayload": "Error: Request failed with HTTP code 404 | Server said: Not Found\n    at ApiCall._customErrorForResponse (/workspace/node_modules/typesense/lib/Typesense/ApiCall.js:378:26)\n    at ApiCall._callee$ (/workspace/node_modules/typesense/lib/Typesense/ApiCall.js:186:70)\n    at tryCatch (/workspace/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:63:40)\n    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/workspace/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:293:22)\n    at (/workspace/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:118:21)\n    at asyncGeneratorStep (/workspace/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:3:24)\n    at _next (/workspace/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:25:9)\n    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)",
      "insertId": "000000-1be6577f-97bb-4c82-aa28-74f47012e713",
      "resource": {
        "type": "cloud_function",
        "labels": {
          "project_id": "modify-dev",
          "region": "us-central1",
          "function_name": "ext-firestore-typesense-search-indexToTypesenseOnFirestoreWrite"
      "timestamp": "2021-10-21T21:37:53.973Z",
      "severity": "ERROR",
      "labels": {
        "execution_id": "k67afrdv37p2"
      "logName": "projects/modify-dev/logs/",
      "trace": "projects/modify-dev/traces/0f171f3a97592d67f6c842091303f0b5",
      "receiveTimestamp": "2021-10-21T21:38:03.542328289Z"

    when looking at my nginx access logs, I can see that the extension does hit the server. any ideas?

    opened by jonathan-chin 3
  • Firebase extension host

    Firebase extension host


    I have setup the typesense extension in my Firebase project, but when trying to add a document, i get the following error:

    Error detected in ext-firestore-typesense-search-indexToTypesenseOnFirestoreWrite {"@type":"","errorGroup":"CNTlnprCi-zYJw","exceptionInfo":{"type":"Error","message":"timeout of 10000ms exceeded"},"errorEvent":{"eventTime":"2021-07-08T20:47:32.503Z","message":"Error: timeout of 10000ms exceeded\n at createError (/workspace/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)\n at RedirectableRequest.handleRequestTimeout (/workspace/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:280:16)\n at RedirectableRequest.emit (events.js:376:20)\n at RedirectableRequest.emit (domain.js:532:15)\n at Timeout._onTimeout (/workspace/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:166:12)\n at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:555:17)\n at processTimers (internal/timers.js:498:7)","serviceContext":{"resourceType":"cloud_function","service":"ext-firestore-typesense-search-indexToTypesenseOnFirestoreWrite"}}}

    I am hosting the server on my local machine for the time being, so perhaps the problem is stemming from the host name that I used when setting up the extension. I set up port forwarding in order to get a global IP address, and used that address XX.XX.XX:8108 as the host name. Sending curl requests via the terminal to that host name works, however.

    opened by aaronkbutler 3
  • Typesense port protocol params

    Typesense port protocol params

    Change Summary

    If Typesense self hosted cluster is not running at 443 port, firestore will not sync changes image

    PR Checklist

    opened by Bermudez0622 1
  • Resource_Error


    Hi Typesense Team

    i get the following message when i try to install this extension with the console and cli

    RESOURCE_ERROR at /deployments/firebase-ext-firestore-typesense-search/resources/backfillToTypesenseFromFirestore: {"ResourceType":"gcp-types/cloudfunctions-v1:projects.locations.functions","ResourceErrorCode":"400","ResourceErrorMessage":"Build failed: {"metrics":{},"error":{"buildpackId":"","buildpackVersion":"","errorType":"OK","canonicalCode":"OK","errorId":"","errorMessage":""},"stats":[{"buildpackId":"google.nodejs.runtime","buildpackVersion":"1.0.0","totalDurationMs":1496,"userDurationMs":0},{"buildpackId":"google.utils.archive-source","buildpackVersion":"0.0.1","totalDurationMs":45,"userDurationMs":44},{"buildpackId":"google.nodejs.npm","buildpackVersion":"1.0.0","totalDurationMs":6428,"userDurationMs":6185},{"buildpackId":"google.nodejs.functions-framework","buildpackVersion":"0.9.4","totalDurationMs":3756,"userDurationMs":3541},{"buildpackId":"google.config.entrypoint","buildpackVersion":"0.9.0","totalDurationMs":0,"userDurationMs":0},{"buildpackId":"google.utils.label","buildpackVersion":"0.0.2","totalDurationMs":0,"userDurationMs":0}],"warnings":null,"customImage":false}"}; RESOURCE_ERROR at /deployments/firebase-ext-firestore-typesense-search/resources/indexToTypesenseOnFirestoreWrite: {"ResourceType":"gcp-types/cloudfunctions-v1:projects.locations.functions","ResourceErrorCode":"400","ResourceErrorMessage":"Build failed: {"metrics":{},"error":{"buildpackId":"","buildpackVersion":"","errorType":"OK","canonicalCode":"OK","errorId":"","errorMessage":""},"stats":[{"buildpackId":"google.nodejs.runtime","buildpackVersion":"1.0.0","totalDurationMs":1485,"userDurationMs":0},{"buildpackId":"google.utils.archive-source","buildpackVersion":"0.0.1","totalDurationMs":59,"userDurationMs":59},{"buildpackId":"google.nodejs.npm","buildpackVersion":"1.0.0","totalDurationMs":6677,"userDurationMs":6425},{"buildpackId":"google.nodejs.functions-framework","buildpackVersion":"0.9.4","totalDurationMs":3689,"userDurationMs":3477},{"buildpackId":"google.config.entrypoint","buildpackVersion":"0.9.0","totalDurationMs":0,"userDurationMs":0},{"buildpackId":"google.utils.label","buildpackVersion":"0.0.2","totalDurationMs":0,"userDurationMs":0}],"warnings":null,"customImage":false}"}

    when i look at the cloud functions there is a warning that the functions could not be built - log message from the function:

    Build failed: {"metrics":{},"error":{"buildpackId":"","buildpackVersion":"","errorType":"OK","canonicalCode":"OK","errorId":"","errorMessage":""},"stats":[{"buildpackId":"google.nodejs.runtime","buildpackVersion":"1.0.0","totalDurationMs":1437,"userDurationMs":0},{"buildpackId":"google.utils.archive-source","buildpackVersion":"0.0.1","totalDurationMs":42,"userDurationMs":42},{"buildpackId":"google.nodejs.npm","buildpackVersion":"1.0.0","totalDurationMs":6883,"userDurationMs":6640},{"buildpackId":"google.nodejs.functions-framework","buildpackVersion":"0.9.4","totalDurationMs":3529,"userDurationMs":3323},{"buildpackId":"google.config.entrypoint","buildpackVersion":"0.9.0","totalDurationMs":0,"userDurationMs":0},{"buildpackId":"google.utils.label","buildpackVersion":"0.0.2","totalDurationMs":0,"userDurationMs":0}],"warnings":null,"customImage":false}

    Thanks Michael

    opened by mibto 5
  • Out-of-order function triggers result in data inconsistency between Firestore -> Typesense

    Out-of-order function triggers result in data inconsistency between Firestore -> Typesense


    As noted in the Firebase functions documentation, background function triggers are not guaranteed to be received in the order the changes occured.

    When rapid changes occur in the database, out-of-order events will result in out-of-order processing, meaning Typesense can end up with stale data in it which is not consistent with the final Firestore resting state after the influx of changes.

    From all of the reading I've done, it is a fools-errand to try and fight the system to process them in order -- nevertheless without a solution, extensions like this are difficult to use in production environments.

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Write a demo script / perform an app action rapidly that writes to the database
    2. Observe that the events are received out of order
    3. Quite often, this will result in Firestore containing the wrong data from an old event

    Expected Behavior

    Regardless of the order the events are received, only events newer than the last-processed event should be processed.

    Actual Behavior

    Inconsistent data in Typesense

    Other Findings / Info

    In trying to solve for this, I've attempted to use a Firestore collection to "lock" the item being updated, send to Typesense, and then unlock for future events after writing event context back to the lock endpoint.

    Simplified example (RTDB trigger used here, but Firestore is affected by this as well):

    .onWrite(async (change, context) => {
       * We use a Firestore transaction to create a "lock" at a DB location
       * for a given `itemId`
        const { timestamp, eventId } = context;
        const { itemId } = context.params;
        const timestampRef = firestore
        await admin.firestore().runTransaction(async transaction => {
          const dataChangedTimestamp = new Date(timestamp).getTime();
          const lastUpdatedTimestampDoc = await transaction.get(timestampRef);
          const lastUpdatedData =;
           * If this is the first time this document was changed (no previous locks),
           * or the last-stored lock timestamp is older than the current event's timestamp,
           * prepare a payload and send to Typesense.
          if (
            (!lastUpdatedData?.timestamp ||
              dataChangedTimestamp > lastUpdatedData.timestamp) &&
            lastUpdatedData?.eventId !== eventId
          ) {
            // Send to Typesense
            await updateTypesense(change, indexer, itemId);
            // Finalize Transaction by writing the event timestamp and eventId back to Firestore for comparison by the next events
            transaction.set(timestampRef, {
              timestamp: dataChangedTimestamp,
          } else {
             * Do nothing, current event is older than last-indexed event already recorded, can be safely discarded

    In an attempt to fix this, I've tried moving the await updateTypesense(change, indexer, itemId); line inside and outside of the transaction function block, but in both scenarios stale data ends up inside Typesense.

    From logs I've added, the above transaction appears to work, old events are dropped if a newer one has already been processed. But if two events that are extremely close together are processed in the correct order, Typesense occasionally ends up with the first event's payload.

    This led me to believe that perhaps Typesense was parallelizing indexing operations, but since they are confirmed as serialized, I'm back at square one.


    Typsense Version: v0.23 OS: Typesense Cloud Relevant Slack Thread:

    opened by rosslavery 1
  • Getting HTTP 400 error when trying to enable the Firebase extension through CLI

    Getting HTTP 400 error when trying to enable the Firebase extension through CLI


    I am using the Firebase CLI to try to enable the extension for a Firebase project. Major note is that the last few times I did this it worked fine, so this seems to be a new issue. I think it may be related to this change:

    The TYPESENSE_API_KEY parameter appears to be the issue. Previously I had this set as the admin API key, which used to work. Now, when I try to enable the extension, I get an error related to secrets manager, which seems to be saying I have formatted it wrong. Specifically it says it should be formatted like projects/*/secrets/*/versions/* instead of just the API key, but I am not sure exactly how to format my API key like that (I am not sure which each of the asterisks in this case should be)

    Steps to reproduce

    Set up parameters file Run Firebase command to enable extension

    firebase ext:install typesense/firestore-typesense-search --project=projectId --params=params.env --force

    Expected Behavior

    The extension will enabled for my Firebase project

    Actual Behavior

    I receive a HTTP 400 error:

    Error: HTTP Error: 400, Secret ID 123.... is invalid, must be of form projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*


    Typesense Version: v0.23.0.rc27

    OS: MacOS

    opened by jon-flowers 18
  • Support backfill documents in subcollections

    Support backfill documents in subcollections


    This is a request to support backfill all subcollections return from a collection group query. This could be helpful in use case like, backfill landmarks data from all cities under path: cities/{cityId}/landmarks.

    opened by eysenshi 3
  • v0.4.2(Oct 20, 2022)

    • Fix documentation for backfill ad4038ed55730e89870c030200deeabd35b590e7

    Full Changelog:

    Installation Instructions: To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension. To install this extension for the first time, see Usage Instructions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.1(Sep 12, 2022)

    • Use for...of instead of forEach in backfill function. Thank you @sreenath-n for reporting this in #37

    Full Changelog:

    Installation Instructions: To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension. To install this extension for the first time, see Usage Instructions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0(Jul 6, 2022)

    • Sync ref.path to Typesense. Thank you @Guilledorfman for the PR.
    • Ability to backfill specific collections to Typesense, when multiple instances of the extension are installed. Thank you @zzterrozz for pointing this out.

    Full Changelog:

    Installation Instructions: To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension. To install this extension for the first time, see Usage Instructions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Apr 18, 2022)

    • Map Firestore Timestamps to int64 values in Typesense
    • Map Firestore GeoPoint values to Typesense geopoint format
    • Flatten nested field values to top-level keys in Typesense

    Thank you @yamankatby for implementing this! 🙏

    Full Changelog:

    Installation Instructions: To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension. To install this extension for the first time, see Usage Instructions.

    ⚠️ IMPORTANT Upgrade Instructions: If you're upgrading to this version and you have a Firestore timestamp field as one of the fields synced to Typesense, you will have to delete your existing Typesense Collection, recreate it and then backfill your data. This is because, pre v0.3.0, Firestore timestamp fields were synced as (unindexed) objects into Typesense. Starting with v0.3.0, Firestore timestamp fields are typecast to int64 Unix timestamps by this extension. Your existing Typesense collection will already have the timestamp field as an object (created by previous versions of the extension), and typecasting to an int64 field will fail with this new version.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.8(Mar 31, 2022)

    What Changed

    • chore: fixed wrapping issues on postinstall documentation by @dackers86 in
    • feat: added secret configuration parameter by @dackers86 in
    • chore: added default params for required extension fields by @dackers86 in
    • feat: added external services by @dackers86 in


    • Thank you @dackers86 for all the PRs!

    Full Changelog:

    Get Update

    To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension.

    To install this extension for the first time, see Usage Instructions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.7(Feb 25, 2022)

    • Support for Typesense collection names with special characters

    To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension.

    To install this extension for the first time, see Usage Instructions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.6(Dec 22, 2021)

    • Update dependencies, to handle import errors

    To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension.

    To install this extension for the first time, see Usage Instructions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.5(Aug 3, 2021)

    • Increase memory for backfill function

    To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension.

    To install this extension for the first time, see Usage Instructions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.4(Jul 23, 2021)

    • Increase connection timeout

    To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension.

    To install this extension for the first time, see Usage Instructions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.3(Jun 30, 2021)

    • Fixes post installation instructions #2

    To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension.

    To install this extension for the first time, see Usage Instructions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.2(Jun 30, 2021)

    • Fixes #6

    To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.1(Jun 16, 2021)

    • Add additional regions (Resolves #1).

    To update to this version visit the "Extensions" section of your Firebase project, and click on Upgrade next to the firestore-typesense-search extension.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Jun 12, 2021)

Fast, typo tolerant search engine for building delightful search experiences.
GitHub User Search

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Matthew 6 Apr 26, 2022
🚀 A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.

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A tiny javascript + Flash library that enables the creation and download of text files without server interaction.

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Doug Neiner 853 Nov 21, 2022
A service worker that buffers a full video, so when the video tag ask for ranges, these can be satisfied. Play + pause = buffer the whole video.

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plain text editor

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