Voice Controlled Discord Music Bot in discord.js v14


Voice Controlled Discord Bot

This repository is for the 5th Hackathon of Documatic. With that Project I am aiming to place #1 and win 50€



It is a voice controlled Discord Bot, means you (mainly) do not use prefix / Slash Commands, no! You will be using your VOICE.

Ofc. you somehow need to parse that audio, for that I am using https://wit.ai which is a free speech-to-text ai, which you need to train! That means it might sometimes not return what you say... but I tested it over 19 months on another Project, and there it works 100% everytime, even multilangual now..

It is a Music Bot, as other interactions are not that optimal, like kick / ban, you can't control that with voice 100% sure...

Check out the Show-off and Tutorial Video



  • Idle Load: 17mb Ram
  • High Load: 25-30mb Ram
  • Highest Memory Load with HEAPS for 2 Days runtime: 97mb Ram
  • JS-Engine: nodejs v16.10 or later
  • RUST (cmake): latest
  • FFMPEG: npm i ffmpeg-static ffmpeg & apt-get install -y ffmpeg
Recommended-CPU Recommended-RAM
1 CORE 250mb Ram

Example Usage


How to use the Bot? | Check the Video

  1. Join the testing Server - Prefix: v! / self-host it!
  2. Join a Discord Voice-Channel, in a Server, where the Bot is in!
  3. Type in a Text-Channel v!control or @Bot control a. Now it'll only listen and be controlable by YOU
  4. Speak your COMMANDS and add a KEYWORD in beforehand. a. Examples: i. bot play shape of you ii. bot play thunder iii. bot play despacito iv. bot nightcore =Audio-Filter v. bot skip vi. bot stop
  5. Tipps to get understood more often! a. Make sure to talk in a normal speed and loudness, do not scream or errape b. Also Make sure to Reduce background noices, speak clear and fluently to be "recogniced" by the bot pretty well!


  1. Download the repo | Click-here
    • or: git clone https://github.com/Tomato6966/voice-controlled-discord-bot
  2. Rename example.env to .env and fill out the variables (get wit.ai Server Access Token from wit.ai)
  3. yarn install / npm install (make sure you have rust & nodejs on your system)
  4. Type node index.js / npm start

Want to add more music commands?

Take a look at my Light-Music-Bot Project, which is similar to this one (for the music system) https://github.com/Tomato6966/light-music-bot

Resources used (modules & credits)

  • node-fetch@2 for api Calls
  • discord.js@latest as my Discord-Bot-Wrapper
  • @discordjs/voice, @discordjs/opus, discord-ytdl-core, ytdl-core, youtube-sr, ffmpeg, libsodium-wrappers for the Music System (Its similar to my light-music-bot)
  • ffmpeg, prism-media, node-crc for parsing / Piping / Transforming Audio Streams, -Buffers and -Files.
  • dotenv for allowing to use .env ENVIRONMENT Variables

Explanation and show off Video



  • (28/07/2022 20:17) Change Message Responses from the voice-command, to VOICE-RESPONSES (Bot speaks it)
    • Announce Songs: "Now playing XYZ"
    • also for Skip: "Skipping the current Track"
  • (27/07/2022 18:23) Make the structure better, and fix all bugs
  • (27/07/2022 18:23) Add all to a .env file, and create an example.env file
  • (27/07/2022 18:23) Adjust the Settings
  • (27/07/2022 18:23) Make it multi langual without any modules
  • (27/07/2022 18:23) Try to make it even faster ;)
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