Lazyload images, iframes or any src* element until they are visible in the viewport.


NOTE FROM MAINTAINERS This library is still working but not actively maintained, we recommend you use first rather than this one. /NOTE FROM MAINTAINERS

lazyload Dependency Status devDependency Status

Lazyload images, iframes or any src* element until they are visible in the viewport.

Selenium Test Status


npm install lazyloadjs --save

Also available for ">

    <script src="lazyload.min.js">script>



Make sure your webpage is in standards mode.

Viewport computing is badly handled by browsers when in quirksmode.

If you do not want to use a data-uri as your src, you can also use the provided b.gif which is the tiniest gif ever.

On most websites, you better let the first top images not bound to lzld method. So that they shows really fast.

Advanced example

lazyloadjs is an npm module and is compatible with browserify.

global.myLazyload = require('lazyloadjs')();

Per default, lazyloadjs exposes the lzld instance on the global object. So that in most cases, you just need to require it in your webpage.


var lzld = lazyload([opts])

opts is an object with these defaults:

  container: document.body,
  offset: 333,
  src: 'data-src' // or function(elt) { return customSrc }

opts.container is the referencing container, it's the viewport, defaults to document.body

opts.offset is a length in pixels used to compute when an element will soon be visible. So that you load it just before it becomes visible.

src is the attribute name storing the real src of the element to load.

src can also be a function, so that you can have your custom src computing algorithm. You can use it to lazyload High DPI/retina images.

Launching the examples

npm run examples


Launch the dev server:

npm run dev

Browse to http://localhost:8080/__zuul.

Tests are written with mocha.


We provide a pre-built version of lazyloadjs in build/lazyload.min.js.

But you can build your own:

npm run build

You get the build in build/lazyload.min.js.

Please consider using browserify.

Sites using lazyload

Tens of millions of pageviews are served each month using this project:

.. And many unlisted websites, add yours!


Also see LICENCE.fasterize

(The MIT Licence)

Copyright (c) Vincent Voyer

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • lazyload inside a specific container element

    lazyload inside a specific container element

    I have an element with overflow:auto set to it and lots of images inside it, in a list manner (one after the other) and I would like to apply lazyloading to it.

    opened by yairEO 23
  • lazy-retina



    Je suis développeur au Monde Intéractif, comme vous le savez nous utilisons votre lazyload sur notre site mobile (, qui est d'ailleurs très performant.

    J'ai donc forké votre projet et j'y ai ajouté le support des écrans HD retina ( Je reviens vers vous car le code peut vous intéresser et vous pourriez avoir envie de l'intégrer à votre script.

    Nous prévoyons très prochainement de déployer lazy-retina aussi sur la version desktop du site afin de supporter le nouvel iPad et le Macbook Pro Retina, et probablement d'autres devices prochainement.

    opened by gregberge 10
  • Uglify config

    Uglify config

    Hi vvo ;)

    I'm surprised by the minification, which doesn't seem to be optimal.

    The built file is 4575 bytes, but I can get it to 3943 bytes by minifying it with another tool. Could it be a problem with the uglifyify params?

    (By the way, be careful with the screw-ie8 option!)

    opened by gmetais 9
  • Scrolling issue when using lazyload with FancyBox 2

    Scrolling issue when using lazyload with FancyBox 2

    Capture d e cran 2013-01-28 a 04 08 26 Certaines images, non visibles à l'écran, restent dans l'état "en cours de chargement" (c'est à dire que l'attribut src n'est pas remplacé par la valeur réelle de l'image) alors que ces images sont accessibles de façon "classique"

    Contexte : Quelque soit le navigateur utilisé (à l'exception d'ie car sous mac os x). Ces images sont contenues dans une popup utilisant Fancybox 2 (en mode html pas iframe ou autre).

    Ps : Merci pour ce petit framework bien pratique :)

    opened by Krossnine 8
  • Scroll on ipad doesn't seems to fire onload event until the pressure is released

    Scroll on ipad doesn't seems to fire onload event until the pressure is released

    Hi @vvo,

    On ipad, we can see a bad lazy loading because it seems that until the pressure on the screen is not release (during the scrolling), no images is shown.

    To reproduce the behavior, you need to go to your demo site on an ipad (safari or chrome) and scroll slowly and look at what happens when you release the pressure.

    I try to understand what's going on but that's not obvious. The infos I have for the moment :+1:

    opened by abarre 7
  • Small bug with images partially visible

    Small bug with images partially visible

    I have a small bug detected in responsive case. Here is the example:

    a 1400x400px banner, centered on the browser.

    On mobile (let's say width = 500px), the top-left pixel position is top: 0, left: (500 - 1400)/2 = -450px As 450 > the base offset, the image is considered as not inViewport, but as the image width is 1400, it should be considered "in".

    Thank you

    opened by jdeniau 7
  • The lazyload doesn't work on chrome v31

    The lazyload doesn't work on chrome v31

    Hi @vvo,

    We saw today that the lazyload doesn't work on chrome 31. We see the problem on mac and linux. It's working fine on firefox.

    If you go on the demo page, you will see that all the images are loaded at the beginning.

    opened by abarre 5
  • Lazyload inside a long div

    Lazyload inside a long div

    I want to lazyload in a scrollable div container that is quite long. So i made a <script> at the end of the div to declare my own instance of lazyload attached to this container.

    Problem: Chrome (and Safari) will sometime launch the "onload" event of my images before the div is closed.

    Here is a fiddle : (on Chrome and Safari, but does not reproduce every time)

    opened by gmetais 5
  • Pictures are not loaded in position: absolute popup with an overflow

    Pictures are not loaded in position: absolute popup with an overflow

    I've got a popup which containing a list of pictures. This popup is in absolute positionning with an overflow:hidden. The pictures in the viewport are instantly loaded but not the outside ones. When i scroll in the popup hidden pictures are not loaded. When i scroll the page under the popup, they suddenly load. Is there a way to attach an event when i scroll the popup to fire lzld()?

    opened by adrianpoix 5
  • Change minifying engine to closure compiler

    Change minifying engine to closure compiler

    Closure compiler complains a little during the build.

    WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldn't have a body, use {}

    This empty loop is the reason:

    for (var i = this.length; i-- && this[i] !== value;) {}

    But it works!

    opened by gmetais 4
  • Browser compatibility list

    Browser compatibility list


    i'm an happy user of, but i want more (iframe lazy loading) What old browser are you supporting? (it would be great to state it in readme)(I only need IE8+)

    opened by echampet 4
  • Update


    I'm requesting again and again to update the readme with my website Better Gift Flowers but you're deleting it. I would like to know whats the problem?

    opened by BetterGift 1
  • Support for WebP images with fallback to jpeg/png

    Support for WebP images with fallback to jpeg/png

    With increasing popularity of webp images, its essential to have support for lazyloading these images. But because webp image format is not supported by all browsers, it is essential to add fallback support to jpeg/png versions in lazyloading itself.

    opened by abhishek9 0
  • Usability with webpack ?

    Usability with webpack ?


    I'm trying to switch to webpack a big project using lazyload but as the script needs to be loaded on the top on the page, I do not manage to make it work.

    The config looks like this:

    module.exports = {
      entry: {
        head: [
          './custom-lazyload.js', // which does `import lazyload from 'lazyloadjs'`
        global: [
          // some files
      plugins: [
        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
          name: 'vendor',

    I got tree generated files: head.js, global.js and vendor.js but the webpack "bootstrap" is in the vendor and the vendor is huge, I do not want to load it on the top of the page.

    The head.js start like this: webpackJsonp([16],{ and so the webpackJsonp function does not exists.

    Do you have by any change a working example with webpack ? or an idea on how to make it work ?

    Thank you

    opened by jdeniau 1
  • embed tag

    embed tag

    Thank you for this great script.

    I look forward to the possibility of lazy loading on div background . I could carry on my side by adding an image below <img> that has the role of background . But the code is not very beautiful.

    I just used your script on embed tags for flash files . This works but you have to know two things : onload does not work on embed tag and Chrome does not support the change src ( you have to refresh the parent content)

    I achieved this by adding an ID to the embed and via the function:

    function lzldEmbed(e) { e = document.getElementById(e); var s = setInterval(function(){ if (e.src!='') { var c = e.parentElement; c.innerHTML = c.innerHTML; clearInterval(s); } },100); lzld(e); }

    opened by marin-df 1
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