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Next.js + Tailwind CSS Example

This example shows how to use Tailwind CSS (v3.0) with Next.js. It follows the steps outlined in the official Tailwind docs.

Deploy your own

Deploy the example using Vercel or preview live with StackBlitz

Deploy with Vercel

How to use

Execute create-next-app with npm or Yarn to bootstrap the example:

npx create-next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app
# or
yarn create next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app
# or
pnpm create next-app -- --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app

Deploy it to the cloud with Vercel (Documentation).

  • fix(deps): update react monorepo to v18 (major)

    fix(deps): update react monorepo to v18 (major)

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | react (source) | 17.0.2 -> 18.1.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | react-dom (source) | 17.0.2 -> 18.1.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    React DOM
    React DOM Server
    ESLint Plugin: React Hooks
    Use Subscription


    Compare Source

    Below is a list of all new features, APIs, deprecations, and breaking changes. Read React 18 release post and React 18 upgrade guide for more information.

    New Features
    • useId is a new hook for generating unique IDs on both the client and server, while avoiding hydration mismatches. It is primarily useful for component libraries integrating with accessibility APIs that require unique IDs. This solves an issue that already exists in React 17 and below, but it’s even more important in React 18 because of how the new streaming server renderer delivers HTML out-of-order.
    • startTransition and useTransition let you mark some state updates as not urgent. Other state updates are considered urgent by default. React will allow urgent state updates (for example, updating a text input) to interrupt non-urgent state updates (for example, rendering a list of search results).
    • useDeferredValue lets you defer re-rendering a non-urgent part of the tree. It is similar to debouncing, but has a few advantages compared to it. There is no fixed time delay, so React will attempt the deferred render right after the first render is reflected on the screen. The deferred render is interruptible and doesn't block user input.
    • useSyncExternalStore is a new hook that allows external stores to support concurrent reads by forcing updates to the store to be synchronous. It removes the need for useEffect when implementing subscriptions to external data sources, and is recommended for any library that integrates with state external to React.
    • useInsertionEffect is a new hook that allows CSS-in-JS libraries to address performance issues of injecting styles in render. Unless you’ve already built a CSS-in-JS library we don’t expect you to ever use this. This hook will run after the DOM is mutated, but before layout effects read the new layout. This solves an issue that already exists in React 17 and below, but is even more important in React 18 because React yields to the browser during concurrent rendering, giving it a chance to recalculate layout.
    React DOM Client

    These new APIs are now exported from react-dom/client:

    • createRoot: New method to create a root to render or unmount. Use it instead of ReactDOM.render. New features in React 18 don't work without it.
    • hydrateRoot: New method to hydrate a server rendered application. Use it instead of ReactDOM.hydrate in conjunction with the new React DOM Server APIs. New features in React 18 don't work without it.

    Both createRoot and hydrateRoot accept a new option called onRecoverableError in case you want to be notified when React recovers from errors during rendering or hydration for logging. By default, React will use reportError, or console.error in the older browsers.

    React DOM Server

    These new APIs are now exported from react-dom/server and have full support for streaming Suspense on the server:

    • renderToPipeableStream: for streaming in Node environments.
    • renderToReadableStream: for modern edge runtime environments, such as Deno and Cloudflare workers.

    The existing renderToString method keeps working but is discouraged.


    πŸ“… Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v18

    chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v18

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | @types/react | 17.0.45 -> 18.0.9 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |


    πŸ“… Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • fix(deps): update dependency react-spinners to v0.12.0

    fix(deps): update dependency react-spinners to v0.12.0

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | react-spinners | 0.11.0 -> 0.12.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    • Feature: output commonjs, es module, and umd file types.
    • Feature: add support for react 18 #​464


    πŸ“… Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v4.6.4

    chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v4.6.4

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | typescript (source) | 4.5.4 -> 4.6.4 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    This release includes a bug fix for text formatting on certain ranges, which was impacting Visual Studio users.

    For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the

    Downloads are available on:


    Compare Source

    This release includes fixes for

    For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the

    Downloads are available on:


    Compare Source

    For release notes, check out the release announcement.

    For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the

    Downloads are available on:


    Compare Source

    This patch release includes a number of fixes to language service crashes and assertion violations, along with improvements to JSX attribute snippets.

    For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the

    Downloads are available on:


    πŸ“… Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-tailwindcss to v0.1.11

    chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-tailwindcss to v0.1.11

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | prettier-plugin-tailwindcss | 0.1.10 -> 0.1.11 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    • Update prettier-plugin-svelte to v2.7.0 (#​77)
    • Fix sorting in Svelte :else blocks (#​79)


    πŸ“… Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.4.14

    chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.4.14

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | postcss (source) | 8.4.13 -> 8.4.14 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    • Print β€œold plugin API” warning only if plugin was used (by @​zardoy).


    πŸ“… Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v17.0.45

    chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v17.0.45

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | @types/react | 17.0.38 -> 17.0.45 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |


    πŸ“… Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • fix(deps): pin dependencies

    fix(deps): pin dependencies

    WhiteSource Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | @fontsource/fira-code | dependencies | pin | ^4.5.9 -> 4.5.9 | | @fontsource/inter | dependencies | pin | ^4.5.10 -> 4.5.10 | | @walletconnect/web3-provider | dependencies | pin | ^1.7.8 -> 1.7.8 | | autoprefixer | devDependencies | pin | ^10.4.0 -> 10.4.7 | | axios (source) | dependencies | pin | ^0.27.2 -> 0.27.2 | | next-seo | dependencies | pin | ^5.4.0 -> 5.4.0 | | postcss (source) | devDependencies | pin | ^8.4.5 -> 8.4.13 | | prettier (source) | devDependencies | pin | ^2.5.1 -> 2.6.2 | | prettier-plugin-tailwindcss | devDependencies | pin | ^0.1.1 -> 0.1.10 | | react (source) | dependencies | pin | ^17.0.2 -> 17.0.2 | | react-dom (source) | dependencies | pin | ^17.0.2 -> 17.0.2 | | react-hot-toast | dependencies | pin | ^2.2.0 -> 2.2.0 | | react-icons | dependencies | pin | ^4.3.1 -> 4.3.1 | | react-spinners | dependencies | pin | ^0.11.0 -> 0.11.0 | | recoil | dependencies | pin | ^0.7.3-alpha.2 -> 0.7.3-alpha.2 | | tailwindcss (source) | devDependencies | pin | ^3.0.7 -> 3.0.24 |

    Add the preset :preserveSemverRanges to your config if you don't want to pin your dependencies.


    πŸ“… Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • Configure Renovate

    Configure Renovate

    WhiteSource Renovate

    Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.

    🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.

    Detected Package Files

    • package.json (npm)

    Configuration Summary

    Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:

    • Start dependency updates only once this onboarding PR is merged
    • Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard creation
    • If semantic commits detected, use semantic commit type fix for dependencies and chore for all others
    • Ignore node_modules, bower_components, vendor and various test/tests directories
    • Autodetect whether to pin dependencies or maintain ranges
    • Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of two per hour
    • Limit to maximum 10 open PRs at any time
    • Group known monorepo packages together
    • Use curated list of recommended non-monorepo package groupings
    • Fix some problems with very old Maven commons versions
    • Ignore spring cloud 1.x releases
    • Ignore web3j 5.0.0 release
    • Ignore http4s digest-based 1.x milestones
    • Use node versioning for @types/node
    • Limit concurrent requests to reduce load on Repology servers until we can fix this properly, see issue 10133
    • Do not upgrade from Alpine stable to edge

    πŸ”‘ Would you like to change the way Renovate is upgrading your dependencies? Simply edit the renovate.json in this branch with your custom config and the list of Pull Requests in the "What to Expect" section below will be updated the next time Renovate runs.

    What to Expect

    With your current configuration, Renovate will create 8 Pull Requests:

    fix(deps): pin dependencies
    chore(deps): update dependency @​types/react to v17.0.45
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/react-17.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade @types/react to 17.0.45
    chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.4.14
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/postcss-8.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade postcss to 8.4.14
    chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-tailwindcss to v0.1.11
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/prettier-plugin-tailwindcss-0.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade prettier-plugin-tailwindcss to 0.1.11
    chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v4.6.4
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/typescript-4.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade typescript to 4.6.4
    fix(deps): update dependency react-spinners to v0.12.0
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/react-spinners-0.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade react-spinners to 0.12.0
    chore(deps): update dependency @​types/react to v18
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/react-18.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade @types/react to 18.0.9
    fix(deps): update react monorepo to v18 (major)
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/major-react-monorepo
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade react to 18.1.0
    • Upgrade react-dom to 18.1.0

    🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or spam the project. See docs for prhourlylimit for details.

    ❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images

    [ImgBot] Optimize images

    Beep boop. Your images are optimized!

    Your image file size has been reduced by 17% πŸŽ‰


    | File | Before | After | Percent reduction | |:--|:--|:--|:--| | /public/bg.png | 1,998.68kb | 1,641.96kb | 17.85% | | /public/assets/logo.png | 206.98kb | 170.62kb | 17.57% | | /public/assets/og-image.png | 197.99kb | 186.75kb | 5.68% | | | | | | | Total : | 2,403.65kb | 1,999.33kb | 16.82% |

    πŸ“ docs | :octocat: repo | πŸ™‹πŸΎ issues | πŸͺ marketplace

    ~Imgbot - Part of Optimole family

    opened by imgbot[bot] 1
  • chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-tailwindcss to v0.1.13

    chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-tailwindcss to v0.1.13

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | prettier-plugin-tailwindcss | 0.1.11 -> 0.1.13 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    • Fix error when using Angular pipes (#​86)


    Compare Source

    • Add support for Glimmer / Handlebars (#​83)


    πŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • fix(deps): update dependency react-spinners to v0.13.4

    fix(deps): update dependency react-spinners to v0.13.4

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | react-spinners (source) | 0.12.0 -> 0.13.4 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    • bugfix: fix server side render issue on HashLoader


    Compare Source

    • bugfix: Fix PuffLoader initial rendering issue


    Compare Source

    • remove next version badge until needed


    Compare Source

    • update homepage in package.json


    Compare Source

    • Rewrite each loader from the ground up using functional components.
    • Replaced @emotion with vanilla javascript and inline style to reduce component size by 75%. This project now have 0 dependencies, while continuing to support server side rendering.
    • Added support for custom props such as aria-label
    • renamed css prop to cssOverride to avoid type conflicts with css-in-js libraries.


    πŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • fix(deps): update react monorepo to v18.2.0

    fix(deps): update react monorepo to v18.2.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | react (source) | 18.1.0 -> 18.2.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | react-dom (source) | 18.1.0 -> 18.2.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    React DOM
    React DOM Server
    Server Components (Experimental)


    πŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.7.1

    chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.7.1

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | prettier (source) | 2.6.2 -> 2.7.1 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source


    Keep useful empty lines in description (#​13013 by @​chimurai)


    Compare Source

    """ First line Second Line """ type Person { name: String }


    πŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • chore(deps): update dependency tailwindcss to v3.1.8

    chore(deps): update dependency tailwindcss to v3.1.8

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | tailwindcss (source) | 3.0.24 -> 3.1.8 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    • Don’t prefix classes within reused arbitrary variants (#​8992)
    • Fix usage of alpha values inside single-named colors that are functions (#​9008)
    • Fix @apply of user utilities when negative and non-negative versions both exist (#​9027)


    Compare Source

    • Don't rewrite source maps for @layer rules (#​8971)


    Compare Source

    • Fix usage on Node 12.x (b4e637e)
    • Handle theme keys with slashes when using theme() in CSS (#​8831)


    Compare Source

    • Support configuring a default font-weight for each font size utility (#​8763)
    • Add support for alpha values in safe list (#​8774)
    • Improve types to support fallback values in the CSS-in-JS syntax used in plugin APIs (#​8762)
    • Support including tailwindcss and autoprefixer in postcss.config.js in standalone CLI (#​8769)
    • Fix using special-characters as prefixes (#​8772)
    • Don’t prefix classes used within arbitrary variants (#​8773)
    • Add more explicit types for the default theme (#​8780)


    Compare Source

    • Provide default to <alpha-value> when using theme() (#​8652)
    • Detect arbitrary variants with quotes (#​8687)
    • Don’t add spaces around raw / that are preceded by numbers (#​8688)


    Compare Source

    • Fix extraction of multi-word utilities with arbitrary values and quotes (#​8604)
    • Fix casing of import of corePluginList type definition (#​8587)
    • Ignore PostCSS nodes returned by addVariant (#​8608)
    • Fix missing spaces around arithmetic operators (#​8615)
    • Detect alpha value in CSS theme() function when using quotes (#​8625)
    • Fix "Maximum call stack size exceeded" bug (#​8636)
    • Allow functions returning parallel variants to mutate the container (#​8622)
    • Remove text opacity CSS variables from ::marker (#​8622)


    Compare Source



    Compare Source

    • Fix candidate extractor regression (#​8558)
    • Split ::backdrop into separate defaults group (#​8567)
    • Fix postcss plugin type (#​8564)
    • Fix class detection in markdown code fences and slim templates (#​8569)


    Compare Source

    • Types: allow for arbitrary theme values (for 3rd party plugins) (#​7926)
    • Don’t split vars with numbers in them inside arbitrary values (#​8091)
    • Require matching prefix when detecting negatives (#​8121)
    • Handle duplicate At Rules without children (#​8122)
    • Allow arbitrary values with commas in @apply (#​8125)
    • Fix intellisense for plugins with multiple @apply rules (#​8213)
    • Improve type detection for arbitrary color values (#​8201)
    • Support PostCSS config options in config file in CLI (#​8226)
    • Remove default [hidden] style in preflight (#​8248)
    • Only check selectors containing base apply candidates for circular dependencies (#​8222)
    • Rewrite default class extractor (#​8204)
    • Move important selector to the front when @apply-ing selector-modifying variants in custom utilities (#​8313)
    • Error when registering an invalid custom variant (#​8345)
    • Create tailwind.config.cjs file in ESM package when running init (#​8363)
    • Fix matchVariants that use at-rules and placeholders (#​8392)
    • Improve types of the tailwindcss/plugin (#​8400)
    • Allow returning parallel variants from addVariant or matchVariant callback functions (#​8455)
    • Try using local postcss installation first in the CLI (#​8270)
    • Allow default ring color to be a function (#​7587)
    • Don't inherit to value from parent gradients (#​8489)
    • Remove process dependency from log functions (#​8530)
    • Ensure we can use @import 'tailwindcss/...' without node_modules (#​8537)


    πŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ”• Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • fix(deps): update fontsource monorepo

    fix(deps): update fontsource monorepo

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | @fontsource/fira-code (source) | 4.5.9 -> 4.5.11 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @fontsource/inter (source) | 4.5.10 -> 4.5.12 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |


    πŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    β™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    πŸ‘» Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
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hub for amazing products crafted by our team
buidler's hub
This is a little script that shows how to ddos a website. This is for example purposes only. Don't ddos a website without the consent of his owner

Dddos-Script This is a little script to ddos a website. This is for example purposes only. I am not responsable of what you do with it If you like thi

null 13 Dec 17, 2022
An example of an NFT Gated Website for thirdweb's NFT Gated Website Guide

NFT Gated Website "One of the more dynamic use cases for NFTs is using them as a membership pass to the NFT holders. Let’s assume you want to create a

thirdweb examples 80 Jan 3, 2023
"Awesome books" is a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. By building this application with JavaScript, the website is more interactive!

Awesome-books Description "Awesome books" is a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. By

Cindy Dorantes 11 Oct 18, 2022
In this website you will add books and also watch the lists of books. A website build wit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Awesome Books ES6 In this website you will add books and also watch the lists of books. Built With HTML CSS JavaScript Authors ?? HaaDiiii GitHub: @Ha

Hamid Ali 8 Oct 7, 2022
My Personal Website

Responsive Portfolio Website Yandri Syanurdi Responsive Portfolio Website by Yandri Syanurdi A clean and nice web portfolio for designer or developer.

Yandri Syanurdi 3 May 30, 2021
Website that keeps monitoring status of WAX account and TLM balance from alienworlds

βœ”οΈ Server is now live! [21-5-2021 10:30 GMT+7] ?? Updates on Server ‼️ Bandwidth limit reaches on morning of 21 May 2021 (+7) I want to thank you to e

Patiphol Pussawong 21 Nov 24, 2022
P.S Its easy is a website to cater to all your PS allotment needs

P.S. It's Easy All-in-one Web App for all your Practice School Allotment needs! Note: Developers trying to fork and test. Please wait, we'll set up a

Tanya Prasad 33 Sep 26, 2022
An informal website of the alternative of KdB, an curriculum planning support system used in University of Tsukuba

alternative-tsukuba-kdb An informal website of the alternative of KdB, a curriculum planning support system used in University of Tsukuba. This reposi

いγͺにわうどん 27 Nov 25, 2022
This is a project by members of the KalleTech discord server. We are making a website where you can practice your programming speed.

codetyper This is a project by members of the KalleTech discord server. We are making a website where you can practice your programming speed. Links W

Christoffer Holmesland 15 Nov 18, 2022
portfolio-project is a npm package to automatically update your projects section in your portfolio website. It will fetch the selected repositories directly from your GitHub account.

portfolio-project Those days of manually updating portfolio website after every new project made are gone ⚑ Yesss . . . you read that right. ?? portfo

Gaurav Gulati 15 Aug 3, 2021
A complete COVID-19 tracker cum dashboard website made by me.

Covidview A detailed dashboard of live COVID-19 cases. Techs Used: React JS React Hooks and DOM Firebase WHO disease API Demo Video : covid.mp4 Workin

MAINAK CHAUDHURI 24 Dec 17, 2022
A collection of preloaded and essential files that makes the website more attractive, smooth and user friendly

Web-Docs A collection of preloaded and essential files that makes the website more attractive, smooth and user friendly How to use: git clone https://

MAINAK CHAUDHURI 23 Dec 17, 2022
This is my portfolio GitHub clone website. The frontend is build using NextJS and TailwindCSS.

Github Clone Portfolio Website Tech Stack used: NextJS Tailwind CSS The contact form in this website is connected to Notion. If you want to integrate

Unnati Bamania 22 Oct 5, 2022
A simple class to embed a panoramic view in a website from six pictures

htmlcubemap A simple class to embed a panoramic view in a website from six pictures. It uses CSS with transforms. Demo here Usage Just call from javas

Javi Agenjo 6 Dec 17, 2022
frontend for my website

personal portfolio How to install? yarn install yarn dev Note: make sure to be using Node 14 and up. BIG THANKS TO @alii for letting me use his websit

acn 3 Jan 5, 2022
This is a cloned website of the official tesla page built with react js

TESLA-CLONE This is a cloned website of the official tesla page built with react js. The page has simillar sections which made duplicating these secti

Kevv_in 25 Nov 7, 2022
Website to present projects made by me and that are part of my personal portfolio. It was made using React, HTML y Scss (CSS).

Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: np

Portfolio JesΓΊs Leal 0 Dec 23, 2021
🎸A guitar partice website based on react.js🎸

Guitar-Editor A simple guitar chords editor based on react.js The chords component based on canvas tech. ScreenShot Directory β”œβ”€β”€ README.md β”œβ”€β”€ Screen

null 1 Dec 19, 2021
This is my first attempt in creating a mern stack ecommerce website. Hope you like it!!

MERN E-COMMERCE PROJECT Hi! My name is Suhrrid Banerjee, This is my first attempt in creating a MERN stack e-commerce website. Prerequisite Nil Env Va

Suhrrid Banerjee 1 Jan 8, 2022