WunderGraph is the Next-Generation API Developer Platform.



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What is WunderGraph?

WunderGraph is the Next-Generation API Developer Platform with a focus on Developer Experience.

At its core, WunderGraph combines the API Gateway pattern with the Backend for Frontend (BFF) pattern to create the perfect Developer Experience for working with APIs.

Take all your (micro-)services, Databases, File Storages, Identity Providers as well as 3rd party APIs and combine them into your own Firebase-like Developer Toolkit, without getting locked into a specific vendor.

Imagine that each of your applications could have its own dedicated BFF, while being able to share common logic across all your applications, that's the WunderGraph Experience.

Getting started

The fastest way to get started with WunderGraph is to open a Gitpod. After bootstrapping the examples/simple is started.

Open in Gitpod

You can also following the Quickstart (5 min) if you don't want to use Gitpod.


The WunderGraph Stack

WunderGraph is made up of the three core components:

  • wunderctl: A command line tool to create, deploy and manage your WunderGraph application.
  • SDK: Auto-generated and type-safe client to configure and interact with your WunderGraph.
  • WunderHub The Package Manager for APIs that allows you to share and integrate your API's in a few clicks.

The auto-generated type-safe client can be used in any Node.js or TypeScript backend application (including serverless applications and microservices).

Core features

  • Unified Graph: Combine all your data sources into a unified GraphQL Schema.
  • JSON-RPC: Expose GraphQL operations through JSON-RPC. Learn more about this design choice.
  • Type-Safe Clients: Auto generate custom type-safe API Clients with Authentication / Authorization and file upload support.
  • Customizable: Customizable gateway logic with TypeScript.
  • Standards: Build upon standards like GraphQL, OpenAPI, OAuth2, S3...
  • Open Source: 100% Open Source, No vendor lock-in.
  • Community: First-class support for frameworks like Next.js, React, Svelte...

Note: WunderHub is our vision of the Package Manager for APIs. Like npm, but for APIs. Sign up for free!

Architecture & Key Differentiators

WunderGraph is unique in its design, as we're not directly exposing GraphQL, but JSON-RPC. Combined with a generated Type-Safe client, this leads to a unique Developer Experience. You can learn more about the architecture of WunderGraph and why we've built it this way in the architecture section.

Learn more about WunderGraph

If you'd like to get a quick overview, have a look at these annotated example snippets.

How does WunderGraph work

This section provides a high-level overview of how WunderGraph works and its most consumer centric components. For a more thorough introduction, visit the architecture documentation.

After initializing your first WunderGraph application with npx @wundergraph/wunderctl init, you have a NPM package and a .wundergraph folder. This folder contains the following files:

  • wundergraph.config.ts - The primary config file for your WunderGraph application. Add data-sources and more.
  • wundergraph.operations.ts - Configure authentication, caching and more for a specific or all operations.
  • wundergraph.server.ts - The hooks server to hook into different lifecycle events of your gateway.

After configuring your data-sources, you can start writing operations. An operation is just a *.graphql file. The name of the file will be the operation name. You can write queries, mutations and subscriptions that spans multiple data-sources. Each operation will be exposed securely via HTTP JSON-API through the WunderGraph gateway. After writing your operations, you can start deploying your WunderGraph application.


Read the CONTRIBUTING.md to learn how to contribute to WunderGraph.


We are thankful for any and all security reports. Please read the SECURITY.md to learn how to report any security concerns to WunderGraph.

Community & Support

  • GitHub Issues. Best for: bugs and errors you encounter using WunderGraph.
  • Email Support. Best for: specific questions around WunderGraph as an early enterprise adopter.
  • Slack Support. Best for: problems with WunderGraph as an enterprise customer.
  • Discord. Best for: sharing your applications and hanging out with the community.


We're a small but growing team of API Enthusiasts, thrilled to help you get the best Developer Experience of working with APIs. Our Support Plans are tailored to help your teams get the most out of WunderGraph. We love building close relationships with our customers, allowing us to continuously improve the product and iterate fast. Our sales team is available to talk with you about your project needs, pricing information, support plans, and custom-built features.

Use this Link to contact our sales team for a demo.

  • API returns empty data

    API returns empty data

    Bug description

    The endpoint generated by wundergraph returns empty data, though it queries the actual api perfectly fine.

    How to reproduce


    Expected behavior

    Here is my SelfProfile.graphql file

    query Profile {
      fapi_getAccountGetme {
        data {

    These are the console logs i am getting.

    --- ClientRequest start ---
    GET /fapi/main/operations/SelfProfile HTTP/1.1
    Host: localhost:9991
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
    Connection: keep-alive
    Cookie: sIdRefreshToken=c82d3f07-5cf8-4d44-a370-3cdc55a1b6de; sAccessToken=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiIyIn0%3D.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%3D.NT0b8uPjGh95j5btGO9B5vUxK6SZzTN61SHlaatnWUJ0XHkvqvS%2BjQpDJe0004sBdU1Z%2Blh7p0zKa40isRUZ89w8KEHdjsm0z7cmnVtln%2FfeUkcdmoh%2BcYbaTqc6oGF%2B3rvTySdwpKhqvwVZvw0cLFEdU6CbTKjczbDgIx6R%2B0I7zW8LcuJJArXikerCcyUvH8bSzZ2Tj%2FewWJgMgp0kKm1sPo6sUrEmH%2F8EsuQptM914vCqUoZmAssOATzeK5sGBYmoiV6sq0Qz5yIg0z8mvyqOnG4bfmZTKTR0kXzssH9eLDu7vpGAALrVI43k%2BcW97YQaXSLwQnQiy6cTdd6t9w%3D%3D; sIRTFrontend=c82d3f07-5cf8-4d44-a370-3cdc55a1b6de; sFrontToken=eyJ1aWQiOiI2MzFkZDZjNS1lNGMzLTQ5NzUtOGNhMy02MWYwMjY0MzBlYzUiLCJhdGUiOjE2NjYyNDY0ODk5MjYsInVwIjp7fX0=
    Dnt: 1
    Sec-Ch-Ua: "Microsoft Edge";v="107", "Chromium";v="107", "Not=A?Brand";v="24"
    Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile: ?0
    Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform: "Windows"
    Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
    Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
    Sec-Fetch-Site: none
    Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
    Sec-Gpc: 1
    Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/107.0.1418.8
    --- ClientRequest end ---
    --- DebugTransport ---
    GET /account/getme HTTP/1.1
    Host: localhost:8080
    Accept: application/json
    Content-Type: application/json
    Cookie: sIdRefreshToken=c82d3f07-5cf8-4d44-a370-3cdc55a1b6de; sAccessToken=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiIyIn0%3D.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%3D.NT0b8uPjGh95j5btGO9B5vUxK6SZzTN61SHlaatnWUJ0XHkvqvS%2BjQpDJe0004sBdU1Z%2Blh7p0zKa40isRUZ89w8KEHdjsm0z7cmnVtln%2FfeUkcdmoh%2BcYbaTqc6oGF%2B3rvTySdwpKhqvwVZvw0cLFEdU6CbTKjczbDgIx6R%2B0I7zW8LcuJJArXikerCcyUvH8bSzZ2Tj%2FewWJgMgp0kKm1sPo6sUrEmH%2F8EsuQptM914vCqUoZmAssOATzeK5sGBYmoiV6sq0Qz5yIg0z8mvyqOnG4bfmZTKTR0kXzssH9eLDu7vpGAALrVI43k%2BcW97YQaXSLwQnQiy6cTdd6t9w%3D%3D; sIRTFrontend=c82d3f07-5cf8-4d44-a370-3cdc55a1b6de; sFrontToken=eyJ1aWQiOiI2MzFkZDZjNS1lNGMzLTQ5NzUtOGNhMy02MWYwMjY0MzBlYzUiLCJhdGUiOjE2NjYyNDY0ODk5MjYsInVwIjp7fX0= 
    Duration: 25 ms
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Length: 315
    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:3000
    Access-Control-Expose-Headers: front-token
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 05:30:13 GMT
    Front-Token: eyJ1aWQiOiI2MzFkZDZjNS1lNGMzLTQ5NzUtOGNhMy02MWYwMjY0MzBlYzUiLCJhdGUiOjE2NjYyNDc0MTM1MzgsInVwIjp7fX0=
    Set-Cookie: sAccessToken=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiIyIn0%3D.eyJzZXNzaW9uSGFuZGxlIjoiMjIxNjI4N2YtYjA1YS00YmVkLThjODctYTM5YmY3OWM4Yzk1IiwidXNlcklkIjoiNjMxZGQ2YzUtZTRjMy00OTc1LThjYTMtNjFmMDI2NDMwZWM1IiwicmVmcmVzaFRva2VuSGFzaDEiOiJhYmJjMTNlZmZjMzFjYTI5Yzk0YmQ0MGU0ZjEyMDU4MWM1NGMxYjRmOTAyYWZhMmE3MTAzYjliYjVmMWEwY2Y0IiwicGFyZW50UmVmcmVzaFRva2VuSGFzaDEiOm51bGwsInVzZXJEYXRhIjp7fSwiYW50aUNzcmZUb2tlbiI6bnVsbCwiZXhwaXJ5VGltZSI6MTY2NjI0NzQxMzUzOCwidGltZUNyZWF0ZWQiOjE2NjYyNDM4MTM1MzgsImxtcnQiOjE2NjYyNDI4ODk5MjZ9.OGiwpZXZQL3m4uv%2B1end2etO02pBD14uuZEblrDAeJcvtKKmk2wpTFXc0hnGpRqpt4ADVSkNOiIM%2BYafyJAyXjlXGwxUgdKlgnDgDapcxBGgQNlA7pYqpDfr85dSoq1cMhKj%2FNhsBn2sq5eyt0guXAYXmV%2BHMYcg%2FLC5ihep53hEfivfjdOazytFoBJl2%2FrP4wBEvvk3TqZh%2BrLp9kdj88B5IOeiwFpGXbzRnDBSKTYrAYV7pLYcJdllzTsTFoq34aDaQR6uE7W2tkgSDBrbnkP0BKFberRuqubfYX7MtirgJhPFAqJL0gpJn%2FIaJMNk%2FDxPhVKTkpvNEOdx5RodsQ%3D%3D; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 20 Oct 2022 06:30:13 GMT; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax
    Traceparent: 00-fd96ad70526003d65d2152edd3cf624e-74e0891ee44384ef-01
    {"code":200,"msg":"OK","data":{"aid":"WQE8DKodOomqZ_HTNxaYo","uid":"631dd6c5-e4c3-4975-8ca3-61f026430ec5","profile":{"pid":"JG2OTM9yLIfzECINpcttW","username":"","display_name":"rtwe🚉te","bio":"I am bio 🚉","gender":"other","location":"s","memorial":false},"created_at":1666201846162,"updated_time":1666202011}}
    --- DebugTransport

    As you can see the backend api returns the data perfectly fine

    {"code":200,"msg":"OK","data":{"aid":"WQE8DKodOomqZ_HTNxaYo","uid":"631dd6c5-e4c3-4975-8ca3-61f026430ec5","profile":{"pid":"JG2OTM9yLIfzECINpcttW","username":"","display_name":"rtwe🚉te","bio":"I am bio 🚉","gender":"other","location":"s","memorial":false},"created_at":1666201846162,"updated_time":1666202011}}

    but when I do not receive any data from api generated by wundergraph http://localhost:9991/fapi/main/operations/SelfProfile


    WunderGraph information


    import { NextJsTemplate } from "@wundergraph/nextjs/dist/template";
    import {
    } from "@wundergraph/sdk";
    import operations from "./wundergraph.operations";
    import server from "./wundergraph.server";
    const openapi = introspect.openApi({
      apiNamespace: "fapi",
      source: {
        kind: "file",
        filePath: "./swagger.json",
      introspection: {
        pollingIntervalSeconds: 5,
      baseURL: "http://localhost:8080",
      headers: (builder) => builder.addClientRequestHeader("cookie", "cookie"),
    const myApplication = new Application({
      name: "fapi",
      apis: [openapi],
    // configureWunderGraph emits the configuration
      application: myApplication,
      codeGenerators: [
          templates: [
          templates: [templates.typescript.client],
          path: "../components/generated",
          templates: [new NextJsTemplate()],
          path: "../components/generated",
      cors: {
        allowedOrigins: ["http://localhost:3000"],
      authentication: {},
      security: {
        enableGraphQLEndpoint: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production",


    import { configureWunderGraphOperations } from "@wundergraph/sdk";
    import type { OperationsConfiguration } from "./generated/wundergraph.operations";
    export default configureWunderGraphOperations<OperationsConfiguration>({
      operations: {
        defaultConfig: {
          authentication: {
            required: false,
        queries: (config) => ({
          caching: {
            enable: false,
            staleWhileRevalidate: 60,
            maxAge: 60,
            public: true,
          liveQuery: {
            enable: true,
            pollingIntervalSeconds: 1,
        mutations: (config) => ({
        subscriptions: (config) => ({
        custom: {},


    import { configureWunderGraphServer } from "@wundergraph/sdk";
    import type { HooksConfig } from "./generated/wundergraph.hooks";
    import type { InternalClient } from "./generated/wundergraph.internal.client";
    export default configureWunderGraphServer<HooksConfig, InternalClient>(() => ({
      hooks: {
        queries: {},
        mutations: {},
      graphqlServers: [],

    Environment & setup

    • OS: Windows
    • Go version: go version go1.19.2 windows/amd64
    • Node.js version: v18.11.0

    WunderCtl Version

    Version: 0.92.1
    Commit: 1428e7dd68b74c8408d5997bd0997b7e42a66f0d
    Date: 2022-06-21T20:12:47Z
    BuiltBy: ci
    opened by a0v0 19
  • feat: refactor cache handling, move storage out of generated

    feat: refactor cache handling, move storage out of generated

    • feat: move introspection cache to .wundergraph/introspection/cache
    • feat: prioritize cache during introspection


    npm sdk engine 
    opened by fiam 13
  • JSON scalar types not supported

    JSON scalar types not supported

    Bug description

    I have an upstream graphql server that uses JSON scalar types.

    When the value returned for this scalar is a JSON object, wundergraph complains with the following error:

    2022-12-14T13:53:48+11:00 ERROR apihandler/apihandler.go:801 ResolveGraphQLResponse {"component": "@wundergraph/node", "reqId": "44a4ae5f-ef82-a2e9-3731-7a0284accd0b", "error": "invalid value type 'object' for path /data/bar, expecting string, got: {\"type\":\"string\"}. You can fix this by configuring this field as Int/Float Scalar"}
            /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/github.com/rs/[email protected]/cors.go:219
            /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/github.com/gorilla/[email protected]/mux.go:210

    How to reproduce

    I have been able to create a self-contained wundergraph project to reproduce the error, using the in-built graphql server. It is attached: wgtest.zip

    To reproduce:

    • install dependencies with yarn
    • run with yarn start

    Then visit the following URL: http://localhost:9991/operations/Hello

    Expected behavior

    The response from the server should be successfully returned to the caller.

    For the attached project, that is: { "data": {"bar": {"type": "string"}} }

    WunderGraph information

    Included in the attached project

    Environment & setup

    • OS: Mint w/kernel 5.4.0-135-generic
    • Go version: go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64
    • Node.js version: v18.12.1

    WunderCtl Version


    bug in-progress 
    opened by greemo 12
  • feat: implement config first approach

    feat: implement config first approach


    npm sdk nextjs types engine 
    opened by spetrunin 10
  • feat: extract typescript client from nextjs

    feat: extract typescript client from nextjs


    npm sdk nextjs 
    opened by Pagebakers 10
  • feat: add ability for the user to comment on the documentation

    feat: add ability for the user to comment on the documentation


    opened by JivusAyrus 9
  • feat: add configurable per-source timeouts

    feat: add configurable per-source timeouts

    • Add a new optional timeout field in HTTPUpstream
    • Pass this new field to the node via FetchConfiguration, so it applies to all HTTP based sources
    • In the server, create a dedicated http.Client with the specified timeout as needed


    npm sdk types engine 
    opened by fiam 9
  • Failed to use Postgraphile as a graphql datasource

    Failed to use Postgraphile as a graphql datasource

    Bug description

    an error occurred and the code could not be generated

    only working with option --skip-plugins graphile-build:NodePlugin

    How to reproduce

    run postgrapgphile

    postgraphile -c 'postgres://storeo:storeo@localhost:5433/storeo' --watch --enhance-graphiql --dynamic-json

    setup datasource wundergraph.config.ts

    const postgraphile = introspect.graphql({
        apiNamespace: 'pg',
        url: 'http://localhost:5000/graphql'
    const myApplication = new Application({
        name: 'app',
        apis: [

    run wunderctl

    wunderctl generate  --env .env


    2:58:38 PM: wundergraph.app.schema.graphql updated
    Error: Interface field pg_Node.nodeId expected but Query does not provide it.
        at assertValidSchema (/home/minhdtb/projects/storeo/storeo-backend/node_modules/graphql/type/validate.js:59:11)
        at validate (/home/minhdtb/projects/storeo/storeo-backend/node_modules/graphql/validation/validate.js:63:35)
        at Object.enter (/home/minhdtb/projects/storeo/storeo-backend/node_modules/@wundergraph/sdk/dist/graphql/operations.js:47:59)
        at visit (/home/minhdtb/projects/storeo/storeo-backend/node_modules/graphql/language/visitor.js:197:21)
        at parseOperations (/home/minhdtb/projects/storeo/storeo-backend/node_modules/@wundergraph/sdk/dist/graphql/operations.js:30:29)
        at /home/minhdtb/projects/storeo/storeo-backend/node_modules/@wundergraph/sdk/dist/configure/index.js:350:61
        at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    No Operations found! Please create at least one Operation in the directory ./operations
    Operation files must have the file extension '.graphql', otherwise they are ignored.
    Operations don't need to be named, the file name is responsible for the operation name.

    Expected behavior

    working as expected

    WunderGraph information


    Environment & setup

    OS: Ubuntu Go version: go1.17.2 linux/amd64 Database: PostgreSQL Node.js version: v16.15.1

    WunderCtl Version

    Version: 0.90.32
    Commit: 386a3d4b66204411dc89da6919aad0bebe524657
    Date: 2022-06-06T12:21:43Z
    BuiltBy: ci
    bug meta: stale 
    opened by minhdtb 9
  • up mode, file path error.

    up mode, file path error.

    Bug description

    up mode, file path error.

    Expect add AbsWorkingDir at initialBuild function in bundleconfig.go file.


    How to reproduce

    1. Go to '/cmd/wunderctl'
    2. Change 'nothing'
    3. Run 'go run main.go up --debug true --wundergraph-dir ../../examples/simple/.wundergraph'
    4. See error
    2022-05-28T15:12:38+08:00       debug   starting without env file
    2022-05-28T15:12:38+08:00       info    starting WunderNode     {"version": "dev", "commit": "unknown", "date": "unknown", "builtBy": "unknown"}
    2022-05-28T15:12:38+08:00       fatal   Config Bundler: initial build failed    {"bundler": "config", "outFile": "../../examples/simple/.wundergraph/generated/bundle/config.js", "errors": [{"PluginName":"","Text":"The entry point \"wundergraph.config.ts\" cannot be marked as external","Location":null,"Notes":null,"Detail":null}]}
    exit status 1

    Expected behavior

    No response

    WunderGraph information

    Environment & setup

    • OS: Mac OS
    • Go version: go version go1.17.5 darwin/amd64
    • Node.js version: v16.13.1

    WunderCtl Version


    opened by AnsonCode 9
  • feat: add root path and UI

    feat: add root path and UI



    opened by thisisnithin 8
  • feat: align logging format hooks server and

    feat: align logging format hooks server and


    Screenshot 2022-10-06 at 00 50 05

    Json Screenshot 2022-10-06 at 00 50 47

    Open question:

    • zap produces time format with floating point, nevertheless, it should be int64
    • for zap pretty mode there is no way to format custom props away from JSON at the end of log message


    • WunderNode should favor options.logger.level - zap instance should be shared, abstract logger should be separate for the node and cli
    npm sdk engine 
    opened by spetrunin 8
  • fix: operation metadata type imports

    fix: operation metadata type imports


    Follow up to https://github.com/wundergraph/wundergraph/pull/293. Fix was broken, creates a compiler error in generated code.

    Type error: Cannot find name 'OperationMetadata'.
      28 | }
      29 | 
    > 30 | const operationMetadata: OperationMetadata = {
         |                          ^
      31 |   CreateTag: {
      32 |     requiresAuthentication: false,
      33 |   },
    error Command failed with exit code 1.

    This PR adds the OperationMetadata import to the top of the react.provider.template.ts and react.native.provider.template.ts

    npm sdk 
    opened by rwest202 2
  • feat: produce ESM modules

    feat: produce ESM modules


    npm sdk engine 
    opened by StarpTech 1
  • fix: allow to treat a subgraph as regular graphql api

    fix: allow to treat a subgraph as regular graphql api


    • allow to threat a subgraph as regular graphql api
    • fix id field extraction with @extract directive

    depends on: https://github.com/wundergraph/graphql-go-tools/pull/476

    fixes #491


    npm sdk engine 
    opened by spetrunin 1
  • mutation with CONSTRAINT table meet err

    mutation with CONSTRAINT table meet err

    Bug description

    1: mysql config const todo = introspect.mysql({ apiNamespace: 'todo', databaseURL: 'mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/fireboom-issue', }); 2: db table `SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;

    -- Table structure for test

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test; CREATE TABLE test ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

    -- Table structure for todo

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS todo; CREATE TABLE todo ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, title varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, user_id int NOT NULL, is_completed tinyint(1) NOT NULL, is_public tinyint(1) NOT NULL, created_at datetime(3) DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3), PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY todo_id_key (id), KEY todo_user_id_fkey (user_id), CONSTRAINT todo_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user (id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=37 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

    -- Table structure for user

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user; CREATE TABLE user ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;

    SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; 3: mutationmutation MyQuery( $created_at: DateTime @injectCurrentDateTime ) { todo_createOnetodo( data: {title:"test", is_completed: false, is_public: false, user: {connect: {id: 1}}, created_at: $created_at} ) { id } }` 4: use http post meet err

    2022-12-27T22:05:36+08:00 DEBUG database/datasource.go:1098 database.Source.Execute.Succeed {"component": "@wundergraph/node", "request": "{\"query\":\"mutation{createOnetodo(data: {title: \\\"test\\\",is_completed: false,is_public: false,user: {connect:{id:1}},created_at: falsereated_at}){id}}\",\"variables\":{}}", "response": "{\"errors\":[{\"error\":\"Error in query graph construction: QueryParserError(QueryParserError { path: QueryPath { segments: [\\\"Mutation\\\", \\\"createOnetodo\\\", \\\"data\\\"] }, error_kind: InputUnionParseError { parsing_errors: [QueryParserError { path: QueryPath { segments: [\\\"Mutation\\\", \\\"createOnetodo\\\", \\\"data\\\", \\\"todoCreateInput\\\", \\\"created_at\\\"] }, error_kind: InputUnionParseError { parsing_errors: [QueryParserError { path: QueryPath { segments: [\\\"Mutation\\\", \\\"createOnetodo\\\", \\\"data\\\", \\\"todoCreateInput\\\", \\\"created_at\\\"] }, error_kind: ValueTypeMismatchError { have: Enum(\\\"falsereated_at\\\"), want: DateTime } }, QueryParserError { path: QueryPath { segments: [\\\"Mutation\\\", \\\"createOnetodo\\\", \\\"data\\\", \\\"todoCreateInput\\\", \\\"created_at\\\"] }, error_kind: ValueTypeMismatchError { have: Enum(\\\"falsereated_at\\\"), want: Null } }] } }, QueryParserError { path: QueryPath { segments: [\\\"Mutation\\\", \\\"createOnetodo\\\", \\\"data\\\", \\\"todoUncheckedCreateInput\\\", \\\"user_id\\\"] }, error_kind: RequiredValueNotSetError }] } })\",\"user_facing_error\":{\"is_panic\":false,\"message\":\"Failed to validate the query:Unable to match input value to any allowed input type for the field. Parse errors: [Query parsing/validation error at Mutation.createOnetodo.data.todoCreateInput.created_at: Unable to match input value to any allowed input type for the field. Parse errors: [Query parsing/validation error at Mutation.createOnetodo.data.todoCreateInput.created_at: Value types mismatch. Have: Enum(\"falsereated_at\"), want: DateTime, Query parsing/validation error at Mutation.createOnetodo.data.todoCreateInput.created_at: Value types mismatch. Have: Enum(\"falsereated_at\"), want: Null], Query parsing/validation error at Mutation.createOnetodo.data.todoUncheckedCreateInput.user_id: A value is required but not set.]atMutation.createOnetodo.data\",\"meta\":{\"query_validation_error\":\"Unable to match input value to any allowed input type for the field. Parse errors: [Query parsing/validation error atMutation.createOnetodo.data.todoCreateInput.created_at: Unable to match input value to any allowed input type for the field. Parse errors: [Query parsing/validation error atMutation.createOnetodo.data.todoCreateInput.created_at: Value types mismatch. Have: Enum(\\\"falsereated_at\\\"), want: DateTime, Query parsing/validation error atMutation.createOnetodo.data.todoCreateInput.created_at: Value types mismatch. Have: Enum(\\\"falsereated_at\\\"), want: Null], Query parsing/validation error atMutation.createOnetodo.data.todoUncheckedCreateInput.user_id: A value is required but not set.]\",\"query_position\":\"Mutation.createOnetodo.data\"},\"error_code\":\"P2009\"}}]}"}

    How to reproduce

    Expected behavior

    No response

    WunderGraph information

    Environment & setup

    • OS:
    • Go version:
    • Database:
    • Node.js version:

    WunderCtl Version

    opened by javacode123 1
  • Cross api query meet error

    Cross api query meet error

    Bug description

    1: api config:

    const countries = introspect.graphql({
    	apiNamespace: 'countries',
    	url: 'https://countries.trevorblades.com/',
    const todo = introspect.mysql({
    	apiNamespace: 'todo',
    	databaseURL: 'mysql://root:zjl@localhost:3306/fireboom-issue',
    // configureWunderGraph emits the configuration
    	apis: [
    	codeGenerators: [
    			templates: [
    				// use all the typescript react templates to generate a client
    			// create-react-app expects all code to be inside /src
    			// path: "../frontend/src/generated",
    	cors: {
    			process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
    				? [
    						// change this before deploying to production to the actual domain where you're deploying your app
    				: ['http://localhost:3000', new EnvironmentVariable('WG_ALLOWED_ORIGIN')],
    	dotGraphQLConfig: {
    		hasDotWunderGraphDirectory: false,
    	security: {
    		enableGraphQLEndpoint: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' || process.env.GITPOD_WORKSPACE_ID !== undefined,

    2: db table:

    CREATE TABLE `test` (
      `name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

    3: operation:

    query MyQuery($code: ID! @internal) {
      todo_findFirsttest {
        name @export(as:"code")
        _join {
          countries_country(code: $code) {

    4: http quey Uploading image.png…

    How to reproduce

    Expected behavior

    No response

    WunderGraph information

    Environment & setup

    • OS:
    • Go version:
    • Database:
    • Node.js version:

    WunderCtl Version

    bug in-progress 
    opened by javacode123 2
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