A serverless function that auto commits your daily total time tracked on Wakatime to Github.


Wakatime Stats Github Commit

Auto commit your daily total time tracked on Wakatime to Github. Using Netlify Scheduled Functions, Github GraphQL API, and Wakatime API.


  1. Fork this repository.

  2. You'll need a WakaTime API Key, which you can get from your WakaTime Account Settings. Store the token somewhere secure, we'll need it shortly.

  3. You'll need a GitHub Personal Access Token with repo and admin:repo_hook scope which can be generated here. Store the token somewhere secure, we'll need it shortly.

  4. Import Repo to Netlify - Go to the Netlify Dashboard page, Click the Add New Site > Import An Existing Project > GitHub button. Authorize the app to access your GitHub account then choose the cloned repo. Add required environment variables, Click the Show Advanced > New Variable button. Add these variables:


Then click the Deploy Site button. Go to the Functions tab of the dashboard and click the Enable Scheduled Functions button. After a few seconds, your function should be successfully deployed.

Local Development

# Install the Netlify CLI
npm install -g netlify-cli.

# Login to netlify
netlify login

# Clone the repository and navigate to project directory
git clone

# Start the functions server
netlify functions:serve

# Function will be available at

# For typescript project, before committing the files, run:
tsc --noEmit


  • Filter duplicate dates
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  • Functions not working

    Functions not working

    On my function options, from my Netlify Dashboard, i don't see anything such as "Enable Scheduled Functions"

    Also i tried to navigate to the Given Function Endpoint: this url: https://famous-crisp-9a6da9.netlify.app/.netlify/functions/log-tracked-time

    I ran into this error below,

    {"error":{"response":{"data":{"repository":null},"errors":[{"type":"NOT_FOUND","path":["repository"],"locations":[{"line":3,"column":5}],"message":"Could not resolve to a Repository with the name 'adebayo-moses/https://github.com/adebayo-moses/wakatime-github-commit'."}],"status":200,"headers":{}},"request":{"query":"\n query Repo($owner: String!, $repo: String!) {\n repository(name: $repo, owner: $owner) {\n defaultBranchRef {\n name\n target {\n ... on Commit {\n history(first: 1) {\n nodes {\n oid\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n","variables":{"owner":"adebayo-moses","repo":"https://github.com/adebayo-moses/wakatime-github-commit"}}}}

    opened by adebayo-moses 1
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