A Workspace Web App powered by React and Node Js.



This is the Zuri Chat frontend built with ExpressJS (Backend) and React (Frontend)

Getting Started.

Make sure you have nodejs installed by running the following command:

node -v

If the output is not the version of your nodejs installation, install nodejs from here

After installing nodejs install yarn if you have it then install the project's dependencies:

yarn install

to only install for one of the folders(topbar, sidebar, control)

yarn setup:<FOLDER-NAME>


To start the whole application server

yarn dev

To only start a single application server run the following command

yarn dev:<FOLDER-NAME>

Open http://localhost:9000 with your browser to see the result.

The apllications are served at

Topbar : http://localhost:8080

Sidebar : http://localhost:8081

Control : http://localhost:8082


yarn build

To only build a single application server run the following command

yarn build:<FOLDER-NAME>

To remove all node_modules and yarn.lock

yarn clean:fresh

To open app in the browser

yarn open

Editor setup

We're using eslint for linting and prettier for code formating, make sure you install eslint and prettier plugins in your editor so you can see linting errors as you code and have your code formatted on save by prettier. If formatOnSave doesn't work please google how to set up format on save for the eslint & prettier plugins in your editor 🙃


For detailed information on how to go about contributing to this project. Check out the

Before send PR or making a merge make sure you code is properly formatted. You can easily do that by running

yarn format # in project directory
  • Fix/contactpage issueId  = ZCG_12

    Fix/contactpage issueId = ZCG_12


    There was issue with the contact page as it display error message as user navigate to the contact page. This pull request fixes this issue.

    Error page (before)


    Our fix (after)

    localhost_9000_contact-us (1)

    opened by Ademola101 16
  • [FE-28] Implemented Live broadcast feature

    [FE-28] Implemented Live broadcast feature

    Fixes Issue/Linear Ticket

    ( This could be an existing issue or a linear ticket )

    My PR Closes #issue_number_here or My PR Fixes ID-Team-plug-space/issue/FE-28/implement-video-Broadcast Linearlink: https://linear.app/team-plug-space/issue/FE-28/implement-video-broadcast

    Changes proposed

    What were you told to do?

    Implement Video Broadcast using agora ui engine

    What did you do?

    i implemented video broadcast feature using agora UI engine also added the feature livebroadcast button to the sideBar

    Check List (Check all the applicable boxes)

    🚨Please review the style guide for contributing and guidelines for contributing to this repository.

    • [X] My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [X] This PR does not contain plagiarized content.
    • [X] The title and description of the PR is clear and explains the approach.
    • [X] I am making a pull request against the dev branch (left side).
    • [X] My commit messages styles matches our requested structure.
    • [X] My code additions will fail neither code linting checks nor unit test.
    • [X] I am only making changes to files I was requested to.

    Screenshots/ Videos

    #sceenshot zurifeature #new changes screenshot newzurifeat



    #new changes video


    opened by kodeman2 12
  • ZUR-182 Integrate a gif platform (Giphy Platform)

    ZUR-182 Integrate a gif platform (Giphy Platform)


    On clicking on the gif icon, a modal containing a lists of gifs with infinite scrolling and a search form is displayed.



    opened by Ojerinde 10
  • ZUR-140 My PR centers the text on the left side of the icons in the create-workspace page

    ZUR-140 My PR centers the text on the left side of the icons in the create-workspace page

    This PR changes the style in the CreateWorkspace component default page to enable the texts on the left of the icons be centered.

    Solves the issue: https://linear.app/zurichat2/issue/ZUR-140/text-at-the-left-side-of-the-icons-in-the-create-workspace-should-be

    Below is a screenshot of the initial look. ZUR-140-initial

    This is a screenshot of the fixed look where the left-sided texts are properly centered. ZUR-140-fixed

    This is the mobile view of the fixed page. ZUR-140-mobile

    opened by Uchechukwu10 10
  • Implementation of complete UI screen for theming - ZC-2390

    Implementation of complete UI screen for theming - ZC-2390

    opened by AbaniwoM 10
  • Feat(FRO-76):Create a new thread through reply icon

    Feat(FRO-76):Create a new thread through reply icon

    Fixes Issue/Line



    My PR Closes #issue_number_here or My PR Fixes FRO-76

    Changes proposed

    What were you told to do?

    Create a new thread via reply icon

    What did you do?

    I added the comment board as a route to when threads are opened so when a reply icon is clicked the url changes to a thread which then renders the comment board

    Check List (Check all the applicable boxes)

    🚨Please review the style guide for contributing and guidelines for contributing to this repository.

    • [x] My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [x] This PR does not contain plagiarized content.
    • [x] The title and description of the PR is clear and explains the approach.
    • [x] I am making a pull request against the dev branch (left side).
    • [x] My commit messages styles matches our requested structure.
    • [x] My code additions will fail neither code linting checks nor unit test.
    • [x] I am only making changes to files I was requested to.

    Screenshots/ Videos


    opened by Mavrik-jnr 9
  • ZUR-103 :  style: Updated the status modal height

    ZUR-103 : style: Updated the status modal height

    Before updating: Screenshot (53) Screenshot (51)

    After updating: Screenshot (52) Screenshot (50)

    Linear ticket number: ZUR-103

    Updated the button height(both active and inactive state) of setting the status of a user.

    opened by alamadrid01 9
  • ZUR-155 My PR adds a feature

    ZUR-155 My PR adds a feature


    Added UI for changing the profile picture. ZUR-155. created a user profile picture upload UI, removed unused components, removed console logs, renamed image from pp to profileAvatar which is a more specific name

    Changes Requested 
    opened by tech-911 9
  • Add New Zuri-bot Keyword

    Add New Zuri-bot Keyword

    User should be able to add a new keyword and zuri-bot response.

    Link to Linear Issue

    • [x] https://linear.app/zuri/issue/ZC-2859/add-new-zuri-bot-keyword
    Changes Requested 
    opened by chuksdozie 9
  • increase font size of join us

    increase font size of join us


    Link to document issue was assigned, number 19. No linear issue available. Increase font size of join us paragraph section

    opened by Ibrahim-Isah 8
  • Chore/remove blog

    Chore/remove blog

    My PR Fixes ID-linear_ticket_number ZUR-148

    Changes proposed

    Remove the blog page and the help links that redirect to it

    What did you do ?

    • Deleted the ZuriChatBlog file.
    • Deleted the ZurichatBlog CSS file.
    • Deleted the blog link at the footer.js file.

    zuriWithBlog ZuriWithoutBlog

    Fixes Issue

    ( This could be an existing issue or a linear ticket )

    My PR Closes #issue_number_here or My PR Fixes ID-linear_ticket_number_here

    Changes proposed

    What were you told to do ?

    What did you do ?

    Check List (Check all the applicable boxes)

    🚨Please review the style guide for contributing and guidelines for contributing to this repository.

    • [x] My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [x] This PR does not contain plagiarized content.
    • [x] The title and description of the PR is clear and explains the approach.
    • [ ] I am making a pull request against the dev branch (left side).
    • [x] My commit messages styles matches our requested structure.
    • [ ] My code additions will fail neither code linting checks nor unit test.
    • [x] I am only making changes to files I was requested to.

    Screenshots/ Videos

    pending fix 
    opened by amarealcoder 7
  • CVE-2022-46175 (High) detected in multiple libraries

    CVE-2022-46175 (High) detected in multiple libraries

    CVE-2022-46175 - High Severity Vulnerability

    Vulnerable Libraries - json5-1.0.1.tgz, json5-0.5.1.tgz, json5-2.2.0.tgz


    JSON for humans.

    Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/json5/-/json5-1.0.1.tgz

    Path to dependency file: /package.json

    Path to vulnerable library: /node_modules/json5/package.json

    Dependency Hierarchy:

    • @zuri/main-1.0.0.tgz (Root Library)
      • js-yaml-loader-1.2.2.tgz
        • loader-utils-1.4.0.tgz
          • :x: json5-1.0.1.tgz (Vulnerable Library)

    JSON for the ES5 era.

    Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/json5/-/json5-0.5.1.tgz

    Path to dependency file: /package.json

    Path to vulnerable library: /node_modules/json5/package.json

    Dependency Hierarchy:

    • @zuri/zuri-ui-1.0.0.tgz (Root Library)
      • draft-js-plugin-editor-0.0.0.tgz
        • extract-text-webpack-plugin-1.0.1.tgz
          • loader-utils-0.2.17.tgz
            • :x: json5-0.5.1.tgz (Vulnerable Library)

    JSON for humans.

    Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/json5/-/json5-2.2.0.tgz

    Path to dependency file: /package.json

    Path to vulnerable library: /node_modules/json5/package.json

    Dependency Hierarchy:

    • @zuri/root-config-1.0.0.tgz (Root Library)
      • webpack-config-single-spa-react-4.0.2.tgz
        • webpack-config-single-spa-5.1.1.tgz
          • css-loader-5.2.7.tgz
            • loader-utils-2.0.0.tgz
              • :x: json5-2.2.0.tgz (Vulnerable Library)

    Found in HEAD commit: b144247b62e851190fe052db385e082185524e69

    Found in base branch: dev

    Vulnerability Details

    JSON5 is an extension to the popular JSON file format that aims to be easier to write and maintain by hand (e.g. for config files). The parse method of the JSON5 library before and including version 2.2.1 does not restrict parsing of keys named __proto__, allowing specially crafted strings to pollute the prototype of the resulting object. This vulnerability pollutes the prototype of the object returned by JSON5.parse and not the global Object prototype, which is the commonly understood definition of Prototype Pollution. However, polluting the prototype of a single object can have significant security impact for an application if the object is later used in trusted operations. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to set arbitrary and unexpected keys on the object returned from JSON5.parse. The actual impact will depend on how applications utilize the returned object and how they filter unwanted keys, but could include denial of service, cross-site scripting, elevation of privilege, and in extreme cases, remote code execution. JSON5.parse should restrict parsing of __proto__ keys when parsing JSON strings to objects. As a point of reference, the JSON.parse method included in JavaScript ignores __proto__ keys. Simply changing JSON5.parse to JSON.parse in the examples above mitigates this vulnerability. This vulnerability is patched in json5 version 2.2.2 and later.

    Publish Date: 2022-12-24

    URL: CVE-2022-46175

    CVSS 3 Score Details (7.1)

    Base Score Metrics:

    • Exploitability Metrics:
      • Attack Vector: Network
      • Attack Complexity: High
      • Privileges Required: Low
      • User Interaction: None
      • Scope: Unchanged
    • Impact Metrics:
      • Confidentiality Impact: High
      • Integrity Impact: Low
      • Availability Impact: High

    For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

    Suggested Fix

    Type: Upgrade version

    Origin: https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2022-46175

    Release Date: 2022-12-24

    Fix Resolution: json5 - 2.2.2

    Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend here

    security vulnerability 
    opened by mend-bolt-for-github[bot] 0
  • ZURI CHAT - Fix the broken Customize link on the sidebar and the route properly.

    ZURI CHAT - Fix the broken Customize link on the sidebar and the route properly.

    Linear Ticket link: https://linear.app/team-brainbox/issue/FRO-172/zuri-chat-zuri-chat-fix-the-broken-customize-link-on-the-sidebar-and

    Fixes Issue/Linear Ticket

    My PR Fixes ID-linear_ticket_number_FRO-172

    Changes proposed

    Worked on fixing the broken Customize link on the sidebar and route properly

    What were you told to do?

    ZURI CHAT - Fix the broken Customize link on the sidebar and the route properly.

    What did you do?

    • I moved Customize files from the old src folder to new src folder in the protected folder
    • I fixed all the import errors and paths of other files associated with Customize files
    • I fixed the routing links for Customize file in the App.jsx file in the new src folder
    • I moved necessary and equivalent assets from old src folder to new src folder
    • I fixed the Back to Zuri Chat and Home link on the Admin settings sidebar
    • I removed the Analytic and Configure App link (non-essential link) from the Admin settings sidebar

    Check List (Check all the applicable boxes)

    • [X] My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [X] This PR does not contain plagiarized content.
    • [X] The title and description of the PR is clear and explains the approach.
    • [X] I am making a pull request against the dev branch (left side).
    • [X] My commit messages styles matches our requested structure.
    • [X] My code additions will fail neither code linting checks nor unit test.
    • [X] I am only making changes to files I was requested to.

    Screenshots/ Videos

    Before changes:

    After changes: image image image image image

    Changes Requested Conflicts 
    opened by Chisquare7 4
  • Feat/fe 60 implement agora video call using agora UIKIT

    Feat/fe 60 implement agora video call using agora UIKIT


    Fixes Issue/Linear Ticket

    ( This could be an existing issue or a linear ticket )

    My PR Closes #issue_number_here or My PR Fixes ID-linear_ticket_number_here

    • Team plug (Yieldvest) - Feat/FE-60-Implement-agora-video-call-using-Agora-sdk

    Changes proposed

    • Implement Video call using Agora

    What were you told to do?

    Project 20: Using Agora, make it possible to do a group call in ZuriChat. Also make it possible to do video calls and video broadcasts.

    What did you do?

    I made it possible to have a video call in a workspace on zurichat using Agora UIKIT. Currently, due to delay in the backend, there is only one channel. When the backend is resolved, there will be different channel, and this will be the workspaces Id

    Check List (Check all the applicable boxes)

    🚨Please review the style guide for contributing and guidelines for contributing to this repository.

    • [X] My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [X] This PR does not contain plagiarized content.
    • [X] The title and description of the PR is clear and explains the approach.
    • [X] I am making a pull request against the dev branch (left side).
    • [X] My commit messages styles matches our requested structure.
    • [X] My code additions will fail neither code linting checks nor unit test.


    Changes Requested Conflicts 
    opened by taiwonaf 4
  • Feat/admin user name change functionality

    Feat/admin user name change functionality


    My PR Fixes Fixes FRO-198 - Allows an admin User to update their Username in the backend. Linear Ticket link:- https://linear.app/team-brainbox/issue/FRO-198/zuri-chat-changeset-username

    Changes proposed

    What were you told to do?


    What did you do?

    • Check if there is an admin user logged.
    • Get the User_id and the organization_id.
    • Use these details to change and update the User Name for the person logged in.
    • Make the patch request to the API backend.

    Check List (Check all the applicable boxes)

    🚨Please review the style guide for contributing and guidelines for contributing to this repository.

    • [X] My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [X] This PR does not contain plagiarized content.
    • [X] The title and description of the PR is clear and explains the approach.
    • [X] I am making a pull request against the dev branch (left side).
    • [X] My commit messages styles matches our requested structure.
    • [X] My code additions will fail neither code linting checks nor unit test.
    • [X] I am only making changes to files I was requested to.

    Screenshots/ Videos


    Changes Requested Conflicts 
    opened by arcteggzz 1
  • Feat/fro preview multiple

    Feat/fro preview multiple

    Fixes Issue/Linear Ticket - https://linear.app/team-repute/issue/FRO-103/preview-multiple-files

    ( This could be an existing issue or a linear ticket )

    My PR Fixes FRO-103-Preview mulitple files

    Changes proposed

    What were you told to do?

    I was told to fix the previewing of multiple files after adding one by one to stop resetting. Fix the passing of attached file handler function props to work in MessageBoard.

    What did you do?

    I changed the state of the attached file into an array .

    Check List (Check all the applicable boxes)

    🚨Please review the style guide for contributing and guidelines for contributing to this repository.

    • [x] My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [x] This PR does not contain plagiarized content.
    • [x] The title and description of the PR is clear and explains the approach.
    • [x] I am making a pull request against the dev branch (left side).
    • [x] My commit messages styles matches our requested structure.
    • [x] My code additions will fail neither code linting checks nor unit test.
    • [x] I am only making changes to files I was requested to.

    Screenshots/ Videos

    Changes Requested 
    opened by IdrisDY 0
  • CVE-2021-32640 (Medium) detected in ws-6.1.4.tgz

    CVE-2021-32640 (Medium) detected in ws-6.1.4.tgz

    CVE-2021-32640 - Medium Severity Vulnerability

    Vulnerable Library - ws-6.1.4.tgz

    Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.js

    Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/ws/-/ws-6.1.4.tgz

    Path to dependency file: /package.json

    Path to vulnerable library: /node_modules/ws/package.json

    Dependency Hierarchy:

    • @zuri/main-1.0.0.tgz (Root Library)
      • notification-center-0.9.2.tgz
        • socket.io-client-2.3.1.tgz
          • engine.io-client-3.4.4.tgz
            • :x: ws-6.1.4.tgz (Vulnerable Library)

    Found in base branch: dev

    Vulnerability Details

    ws is an open source WebSocket client and server library for Node.js. A specially crafted value of the Sec-Websocket-Protocol header can be used to significantly slow down a ws server. The vulnerability has been fixed in [email protected] (https://github.com/websockets/ws/commit/00c425ec77993773d823f018f64a5c44e17023ff). In vulnerable versions of ws, the issue can be mitigated by reducing the maximum allowed length of the request headers using the --max-http-header-size=size and/or the maxHeaderSize options.

    Publish Date: 2021-05-25

    URL: CVE-2021-32640

    CVSS 3 Score Details (5.3)

    Base Score Metrics:

    • Exploitability Metrics:
      • Attack Vector: Network
      • Attack Complexity: Low
      • Privileges Required: None
      • User Interaction: None
      • Scope: Unchanged
    • Impact Metrics:
      • Confidentiality Impact: None
      • Integrity Impact: None
      • Availability Impact: Low

    For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

    Suggested Fix

    Type: Upgrade version

    Origin: https://github.com/websockets/ws/security/advisories/GHSA-6fc8-4gx4-v693

    Release Date: 2021-05-25

    Fix Resolution: 5.2.3,6.2.2,7.4.6

    Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend here

    security vulnerability 
    opened by mend-bolt-for-github[bot] 0
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