A Featureful File Browser for Cockpit


Cockpit Navigator

A Featureful File System Browser for Cockpit - remotely browse, manage, edit, upload, and download files on your server through your web browser.


With no command line use needed, you can:

  • Navigate the entire filesystem,
  • Create, delete, and rename files,
  • Edit file contents,
  • Edit file ownership and permissions,
  • Create symbolic links to files and directories,
  • Reorganize files through cut, copy, and paste,
  • Upload files by dragging and dropping,
  • Download files and directories.
Browsing Filesystem
User Interface
Editing Content Editing Properties
Edit Contents Edit Preferences


From Github Release


  1. $ wget https://github.com/45Drives/cockpit-navigator/releases/download/v0.5.4/cockpit-navigator_0.5.4-1focal_all.deb
  2. # apt install ./cockpit-navigator_0.5.4-1focal_all.deb


  1. # yum install https://github.com/45Drives/cockpit-navigator/releases/download/v0.5.4/cockpit-navigator-0.5.4-1.el7.noarch.rpm


  1. # dnf install https://github.com/45Drives/cockpit-navigator/releases/download/v0.5.4/cockpit-navigator-0.5.4-1.el8.noarch.rpm

From Source

  1. Ensure dependencies are installed: cockpit, python3, rsync, zip.
  2. $ git clone https://github.com/45Drives/cockpit-navigator.git
  3. $ cd cockpit-navigator
  4. $ git checkout <version> (v0.5.4 is latest)
  5. # make install

From 45Drives Repositories

Automatic Repo Setup with Script

curl -sSL https://repo.45drives.com/setup -o setup-repo.sh
sudo bash setup-repo.sh



  1. Import GPG Key
wget -qO - https://repo.45drives.com/key/gpg.asc | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/45drives-archive-keyring.gpg
  1. Add 45drives.sources
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
sudo curl -sSL https://repo.45drives.com/lists/45drives.sources -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/45drives.sources
sudo apt update
  1. Install Package
sudo apt install cockpit-navigator


  1. Add 45drives.repo
sudo curl -sSL https://repo.45drives.com/lists/45drives.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/45drives.repo
sudo sed -i 's/el8/el7/g;s/EL8/EL7/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/45drives.repo
sudo yum clean all
  1. Install Package
sudo yum install cockpit-navigator


  1. Add 45drives.repo
sudo curl -sSL https://repo.45drives.com/lists/45drives.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/45drives.repo
sudo dnf clean all
  1. Install Package
sudo dnf install cockpit-navigator
  • Ordinary users cannot download files!

    Ordinary users cannot download files!

    Bug Info

    Describe the bug Ordinary users cannot download their own files in the home directory, and the download error prompts: no permission or network problems, but root users can download. This problem exists in the Chrome and Firefox browsers of win10 20H2, Ubuntu20.04, centos8.4, but the safari browser of macOS is normal.

    Expected behavior Ordinary users can download files in their home directories.



    opened by ChakChristopher 11
  • failed to download

    failed to download

    Files are not downloading via the context menu 'Download' option.

    image Failure: image

    generated download url:

    opened by fattikus 5
  • Some CSS styles are missing

    Some CSS styles are missing


    Installed your plugin, but it seems some styles did not apply. Do you have any idea how I can fix this? I'm not sure if this is a bug, so I created a blank issue.

    I have tested this issue by installing this plugin both with make install from source (ba615bd2f2d50cd0837f5e47a3b2491a6f0e8892) and by just downloading the .deb file and installing it. Im using debian and I use cockpit version 273.

    If you need any details, please let me know


    Some CSS issue 1
    Some CSS issue 2
    opened by hugmouse 3
  • Upload mangels big files

    Upload mangels big files

    Bug Info

    Describe the bug If a big file is uploaded to the target machine (where Cockpit is running on) by drag and drop, the file is crippled. It seems that only the last 32KB a transfered correctly, but the rest of the file is filed with zeros (file size is correct)

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Create big file: dd if=/dev/urandom of=testfile.bin bs=1024 count=1500
    2. download testfile to Windows machine with WinSCP. Rename file to testfile4navigator.bin.
    3. Upload testfile4navigator.bin to target machine with Navigator by dragging the file into Navigators file view (I am using Firefox on Windows)
    4. Compare testfile.bin with testfile4navigator.bin on target machine
    5. Or upload a big tar file with Navigator and it will not be extractable any more on target machine.

    Expected behavior Uploaded file is not changed

    Screenshots grafik

    Console Output

    Client Side

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Browser Firefox
    • Version 78.15esr

    Server Side

    • OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Server
    • Cockpit Version: 215
    opened by RickEMR 3
  • Font on Navigator not following other cockpit fonts.

    Font on Navigator not following other cockpit fonts.

    I just installed Navigator and it seems to work fine, but the font used is some sort of Times New Roman, instead of the non-serif fonts used on the rest of the cockpit interface. Is that OK? I would suggest to use similar fonts to the rest of the cockpit UI.

    Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 18-23-48 Navigator - servidor

    opened by PabloGrok 3
  • info keeps stacking up when clicked

    info keeps stacking up when clicked

    when clicking the question mark at the bottom right the info gets displayed.

    when it is clicked again the info is displayed again, this can be repeated probably indefinitely and the space will just keep piling up at the bottom of the screen.

    i feel a better behavior would be if for a second click the already displayed space would close again.

    opened by TheFlipside 3
  • fix file editing: add

    fix file editing: add "file" and "coreutils" deps

    installing the cockpit-navigator package on a minimal system does not install "file" when trying to open a text file for editing an uncought promise is being caused here:


    a quick search for cockpit.spawn shows that "mkdir", "rmdir" ... are spawned as well which are provided by "coreutils".

    opened by fmsy 2
  • Download and upload not working

    Download and upload not working

    Bug Info

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to '...'
    2. Click on '....'
    3. Scroll down to '....'
    4. See error

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Console Output

    • Firefox:
      • Go to the menu dropdown > Web Developer > Web Developer Tools > Console
      • Expand relevent error messages
      • Copy and paste console log
    • Chrome
      • Press Ctrl+Shift+J
      • Expand relevent error messages
      • Copy and paste console log
    • Safari
      • Open console
      • Expand relevent error messages
      • Copy and paste console log
    • Internet Explorer
      • Good luck

    Client Side

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS]
    • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
    • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
    • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Server Side

    • OS: [e.g. Ubuntu 20.04, Rocky 8]
    • Cockpit Version: [e.g. 235]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by DavidOnKali 2
  • issue installing on Rocky Linux 9 Using RHEL 8 Repos

    issue installing on Rocky Linux 9 Using RHEL 8 Repos

    Bug Info

    Describe the bug package dependencies not working well

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: just try to install on rocky linux 9

    Expected behavior Install Successfull

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Console Output [root@goblin ~]# dnf install cockpit-navigator 45Drives EL8 Stable 849 B/s | 833 B 00:00 45Drives EL8 Stable 6.7 kB/s | 3.1 kB 00:00 Importing GPG key 0x731C472B: Userid : "FourFiveDrives Repo (45Drives Package Repositories) [email protected]" Fingerprint: 3FBD 7E03 4E80 BAF6 3D5A A9BB 9889 DBBC 731C 472B From : https://repo.45drives.com/key/gpg.asc Is this ok [y/N]: y 45Drives EL8 Stable 435 kB/s | 889 kB 00:02 Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS 5.1 MB/s | 1.7 MB 00:00 Rocky Linux 9 - AppStream 8.5 MB/s | 6.4 MB 00:00 Rocky Linux 9 - Extras 20 kB/s | 6.6 kB 00:00 Error: Problem: cannot install the best candidate for the job

    • nothing provides /bin/mkdir needed by cockpit-navigator-0.5.10-1.el8.noarch
    • nothing provides /bin/rmdir needed by cockpit-navigator-0.5.10-1.el8.noarch (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

    [root@goblin ~]# cat /etc/os cat: /etc/os: No such file or directory [root@goblin ~]# cat /etc/os-release NAME="Rocky Linux" VERSION="9.1 (Blue Onyx)" ID="rocky" ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora" VERSION_ID="9.1" PLATFORM_ID="platform:el9" PRETTY_NAME="Rocky Linux 9.1 (Blue Onyx)" ANSI_COLOR="0;32" LOGO="fedora-logo-icon" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:rocky:rocky:9::baseos" HOME_URL="https://rockylinux.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.rockylinux.org/" ROCKY_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Rocky-Linux-9" ROCKY_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION="9.1" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Rocky Linux" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION="9.1"

    Server Side

    • OS: Rocky Linux 9
    • Cockpit Version: 276.1

    Additional context Just Trying to Install on Rocky Linux 9 and test it

    opened by simoesp 1
  • update readme.md commands to install from latest released github version

    update readme.md commands to install from latest released github version

    Bug Info

    Describe the bug https://github.com/45Drives/cockpit-navigator#from-github-release used hardcode commands for an outdated version

    Expected behavior use commands that will install "latest released github version"

    opened by mi-hol 1
  • [BUG] Permissions and ownership reset on saving file after editing

    [BUG] Permissions and ownership reset on saving file after editing

    Discussed in https://github.com/45Drives/cockpit-navigator/discussions/28

    Originally posted by sommerso September 29, 2021 Hi,

    I'm want to use navigator as a GUI to edit /etc/mail/relay-domains. This will be an ACL for a jnr Windows Admin to administrate.

    My user is in visudo as well as the wheel group. I've managed to make /etc/mail the default landing page for Navigator and the file has rw-rw-rw permissions, however when I try to save my edit, I get a pop up

    Operation not permitted.

    I changed ownership to my user and confirmed that my user can write to the file via the shell. However I'm still having issues with Navigator.

    What am I missing?

    opened by joshuaboud 1
  • Package for Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04

    Package for Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04

    Hi, Is it possible to provide a package for Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04 ? Pls do consider.

    Thanks, MCZen

    p.s. - Is there a Ubuntu PPA that has this package ?

    opened by marcoczen 0
  • File copied halfway but no error message

    File copied halfway but no error message

    Hi, I encounter an issue, I am copying a large file(20g) using this plugin.

    After finish, I found that the file copied is only 10GB and there is no error popup in navigator to show error.

    Is there a way i can show some alert or error message to notify if there is file copy problem

    opened by jayden-tan-sg 2
  • Support for Stream9/EL9?

    Support for Stream9/EL9?

    Bug Info

    i tried to install this on Centos Stream 9. The setup script for Centos 8 doesn't work. and copying the repo file manually still gives an error.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install repo file manually
    2. Get following error:

    `Error: Problem: cannot install the best candidate for the job

    • nothing provides /bin/mkdir needed by cockpit-navigator-0.5.8-2.el8.noarch
    • nothing provides /bin/rmdir needed by cockpit-navigator-0.5.8-2.el8.noarch (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use `
    opened by Naheem 4
  • Debian Support?

    Debian Support?

    Is there something we should know about the lack of Debian support? I installed the ubuntu deb file in Debian 11 and all works fine. Any thing I'm not noticing?

    opened by aereaco 1
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