For Iranians in Germany

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React wiki gatsbyjs

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This is the codebase that's powering

Handshake Emoji Want to contribute?

Don't be shy then, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you've installed Gatsby on your machine.
  2. Clone this repo on your machine and open it with an IDE/Editor.
  3. Apply your changes. You can find the docs that you see on the website in /docs directory as MarkDown files.
  4. Run the server locally to see if your changes are looking fine with this gatsby develop command.
  5. Commit and push your changes on a fork of this repo, and last but not least, create a PR for your changes.

Easy, right? Well, at this stage of the codebase we've only targeted the people with some technical knowledge for contribution. But the goal is to make this process as easy as possible in the future.

Earth Emoji Want to have a website for the country that you live in?

Create an issue for this, and let's discuss.

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